use super::project; #[test] fn bool() { project() .file( "foo.webidl", r#" interface Foo { const boolean not_true = false; const boolean not_false = true; }; "#, ) // a corresponding const in the js implementation is not required // value is taken directly from idl .file( "foo.js", r#" export class Foo { } "#, ) .file( "src/", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; pub mod foo; use foo::Foo; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn test() { let falsish: bool = Foo::NOT_TRUE; assert!(!falsish); let trueish: bool = Foo::NOT_FALSE; assert!(trueish); } "#, ) .test(); } #[test] fn ints() { project() .file( "foo.webidl", r#" interface Byte { const byte imin = -128; const byte imax = 127; const octet umin = 0; const octet umax = 255; }; interface Short { const short imin = -32768; const short imax = 32767; const unsigned short umin = 0; const unsigned short umax = 65535; }; interface Long { const long imin = -2147483648; const long imax = 2147483647; const unsigned long umin = 0; const unsigned long umax = 4294967295; }; interface LongLong { const long long imin = -9223372036854775808; const long long imax = 9223372036854775807; const unsigned long long umin = 0; const unsigned long long umax = 18446744073709551615; }; "#, ) // a corresponding const in the js implementation is not required // value is taken directly from idl .file( "foo.js", r#" export class Byte { } export class Short { } export class Long { } export class LongLong { } "#, ) .file( "src/", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; pub mod foo; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn test() { assert_eq!(foo::Byte::IMIN, i8::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Byte::IMAX, i8::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Byte::UMIN, u8::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Byte::UMAX, u8::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Short::IMIN, i16::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Short::IMAX, i16::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Short::UMIN, u16::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Short::UMAX, u16::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Long::IMIN, i32::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Long::IMAX, i32::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Long::UMIN, u32::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::Long::UMAX, u32::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::LongLong::IMIN, i64::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::LongLong::IMAX, i64::max_value()); assert_eq!(foo::LongLong::UMIN, u64::min_value()); assert_eq!(foo::LongLong::UMAX, u64::max_value()); } "#, ) .test(); } #[test] fn floats() { project() .file( "foo.webidl", r#" interface floats { const float f = 0.0; const unrestricted float neg_inf = -Infinity; const unrestricted float inf = Infinity; const unrestricted float nan = NaN; }; interface doubles { const double d = 0.0; const unrestricted double neg_inf = -Infinity; const unrestricted double inf = Infinity; const unrestricted double nan = NaN; }; "#, ) // a corresponding const in the js implementation is not required // value is taken directly from idl .file( "foo.js", r#" export class floats { } export class doubles { } "#, ) .file( "src/", r#" #![feature(use_extern_macros)] extern crate wasm_bindgen; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; pub mod foo; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn test() { assert_eq!(foo::Floats::F, 0.0_f32); assert!(foo::Floats::NEG_INF.is_infinite()); assert!(foo::Floats::NEG_INF.is_sign_negative()); assert!(foo::Floats::INF.is_infinite()); assert!(foo::Floats::INF.is_sign_positive()); assert!(foo::Floats::NAN.is_nan()); assert_eq!(foo::Doubles::D, 0.0_f64); assert!(foo::Doubles::NEG_INF.is_infinite()); assert!(foo::Doubles::NEG_INF.is_sign_negative()); assert!(foo::Doubles::INF.is_infinite()); assert!(foo::Doubles::INF.is_sign_positive()); assert!(foo::Doubles::NAN.is_nan()); } "#, ) .test(); }