use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use web_sys::HtmlOutputElement;

#[wasm_bindgen(module = "./tests/wasm/element.js")]
extern {
    fn new_output() -> HtmlOutputElement;

fn test_output_element() {
    let output = new_output();
    assert!(output.html_for().length() == 0, "Our basic <output> should have no html associated with it.");
    assert!(output.form().is_none(), "Our basic <output> should have no form associated with it.");

    output.set_name("Calculation result");
    assert_eq!(, "Calculation result", "Output name should be 'Calculation result'.");

    assert_eq!(output.type_(), "output", "Our basic <output> should have an type of 'output'.");

    assert_eq!(output.default_value(), "27", "Default output value should be '27'.");

    assert_eq!(output.value(), "49", "Output value should be '49'.");

    // TODO: Fails in Chrome, but not in Firefox.
    //assert!(output.will_validate(), "Output should validate by default (maybe browser dependent?)");

    assert!(output.validity().valid(), "Our <output>s validity should be true.");

    assert!(output.validation_message().is_ok(), "We should be able to retrieve some validation message from our <output>.");

    assert!(output.check_validity(), "Our <output> should be valid.");

    assert!(output.report_validity(), "Our <output> should report valid.");

    output.set_custom_validity("Some scary error message.");

    assert!(output.labels().length() == 0, "Our basic <output> shouldn't have any labels associated with it.");