/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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// A dumping ground for random testing functions

callback PromiseReturner = Promise<any>();

interface TestFunctions {
  static void throwUncatchableException();

  // Simply returns its argument.  Can be used to test Promise
  // argument processing behavior.
  static Promise<any> passThroughPromise(Promise<any> arg);

  // Returns whatever Promise the given PromiseReturner returned.
  static Promise<any> passThroughCallbackPromise(PromiseReturner callback);

  // Some basic tests for string binding round-tripping behavior.
  void setStringData(DOMString arg);

  // Get the string data, using an nsAString argument on the C++ side.
  // This will just use Assign/operator=, whatever that does.
  DOMString getStringDataAsAString();

  // Get the string data, but only "length" chars of it, using an
  // nsAString argument on the C++ side.  This will always copy on the
  // C++ side.
  DOMString getStringDataAsAString(unsigned long length);

  // Get the string data, but only "length" chars of it, using a
  // DOMString argument on the C++ side and trying to hand it
  // stringbuffers.  If length not passed, use our full length.
  DOMString getStringDataAsDOMString(optional unsigned long length);

  // Functions that just punch through to mozITestInterfaceJS.idl
  void testThrowNsresult();
  void testThrowNsresultFromNative();

  // Throws an InvalidStateError to auto-create a rejected promise.
  static Promise<any> throwToRejectPromise();

  // Some attributes for the toJSON to work with.
  readonly attribute long one;
  readonly attribute long two;

  // Testing for how default toJSON behaves.
  [Default] object toJSON();