/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This WebIDL is just for WebVR testing.

interface VRMockDisplay {
  void setEyeResolution(unsigned long aRenderWidth, unsigned long aRenderHeight);
  void setEyeParameter(VREye eye, double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ,
                       double upDegree, double rightDegree,
                       double downDegree, double leftDegree);
  void setPose(Float32Array? position, Float32Array? linearVelocity,
               Float32Array? linearAcceleration, Float32Array? orientation,
               Float32Array? angularVelocity, Float32Array? angularAcceleration);
  void setMountState(boolean isMounted);
  void update();

interface VRMockController {
  void newButtonEvent(unsigned long button, boolean pressed);
  void newAxisMoveEvent(unsigned long axis, double value);
  void newPoseMove(Float32Array? position, Float32Array? linearVelocity,
                   Float32Array? linearAcceleration, Float32Array? orientation,
                   Float32Array? angularVelocity, Float32Array? angularAcceleration);

interface VRServiceTest {
  [Throws, NewObject]
  Promise<VRMockDisplay> attachVRDisplay(DOMString id);
  [Throws, NewObject]
  Promise<VRMockController> attachVRController(DOMString id);