use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::sync::atomic::{ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use ast; use proc_macro2::Span; use quote::{ToTokens, Tokens}; use serde_json; use shared; use syn; fn to_ident_name(s: &str) -> Cow<str> { if s.chars().all(|c| match c { 'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' | '0'...'9' | '_' => true, _ => false, }) { return Cow::from(s); } Cow::from( s.chars() .map(|c| match c { 'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' | '0'...'9' | '_' => c, _ => '_', }) .collect::<String>(), ) } impl ToTokens for ast::Program { // Generate wrappers for all the items that we've found fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) { for export in self.exports.iter() { export.to_tokens(tokens); } for s in self.structs.iter() { s.to_tokens(tokens); } let mut types = HashSet::new(); for i in self.imports.iter() { if let ast::ImportKind::Type(ref t) = i.kind { types.insert(; } } for i in self.imports.iter() { match i.js_namespace { Some(ns) if types.contains(&ns) => { let kind = &i.kind; (quote! { impl #ns { #kind } }).to_tokens(tokens); } _ => i.kind.to_tokens(tokens), } DescribeImport(&i.kind).to_tokens(tokens); } for e in self.enums.iter() { e.to_tokens(tokens); } // Generate a static which will eventually be what lives in a custom section // of the wasm executable. For now it's just a plain old static, but we'll // eventually have it actually in its own section. static CNT: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT; let crate_name = env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").expect("should have CARGO_PKG_NAME env var"); let crate_vers = env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").expect("should have CARGO_PKG_VERSION env var"); let generated_static_name = format!( "__WASM_BINDGEN_GENERATED_{}_{}_{}", to_ident_name(&crate_name), to_ident_name(&crate_vers), CNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) ); let generated_static_name = syn::Ident::from(generated_static_name); let description = serde_json::to_string(&self.shared()).unwrap(); // Each JSON blob is prepended with the length of the JSON blob so when // all these sections are concatenated in the final wasm file we know // how to extract all the JSON pieces, so insert the byte length here. let generated_static_length = description.len() + 4; let mut bytes = vec![ (description.len() >> 0) as u8, (description.len() >> 8) as u8, (description.len() >> 16) as u8, (description.len() >> 24) as u8, ]; bytes.extend_from_slice(description.as_bytes()); let generated_static_value = syn::LitByteStr::new(&bytes, Span::call_site()); (quote! { #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] #[wasm_custom_section = "__wasm_bindgen_unstable"] const #generated_static_name: [u8; #generated_static_length] = *#generated_static_value; }).to_tokens(tokens); } } impl ToTokens for ast::Struct { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) { let name = &; let name_len = name.as_ref().len() as u32; let name_chars = name.as_ref().chars().map(|c| c as u32); let new_fn = syn::Ident::from(shared::new_function(; let free_fn = syn::Ident::from(shared::free_function(; (quote! { impl ::wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for #name { fn describe() { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(RUST_STRUCT); inform(#name_len); #(inform(#name_chars);)* } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary for #name { type Abi = u32; fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack) -> u32 { Box::into_raw(Box::new(::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell::new(self))) as u32 } unsafe fn from_abi(js: u32, _extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack) -> Self { let js = js as *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>; ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::assert_not_null(js); let js = Box::from_raw(js); js.borrow_mut(); // make sure no one's borrowing js.into_inner() } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary for #name { type Abi = u32; type RefAnchor = ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::Ref<'static, #name>; unsafe fn from_abi_ref( js: Self::Abi, _extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack, ) -> Self::RefAnchor { let js = js as *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>; ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::assert_not_null(js); (*js).borrow() } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefMutWasmBoundary for #name { type Abi = u32; type RefAnchor = ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::RefMut<'static, #name>; unsafe fn from_abi_ref_mut( js: Self::Abi, _extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack, ) -> Self::RefAnchor { let js = js as *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>; ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::assert_not_null(js); (*js).borrow_mut() } } impl ::std::convert::From<#name> for ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue { fn from(value: #name) -> Self { let ptr = ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary::into_abi( value, unsafe { &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new() }, ); #[wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__"] extern { fn #new_fn(ptr: u32) -> u32; } unsafe { <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary> ::from_abi( #new_fn(ptr), &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new(), ) } } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern fn #free_fn(ptr: u32) { <#name as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::from_abi( ptr, &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new(), ); } }).to_tokens(tokens); } } impl ToTokens for ast::Export { fn to_tokens(self: &ast::Export, into: &mut Tokens) { let generated_name = self.rust_symbol(); let export_name = self.export_name(); let mut args = vec![]; let mut arg_conversions = vec![]; let mut converted_arguments = vec![]; let ret = syn::Ident::from("_ret"); let mut offset = 0; if self.method { let class = self.class.unwrap(); args.push(quote! { me: *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#class> }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::assert_not_null(me); let me = unsafe { &*me }; }); offset = 1; } for (i, ty) in self.function.arguments.iter().enumerate() { let i = i + offset; let ident = syn::Ident::from(format!("arg{}", i)); let t = &ty.ty; match ty.kind { ast::TypeKind::ByValue => { args.push(quote! { #ident: <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Abi }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #ident = unsafe { <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary> ::from_abi(#ident, &mut __stack) }; }); } ast::TypeKind::ByRef => { args.push(quote! { #ident: <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary>::Abi }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #ident = unsafe { <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary> ::from_abi_ref(#ident, &mut __stack) }; let #ident = &*#ident; }); } ast::TypeKind::ByMutRef => { args.push(quote! { #ident: <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefMutWasmBoundary>::Abi }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let mut #ident = unsafe { <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefMutWasmBoundary> ::from_abi_ref_mut(#ident, &mut __stack) }; let #ident = &mut *#ident; }); } } converted_arguments.push(quote! { #ident }); } let ret_ty; let convert_ret; match self.function.ret { Some(ast::Type { ref ty, kind: ast::TypeKind::ByValue, .. }) => { ret_ty = quote! { -> <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Abi }; convert_ret = quote! { <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary> ::into_abi(#ret, &mut unsafe { ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new() }) }; } Some(ast::Type { kind: ast::TypeKind::ByMutRef, .. }) | Some(ast::Type { kind: ast::TypeKind::ByRef, .. }) => { panic!("can't return a borrowed ref"); } None => { ret_ty = quote!{}; convert_ret = quote!{}; } } let describe_ret = match self.function.ret { Some(ast::Type { ref ty, .. }) => { quote! { inform(1); <#ty as WasmDescribe>::describe(); } } None => quote! { inform(0); }, }; let name =; let receiver = match self.class { Some(_) if self.method => { if self.mutable { quote! { me.borrow_mut().#name } } else { quote! { me.borrow().#name } } } Some(class) => quote! { #class::#name }, None => quote!{ #name }, }; let descriptor_name = format!("__wbindgen_describe_{}", export_name); let descriptor_name = syn::Ident::from(descriptor_name); let nargs = self.function.arguments.len() as u32; let argtys = self.function.arguments.iter(); let tokens = quote! { #[export_name = #export_name] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub extern fn #generated_name(#(#args),*) #ret_ty { ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::link_this_library(); let #ret = { let mut __stack = unsafe { ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new() }; #(#arg_conversions)* #receiver(#(#converted_arguments),*) }; #convert_ret } // In addition to generating the shim function above which is what // our generated JS will invoke, we *also* generate a "descriptor" // shim. This descriptor shim uses the `WasmDescribe` trait to // programmatically describe the type signature of the generated // shim above. This in turn is then used to inform the // `wasm-bindgen` CLI tool exactly what types and such it should be // using in JS. // // Note that this descriptor function is a purely an internal detail // of `#[wasm_bindgen]` and isn't intended to be exported to anyone // or actually part of the final was binary. Additionally, this is // literally executed when the `wasm-bindgen` tool executes. // // In any case, there's complications in `wasm-bindgen` to handle // this, but the tl;dr; is that this is stripped from the final wasm // binary along with anything it references. #[no_mangle] pub extern fn #descriptor_name() { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(FUNCTION); inform(#nargs); #(<#argtys as WasmDescribe>::describe();)* #describe_ret } }; tokens.to_tokens(into); } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportKind { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) { match *self { ast::ImportKind::Function(ref f) => f.to_tokens(tokens), ast::ImportKind::Static(ref s) => s.to_tokens(tokens), ast::ImportKind::Type(ref t) => t.to_tokens(tokens), } } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportType { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) { let vis = &self.vis; let name = &; (quote! { #[allow(bad_style)] #vis struct #name { obj: ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue, } impl ::wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for #name { fn describe() { ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue::describe(); } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary for #name { type Abi = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Abi; fn into_abi(self, extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack) -> Self::Abi { self.obj.into_abi(extra) } unsafe fn from_abi( js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack, ) -> Self { #name { obj: ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_abi(js, extra) } } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary for #name { type Abi = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary>::Abi; fn to_abi_ref(&self, extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack) -> u32 { self.obj.to_abi_ref(extra) } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary for #name { type Abi = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary>::Abi; type RefAnchor = ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<#name>; unsafe fn from_abi_ref( js: Self::Abi, extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack, ) -> Self::RefAnchor { let obj = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary> ::from_abi(js, extra); ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(#name { obj }) } } impl From<::wasm_bindgen::JsValue> for #name { fn from(obj: ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue) -> #name { #name { obj } } } impl From<#name> for ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue { fn from(obj: #name) -> ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue { obj.obj } } }).to_tokens(tokens); } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportFunction { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) { let mut class_ty = None; let mut is_method = false; match self.kind { ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref ty, .. } => { is_method = true; class_ty = Some(ty); } ast::ImportFunctionKind::JsConstructor { ref ty, .. } => { class_ty = Some(ty); } ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => {} } let vis = &self.function.rust_vis; let ret = &self.function.rust_decl.output; let fn_token = &self.function.rust_decl.fn_token; let mut abi_argument_names = Vec::new(); let mut abi_arguments = Vec::new(); let mut arg_conversions = Vec::new(); let ret_ident = syn::Ident::from("_ret"); let names = self.function .rust_decl .inputs .iter() .map(|arg| match *arg { syn::FnArg::Captured(ref c) => c, _ => panic!("arguments cannot be `self` or ignored"), }) .map(|arg| match arg.pat { syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent { by_ref: None, ident, subpat: None, .. }) => ident, _ => panic!("unsupported pattern in foreign function"), }); for (i, (ty, name)) in self.function.arguments.iter().zip(names).enumerate() { let t = &ty.ty; match ty.kind { ast::TypeKind::ByValue => { abi_argument_names.push(name); abi_arguments.push(quote! { #name: <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Abi }); let var = if i == 0 && is_method { quote! { self } } else { quote! { #name } }; arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary> ::into_abi(#var, &mut __stack); }); } ast::TypeKind::ByMutRef => { abi_argument_names.push(name); abi_arguments.push(quote! { #name: u32 }); arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefMutWasmBoundary> ::to_abi_ref_mut(#name, &mut __stack); }); } ast::TypeKind::ByRef => { abi_argument_names.push(name); abi_arguments.push(quote! { #name: u32 }); let var = if i == 0 && is_method { quote! { self } } else { quote! { #name } }; arg_conversions.push(quote! { let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary> ::to_abi_ref(#var, &mut __stack); }); } } } let abi_ret; let mut convert_ret; match self.function.ret { Some(ast::Type { ref ty, kind: ast::TypeKind::ByValue, .. }) => { abi_ret = quote! { <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Abi }; convert_ret = quote! { <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary> ::from_abi( #ret_ident, &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new(), ) }; } Some(ast::Type { kind: ast::TypeKind::ByRef, .. }) | Some(ast::Type { kind: ast::TypeKind::ByMutRef, .. }) => { panic!("can't return a borrowed ref") } None => { abi_ret = quote! { () }; convert_ret = quote! { () }; } } let mut exceptional_ret = quote!{}; let exn_data = if self.function.opts.catch() { let exn_data = syn::Ident::from("exn_data"); let exn_data_ptr = syn::Ident::from("exn_data_ptr"); abi_argument_names.push(exn_data_ptr); abi_arguments.push(quote! { #exn_data_ptr: *mut u32 }); convert_ret = quote! { Ok(#convert_ret) }; exceptional_ret = quote! { if #exn_data[0] == 1 { return Err( < ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary >::from_abi(#exn_data[1], &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new()), ) } }; quote! { let mut #exn_data = [0; 2]; let #exn_data_ptr = #exn_data.as_mut_ptr(); } } else { quote! {} }; let rust_name = self.rust_name; let import_name = self.shim; let attrs = &self.function.rust_attrs; let arguments = self.function .rust_decl .inputs .iter() .skip(if is_method { 1 } else { 0 }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); let me = if is_method { quote! { &self, } } else { quote!() }; let invocation = quote! { #(#attrs)* #[allow(bad_style)] #vis extern #fn_token #rust_name(#me #(#arguments),*) #ret { ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::link_this_library(); #[wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__"] extern { fn #import_name(#(#abi_arguments),*) -> #abi_ret; } unsafe { #exn_data let #ret_ident = { let mut __stack = ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new(); #(#arg_conversions)* #import_name(#(#abi_argument_names),*) }; #exceptional_ret #convert_ret } } }; if let Some(class) = class_ty { (quote! { impl #class { #invocation } }).to_tokens(tokens); } else { invocation.to_tokens(tokens); } } } // See comment above in ast::Export for what's going on here. struct DescribeImport<'a>(&'a ast::ImportKind); impl<'a> ToTokens for DescribeImport<'a> { fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) { let f = match *self.0 { ast::ImportKind::Function(ref f) => f, ast::ImportKind::Static(_) => return, ast::ImportKind::Type(_) => return, }; let describe_name = format!("__wbindgen_describe_{}", f.shim); let describe_name = syn::Ident::from(describe_name); let argtys = f.function.arguments.iter(); let nargs = f.function.arguments.len() as u32; let inform_ret = match f.function.ret { Some(ref t) => quote! { inform(1); <#t as WasmDescribe>::describe(); }, None => quote! { inform(0); }, }; (quote! { #[no_mangle] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub extern fn #describe_name() { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(FUNCTION); inform(#nargs); #(<#argtys as WasmDescribe>::describe();)* #inform_ret } }).to_tokens(tokens); } } impl ToTokens for ast::Enum { fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut Tokens) { let enum_name = &; let cast_clauses = self.variants.iter().map(|variant| { let variant_name = &; quote! { if js == #enum_name::#variant_name as u32 { #enum_name::#variant_name } } }); (quote! { impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary for #enum_name { type Abi = u32; fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack) -> u32 { self as u32 } unsafe fn from_abi( js: u32, _extra: &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::Stack, ) -> Self { #(#cast_clauses else)* { wasm_bindgen::throw("invalid enum value passed") } } } impl ::wasm_bindgen::describe::WasmDescribe for #enum_name { fn describe() { use wasm_bindgen::describe::*; inform(ENUM); } } }).to_tokens(into); } } impl ToTokens for ast::ImportStatic { fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut Tokens) { let name = self.rust_name; let ty = &self.ty; let shim_name = self.shim; let vis = &self.vis; (quote! { #[allow(bad_style)] #vis static #name: ::wasm_bindgen::JsStatic<#ty> = { fn init() -> #ty { #[wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__"] extern { fn #shim_name() -> <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Abi; } unsafe { ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary::from_abi( #shim_name(), &mut ::wasm_bindgen::convert::GlobalStack::new(), ) } } ::wasm_bindgen::JsStatic { __inner: ::std::cell::UnsafeCell::new(None), __init: init, } }; }).to_tokens(into); } } impl ToTokens for ast::Type { fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut Tokens) { match self.kind { ast::TypeKind::ByValue => {} ast::TypeKind::ByRef => { syn::token::And::default().to_tokens(into); } ast::TypeKind::ByMutRef => { syn::token::And::default().to_tokens(into); syn::token::Mut::default().to_tokens(into); } } self.ty.to_tokens(into); } }