use std::char; macro_rules! tys { ($($a:ident)*) => (tys! { @ ($($a)*) 0 }); (@ () $v:expr) => {}; (@ ($a:ident $($b:ident)*) $v:expr) => { const $a: u32 = $v; tys!(@ ($($b)*) $v+1); } } // NB: this list must be kept in sync with `src/` tys! { I8 U8 I16 U16 I32 U32 I64 U64 F32 F64 BOOLEAN FUNCTION CLOSURE STRING REF REFMUT SLICE VECTOR ANYREF ENUM RUST_STRUCT } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Descriptor { I8, U8, I16, U16, I32, U32, I64, U64, F32, F64, Boolean, Function(Box), Closure(Box), Ref(Box), RefMut(Box), Slice(Box), Vector(Box), String, Anyref, Enum, RustStruct(String), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Function { pub arguments: Vec, pub ret: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Closure { pub function: Function, pub mutable: bool, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum VectorKind { I8, U8, I16, U16, I32, U32, F32, F64, String, Anyref, } impl Descriptor { pub fn decode(mut data: &[u32]) -> Descriptor { let descriptor = Descriptor::_decode(&mut data); assert!(data.is_empty()); descriptor } fn _decode(data: &mut &[u32]) -> Descriptor { match get(data) { I8 => Descriptor::I8, I16 => Descriptor::I16, I32 => Descriptor::I32, I64 => Descriptor::I64, U8 => Descriptor::U8, U16 => Descriptor::U16, U32 => Descriptor::U32, U64 => Descriptor::U64, F32 => Descriptor::F32, F64 => Descriptor::F64, BOOLEAN => Descriptor::Boolean, FUNCTION => Descriptor::Function(Box::new(Function::decode(data))), CLOSURE => Descriptor::Closure(Box::new(Closure::decode(data))), REF => Descriptor::Ref(Box::new(Descriptor::_decode(data))), REFMUT => Descriptor::RefMut(Box::new(Descriptor::_decode(data))), SLICE => Descriptor::Slice(Box::new(Descriptor::_decode(data))), VECTOR => Descriptor::Vector(Box::new(Descriptor::_decode(data))), STRING => Descriptor::String, ANYREF => Descriptor::Anyref, ENUM => Descriptor::Enum, RUST_STRUCT => { let name = (0..get(data)) .map(|_| char::from_u32(get(data)).unwrap()) .collect(); Descriptor::RustStruct(name) } other => panic!("unknown descriptor: {}", other), } } pub fn unwrap_function(&self) -> &Function { match *self { Descriptor::Function(ref f) => f, _ => panic!("not a function"), } } pub fn is_number(&self) -> bool { match *self { Descriptor::I8 | Descriptor::U8 | Descriptor::I16 | Descriptor::U16 | Descriptor::I32 | Descriptor::U32 | Descriptor::I64 | Descriptor::U64 | Descriptor::F32 | Descriptor::F64 | Descriptor::Enum => true, _ => return false, } } pub fn is_ref_anyref(&self) -> bool { match *self { Descriptor::Ref(ref s) => s.is_anyref(), _ => return false, } } pub fn ref_closure(&self) -> Option<&Closure> { match *self { Descriptor::Ref(ref s) => s.closure(), _ => None, } } pub fn closure(&self) -> Option<&Closure> { match *self { Descriptor::Closure(ref s) => Some(s), _ => None, } } pub fn is_anyref(&self) -> bool { match *self { Descriptor::Anyref => true, _ => false, } } pub fn vector_kind(&self) -> Option { let inner = match *self { Descriptor::String => return Some(VectorKind::String), Descriptor::Vector(ref d) => &**d, Descriptor::Ref(ref d) => { match **d { Descriptor::Slice(ref d) => &**d, Descriptor::String => return Some(VectorKind::String), _ => return None, } } _ => return None, }; match *inner { Descriptor::I8 => Some(VectorKind::I8), Descriptor::I16 => Some(VectorKind::I16), Descriptor::I32 => Some(VectorKind::I32), Descriptor::U8 => Some(VectorKind::U8), Descriptor::U16 => Some(VectorKind::U16), Descriptor::U32 => Some(VectorKind::U32), Descriptor::F32 => Some(VectorKind::F32), Descriptor::F64 => Some(VectorKind::F64), Descriptor::Anyref => Some(VectorKind::Anyref), _ => None } } pub fn rust_struct(&self) -> Option<&str> { let inner = match *self { Descriptor::Ref(ref d) => &**d, Descriptor::RefMut(ref d) => &**d, ref d => d, }; match *inner { Descriptor::RustStruct(ref s) => Some(s), _ => None, } } pub fn stack_closure(&self) -> Option<(&Function, bool)> { let (inner, mutable) = match *self { Descriptor::Ref(ref d) => (&**d, false), Descriptor::RefMut(ref d) => (&**d, true), _ => return None, }; match *inner { Descriptor::Function(ref f) => Some((f, mutable)), _ => None, } } pub fn is_by_ref(&self) -> bool { match *self { Descriptor::Ref(_) | Descriptor::RefMut(_) => true, _ => false, } } } fn get(a: &mut &[u32]) -> u32 { let ret = a[0]; *a = &a[1..]; ret } impl Closure { fn decode(data: &mut &[u32]) -> Closure { let mutable = get(data) == REFMUT; assert_eq!(get(data), FUNCTION); Closure { mutable, function: Function::decode(data), } } } impl Function { fn decode(data: &mut &[u32]) -> Function { let arguments = (0..get(data)) .map(|_| Descriptor::_decode(data)) .collect::>(); let ret = if get(data) == 0 { None } else { Some(Descriptor::_decode(data)) }; Function { arguments, ret } } } impl VectorKind { pub fn js_ty(&self) -> &str { match *self { VectorKind::String => "string", VectorKind::I8 => "Int8Array", VectorKind::U8 => "Uint8Array", VectorKind::I16 => "Int16Array", VectorKind::U16 => "Uint16Array", VectorKind::I32 => "Int32Array", VectorKind::U32 => "Uint32Array", VectorKind::F32 => "Float32Array", VectorKind::F64 => "Float64Array", VectorKind::Anyref => "any[]", } } pub fn size(&self) -> usize { match *self { VectorKind::String => 1, VectorKind::I8 => 1, VectorKind::U8 => 1, VectorKind::I16 => 2, VectorKind::U16 => 2, VectorKind::I32 => 4, VectorKind::U32 => 4, VectorKind::F32 => 4, VectorKind::F64 => 8, VectorKind::Anyref => 4, } } }