const button = document.getElementById('render'); const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); const scene = document.getElementById('scene'); const concurrency = document.getElementById('concurrency'); const concurrencyAmt = document.getElementById('concurrency-amt'); const timing = document.getElementById('timing'); const timingVal = document.getElementById('timing-val'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); button.disabled = true; concurrency.disabled = true; // First up, but try to do feature detection to provide better error messages function loadWasm() { let msg = 'This demo currently requires Firefox Nightly (64.0) with\n' msg += 'the `javascript.options.shared_memory` option enabled in `about:config`'; if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'function') { alert('this browser does not have SharedArrayBuffer support enabled' + '\n\n' + msg); return } // Test for bulk memory operations with passive data segments // (module (memory 1) (data passive "")) const buf = new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]); if (!WebAssembly.validate(buf)) { alert('this browser does not support passive wasm memory, demo does not work' + '\n\n' + msg); return } wasm_bindgen('./raytrace_parallel_bg.wasm') .then(run) .catch(console.error); } loadWasm(); const { Scene, WorkerPool } = wasm_bindgen; function run() { // The maximal concurrency of our web worker pool is `hardwareConcurrency`, // so set that up here and this ideally is the only location we create web // workers. pool = new WorkerPool(navigator.hardwareConcurrency); // Configure various buttons and such. button.onclick = function() { console.time('render'); let json; try { json = JSON.parse(scene.value); } catch(e) { alert(`invalid json: ${e}`); return } canvas.width = json.width; canvas.height = json.height; render(new Scene(json)); }; button.innerText = 'Render!'; button.disabled = false; concurrency.oninput = function() { concurrencyAmt.innerText = 'Concurrency: ' + concurrency.value; }; concurrency.min = 1; concurrency.step = 1; concurrency.max = navigator.hardwareConcurrency; concurrency.value = concurrency.max; concurrency.oninput(); concurrency.disabled = false; } let rendering = null; let start = null; let interval = null; let pool = null; class State { constructor(wasm) { this.start =; this.wasm = wasm; this.running = true; this.counter = 1; this.interval = setInterval(() => this.updateTimer(), 100); wasm.promise() .then(() => { this.updateTimer(); this.stop(); }) .catch(console.error); } updateTimer() { const dur = - this.start; timingVal.innerText = `${dur}ms`; this.counter += 1; if (this.wasm && this.counter % 3 == 0) this.wasm.requestUpdate(); } stop() { if (!this.running) return; console.timeEnd('render'); this.running = false; pool = this.wasm.cancel(); // this frees `wasm`, returning the worker pool this.wasm = null; clearInterval(this.interval); } } function render(scene) { if (rendering) { rendering.stop(); rendering = null; } rendering = new State(scene.render(concurrency.value, pool, ctx)); pool = null; // previous call took ownership of `pool`, zero it out here too }