use backend::ast; use backend::Diagnostic; use backend::util::{ident_ty, ShortHash}; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream, TokenTree, Delimiter}; use quote::ToTokens; use shared; use syn; /// Parsed attributes from a `#[wasm_bindgen(..)]`. #[cfg_attr(feature = "extra-traits", derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq))] #[derive(Default)] pub struct BindgenAttrs { /// List of parsed attributes pub attrs: Vec, } impl BindgenAttrs { /// Find and parse the wasm_bindgen attributes. fn find(attrs: &mut Vec) -> Result { let pos = attrs .iter() .enumerate() .find(|&(_, ref m)| m.path.segments[0].ident == "wasm_bindgen") .map(|a| a.0); let pos = match pos { Some(i) => i, None => return Ok(BindgenAttrs::default()), }; let attr = attrs.remove(pos); let mut tts = attr.tts.clone().into_iter(); let group = match { Some(TokenTree::Group(d)) => d, Some(_) => bail_span!(attr, "malformed #[wasm_bindgen] attribute"), None => return Ok(BindgenAttrs::default()), }; if { bail_span!(attr, "malformed #[wasm_bindgen] attribute"); } if group.delimiter() != Delimiter::Parenthesis { bail_span!(attr, "malformed #[wasm_bindgen] attribute"); } super::syn_parse(, "#[wasm_bindgen] attribute options") } /// Get the first module attribute fn module(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Module(s) => Some(&s[..]), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Get the first version attribute fn version(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Version(s) => Some(&s[..]), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Whether the catch attribute is present fn catch(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.iter().any(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Catch => true, _ => false, }) } /// Whether the constructor attribute is present fn constructor(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.iter().any(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Constructor => true, _ => false, }) } /// Get the first static_method_of attribute fn static_method_of(&self) -> Option<&Ident> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::StaticMethodOf(c) => Some(c), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Whether the method attributes is present fn method(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.iter().any(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Method => true, _ => false, }) } /// Get the first js_namespace attribute fn js_namespace(&self) -> Option<&Ident> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::JsNamespace(s) => Some(s), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Get the first getter attribute fn getter(&self) -> Option> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Getter(g) => Some(g.clone()), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Get the first setter attribute fn setter(&self) -> Option> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::Setter(s) => Some(s.clone()), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Whether the structural attributes is present fn structural(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.iter().any(|a| match *a { BindgenAttr::Structural => true, _ => false, }) } /// Whether the readonly attributes is present fn readonly(&self) -> bool { self.attrs.iter().any(|a| match *a { BindgenAttr::Readonly => true, _ => false, }) } /// Get the first js_name attribute fn js_name(&self) -> Option<&Ident> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::JsName(s) => Some(s), _ => None, }) .next() } /// Get the first js_name attribute fn js_class(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| match a { BindgenAttr::JsClass(s) => Some(&s[..]), _ => None, }) .next() } } impl syn::synom::Synom for BindgenAttrs { named!(parse -> Self, alt!( do_parse!( opts: call!( syn::punctuated::Punctuated::<_, syn::token::Comma>::parse_terminated ) >> (BindgenAttrs { attrs: opts.into_iter().collect(), }) ) => { |s| s } | epsilon!() => { |_| BindgenAttrs { attrs: Vec::new() } } )); } /// The possible attributes in the `#[wasm_bindgen]`. #[cfg_attr(feature = "extra-traits", derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq))] pub enum BindgenAttr { Catch, Constructor, Method, StaticMethodOf(Ident), JsNamespace(Ident), Module(String), Version(String), Getter(Option), Setter(Option), Structural, Readonly, JsName(Ident), JsClass(String), } impl syn::synom::Synom for BindgenAttr { named!(parse -> Self, alt!( call!(term, "catch") => { |_| BindgenAttr::Catch } | call!(term, "constructor") => { |_| BindgenAttr::Constructor } | call!(term, "method") => { |_| BindgenAttr::Method } | do_parse!( call!(term, "static_method_of") >> punct!(=) >> cls: call!(term2ident) >> (cls) )=> { BindgenAttr::StaticMethodOf } | do_parse!( call!(term, "getter") >> val: option!(do_parse!( punct!(=) >> s: call!(term2ident) >> (s) )) >> (val) )=> { BindgenAttr::Getter } | do_parse!( call!(term, "setter") >> val: option!(do_parse!( punct!(=) >> s: call!(term2ident) >> (s) )) >> (val) )=> { BindgenAttr::Setter } | call!(term, "structural") => { |_| BindgenAttr::Structural } | call!(term, "readonly") => { |_| BindgenAttr::Readonly } | do_parse!( call!(term, "js_namespace") >> punct!(=) >> ns: call!(term2ident) >> (ns) )=> { BindgenAttr::JsNamespace } | do_parse!( call!(term, "module") >> punct!(=) >> s: syn!(syn::LitStr) >> (s.value()) )=> { BindgenAttr::Module } | do_parse!( call!(term, "version") >> punct!(=) >> s: syn!(syn::LitStr) >> (s.value()) )=> { BindgenAttr::Version } | do_parse!( call!(term, "js_name") >> punct!(=) >> ns: call!(term2ident) >> (ns) )=> { BindgenAttr::JsName } | do_parse!( call!(term, "js_class") >> punct!(=) >> s: syn!(syn::LitStr) >> (s.value()) )=> { BindgenAttr::JsClass } )); } /// Consumes a `Ident` with the given name fn term<'a>(cursor: syn::buffer::Cursor<'a>, name: &str) -> syn::synom::PResult<'a, ()> { if let Some((ident, next)) = cursor.ident() { if ident == name { return Ok(((), next)); } } syn::parse_error() } /// Consumes a `Ident` and returns it. fn term2ident<'a>(cursor: syn::buffer::Cursor<'a>) -> syn::synom::PResult<'a, Ident> { match cursor.ident() { Some(pair) => Ok(pair), None => syn::parse_error(), } } /// Conversion trait with context. /// /// Used to convert syn tokens into an AST, that we can then use to generate glue code. The context /// (`Ctx`) is used to pass in the attributes from the `#[wasm_bindgen]`, if needed. trait ConvertToAst { /// What we are converting to. type Target; /// Convert into our target. /// /// Since this is used in a procedural macro, use panic to fail. fn convert(self, context: Ctx) -> Result; } impl<'a> ConvertToAst<()> for &'a mut syn::ItemStruct { type Target = ast::Struct; fn convert(self, (): ()) -> Result { if self.generics.params.len() > 0 { bail_span!( self.generics, "structs with #[wasm_bindgen] cannot have lifetime or \ type parameters currently" ); } let mut fields = Vec::new(); if let syn::Fields::Named(names) = &mut self.fields { for field in names.named.iter_mut() { match field.vis { syn::Visibility::Public(..) => {} _ => continue, } let name = match &field.ident { Some(n) => n, None => continue, }; let ident = self.ident.to_string(); let name_str = name.to_string(); let getter = shared::struct_field_get(&ident, &name_str); let setter = shared::struct_field_set(&ident, &name_str); let opts = BindgenAttrs::find(&mut field.attrs)?; let comments = extract_doc_comments(&field.attrs); fields.push(ast::StructField { name: name.clone(), struct_name: self.ident.clone(), readonly: opts.readonly(), ty: field.ty.clone(), getter: Ident::new(&getter, Span::call_site()), setter: Ident::new(&setter, Span::call_site()), comments, }); } } let comments: Vec = extract_doc_comments(&self.attrs); Ok(ast::Struct { name: self.ident.clone(), fields, comments, }) } } impl<'a> ConvertToAst<(BindgenAttrs, &'a Option)> for syn::ForeignItemFn { type Target = ast::ImportKind; fn convert(self, (opts, module): (BindgenAttrs, &'a Option)) -> Result { let js_name = opts.js_name().unwrap_or(&self.ident).clone(); let wasm = function_from_decl( &js_name, self.decl.clone(), self.attrs.clone(), self.vis.clone(), false, )?.0; let catch = opts.catch(); let js_ret = if catch { // TODO: this assumes a whole bunch: // // * The outer type is actually a `Result` // * The error type is a `JsValue` // * The actual type is the first type parameter // // should probably fix this one day... extract_first_ty_param(wasm.ret.as_ref())? } else { wasm.ret.clone() }; let mut operation_kind = ast::OperationKind::Regular; if let Some(g) = opts.getter() { operation_kind = ast::OperationKind::Getter(g); } if let Some(s) = opts.setter() { operation_kind = ast::OperationKind::Setter(s); } let kind = if opts.method() { let class = wasm .arguments .get(0) .ok_or_else(|| { err_span!(self, "imported methods must have at least one argument") })?; let class = match class.ty { syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { mutability: None, ref elem, .. }) => &**elem, _ => { bail_span!(class.ty, "first argument of method must be a shared reference") } }; let class_name = match *class { syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path, }) => path, _ => bail_span!(class, "first argument of method must be a path"), }; let class_name = extract_path_ident(class_name)?; let class_name = opts .js_class() .map(Into::into) .unwrap_or_else(|| class_name.to_string()); let kind = ast::MethodKind::Operation(ast::Operation { is_static: false, kind: operation_kind, }); ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class: class_name, ty: class.clone(), kind, } } else if let Some(cls) = opts.static_method_of() { let class = cls.to_string(); let ty = ident_ty(cls.clone()); let kind = ast::MethodKind::Operation(ast::Operation { is_static: true, kind: operation_kind, }); ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class, ty, kind } } else if opts.constructor() { let class = match wasm.ret { Some(ref ty) => ty, _ => bail_span!(self, "constructor returns must be bare types"), }; let class_name = match *class { syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path, }) => path, _ => bail_span!(self, "return value of constructor must be a bare path"), }; let class_name = extract_path_ident(class_name)?; ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class: class_name.to_string(), ty: class.clone(), kind: ast::MethodKind::Constructor, } } else { ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal }; let shim = { let ns = match kind { ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => (0, "n"), ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref class, .. } => (1, &class[..]), }; let data = (ns, &self.ident, module); format!("__wbg_{}_{}", js_name, ShortHash(data)) }; Ok(ast::ImportKind::Function(ast::ImportFunction { function: wasm, kind, js_ret, catch, structural: opts.structural(), rust_name: self.ident.clone(), shim: Ident::new(&shim, Span::call_site()), doc_comment: None, })) } } impl ConvertToAst<()> for syn::ForeignItemType { type Target = ast::ImportKind; fn convert(self, (): ()) -> Result { Ok(ast::ImportKind::Type(ast::ImportType { vis: self.vis, name: self.ident, attrs: self.attrs, doc_comment: None, })) } } impl ConvertToAst for syn::ForeignItemStatic { type Target = ast::ImportKind; fn convert(self, opts: BindgenAttrs) -> Result { if self.mutability.is_some() { bail_span!(self.mutability, "cannot import mutable globals yet") } let js_name = opts.js_name().unwrap_or(&self.ident); let shim = format!("__wbg_static_accessor_{}_{}", js_name, self.ident); Ok(ast::ImportKind::Static(ast::ImportStatic { ty: *self.ty, vis: self.vis, rust_name: self.ident.clone(), js_name: js_name.clone(), shim: Ident::new(&shim, Span::call_site()), })) } } impl ConvertToAst for syn::ItemFn { type Target = ast::Function; fn convert(self, attrs: BindgenAttrs) -> Result { match self.vis { syn::Visibility::Public(_) => {} _ => bail_span!(self, "can only #[wasm_bindgen] public functions"), } if self.constness.is_some() { bail_span!(self.constness, "can only #[wasm_bindgen] non-const functions"); } if self.unsafety.is_some() { bail_span!(self.unsafety, "can only #[wasm_bindgen] safe functions"); } let name = attrs.js_name().unwrap_or(&self.ident); Ok(function_from_decl(name, self.decl, self.attrs, self.vis, false)?.0) } } /// Construct a function (and gets the self type if appropriate) for our AST from a syn function. fn function_from_decl( name: &Ident, mut decl: Box, attrs: Vec, vis: syn::Visibility, allow_self: bool, ) -> Result<(ast::Function, Option), Diagnostic> { if decl.variadic.is_some() { bail_span!(decl.variadic, "can't #[wasm_bindgen] variadic functions"); } if decl.generics.params.len() > 0 { bail_span!( decl.generics, "can't #[wasm_bindgen] functions with lifetime or type parameters", ); } assert_no_lifetimes(&mut decl)?; let syn::FnDecl { inputs, output, .. } = { *decl }; let mut method_self = None; let arguments = inputs .into_iter() .filter_map(|arg| match arg { syn::FnArg::Captured(c) => Some(c), syn::FnArg::SelfValue(_) => { assert!(method_self.is_none()); method_self = Some(ast::MethodSelf::ByValue); None } syn::FnArg::SelfRef(ref a) if allow_self => { assert!(method_self.is_none()); if a.mutability.is_some() { method_self = Some(ast::MethodSelf::RefMutable); } else { method_self = Some(ast::MethodSelf::RefShared); } None } _ => panic!("arguments cannot be `self` or ignored"), }) .collect::>(); let ret = match output { syn::ReturnType::Default => None, syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => Some(*ty), }; Ok(( ast::Function { name: name.clone(), arguments, ret, rust_vis: vis, rust_attrs: attrs, }, method_self, )) } pub(crate) trait MacroParse { /// Parse the contents of an object into our AST, with a context if necessary. /// /// The context is used to have access to the attributes on `#[wasm_bindgen]`, and to allow /// writing to the output `TokenStream`. fn macro_parse(self, program: &mut ast::Program, context: Ctx) -> Result<(), Diagnostic>; } impl<'a> MacroParse<(Option, &'a mut TokenStream)> for syn::Item { fn macro_parse( self, program: &mut ast::Program, (opts, tokens): (Option, &'a mut TokenStream), ) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { match self { syn::Item::Fn(mut f) => { let no_mangle = f .attrs .iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, m)| m.interpret_meta().map(|m| (i, m))) .find(|&(_, ref m)| == "no_mangle"); match no_mangle { Some((i, _)) => { f.attrs.remove(i); } _ => {} } let comments = extract_doc_comments(&f.attrs); f.to_tokens(tokens); program.exports.push(ast::Export { class: None, method_self: None, constructor: None, comments, rust_name: f.ident.clone(), function: f.convert(opts.unwrap_or_default())?, }); } syn::Item::Struct(mut s) => { program.structs.push((&mut s).convert(())?); s.to_tokens(tokens); } syn::Item::Impl(mut i) => { (&mut i).macro_parse(program, ())?; i.to_tokens(tokens); } syn::Item::ForeignMod(mut f) => { let opts = match opts { Some(opts) => opts, None => BindgenAttrs::find(&mut f.attrs)?, }; f.macro_parse(program, opts)?; } syn::Item::Enum(e) => { e.to_tokens(tokens); e.macro_parse(program, ())?; } _ => { bail_span!( self, "#[wasm_bindgen] can only be applied to a function, \ struct, enum, impl, or extern block" ) } } Ok(()) } } impl<'a> MacroParse<()> for &'a mut syn::ItemImpl { fn macro_parse(self, program: &mut ast::Program, (): ()) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { if self.defaultness.is_some() { bail_span!(self.defaultness, "#[wasm_bindgen] default impls are not supported"); } if self.unsafety.is_some() { bail_span!(self.unsafety, "#[wasm_bindgen] unsafe impls are not supported"); } if let Some((_, path, _)) = &self.trait_ { bail_span!(path, "#[wasm_bindgen] trait impls are not supported"); } if self.generics.params.len() > 0 { bail_span!(self.generics, "#[wasm_bindgen] generic impls aren't supported"); } let name = match *self.self_ty { syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path, }) => extract_path_ident(path)?, _ => bail_span!(self.self_ty, "unsupported self type in #[wasm_bindgen] impl"), }; let mut errors = Vec::new(); for item in self.items.iter_mut() { if let Err(e) = (&name, item).macro_parse(program, ()) { errors.push(e); } } Diagnostic::from_vec(errors) } } impl<'a, 'b> MacroParse<()> for (&'a Ident, &'b mut syn::ImplItem) { fn macro_parse(self, program: &mut ast::Program, (): ()) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { let (class, item) = self; replace_self(class, item); let method = match item { syn::ImplItem::Method(ref mut m) => m, syn::ImplItem::Const(_) => { bail_span!(&*item, "const definitions aren't supported with #[wasm_bindgen]"); } syn::ImplItem::Type(_) => { bail_span!(&*item, "type definitions in impls aren't supported with #[wasm_bindgen]") } syn::ImplItem::Macro(_) => { bail_span!(&*item, "macros in impls aren't supported"); } syn::ImplItem::Verbatim(_) => panic!("unparsed impl item?"), }; match method.vis { syn::Visibility::Public(_) => {} _ => return Ok(()), } if method.defaultness.is_some() { panic!("default methods are not supported"); } if method.sig.constness.is_some() { bail_span!( method.sig.constness, "can only #[wasm_bindgen] non-const functions", ); } if method.sig.unsafety.is_some() { bail_span!( method.sig.unsafety, "can only bindgen safe functions", ); } let opts = BindgenAttrs::find(&mut method.attrs)?; let comments = extract_doc_comments(&method.attrs); let is_constructor = opts.constructor(); let constructor = if is_constructor { Some(method.sig.ident.to_string()) } else { None }; let (function, method_self) = function_from_decl( opts.js_name().unwrap_or(&method.sig.ident), Box::new(method.sig.decl.clone()), method.attrs.clone(), method.vis.clone(), true, )?; program.exports.push(ast::Export { class: Some(class.clone()), method_self, constructor, function, comments, rust_name: method.sig.ident.clone(), }); Ok(()) } } impl MacroParse<()> for syn::ItemEnum { fn macro_parse(self, program: &mut ast::Program, (): ()) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { match self.vis { syn::Visibility::Public(_) => {} _ => bail_span!(self, "only public enums are allowed with #[wasm_bindgen]"), } let variants = self .variants .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, v)| { match v.fields { syn::Fields::Unit => (), _ => bail_span!(v.fields, "only C-Style enums allowed with #[wasm_bindgen]"), } let value = match v.discriminant { Some(( _, syn::Expr::Lit(syn::ExprLit { attrs: _, lit: syn::Lit::Int(ref int_lit), }), )) => { if int_lit.value() > ::max_value() as u64 { bail_span!( int_lit, "enums with #[wasm_bindgen] can only support \ numbers that can be represented as u32" ); } int_lit.value() as u32 } None => i as u32, Some((_, ref expr)) => { bail_span!( expr, "enums with #[wasm_bidngen] may only have \ number literal values", ) } }; Ok(ast::Variant { name: v.ident.clone(), value, }) }) .collect::>()?; let comments = extract_doc_comments(&self.attrs); program.enums.push(ast::Enum { name: self.ident, variants, comments, }); Ok(()) } } impl MacroParse for syn::ItemForeignMod { fn macro_parse(self, program: &mut ast::Program, opts: BindgenAttrs) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { let mut errors = Vec::new(); match { Some(ref l) if l.value() == "C" => {} None => {} Some(ref other) => { errors.push(err_span!(other, "only foreign mods with the `C` ABI are allowed")); } } for mut item in self.items.into_iter() { if let Err(e) = item.macro_parse(program, &opts) { errors.push(e); } } Diagnostic::from_vec(errors) } } impl<'a> MacroParse<&'a BindgenAttrs> for syn::ForeignItem { fn macro_parse(mut self, program: &mut ast::Program, opts: &'a BindgenAttrs) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { let item_opts = { let attrs = match self { syn::ForeignItem::Fn(ref mut f) => &mut f.attrs, syn::ForeignItem::Type(ref mut t) => &mut t.attrs, syn::ForeignItem::Static(ref mut s) => &mut s.attrs, _ => panic!("only foreign functions/types allowed for now"), }; BindgenAttrs::find(attrs)? }; let module = item_opts.module().or(opts.module()).map(|s| s.to_string()); let version = item_opts .version() .or(opts.version()) .map(|s| s.to_string()); let js_namespace = item_opts.js_namespace().or(opts.js_namespace()).cloned(); let kind = match self { syn::ForeignItem::Fn(f) => f.convert((item_opts, &module))?, syn::ForeignItem::Type(t) => t.convert(())?, syn::ForeignItem::Static(s) => s.convert(item_opts)?, _ => panic!("only foreign functions/types allowed for now"), }; program.imports.push(ast::Import { module, version, js_namespace, kind, }); Ok(()) } } /// Get the first type parameter of a generic type, errors on incorrect input. fn extract_first_ty_param(ty: Option<&syn::Type>) -> Result, Diagnostic> { let t = match ty { Some(t) => t, None => return Ok(None), }; let path = match *t { syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path, }) => path, _ => bail_span!(t, "must be Result<...>"), }; let seg = path.segments.last() .ok_or_else(|| err_span!(t, "must have at least one segment"))? .into_value(); let generics = match seg.arguments { syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref t) => t, _ => bail_span!(t, "must be Result<...>"), }; let generic = generics.args.first() .ok_or_else(|| err_span!(t, "must have at least one generic parameter"))? .into_value(); let ty = match generic { syn::GenericArgument::Type(t) => t, other => bail_span!(other, "must be a type parameter"), }; match *ty { syn::Type::Tuple(ref t) if t.elems.len() == 0 => return Ok(None), _ => {} } Ok(Some(ty.clone())) } /// Replace `Self` with the given name in `item`. fn replace_self(name: &Ident, item: &mut syn::ImplItem) { struct Walk<'a>(&'a Ident); impl<'a> syn::visit_mut::VisitMut for Walk<'a> { fn visit_ident_mut(&mut self, i: &mut Ident) { if i == "Self" { *i = self.0.clone(); } } } syn::visit_mut::VisitMut::visit_impl_item_mut(&mut Walk(name), item); } /// Extract the documentation comments from a Vec of attributes fn extract_doc_comments(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Vec { attrs .iter() .filter_map(|a| { // if the path segments include an ident of "doc" we know this // this is a doc comment if a.path.segments.iter().any(|s| s.ident.to_string() == "doc") { Some( // We want to filter out any Puncts so just grab the Literals a.tts.clone().into_iter().filter_map(|t| match t { TokenTree::Literal(lit) => { // this will always return the quoted string, we deal with // that in the cli when we read in the comments Some(lit.to_string()) }, _ => None, }) ) } else { None } }) //Fold up the [[String]] iter we created into Vec .fold(vec![], |mut acc, a| {acc.extend(a); acc}) } /// Check there are no lifetimes on the function. fn assert_no_lifetimes(decl: &mut syn::FnDecl) -> Result<(), Diagnostic> { struct Walk { diagnostics: Vec, } impl<'ast> syn::visit_mut::VisitMut for Walk { fn visit_lifetime_mut(&mut self, i: &mut syn::Lifetime) { self.diagnostics.push(err_span!( &*i, "it is currently not sound to use lifetimes in function \ signatures" )); } } let mut walk = Walk { diagnostics: Vec::new() }; syn::visit_mut::VisitMut::visit_fn_decl_mut(&mut walk, decl); Diagnostic::from_vec(walk.diagnostics) } /// If the path is a single ident, return it. fn extract_path_ident(path: &syn::Path) -> Result { if path.leading_colon.is_some() { bail_span!(path, "global paths are not supported yet"); } if path.segments.len() != 1 { bail_span!(path, "multi-segment paths are not supported yet"); } let value = &path.segments[0]; match value.arguments { syn::PathArguments::None => {} _ => bail_span!(path, "paths with type parameters are not supported yet"), } Ok(value.ident.clone()) }