const assert = require('assert'); const wasm = require('wasm-bindgen-test'); const fs = require('fs'); let ARG = null; let ANOTHER_ARG = null; let SYM = Symbol('a'); exports.simple_foo = function(s) { assert.strictEqual(ARG, null); assert.strictEqual(s, "foo"); ARG = s; }; exports.simple_another = function(s) { assert.strictEqual(ANOTHER_ARG, null); assert.strictEqual(s, 21); ANOTHER_ARG = s; return 35; }; exports.simple_take_and_return_bool = function(s) { return s; }; exports.simple_return_object = function() { return SYM; }; exports.test_simple = function() { assert.strictEqual(ARG, null); wasm.simple_take_str("foo"); assert.strictEqual(ARG, "foo"); assert.strictEqual(ANOTHER_ARG, null); assert.strictEqual(wasm.simple_another_thunk(21), 35); assert.strictEqual(ANOTHER_ARG, 21); assert.strictEqual(wasm.simple_bool_thunk(true), true); assert.strictEqual(wasm.simple_bool_thunk(false), false); assert.strictEqual(wasm.simple_get_the_object(), SYM); }; exports.return_string = function() { return 'bar'; }; exports.take_and_ret_string = function(a) { return a + 'b'; }; exports.exceptions_throw = function() { throw new Error('error!'); }; exports.exceptions_throw2 = function() { throw new Error('error2'); }; exports.test_exception_propagates = function() { assert.throws(wasm.exceptions_propagate, /error!/); }; exports.assert_valid_error = function(obj) { assert.strictEqual(obj instanceof Error, true); assert.strictEqual(obj.message, 'error2'); }; exports.IMPORT = 1.0; exports.return_three = function() { return 3; }; exports.underscore = function(x) {}; = function() { return 2; }; = { foo: 3 }; let CUSTOM_TYPE = null; exports.take_custom_type = function(f) { CUSTOM_TYPE = f; return f; }; exports.custom_type_return_2 = function() { return 2; }; exports.touch_custom_type = function() { assert.throws(() => CUSTOM_TYPE.touch(), /Attempt to use a moved value|null pointer passed to rust/); }; exports.interpret_2_as_custom_type = function() { assert.throws(wasm.interpret_2_as_custom_type, /expected instance of CustomType/); }; exports.baz$ = function() {}; exports.$foo = 1.0; exports.assert_dead_import_not_generated = function() { const filename = require.resolve("wasm-bindgen-test"); const bindings = fs.readFileSync(filename); assert.ok(!bindings.includes("unused_import")); }; exports.import_inside_function_works = function() {}; exports.import_inside_private_module = function() {}; exports.should_call_undefined_functions = () => false;