use wasm_bindgen_test::*; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; use web_sys::HtmlInputElement; #[wasm_bindgen(module = "./tests/wasm/element.js")] extern { fn new_input() -> HtmlInputElement; } #[wasm_bindgen] extern { #[wasm_bindgen(js_name = location, js_namespace = document)] static LOCATION: Location; type Location; // FIXME: `href` should be structural in `web_sys` #[wasm_bindgen(getter, method, structural)] fn href(this: &Location) -> String; } #[wasm_bindgen_test] fn test_input_element() { let element = new_input(); let location = LOCATION.href(); assert_eq!(element.accept(), "", "Shouldn't have an accept"); element.set_accept("audio/*"); assert_eq!(element.accept(), "audio/*", "Should have an accept"); assert_eq!(element.alt(), "", "Shouldn't have an alt"); element.set_alt("alt text"); assert_eq!(element.alt(), "alt text", "Should have an alt"); element.set_type("text"); assert_eq!(element.autocomplete(), "", "Shouldn't have an autocomplete"); element.set_autocomplete("on"); assert_eq!(element.autocomplete(), "on", "Shouldn't have an autocomplete"); assert!(!element.autofocus(), "Shouldn't have an autofocus"); element.set_autofocus(true); assert!(element.autofocus(), "Should have an autofocus"); element.set_type("checkbox"); assert!(!element.default_checked(), "Shouldn't have an default_checked"); element.set_default_checked(true); assert!(element.default_checked(), "Should have an default_checked"); /*TODO fix assert!(!element.checked(), "Shouldn't be checked"); element.set_checked(true); assert!(element.checked(), "Should be checked"); */ assert!(!element.disabled(), "Shouldn't be disabled"); element.set_disabled(true); assert!(element.disabled(), "Should be disabled"); match element.form() { None => assert!(true, "Shouldn't have a form"), _ => assert!(false, "Shouldn't have a form"), }; assert_eq!(element.form_action(), location, "Should have the pages location"); element.set_form_action(""); assert_eq!(element.form_action(), "", "Should have a form_action"); assert_eq!(element.form_enctype(), "", "Should have no enctype"); element.set_form_enctype("text/plain"); assert_eq!(element.form_enctype(), "text/plain", "Should have a plain text enctype"); assert_eq!(element.form_method(), "", "Should have no method"); element.set_form_method("POST"); assert_eq!(element.form_method(), "post", "Should have a POST method"); assert!(!element.form_no_validate(), "Should validate"); element.set_form_no_validate(true); assert!(element.form_no_validate(), "Should not validate"); assert_eq!(element.form_target(), "", "Should have no target"); element.set_form_target("_blank"); assert_eq!(element.form_target(), "_blank", "Should have a _blank target"); assert_eq!(element.height(), 0, "Should have no height"); element.set_height(12); assert_eq!(element.height(), 0, "Should have no height"); // Doesn't change, TODO check with get_attribute("height")=="12" /*TODO fails in chrome element.set_type("checkbox"); assert!(element.indeterminate(), "Should be indeterminate"); element.set_checked(true); assert!(!element.indeterminate(), "Shouldn't be indeterminate"); */ /*TODO add tests pub fn indeterminate(&self) -> bool pub fn set_indeterminate(&self, indeterminate: bool) pub fn input_mode(&self) -> String pub fn set_input_mode(&self, input_mode: &str) pub fn list(&self) -> Option<HtmlElement> pub fn max(&self) -> String pub fn set_max(&self, max: &str) pub fn max_length(&self) -> i32 pub fn set_max_length(&self, max_length: i32) pub fn min(&self) -> String pub fn set_min(&self, min: &str) pub fn min_length(&self) -> i32 pub fn set_min_length(&self, min_length: i32) pub fn multiple(&self) -> bool pub fn set_multiple(&self, multiple: bool) */ assert_eq!(, "", "Should not have a name"); element.set_name("namey"); assert_eq!(, "namey", "Should have a name"); /*TODO add tests pub fn pattern(&self) -> String pub fn set_pattern(&self, pattern: &str) */ assert_eq!(element.placeholder(), "", "Should not have a placeholder"); element.set_placeholder("some text"); assert_eq!(element.placeholder(), "some text", "Should have a placeholder"); assert!(!element.read_only(), "Should have not be readonly"); element.set_read_only(true); assert!(element.read_only(), "Should be readonly"); assert!(!element.required(), "Should have not be required"); element.set_required(true); assert!(element.required(), "Should be required"); /*TODO add tests pub fn size(&self) -> u32 pub fn set_size(&self, size: u32) */ /*TODO fails in chrome element.set_type("image"); assert_eq!(element.src(), "", "Should have no src"); element.set_value("hey.png"); assert_eq!(element.src(), "hey.png", "Should have a src"); */ /*TODO add tests pub fn src(&self) -> String pub fn set_src(&self, src: &str) pub fn step(&self) -> String pub fn set_step(&self, step: &str) pub fn type_(&self) -> String pub fn set_type(&self, type_: &str) pub fn default_value(&self) -> String pub fn set_default_value(&self, default_value: &str) */ /*TODO fails in chrome assert_eq!(element.value(), "", "Should have no value"); element.set_value("hey!"); assert_eq!(element.value(), "hey!", "Should have a value"); */ element.set_type("number"); element.set_value("1"); assert_eq!(element.value_as_number(), 1.0, "Should have value 1"); element.set_value_as_number(2.0); assert_eq!(element.value(), "2", "Should have value 2"); assert_eq!(element.width(), 0, "Should have no width"); element.set_width(12); assert_eq!(element.width(), 0, "Should have no width"); // Doesn't change, TODO check with get_attribute("width")=="12" assert_eq!(element.will_validate(), false, "Shouldn't validate"); assert_eq!(element.validation_message().unwrap(), "", "Shouldn't have a value"); assert_eq!(element.check_validity(), true, "Should be valid"); assert_eq!(element.report_validity(), true, "Should be valid"); element.set_custom_validity("Boop"); // Method exists but doesn't impact validity ?!??! TODO look into assert_eq!(element.check_validity(), true, "Should be valid"); assert_eq!(element.report_validity(), true, "Should be valid"); /*TODO add tests pub fn labels(&self) -> Option<NodeList> pub fn select(&self) pub fn selection_direction(&self) -> Result<Option<String>, JsValue> pub fn set_selection_direction( &self, selection_direction: Option<&str> ) -> Result<(), JsValue> pub fn set_range_text(&self, replacement: &str) -> Result<(), JsValue> pub fn set_selection_range( &self, start: u32, end: u32, direction: &str ) -> Result<(), JsValue> */ assert_eq!(element.align(), "", "Should have no align"); element.set_align("left"); assert_eq!(element.align(), "left", "Should have an align"); /*TODO add tests pub fn use_map(&self) -> String pub fn set_use_map(&self, use_map: &str) pub fn text_length(&self) -> i32 pub fn webkitdirectory(&self) -> bool pub fn set_webkitdirectory(&self, webkitdirectory: bool) pub fn set_focus_state(&self, a_is_focused: bool) */ }