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 Constructor(optional (DOMString or sequence<unrestricted double>) init)]
interface DOMMatrixReadOnly {
    // These attributes are simple aliases for certain elements of the 4x4 matrix
    readonly attribute unrestricted double a;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double b;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double c;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double d;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double e;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double f;

    readonly attribute unrestricted double m11;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m12;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m13;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m14;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m21;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m22;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m23;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m24;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m31;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m32;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m33;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m34;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m41;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m42;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m43;
    readonly attribute unrestricted double m44;

    // Immutable transform methods
    DOMMatrix translate(unrestricted double tx,
                        unrestricted double ty,
                        optional unrestricted double tz = 0);
    DOMMatrix scale(unrestricted double scale,
                    optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                    optional unrestricted double originY = 0);
    DOMMatrix scale3d(unrestricted double scale,
                      optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                      optional unrestricted double originY = 0,
                      optional unrestricted double originZ = 0);
    DOMMatrix scaleNonUniform(unrestricted double scaleX,
                              optional unrestricted double scaleY = 1,
                              optional unrestricted double scaleZ = 1,
                              optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                              optional unrestricted double originY = 0,
                              optional unrestricted double originZ = 0);
    DOMMatrix rotate(unrestricted double angle,
                     optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                     optional unrestricted double originY = 0);
    DOMMatrix rotateFromVector(unrestricted double x,
                               unrestricted double y);
    DOMMatrix rotateAxisAngle(unrestricted double x,
                              unrestricted double y,
                              unrestricted double z,
                              unrestricted double angle);
    DOMMatrix skewX(unrestricted double sx);
    DOMMatrix skewY(unrestricted double sy);
    DOMMatrix multiply(DOMMatrix other);
    DOMMatrix flipX();
    DOMMatrix flipY();
    DOMMatrix inverse();

    // Helper methods
    readonly attribute boolean is2D;
    readonly attribute boolean isIdentity;
    DOMPoint                   transformPoint(optional DOMPointInit point);
    [Throws] Float32Array      toFloat32Array();
    [Throws] Float64Array      toFloat64Array();
    [Default] object           toJSON();

 Constructor(DOMString transformList),
 Constructor(DOMMatrixReadOnly other),
 Constructor(Float32Array array32),
 Constructor(Float64Array array64),
 Constructor(sequence<unrestricted double> numberSequence)]
interface DOMMatrix : DOMMatrixReadOnly {
    // These attributes are simple aliases for certain elements of the 4x4 matrix
    inherit attribute unrestricted double a;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double b;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double c;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double d;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double e;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double f;

    inherit attribute unrestricted double m11;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m12;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m13;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m14;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m21;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m22;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m23;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m24;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m31;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m32;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m33;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m34;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m41;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m42;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m43;
    inherit attribute unrestricted double m44;

    // Mutable transform methods
    DOMMatrix multiplySelf(DOMMatrix other);
    DOMMatrix preMultiplySelf(DOMMatrix other);
    DOMMatrix translateSelf(unrestricted double tx,
                            unrestricted double ty,
                            optional unrestricted double tz = 0);
    DOMMatrix scaleSelf(unrestricted double scale,
                        optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                        optional unrestricted double originY = 0);
    DOMMatrix scale3dSelf(unrestricted double scale,
                          optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                          optional unrestricted double originY = 0,
                          optional unrestricted double originZ = 0);
    DOMMatrix scaleNonUniformSelf(unrestricted double scaleX,
                                  optional unrestricted double scaleY = 1,
                                  optional unrestricted double scaleZ = 1,
                                  optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                                  optional unrestricted double originY = 0,
                                  optional unrestricted double originZ = 0);
    DOMMatrix rotateSelf(unrestricted double angle,
                         optional unrestricted double originX = 0,
                         optional unrestricted double originY = 0);
    DOMMatrix rotateFromVectorSelf(unrestricted double x,
                                  unrestricted double y);
    DOMMatrix rotateAxisAngleSelf(unrestricted double x,
                                  unrestricted double y,
                                  unrestricted double z,
                                  unrestricted double angle);
    DOMMatrix skewXSelf(unrestricted double sx);
    DOMMatrix skewYSelf(unrestricted double sy);
    DOMMatrix invertSelf();
    [Throws] DOMMatrix setMatrixValue(DOMString transformList);