/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-document * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-document-object * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/obsolete.html#other-elements%2C-attributes-and-apis * https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#api * https://w3c.github.io/pointerlock/#extensions-to-the-document-interface * https://w3c.github.io/pointerlock/#extensions-to-the-documentorshadowroot-mixin * https://w3c.github.io/page-visibility/#extensions-to-the-document-interface * https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#extensions-to-the-document-interface * https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#extensions-to-the-document-interface */ /*TODO interface WindowProxy; interface nsISupports; interface URI; interface nsIDocShell; interface nsILoadGroup; enum VisibilityState { "hidden", "visible" }; */ /* https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dictdef-elementcreationoptions */ dictionary ElementCreationOptions { DOMString is; [ChromeOnly] DOMString pseudo; }; /* https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-document */ [Constructor] interface Document : Node { /*TODO [Throws] readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation; */ [Pure, Throws, BinaryName="documentURIFromJS", NeedsCallerType] readonly attribute DOMString URL; [Pure, Throws, BinaryName="documentURIFromJS", NeedsCallerType] readonly attribute DOMString documentURI; [Pure] readonly attribute DOMString compatMode; [Pure] readonly attribute DOMString characterSet; [Pure,BinaryName="characterSet"] readonly attribute DOMString charset; // legacy alias of .characterSet [Pure,BinaryName="characterSet"] readonly attribute DOMString inputEncoding; // legacy alias of .characterSet [Pure] readonly attribute DOMString contentType; [Pure] readonly attribute DocumentType? doctype; [Pure] readonly attribute Element? documentElement; [Pure] HTMLCollection getElementsByTagName(DOMString localName); [Pure, Throws] HTMLCollection getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName); [Pure] HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(DOMString classNames); [Pure] Element? getElementById(DOMString elementId); [CEReactions, NewObject, Throws] Element createElement(DOMString localName, optional (ElementCreationOptions or DOMString) options); [CEReactions, NewObject, Throws] Element createElementNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString qualifiedName, optional (ElementCreationOptions or DOMString) options); [NewObject] DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment(); [NewObject] Text createTextNode(DOMString data); [NewObject] Comment createComment(DOMString data); /*TODO [NewObject, Throws] ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(DOMString target, DOMString data); */ [CEReactions, Throws] Node importNode(Node node, optional boolean deep = false); [CEReactions, Throws] Node adoptNode(Node node); [NewObject, Throws, NeedsCallerType] Event createEvent(DOMString interface); /*TODO [NewObject, Throws] Range createRange(); */ // NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL = 0xFFFFFFFF [NewObject, Throws] NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Node root, optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, optional NodeFilter? filter = null); [NewObject, Throws] TreeWalker createTreeWalker(Node root, optional unsigned long whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, optional NodeFilter? filter = null); // NEW // No support for prepend/append yet // void prepend((Node or DOMString)... nodes); // void append((Node or DOMString)... nodes); // These are not in the spec, but leave them for now for backwards compat. // So sort of like Gecko extensions /*TODO [NewObject, Throws] CDATASection createCDATASection(DOMString data); [NewObject, Throws] Attr createAttribute(DOMString name); [NewObject, Throws] Attr createAttributeNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString name); */ }; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-document-object partial interface Document { /*TODO [PutForwards=href, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Location? location; //(HTML only) attribute DOMString domain; readonly attribute DOMString referrer; //(HTML only) attribute DOMString cookie; readonly attribute DOMString lastModified; readonly attribute DOMString readyState; */ // DOM tree accessors //(Not proxy yet)getter object (DOMString name); [CEReactions, SetterThrows, Pure] attribute DOMString title; [CEReactions, Pure] attribute DOMString dir; [CEReactions, Pure, SetterThrows] attribute HTMLElement? body; [Pure] readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement? head; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection images; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection links; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts; [Pure] NodeList getElementsByName(DOMString elementName); //(Not implemented)readonly attribute DOMElementMap cssElementMap; // dynamic markup insertion //(HTML only)Document open(optional DOMString type, optional DOMString replace); //(HTML only)WindowProxy open(DOMString url, DOMString name, DOMString features, optional boolean replace); //(HTML only)void close(); //(HTML only)void write(DOMString... text); //(HTML only)void writeln(DOMString... text); // user interaction [Pure] readonly attribute WindowProxy? defaultView; [Throws] boolean hasFocus(); //(HTML only) attribute DOMString designMode; //(HTML only)boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId); //(HTML only)boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, boolean showUI); //(HTML only)boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, boolean showUI, DOMString value); //(HTML only)boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString commandId); //(HTML only)boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString commandId); //(HTML only)boolean queryCommandState(DOMString commandId); //(HTML only)boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString commandId); //(HTML only)DOMString queryCommandValue(DOMString commandId); //(Not implemented)readonly attribute HTMLCollection commands; // special event handler IDL attributes that only apply to Document objects [LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange; // Gecko extensions? attribute EventHandler onbeforescriptexecute; attribute EventHandler onafterscriptexecute; [Pref="dom.select_events.enabled"] attribute EventHandler onselectionchange; /** * True if this document is synthetic : stand alone image, video, audio file, * etc. */ /*Non standard [Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean mozSyntheticDocument; */ /** * Returns the script element whose script is currently being processed. * * @see */ [Pure] readonly attribute Element? currentScript; /** * Release the current mouse capture if it is on an element within this * document. * * @see */ void releaseCapture(); /** * Use the given DOM element as the source image of target |-moz-element()|. * * This function introduces a new special ID (called "image element ID"), * which is only used by |-moz-element()|, and associates it with the given * DOM element. Image elements ID's have the higher precedence than general * HTML id's, so if |document.mozSetImageElement(, )| is called, * |-moz-element(#)| uses || as the source image even if there * is another element with id attribute = ||. To unregister an image * element ID ||, call |document.mozSetImageElement(, null)|. * * Example: * *
* * @param aImageElementId an image element ID to associate with * |aImageElement| * @param aImageElement a DOM element to be used as the source image of * |-moz-element(#aImageElementId)|. If this is null, the function will * unregister the image element ID |aImageElementId|. * * @see */ void mozSetImageElement(DOMString aImageElementId, Element? aImageElement); [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute URI? documentURIObject; /** * Current referrer policy - one of the REFERRER_POLICY_* constants * from nsIHttpChannel. */ [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute unsigned long referrerPolicy; }; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/obsolete.html#other-elements%2C-attributes-and-apis partial interface Document { //(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString fgColor; //(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString linkColor; //(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString vlinkColor; //(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString alinkColor; //(HTML only)[CEReactions] attribute [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString bgColor; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors; [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets; //(HTML only)void clear(); //(HTML only)void captureEvents(); //(HTML only)void releaseEvents(); //(HTML only)[SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLAllCollection all; }; // https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#api partial interface Document { // Note: Per spec the 'S' in these two is lowercase, but the "Moz" // versions have it uppercase. [LenientSetter, Unscopable, Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled"] readonly attribute boolean fullscreen; /*Non standard [BinaryName="fullscreen"] readonly attribute boolean mozFullScreen; */ [LenientSetter, Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled", NeedsCallerType] readonly attribute boolean fullscreenEnabled; /*Non standard [BinaryName="fullscreenEnabled", NeedsCallerType] readonly attribute boolean mozFullScreenEnabled; */ [Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled"] void exitFullscreen(); /*Non standard [BinaryName="exitFullscreen"] void mozCancelFullScreen(); */ // Events handlers [Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled"] attribute EventHandler onfullscreenchange; [Func="nsDocument::IsUnprefixedFullscreenEnabled"] attribute EventHandler onfullscreenerror; }; // https://w3c.github.io/pointerlock/#extensions-to-the-document-interface // https://w3c.github.io/pointerlock/#extensions-to-the-documentorshadowroot-mixin partial interface Document { void exitPointerLock(); // Event handlers attribute EventHandler onpointerlockchange; attribute EventHandler onpointerlockerror; }; // https://w3c.github.io/page-visibility/#extensions-to-the-document-interface partial interface Document { readonly attribute boolean hidden; /*TODO readonly attribute VisibilityState visibilityState; attribute EventHandler onvisibilitychange; */ }; // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#extensions-to-the-document-interface partial interface Document { attribute DOMString? selectedStyleSheetSet; readonly attribute DOMString? lastStyleSheetSet; readonly attribute DOMString? preferredStyleSheetSet; [Constant] readonly attribute DOMStringList styleSheetSets; void enableStyleSheetsForSet (DOMString? name); }; // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#extensions-to-the-document-interface partial interface Document { CaretPosition? caretPositionFromPoint (float x, float y); readonly attribute Element? scrollingElement; }; // http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/selectors-api2/#interface-definitions partial interface Document { [Throws, Pure] Element? querySelector(DOMString selectors); [Throws, Pure] NodeList querySelectorAll(DOMString selectors); //(Not implemented)Element? find(DOMString selectors, optional (Element or sequence)? refNodes); //(Not implemented)NodeList findAll(DOMString selectors, optional (Element or sequence)? refNodes); }; // https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations/#extensions-to-the-document-interface partial interface Document { [Func="nsDocument::IsWebAnimationsEnabled"] readonly attribute DocumentTimeline timeline; [Func="nsDocument::IsWebAnimationsEnabled"] sequence getAnimations(); }; // https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/struct.html#InterfaceDocumentExtensions partial interface Document { [BinaryName="SVGRootElement"] readonly attribute SVGSVGElement? rootElement; }; // Mozilla extensions of various sorts partial interface Document { // XBL support. Wish we could make these [ChromeOnly], but // that would likely break bindings running with the page principal. /*Non standard [Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] NodeList? getAnonymousNodes(Element elt); [Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] Element? getAnonymousElementByAttribute(Element elt, DOMString attrName, DOMString attrValue); [Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] Element? getBindingParent(Node node); [Throws, Func="IsChromeOrXBL", NeedsSubjectPrincipal] void loadBindingDocument(DOMString documentURL); */ // Touch bits // XXXbz I can't find the sane spec for this stuff, so just cribbing // from our xpidl for now. [NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"] Touch createTouch(optional Window? view = null, optional EventTarget? target = null, optional long identifier = 0, optional long pageX = 0, optional long pageY = 0, optional long screenX = 0, optional long screenY = 0, optional long clientX = 0, optional long clientY = 0, optional long radiusX = 0, optional long radiusY = 0, optional float rotationAngle = 0, optional float force = 0); // XXXbz a hack to get around the fact that we don't support variadics as // distinguishing arguments yet. Once this hack is removed. we can also // remove the corresponding overload on nsIDocument, since Touch... and // sequence look the same in the C++. [NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"] TouchList createTouchList(Touch touch, Touch... touches); // XXXbz and another hack for the fact that we can't usefully have optional // distinguishing arguments but need a working zero-arg form of // createTouchList(). /*TODO [NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"] TouchList createTouchList(); [NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"] TouchList createTouchList(sequence touches); */ [ChromeOnly] attribute boolean styleSheetChangeEventsEnabled; [ChromeOnly, Throws] void obsoleteSheet(URI sheetURI); [ChromeOnly, Throws] void obsoleteSheet(DOMString sheetURI); [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute nsIDocShell? docShell; [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString contentLanguage; [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute nsILoadGroup? documentLoadGroup; // Blocks the initial document parser until the given promise is settled. [ChromeOnly, Throws] Promise blockParsing(Promise promise, optional BlockParsingOptions options); // like documentURI, except that for error pages, it returns the URI we were // trying to load when we hit an error, rather than the error page's own URI. [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute URI? mozDocumentURIIfNotForErrorPages; // A promise that is resolved, with this document itself, when we have both // fired DOMContentLoaded and are ready to start layout. This is used for the // "document_idle" webextension script injection point. [ChromeOnly, Throws] readonly attribute Promise documentReadyForIdle; }; dictionary BlockParsingOptions { /** * If true, blocks script-created parsers (created via document.open()) in * addition to network-created parsers. */ boolean blockScriptCreated = true; }; // Extension to give chrome JS the ability to determine when a document was // created to satisfy an iframe with srcdoc attribute. partial interface Document { [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean isSrcdocDocument; }; // Extension to give chrome JS the ability to get the underlying // sandbox flag attribute partial interface Document { [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString? sandboxFlagsAsString; }; /** * Chrome document anonymous content management. * This is a Chrome-only API that allows inserting fixed positioned anonymous * content on top of the current page displayed in the document. * The supplied content is cloned and inserted into the document's CanvasFrame. * Note that this only works for HTML documents. */ partial interface Document { /** * Deep-clones the provided element and inserts it into the CanvasFrame. * Returns an AnonymousContent instance that can be used to manipulate the * inserted element. */ [ChromeOnly, NewObject, Throws] AnonymousContent insertAnonymousContent(Element aElement); /** * Removes the element inserted into the CanvasFrame given an AnonymousContent * instance. */ [ChromeOnly, Throws] void removeAnonymousContent(AnonymousContent aContent); }; // http://w3c.github.io/selection-api/#extensions-to-document-interface partial interface Document { /*TODO [Throws] Selection? getSelection(); */ }; // Extension to give chrome JS the ability to determine whether // the user has interacted with the document or not. partial interface Document { [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean userHasInteracted; }; // Extension to give chrome JS the ability to simulate activate the docuement // by user gesture. partial interface Document { [ChromeOnly] void notifyUserGestureActivation(); }; // Extension to give chrome and XBL JS the ability to determine whether // the document is sandboxed without permission to run scripts // and whether inline scripts are blocked by the document's CSP. /*Non standard partial interface Document { [Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean hasScriptsBlockedBySandbox; [Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean inlineScriptAllowedByCSP; }; */ // For more information on Flash classification, see // toolkit/components/url-classifier/flash-block-lists.rst enum FlashClassification { "unclassified", // Denotes a classification that has not yet been computed. // Allows for lazy classification. "unknown", // Site is not on the whitelist or blacklist "allowed", // Site is on the Flash whitelist "denied" // Site is on the Flash blacklist }; partial interface Document { [ChromeOnly] readonly attribute FlashClassification documentFlashClassification; }; Document implements XPathEvaluator; Document implements GlobalEventHandlers; Document implements DocumentAndElementEventHandlers; Document implements TouchEventHandlers; Document implements ParentNode; Document implements OnErrorEventHandlerForNodes; Document implements GeometryUtils; Document implements FontFaceSource; Document implements DocumentOrShadowRoot;