# Without a Bundler Using `--target no-modules` [View documentation for this example online][dox] [dox]: https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/wasm-bindgen/examples/without-a-bundler.html You can build the example locally with: ``` $ wasm-pack build --target no-modules ``` and then opening `index.html` in a browser should run the example! Note that this example is in contrast to the [without a bundler][wab] example which performs a similar purpose except it uses `--target no-modules` instead of `--target web`. The main difference here is how the shim JS and module are loaded, where this example uses old-school `script` tags while `--target web` uses ES modules. [wab]: https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/tree/master/examples/without-a-bundler