#![allow(non_snake_case)] use project; #[test] fn length() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_length(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> u32 { this.length() } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let x = 'Mozilla'; assert.equal(wasm.string_length(x), 7); let empty = ''; assert.equal(wasm.string_length(empty), 0); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn char_at() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_char_at(this: &js_sys::JsString, index: u32) -> js_sys::JsString { this.char_at(index) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; var anyString = 'Brave new world'; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_char_at(anyString, 0), "B"); assert.equal(wasm.string_char_at(anyString, 999), ""); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn char_code_at() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_char_code_at(this: &js_sys::JsString, index: u32) -> f64 { this.char_code_at(index) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; var anyString = 'Brave new world'; export function test() { for (let i = 0; i < anyString.length; i++) { assert.equal(wasm.string_char_code_at(anyString, i), anyString.charCodeAt(i), `charCodeAt(${i})`); } const outOfBounds = wasm.string_char_code_at(anyString, 999); assert.ok(Number.isNaN(outOfBounds)); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn code_point_at() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_code_point_at(this: &js_sys::JsString, pos: u32) -> JsValue { this.code_point_at(pos) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_code_point_at('ABC', 1), 66); assert.equal(wasm.string_code_point_at('\uD800\uDC00', 0), 65536); assert.equal(wasm.string_code_point_at('XYZ', 42), undefined); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn concat() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_concat(this: &js_sys::JsString, string_2: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.concat(string_2) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { // TODO: Implement ability to receive multiple optional arguments assert.equal(wasm.string_concat('Hello ', 'World'), 'Hello World'); assert.equal(wasm.string_concat('foo', {}), 'foo[object Object]'); assert.equal(wasm.string_concat('foo', []), 'foo'); assert.equal(wasm.string_concat('foo', null), 'foonull'); assert.equal(wasm.string_concat('foo', true), 'footrue'); assert.equal(wasm.string_concat('foo', 1234), 'foo1234'); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn ends_with() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn ends_with(this: &js_sys::JsString, search_value: &js_sys::JsString, length: i32) -> bool { this.ends_with(search_value, length) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "To be, or not to be, that is the question."; let len = str.length; // TODO: remove third parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.ends_with(str, "question.", len), true); assert.equal(wasm.ends_with(str, "to be", len), false); assert.equal(wasm.ends_with(str, "to be", 19), true); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn includes() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_includes(this: &js_sys::JsString, search_value: &js_sys::JsString, position: i32) -> bool { this.includes(search_value, position) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "Blue Whale"; // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, 'Blue', 0), true); assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, 'Blute', 0), false); assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, 'Whale', 0), true); assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, 'Whale', 5), true); assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, 'Whale', 7), false); assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, '', 0), true); assert.equal(wasm.string_includes(str, '', 16), true); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn index_of() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_index_of(this: &js_sys::JsString, search_value: &js_sys::JsString, from_index: i32) -> i32 { this.index_of(search_value, from_index) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "Blue Whale"; // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, 'Blue', 0), 0); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, 'Blute', 0), -1); assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, 'Whale', 0), 5); assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, 'Whale', 5), 5); assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, 'Whale', 7), -1); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, '', 0), 0); assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, '', 9), 9); assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, '', 10), 10); assert.equal(wasm.string_index_of(str, '', 11), 10); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn last_index_of() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_last_index_of(this: &js_sys::JsString, search_value: &js_sys::JsString, from_index: i32) -> i32 { this.last_index_of(search_value, from_index) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "canal"; let len = str.length; // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, 'a', len), 3); assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, 'a', 2), 1); assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, 'a', 0), -1); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, 'x', len), -1); assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, 'c', -5), 0); assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, 'c', 0), 0); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, '', len), 5); assert.equal(wasm.string_last_index_of(str, '', 2), 2); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn normalize() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_normalize(this: &js_sys::JsString, form: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.normalize(form) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "\u1E9B\u0323"; // TODO: Handle undefined assert.equal(wasm.string_normalize(str, "NFC"), "\u1E9B\u0323"); assert.equal(wasm.string_normalize(str, "NFD"), "\u017F\u0323\u0307"); assert.equal(wasm.string_normalize(str, "NFKC"), "\u1E69"); assert.equal(wasm.string_normalize(str, "NFKD"), "\u0073\u0323\u0307"); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn pad_end() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_pad_end( this: &js_sys::JsString, target_length: u32, pad_string: &js_sys::JsString ) -> js_sys::JsString { this.pad_end(target_length, pad_string) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "abc"; // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_end(str, 10, " "), "abc "); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_end(str, 10, " "), "abc "); assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_end(str, 10, "foo"), "abcfoofoof"); assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_end(str, 6, "123456"), "abc123"); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_end(str, 1, " "), "abc"); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn pad_start() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_pad_start( this: &js_sys::JsString, target_length: u32, pad_string: &js_sys::JsString ) -> js_sys::JsString { this.pad_start(target_length, pad_string) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "abc"; // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_start(str, 10, " "), " abc"); assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_start(str, 10, "foo"), "foofoofabc"); assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_start(str, 6, "123465"), "123abc"); assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_start(str, 8, "0"), "00000abc"); // TODO: remove second parameter once we have optional parameters assert.equal(wasm.string_pad_start(str, 1, " "), "abc"); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn repeat() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_repeat(this: &js_sys::JsString, count: i32) -> js_sys::JsString { this.repeat(count) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "test"; assert.equal(wasm.string_repeat(str, 3), "testtesttest"); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn slice() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn create_slice(this: &js_sys::JsString, start: u32, end: u32) -> js_sys::JsString { this.slice(start, end) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let characters = "acxn18"; let subset = wasm.create_slice(characters, 1, 3); assert.equal(subset, "cx"); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn starts_with() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_starts_with(this: &js_sys::JsString, search_string: &js_sys::JsString, position: u32) -> bool { this.starts_with(search_string, position) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let str = "To be, or not to be, that is the question."; // TODO: remove second parameter for both assertions once we have optional parameters assert.ok(wasm.string_starts_with(str, 'To be', 0)); assert.ok(!wasm.string_starts_with(str, 'not to be', 0)); assert.ok(wasm.string_starts_with(str, 'not to be', 10)); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn substring() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_substring(this: &js_sys::JsString, index_start: u32, index_end: u32) -> js_sys::JsString { this.substring(index_start, index_end) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let anyString = "Mozilla"; assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 0, 1), 'M'); assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 1, 0), 'M'); assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 0, 6), 'Mozill'); // TODO: Add test once we have optional parameters // assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 4), 'lla'); assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 4, 7), 'lla'); assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 7, 4), 'lla'); assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 0, 7), 'Mozilla'); assert.equal(wasm.string_substring(anyString, 0, 10), 'Mozilla'); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn substr() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn create_substr(this: &js_sys::JsString, start: i32, length: i32) -> js_sys::JsString { this.substr(start, length) } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let aString = "Mozilla"; assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, 0, 1), "M"); assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, 1, 0), ""); assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, -1, 1), "a"); assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, 1, -1), ""); // TODO: Uncomment and test these assertions, once we have support for optional parameters // assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, -3), "lla"); // assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, 1), "ozilla"); assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, -20, 2), "Mo"); assert.equal(wasm.create_substr(aString, 20, 2), ""); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn to_locale_lower_case() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_to_locale_lower_case(this: &js_sys::JsString, local: Option) -> js_sys::JsString { this.to_locale_lower_case(local) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_to_locale_lower_case("Mozilla"), "mozilla"); assert.equal(wasm.string_to_locale_lower_case("\u0130", "tr"), "i"); assert.notStrictEqual(wasm.string_to_locale_lower_case("\u0130", "en-US"), "i"); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn to_locale_upper_case() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_to_locale_upper_case(this: &js_sys::JsString, local: Option) -> js_sys::JsString { this.to_locale_upper_case(local) } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_to_locale_upper_case("mozilla"), "MOZILLA"); assert.equal(wasm.string_to_locale_upper_case("i\u0307", "lt"), "I"); assert.notStrictEqual(wasm.string_to_locale_upper_case("i\u0307", "en-US"), "I"); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn to_lower_case() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_to_lower_case(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.to_lower_case() } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_to_lower_case("Mozilla"), "mozilla"); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn to_string() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_to_string(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.to_string() } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let greeting = 'Hello world!'; assert.equal(wasm.string_to_string(greeting), 'Hello world!'); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn to_upper_case() { project() .file("src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_to_upper_case(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.to_upper_case() } "#) .file("test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_to_upper_case("Mozilla"), "MOZILLA"); } "#) .test() } #[test] fn trim() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_trim(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.trim() } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { assert.equal(wasm.string_trim(' foo '), 'foo'); // Another example of .trim() removing whitespace from just one side. assert.equal(wasm.string_trim('foo '), 'foo'); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn trim_end_and_trim_right() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_trim_end(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.trim_end() } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_trim_right(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.trim_right() } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let greeting = ' Hello world! '; let trimmed = ' Hello world!'; assert.equal(wasm.string_trim_end(greeting), trimmed); assert.equal(wasm.string_trim_right(greeting), trimmed); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn trim_start_and_trim_left() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_trim_start(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.trim_start() } #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_trim_left(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.trim_left() } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let greeting = ' Hello world! '; let trimmed = 'Hello world! '; assert.equal(wasm.string_trim_start(greeting), trimmed); assert.equal(wasm.string_trim_left(greeting), trimmed); } "#, ) .test() } #[test] fn value_of() { project() .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; extern crate js_sys; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn string_value_of(this: &js_sys::JsString) -> js_sys::JsString { this.value_of() } "#, ) .file( "test.js", r#" import * as assert from "assert"; import * as wasm from "./out"; export function test() { let greeting = new String('Hello world!'); assert.equal(wasm.string_value_of(greeting), 'Hello world!'); } "#, ) .test() }