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synced 2025-03-16 02:00:51 +00:00
Merge pull request #1417 from alexcrichton/closure-ref
Support 1-reference argument closures
This commit is contained in:
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ where
/// This trait is not stable and it's not recommended to use this in bounds or
/// implement yourself.
pub unsafe trait WasmClosure: 'static {
pub unsafe trait WasmClosure {
fn describe();
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ macro_rules! doit {
)*) => ($(
unsafe impl<$($var,)* R> WasmClosure for Fn($($var),*) -> R
unsafe impl<$($var,)* R> WasmClosure for Fn($($var),*) -> R + 'static
where $($var: FromWasmAbi + 'static,)*
R: ReturnWasmAbi + 'static,
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ macro_rules! doit {
unsafe impl<$($var,)* R> WasmClosure for FnMut($($var),*) -> R
unsafe impl<$($var,)* R> WasmClosure for FnMut($($var),*) -> R + 'static
where $($var: FromWasmAbi + 'static,)*
R: ReturnWasmAbi + 'static,
@ -696,3 +696,148 @@ doit! {
(A B C D E F)
(A B C D E F G)
// Copy the above impls down here for where there's only one argument and it's a
// reference. We could add more impls for more kinds of references, but it
// becomes a combinatorial explosion quickly. Let's see how far we can get with
// just this one! Maybe someone else can figure out voodoo so we don't have to
// duplicate.
unsafe impl<A, R> WasmClosure for Fn(&A) -> R
where A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi + 'static,
fn describe() {
unsafe extern "C" fn invoke<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
arg: <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Make sure all stack variables are converted before we
// convert `ret` as it may throw (for `Result`, for
// example)
let ret = {
let f: *const Fn(&A) -> R =
FatPtr { fields: (a, b) }.ptr;
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let arg = <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::ref_from_abi(arg, &mut _stack);
ret.return_abi(&mut GlobalStack::new())
inform(invoke::<A, R> as u32);
unsafe extern fn destroy<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
) {
debug_assert!(a != 0, "should never destroy a Fn whose pointer is 0");
drop(Box::from_raw(FatPtr::<Fn(&A) -> R> {
fields: (a, b)
inform(destroy::<A, R> as u32);
unsafe impl<A, R> WasmClosure for FnMut(&A) -> R
where A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi + 'static,
fn describe() {
unsafe extern "C" fn invoke<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
arg: <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Make sure all stack variables are converted before we
// convert `ret` as it may throw (for `Result`, for
// example)
let ret = {
let f: *const FnMut(&A) -> R =
FatPtr { fields: (a, b) }.ptr;
let f = f as *mut FnMut(&A) -> R;
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let arg = <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::ref_from_abi(arg, &mut _stack);
ret.return_abi(&mut GlobalStack::new())
inform(invoke::<A, R> as u32);
unsafe extern fn destroy<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
) {
debug_assert!(a != 0, "should never destroy a FnMut whose pointer is 0");
drop(Box::from_raw(FatPtr::<FnMut(&A) -> R> {
fields: (a, b)
inform(destroy::<A, R> as u32);
<&mut Self>::describe();
impl<T, A, R> WasmClosureFnOnce<(&A,), R> for T
where T: 'static + FnOnce(&A) -> R,
A: RefFromWasmAbi + 'static,
R: ReturnWasmAbi + 'static
type FnMut = FnMut(&A) -> R;
fn into_fn_mut(self) -> Box<Self::FnMut> {
let mut me = Some(self);
Box::new(move |arg| {
let me = me.take().expect_throw("FnOnce called more than once");
fn into_js_function(self) -> JsValue {
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::__rt::WasmRefCell;
let mut me = Some(self);
let rc1 = Rc::new(WasmRefCell::new(None));
let rc2 = rc1.clone();
let closure = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |arg: &A| {
// Invoke ourself and get the result.
let me = me.take().expect_throw("FnOnce called more than once");
let result = me(arg);
// And then drop the `Rc` holding this function's `Closure`
// alive.
debug_assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc2), 1);
let option_closure = rc2.borrow_mut().take();
}) as Box<FnMut(&A) -> R>);
let js_val = closure.as_ref().clone();
*rc1.borrow_mut() = Some(closure);
debug_assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc1), 2);
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ use core::mem;
use crate::convert::slices::WasmSlice;
use crate::convert::{FromWasmAbi, GlobalStack, IntoWasmAbi, ReturnWasmAbi, Stack};
use crate::convert::RefFromWasmAbi;
use crate::describe::{inform, WasmDescribe, FUNCTION};
use crate::throw_str;
@ -117,3 +118,97 @@ stack_closures! {
(6 invoke6 invoke6_mut A B C D E F)
(7 invoke7 invoke7_mut A B C D E F G)
impl<'a, 'b, A, R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a (Fn(&A) -> R + 'b)
where A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
WasmSlice { ptr: a as u32, len: b as u32 }
unsafe extern "C" fn invoke1_ref<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
arg: <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Scope all local variables before we call `return_abi` to
// ensure they're all destroyed as `return_abi` may throw
let ret = {
let f: &Fn(&A) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let arg = <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::ref_from_abi(arg, &mut _stack);
ret.return_abi(&mut GlobalStack::new())
impl<'a, A, R> WasmDescribe for Fn(&A) -> R + 'a
where A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi,
fn describe() {
inform(invoke1_ref::<A, R> as u32);
<&A as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
impl<'a, 'b, A, R> IntoWasmAbi for &'a mut (FnMut(&A) -> R + 'b)
where A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi
type Abi = WasmSlice;
fn into_abi(self, _extra: &mut Stack) -> WasmSlice {
unsafe {
let (a, b): (usize, usize) = mem::transmute(self);
WasmSlice { ptr: a as u32, len: b as u32 }
unsafe extern "C" fn invoke1_mut_ref<A: RefFromWasmAbi, R: ReturnWasmAbi>(
a: usize,
b: usize,
arg: <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::Abi,
) -> <R as ReturnWasmAbi>::Abi {
if a == 0 {
throw_str("closure invoked recursively or destroyed already");
// Scope all local variables before we call `return_abi` to
// ensure they're all destroyed as `return_abi` may throw
let ret = {
let f: &mut FnMut(&A) -> R = mem::transmute((a, b));
let mut _stack = GlobalStack::new();
let arg = <A as RefFromWasmAbi>::ref_from_abi(arg, &mut _stack);
ret.return_abi(&mut GlobalStack::new())
impl<'a, A, R> WasmDescribe for FnMut(&A) -> R + 'a
where A: RefFromWasmAbi,
R: ReturnWasmAbi
fn describe() {
inform(invoke1_mut_ref::<A, R> as u32);
<&A as WasmDescribe>::describe();
<R as WasmDescribe>::describe();
@ -113,3 +113,9 @@ exports.calling_it_throws = a => {
exports.call_val = f => f();
exports.pass_reference_first_arg_twice = (a, b, c) => {
@ -90,6 +90,18 @@ extern "C" {
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = calling_it_throws)]
fn call_val_throws(f: &JsValue) -> bool;
fn pass_reference_first_arg_twice(
a: RefFirstArgument,
b: &Closure<FnMut(&RefFirstArgument)>,
c: &Closure<FnMut(&RefFirstArgument)>,
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = pass_reference_first_arg_twice)]
fn pass_reference_first_arg_twice2(
a: RefFirstArgument,
b: &mut FnMut(&RefFirstArgument),
c: &mut FnMut(&RefFirstArgument),
@ -439,3 +451,74 @@ fn test_closure_returner() {
pub struct RefFirstArgument {
contents: u32,
fn reference_as_first_argument_builds_at_all() {
extern "C" {
fn ref_first_arg1(a: &Fn(&JsValue));
fn ref_first_arg2(a: &mut FnMut(&JsValue));
fn ref_first_arg3(a: &Closure<Fn(&JsValue)>);
fn ref_first_arg4(a: &Closure<FnMut(&JsValue)>);
fn ref_first_custom1(a: &Fn(&RefFirstArgument));
fn ref_first_custom2(a: &mut FnMut(&RefFirstArgument));
fn ref_first_custom3(a: &Closure<Fn(&RefFirstArgument)>);
fn ref_first_custom4(a: &Closure<FnMut(&RefFirstArgument)>);
Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: &JsValue| ()) as Box<Fn(&JsValue)>);
Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: &JsValue| ()) as Box<FnMut(&JsValue)>);
Closure::once(|_: &JsValue| ());
Closure::once_into_js(|_: &JsValue| ());
Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: &RefFirstArgument| ()) as Box<Fn(&RefFirstArgument)>);
Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: &RefFirstArgument| ()) as Box<FnMut(&RefFirstArgument)>);
Closure::once(|_: &RefFirstArgument| ());
Closure::once_into_js(|_: &RefFirstArgument| ());
fn reference_as_first_argument_works() {
let a = Rc::new(Cell::new(0));
let b = {
let a = a.clone();
Closure::once(move |x: &RefFirstArgument| {
assert_eq!(a.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(x.contents, 3);
a.set(a.get() + 1);
let c = {
let a = a.clone();
Closure::once(move |x: &RefFirstArgument| {
assert_eq!(a.get(), 1);
assert_eq!(x.contents, 3);
a.set(a.get() + 1);
pass_reference_first_arg_twice(RefFirstArgument { contents: 3 }, &b, &c);
assert_eq!(a.get(), 2);
fn reference_as_first_argument_works2() {
let a = Cell::new(0);
RefFirstArgument { contents: 3 },
&mut |x: &RefFirstArgument| {
assert_eq!(a.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(x.contents, 3);
a.set(a.get() + 1);
&mut |x: &RefFirstArgument| {
assert_eq!(a.get(), 1);
assert_eq!(x.contents, 3);
a.set(a.get() + 1);
assert_eq!(a.get(), 2);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user