This commit adds a `#[wasm_bindgen(version = "...")]` attribute support. This
information is eventually written into a `__wasm_pack_unstable` section.
Currently this is a strawman for the proposal in ashleygwilliams/wasm-pack#101
Turns out there was a bug when passing a vector of `JsValue` instances back to
JS all objects were leaked rather than correctly removed from the global slab.
This commit fixes how the `getArrayJsValueFromWasm` function is defined to
correctly iterate over the slice by looking at the values rather than the
Add support for `#[wasm_bindgen(readonly)]` which indicates that an exported
struct field is readonly and attempting to set it in JS will throw an exception.
Automatically infer public struct fields as "JS wants to access this" and
generate appropriate getters/setters for the field. At this time the field is
required to implement `Copy`, but we will probably want to relax that in the
future to at least encompass `JsValue` and maybe other `Clone` values as well.
This commit adds support for both `#![no_std]` in the wasm-bindgen runtime
support (disabled by default with an on-by-default `std` feature). This also
adds support to work and compile in the context of `#![no_std]` crates.
This commit adds support for closures with arguments like strings and such. In
other words, closures passed to JS can now have the same suite of arguments as
all functions that can be exported from Rust, as one might expect!
At this time due to the way trait objects work closures still cannot use types
with references like `&str`, but bare values like `String` or `ImportedType`
should work just fine.
This commit adds support for passing `&mut FnMut(..)` to JS via imports. These
closures cannot be invoked recursively in JS (they invalidate themselves while
they're being invoked) and otherwise work the same as `&Fn(..)` closures.
Nowadays the compile times are mitigated with incremental compilation and
otherwise it's much more ergonomic to run only one test if they're all in the
same suite.
This commit starts wasm-bindgen down the path of supporting closures. We
discussed this at the recent Rust All-Hands but I ended up needing to pretty
significantly scale back the ambitions of what closures are supported. This
commit is just the initial support and provides only a small amount of support
but will hopefully provide a good basis for future implementations.
Specifically this commit adds support for passing `&Fn(...)` to an *imported
function*, but nothing elese. The `&Fn` type can have any lifetime and the JS
object is invalidated as soon as the import returns. The arguments and return
value of `Fn` must currently implement the `WasmAbi` trait, aka they can't
require any conversions like strings/types/etc.
I'd like to soon expand this to `&mut FnMut` as well as `'static` closures that
can be passed around for a long time in JS, but for now I'm putting that off
until later. I'm not currently sure how to implement richer argument types, but
hopefully that can be figured out at some point!
This commit leverages two new attributes in the Rust compiler,
`#[wasm_custom_section]` and `#[wasm_import_module]`. These two attributes allow
removing a lot of hacks found in wasm-bindgen and also allows removing the
requirement of `wasm-opt` to remove the unused data sections.
This does require two new nightly features but we already required the
`proc_macro` nightly feature and these will hopefully be stabilized before that
This'll allow binding multiple signatures of a JS function as well as otherwise
changing the name of the JS function you're calling from the Rust function that
you're defining.
This attribute indicates that methods are to be accessed in a structural method
rather than through their class. This should allow direct access to properties
embedded on objects rather than forcing all objects to have a class/prototype.
Along the way remove the namespace in Rust as this ended up causing too many
problems, alas! The `js_namespace` attribute now almost exclusively modifies the
JS bindings, hence the "js" in the name now.
This commit renames the `static` attribute to `namespace` and simultaneously
reduces and expands the scope. The `namespace` attribute can now be applied to
all imports in addition to functions, and it no longer recognizes full typed
paths but rather just a bare identifier. The `namespace` attribute will generate
a Rust namespace to invoke the item through if one doesn't already exist (aka
bindign a type).
Building on the previous commit to invoke not invoke `npm install` this takes
the commit a step further (to hopefully fix some races) to use Webpack's native
bundled wasm support.
It turns out the circular dependencies between the wasm module and the module
using it wasn't quite working out so a number of imports had to be tweaked, but
otherwise it's a nice transition where we don't have to base64 encode anything
in tests any more!