use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use backend; use backend::util::{ident_ty, leading_colon_path_ty, raw_ident, rust_ident}; use heck::{CamelCase, SnakeCase}; use proc_macro2::Ident; use syn; use weedle; use weedle::attribute::{ExtendedAttributeList, ExtendedAttribute}; use weedle::argument::Argument; use weedle::literal::{ConstValue, FloatLit, IntegerLit}; use first_pass::{self, FirstPassRecord}; use idl_type::{IdlType, ToIdlType, flatten}; /// Take a type and create an immutable shared reference to that type. pub(crate) fn shared_ref(ty: syn::Type) -> syn::Type { syn::TypeReference { and_token: Default::default(), lifetime: None, mutability: None, elem: Box::new(ty), }.into() } /// Fix camelcase of identifiers like HTMLBRElement pub fn camel_case_ident(identifier: &str) -> String { identifier.replace("HTML", "HTML_").to_camel_case() } // Returns a link to MDN pub fn mdn_doc(class: &str, method: Option<&str>) -> String { let mut link = format!("{}", class); if let Some(method) = method { link.push_str(&format!("/{}", method)); } format!("[Documentation]({})", link).into() } // Array type is borrowed for arguments (`&[T]`) and owned for return value (`Vec`). pub(crate) fn array(base_ty: &str, pos: TypePosition) -> syn::Type { match pos { TypePosition::Argument => { shared_ref(slice_ty(ident_ty(raw_ident(base_ty)))) } TypePosition::Return => { vec_ty(ident_ty(raw_ident(base_ty))) } } } /// Map a webidl const value to the correct wasm-bindgen const value pub fn webidl_const_v_to_backend_const_v(v: &ConstValue) -> backend::ast::ConstValue { use std::f64::{NEG_INFINITY, INFINITY, NAN}; use backend::ast; match *v { ConstValue::Boolean(b) => ast::ConstValue::BooleanLiteral(b.0), ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::NegInfinity(_)) => { ast::ConstValue::FloatLiteral(NEG_INFINITY) } ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::Infinity(_)) => { ast::ConstValue::FloatLiteral(INFINITY) } ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::NaN(_)) => { ast::ConstValue::FloatLiteral(NAN) } ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::Value(s)) => { ast::ConstValue::FloatLiteral(s.0.parse().unwrap()) } ConstValue::Integer(lit) => { let mklit = |orig_text: &str, base: u32, offset: usize| { let (negative, text) = if orig_text.starts_with("-") { (true, &orig_text[1..]) } else { (false, orig_text) }; if text == "0" { return ast::ConstValue::SignedIntegerLiteral(0) } let text = &text[offset..]; let n = u64::from_str_radix(text, base) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("literal too big: {}", orig_text)); if negative { let n = if n > (i64::min_value() as u64).wrapping_neg() { panic!("literal too big: {}", orig_text) } else { n.wrapping_neg() as i64 }; ast::ConstValue::SignedIntegerLiteral(n) } else { ast::ConstValue::UnsignedIntegerLiteral(n) } }; match lit { IntegerLit::Hex(h) => mklit(h.0, 16, 2), // leading 0x IntegerLit::Oct(h) => mklit(h.0, 8, 1), // leading 0 IntegerLit::Dec(h) => mklit(h.0, 10, 0), } } ConstValue::Null(_) => ast::ConstValue::Null, } } /// From `ident` and `Ty`, create `ident: Ty` for use in e.g. `fn(ident: Ty)`. fn simple_fn_arg(ident: Ident, ty: syn::Type) -> syn::ArgCaptured { syn::ArgCaptured { pat: syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent { by_ref: None, mutability: None, ident, subpat: None, }), colon_token: Default::default(), ty, } } /// Create `()`. fn unit_ty() -> syn::Type { syn::Type::Tuple(syn::TypeTuple { paren_token: Default::default(), elems: syn::punctuated::Punctuated::new(), }) } /// From `T` create `Result`. fn result_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type { let js_value = leading_colon_path_ty(vec![rust_ident("wasm_bindgen"), rust_ident("JsValue")]); let arguments = syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments { colon2_token: None, lt_token: Default::default(), args: FromIterator::from_iter(vec![ syn::GenericArgument::Type(t), syn::GenericArgument::Type(js_value), ]), gt_token: Default::default(), }); let ident = raw_ident("Result"); let seg = syn::PathSegment { ident, arguments }; let path: syn::Path = seg.into(); let ty = syn::TypePath { qself: None, path }; ty.into() } /// From `T` create `[T]`. pub(crate) fn slice_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type { syn::TypeSlice { bracket_token: Default::default(), elem: Box::new(t), }.into() } /// From `T` create `Vec`. pub(crate) fn vec_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type { let arguments = syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments { colon2_token: None, lt_token: Default::default(), args: FromIterator::from_iter(vec![ syn::GenericArgument::Type(t), ]), gt_token: Default::default(), }); let ident = raw_ident("Vec"); let seg = syn::PathSegment { ident, arguments }; let path: syn::Path = seg.into(); let ty = syn::TypePath { qself: None, path }; ty.into() } /// From `T` create `Option` pub(crate) fn option_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type { let arguments = syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments { colon2_token: None, lt_token: Default::default(), args: FromIterator::from_iter(vec![syn::GenericArgument::Type(t)]), gt_token: Default::default(), }); let ident = raw_ident("Option"); let seg = syn::PathSegment { ident, arguments }; let path: syn::Path = seg.into(); let ty = syn::TypePath { qself: None, path }; ty.into() } /// Possible positions for a type in a function signature. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum TypePosition { Argument, Return, } impl<'src> FirstPassRecord<'src> { /// Create a wasm-bindgen function, if possible. pub fn create_function( &self, name: &str, overloaded: bool, same_argument_names: bool, arguments: &[(&str, IdlType<'src>, bool)], ret: IdlType<'src>, kind: backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind, structural: bool, catch: bool, doc_comment: Option, ) -> Vec { let rust_name = if overloaded && !arguments.is_empty() { let mut argument_type_names = String::new(); for argument in arguments { if argument_type_names.len() > 0 { argument_type_names.push_str("_and_"); } if same_argument_names { argument.1.push_type_name(&mut argument_type_names); } else { argument_type_names.push_str(&argument.0.to_snake_case()); } } if name == "new" { "with_".to_owned() + &argument_type_names } else { name.to_snake_case() + "_with_" + &argument_type_names } } else { name.to_snake_case() }; let ret = match ret { IdlType::Void => None, ret @ _ => { match ret.to_syn_type(TypePosition::Return) { None => { warn!( "Unsupported return type: {:?} on {:?}", ret, rust_name ); return Vec::new(); }, Some(ret) => Some(ret), } }, }; let js_ret = ret.clone(); let ret = if catch { Some(ret.map_or_else(|| result_ty(unit_ty()), result_ty)) } else { ret }; let converted_arguments = arguments .iter() .cloned() .map(|(_name, idl_type, optional)| (idl_type, optional)) .collect::>(); let possibilities = flatten(&converted_arguments); let mut arguments_count_multiple = BTreeMap::new(); for idl_types in &possibilities { arguments_count_multiple .entry(idl_types.len()) .and_modify(|variants_count| { *variants_count = true; }) .or_insert(false); } let mut import_functions = Vec::new(); 'outer: for idl_types in &possibilities { let rust_name = if possibilities.len() > 1 { let mut rust_name = rust_name.clone(); let mut first = true; let iter = arguments.iter().zip(idl_types).enumerate(); for (i, ((argument_name, _, _), idl_type)) in iter { if possibilities.iter().all(|p| p.get(i) == Some(idl_type)) { continue } if first { rust_name.push_str("_with_"); first = false; } else { rust_name.push_str("_and_"); } if arguments_count_multiple[&idl_types.len()] { idl_type.push_type_name(&mut rust_name); } else { rust_name.push_str(&argument_name.to_snake_case()); } } rust_name } else { rust_name.clone() }; let rust_name = rust_ident(&rust_name); let shim = { let ns = match kind { backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => "", backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref class, .. } => class, }; raw_ident(&format!("__widl_f_{}_{}", rust_name, ns)) }; let mut args_captured = if let &backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref ty, kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation( backend::ast::Operation { is_static: false, .. } ), .. } = &kind { let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(idl_types.len() + 1); res.push(simple_fn_arg(raw_ident("self_"), shared_ref(ty.clone()))); res } else { Vec::with_capacity(idl_types.len()) }; for ((argument_name, _, _), idl_type) in arguments.iter().zip(idl_types) { let syn_type = if let Some(syn_type) = idl_type.to_syn_type(TypePosition::Argument) { syn_type } else { warn!( "Unsupported argument type: {:?} on {:?}", idl_type, rust_name ); continue 'outer; }; let argument_name = rust_ident(&argument_name.to_snake_case()); args_captured.push(simple_fn_arg(argument_name, syn_type)); } import_functions.push(backend::ast::ImportFunction { function: backend::ast::Function { name: name.to_string(), arguments: args_captured, ret: ret.clone(), rust_attrs: vec![], rust_vis: public(), }, rust_name, js_ret: js_ret.clone(), catch, structural, kind: kind.clone(), shim, doc_comment: doc_comment.clone(), }) } import_functions } /// Convert arguments to ones suitable crating function pub(crate) fn convert_arguments( &self, arguments: &[weedle::argument::Argument<'src>], ) -> Option, bool)>> { let mut converted_arguments = Vec::with_capacity(arguments.len()); for argument in arguments { let name = match argument { Argument::Single(single) => single.identifier.0, Argument::Variadic(variadic) => variadic.identifier.0, }; let ty = match argument { Argument::Single(single) => &single.type_.type_, Argument::Variadic(variadic) => &variadic.type_, }; let idl_type = ty.to_idl_type(self)?; let optional = match argument { Argument::Single(single) => single.optional.is_some(), Argument::Variadic(_variadic) => false, }; converted_arguments.push((name, idl_type, optional)); } Some(converted_arguments) } /// Create a wasm-bindgen method, if possible. pub fn create_basic_method( &self, arguments: &[Argument], operation_id: first_pass::OperationId, return_type: &weedle::types::ReturnType, self_name: &str, is_static: bool, structural: bool, catch: bool, ) -> Vec { let (overloaded, same_argument_names) = self.get_operation_overloading( arguments, &operation_id, self_name, false, ); let name = match &operation_id { first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"), first_pass::OperationId::Operation(name) => match name { None => { warn!("Unsupported unnamed operation: {:?}", operation_id); return Vec::new(); } Some(name) => name, }, first_pass::OperationId::IndexingGetter => "get", first_pass::OperationId::IndexingSetter => "set", first_pass::OperationId::IndexingDeleter => "delete", }; let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class: self_name.to_string(), ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(&self_name).as_str())), kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation { is_static, kind: match &operation_id { first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"), first_pass::OperationId::Operation(_) => backend::ast::OperationKind::Regular, first_pass::OperationId::IndexingGetter => backend::ast::OperationKind::IndexingGetter, first_pass::OperationId::IndexingSetter => backend::ast::OperationKind::IndexingSetter, first_pass::OperationId::IndexingDeleter => backend::ast::OperationKind::IndexingDeleter, }, }), }; let ret = match return_type.to_idl_type(self) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(idl_type) => idl_type, }; let doc_comment = match &operation_id { first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"), first_pass::OperationId::Operation(_) => Some( format!( "The `{}()` method\n\n{}", name, mdn_doc(self_name, Some(&name)) ) ), first_pass::OperationId::IndexingGetter => Some("The indexing getter\n\n".to_string()), first_pass::OperationId::IndexingSetter => Some("The indexing setter\n\n".to_string()), first_pass::OperationId::IndexingDeleter => Some("The indexing deleter\n\n".to_string()), }; let arguments = match self.convert_arguments(arguments) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(arguments) => arguments }; self.create_function( &name, overloaded, same_argument_names, &arguments, ret, kind, structural, catch, doc_comment, ) } /// Whether operation is overloaded and /// whether there overloads with same argument names for given argument types pub fn get_operation_overloading( &self, arguments: &[Argument], operation_id: &first_pass::OperationId, self_name: &str, namespace: bool, ) -> (bool, bool) { fn get_operation_data<'src>( record: &'src FirstPassRecord, operation_id: &'src ::first_pass::OperationId, self_name: &str, mixin_name: &str, ) -> Option<&'src ::first_pass::OperationData<'src>> { if let Some(mixin_data) = record.mixins.get(mixin_name) { if let Some(operation_data) = mixin_data.operations.get(operation_id) { return Some(operation_data); } } if let Some(mixin_names) = record.includes.get(mixin_name) { for mixin_name in mixin_names { if let Some(operation_data) = get_operation_data(record, operation_id, self_name, mixin_name) { return Some(operation_data); } } } None } let operation_data = if !namespace { self .interfaces .get(self_name) .and_then(|interface_data| interface_data.operations.get(operation_id)) .unwrap_or_else(|| get_operation_data(self, operation_id, self_name, self_name) .expect(&format!("not found operation {:?} in interface {}", operation_id, self_name)) ) } else { self .namespaces .get(self_name) .and_then(|interface_data| interface_data.operations.get(operation_id)) .expect(&format!("not found operation {:?} in namespace {}", operation_id, self_name)) }; let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(arguments.len()); for argument in arguments { match argument { Argument::Single(single) => names.push(single.identifier.0), Argument::Variadic(variadic) => names.push(variadic.identifier.0), } } ( operation_data.overloaded, *operation_data .argument_names_same .get(&names) .unwrap_or(&false) ) } /// Create a wasm-bindgen operation (free function with no `self` type), if possible. pub fn create_namespace_operation( &self, arguments: &[weedle::argument::Argument], operation_name: Option<&str>, return_type: &weedle::types::ReturnType, self_name: &str, catch: bool, ) -> Vec { let (overloaded, same_argument_names) = self.get_operation_overloading( arguments, &first_pass::OperationId::Operation(operation_name), self_name, true, ); let name = match operation_name { Some(name) => name.to_string(), None => { warn!("Unsupported unnamed operation: on {:?}", self_name); return Vec::new(); } }; let ret = match return_type.to_idl_type(self) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(idl_type) => idl_type, }; let doc_comment = Some( format!( "The `{}.{}()` function\n\n{}", self_name, name, mdn_doc(self_name, Some(&name)) ) ); let arguments = match self.convert_arguments(arguments) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(arguments) => arguments }; self.create_function( &name, overloaded, same_argument_names, &arguments, ret, backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal, false, catch, doc_comment, ) } /// Create a wasm-bindgen getter method, if possible. pub fn create_getter( &self, name: &str, ty: &weedle::types::Type, self_name: &str, is_static: bool, is_structural: bool, catch: bool, ) -> Vec { let ret = match ty.to_idl_type(self) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(idl_type) => idl_type, }; let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class: self_name.to_string(), ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(&self_name).as_str())), kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation { is_static, kind: backend::ast::OperationKind::Getter(Some(raw_ident(name))), }), }; let doc_comment = Some(format!("The `{}` getter\n\n{}", name, mdn_doc(self_name, Some(name)))); self.create_function(name, false, false, &[], ret, kind, is_structural, catch, doc_comment) } /// Create a wasm-bindgen setter method, if possible. pub fn create_setter( &self, name: &str, ty: weedle::types::Type, self_name: &str, is_static: bool, is_structural: bool, catch: bool, ) -> Vec { let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { class: self_name.to_string(), ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(&self_name).as_str())), kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation { is_static, kind: backend::ast::OperationKind::Setter(Some(raw_ident(name))), }), }; let doc_comment = Some(format!("The `{}` setter\n\n{}", name, mdn_doc(self_name, Some(name)))); self.create_function( &format!("set_{}", name), false, false, &[( name, match ty.to_idl_type(self) { None => return Vec::new(), Some(idl_type) => idl_type, }, false, )], IdlType::Void, kind, is_structural, catch, doc_comment, ) } } /// Search for an attribute by name in some webidl object's attributes. fn has_named_attribute(list: &Option, attribute: &str) -> bool { let list = match list { Some(list) => list, None => return false, }; list.body.list.iter().any(|attr| match attr { ExtendedAttribute::NoArgs(name) => (name.0).0 == attribute, _ => false, }) } /// ChromeOnly is for things that are only exposed to privileged code in Firefox. pub fn is_chrome_only(ext_attrs: &Option) -> bool { has_named_attribute(ext_attrs, "ChromeOnly") } /// Whether a webidl object is marked as a no interface object. pub fn is_no_interface_object(ext_attrs: &Option) -> bool { has_named_attribute(ext_attrs, "NoInterfaceObject") } /// Whether a webidl object is marked as structural. pub fn is_structural(attrs: &Option) -> bool { has_named_attribute(attrs, "Unforgeable") } /// Whether a webidl object is marked as throwing. pub fn throws(attrs: &Option) -> bool { has_named_attribute(attrs, "Throws") } /// Create a syn `pub` token pub fn public() -> syn::Visibility { syn::Visibility::Public(syn::VisPublic { pub_token: Default::default(), }) }