Turns out #1704 was buggy and ended up never injecting initialization
because the anyref table was never present! This fixes that issue and
this should now be tested on CI to ensure this doesn't regress and
future changes preserve correctness
This commit updates `wasm-bindgen` to the latest version of `walrus`
which transforms all internal IR representations to a list-based IR
instead of a tree-based IR. This isn't a major change other than
cosmetic for `wasm-bindgen` itself, but involves a lot of changes to the
threads/anyref passes.
This commit also updates our CI configuration to actually run all the
anyref tests on CI. This is done by downloading a nightly build of
node.js which is theorized to continue to be there for awhile until the
full support makes its way into releases.
With more than two anyref stack arguments we were accidentally storing
the anyref values one higher in the stack than intended, so fix this
off-by-one by switching up some addition logic.
This functionality got lost in recent refactorings for WebIDL bindings
unfortunately, so this commit touches things up to ensure that the
anyref table initialization in anyref-mode is hooked up correctly, even
when tests are enabled. This invovled moving injection of the start
function to the webidl processing pass and ensuring its intrinsic is
registered in the internal maps of wasm-bindgen.
Ensure that we enable the new `parallel` feature in the CLI so our tools all use
parallelized parsing, but none of our specific crates need it for usage.
This commit updates the `walrus` dependency with recent upstream API
changes in `walrus` itself, namely updates to passive segements and how
memory data segments are handled
This commit reimplements the `anyref` transformation pass tasked with
taking raw rustc output and enhancing the module to use `anyref`. This
was disabled in the previous commits during refactoring, and now the
pass is re-enabled in the manner originally intended.
Instead of being tangled up in the `js/mod.rs` pass, the anyref
transformation now happens locally within one module,
`cli-support/src/anyref.rs`, which exclusively uses the output of the
`webidl` module which produces a WebIDL bindings section as well as an
auxiliary wasm-bindgen specific section. This makes the anyref transform
much more straightforward and local, ensuring that it doesn't propagate
elsewhere and can be a largely local concern during the transformation.
The main addition needed to support this pass was detailed knowledge of
the ABI of a `Descriptor`. This knowledge is already implicitly
hardcoded in `js2rust.rs` and `rust2js.rs` through the ABI shims
generated. This was previously used for the anyref transformation to
piggy-back what was already there, but as a separate pass we are unable
to reuse the knowledge in the binding generator.
Instead `Descriptor` now has two dedicated methods describing the
various ABI properties of a type. This is then asserted to be correct
(all the time) when processing bindings, ensuring that the two are kept
in sync.
Most of the CLI crates were already in the 2018 edition, and it turns
out that one of the macro crates was already in the 2018 edition so we
may as well move everything to the 2018 edition!
Always nice to remove those `extern crate` statements nowadays!
This commit also does a `cargo fmt --all` to make sure we're conforming
with style again.
This commit adds experimental support to `wasm-bindgen` to emit and
leverage the `anyref` native wasm type. This native type is still in a
proposal status (the reference-types proposal). The intention of
`anyref` is to be able to directly hold JS values in wasm and pass the
to imported functions, namely to empower eventual host bindings (now
renamed WebIDL bindings) integration where we can skip JS shims
altogether for many imports.
This commit doesn't actually affect wasm-bindgen's behavior at all
as-is, but rather this support requires an opt-in env var to be
configured. Once the support is stable in browsers it's intended that
this will add a CLI switch for turning on this support, eventually
defaulting it to `true` in the far future.
The basic strategy here is to take the `stack` and `slab` globals in the
generated JS glue and move them into wasm using a table. This new table
in wasm is managed at the fringes via injected shims. At
`wasm-bindgen`-time the CLI will rewrite exports and imports with shims
that actually use `anyref` if needed, performing loads/stores inside the
wasm module instead of externally in the wasm module.
This should provide a boost over what we have today, but it's not a
fantastic strategy long term. We have a more grand vision for `anyref`
being a first-class type in the language, but that's on a much longer
horizon and this is currently thought to be the best we can do in terms
of integration in the near future.
The stack/heap JS tables are combined into one wasm table. The stack
starts at the end of the table and grows down with a stack pointer (also
injected). The heap starts at the end and grows up (state managed in
linear memory). The anyref transformation here will hook up various
intrinsics in wasm-bindgen to the runtime functionality if the anyref
supoprt is enabled.
The main tricky treatment here was applied to closures, where we need JS
to use a different function pointer than the one Rust gives it to use a
JS function pointer empowered with anyref. This works by switching up a
bit how descriptors work, embedding the shims to call inside descriptors
rather than communicated at runtime. This means that we're accessing
constant values in the generated JS and we can just update the constant
value accessed.