Merge pull request #972 from alexcrichton/bulk-memory

Implement support for WebAssembly threads
This commit is contained in:
Alex Crichton 2018-10-23 11:30:59 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit cb170ef94f
No known key found for this signature in database
19 changed files with 1682 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ matrix:
# All examples work
- rust: nightly
env: JOB=examples-build
name: "examples - almost all examples"
- npm install
- |
for dir in `ls examples | grep -v README | grep -v asm.js | grep -v no_modules`; do
for dir in `ls examples | grep -v README | grep -v asm.js | grep -v raytrace | grep -v no_modules`; do
(cd examples/$dir &&
sed -i "s|: \"webpack-dev-server\"|: \"webpack --output-path $HOME/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER/exbuild/$dir\"|" package.json &&
sed -i 's/npm install//' &&
@ -96,6 +96,21 @@ matrix:
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then aws s3 sync --quiet ~/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER s3://wasm-bindgen-ci/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER; fi
if: branch = master
- rust: nightly
name: "examples - raytracer"
- rustup component add rust-src
- curl -L | tar xzf -
- export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`
- sed -i 's/python/#python/' examples/raytrace-parallel/
- (cd examples/raytrace-parallel && ./
- dst=$HOME/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER/exbuild/raytrace-parallel
- mkdir -p $dst
- cp examples/raytrace-parallel/*.{js,html,wasm} $dst
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then aws s3 sync ~/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER s3://wasm-bindgen-ci/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER; fi
if: branch = master
# The `web-sys` crate's tests pass
- rust: beta

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ members = [

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ base64 = "0.9"
failure = "0.1.2"
parity-wasm = "0.35"
tempfile = "3.0"
wasm-bindgen-shared = { path = "../shared", version = '=0.2.25' }
wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter = { path = "../wasm-interpreter", version = '=0.2.25' }
wasm-bindgen-gc = { path = '../gc', version = '=0.2.25' }
wasm-bindgen-shared = { path = "../shared", version = '=0.2.25' }
wasm-bindgen-threads-xform = { path = '../threads-xform', version = '=0.2.25' }
wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter = { path = "../wasm-interpreter", version = '=0.2.25' }

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use decode;
use failure::{Error, ResultExt};
use parity_wasm::elements::*;
use shared;
use wasm_bindgen_gc;
use gc;
use super::Bindgen;
use descriptor::{Descriptor, VectorKind};
@ -388,12 +388,26 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
self.bind("__wbindgen_module", &|me| {
if !me.config.no_modules {
bail!("`wasm_bindgen::module` is currently only supported with \
function() {{
return addHeapObject(init.__wbindgen_wasm_module);
self.bind("__wbindgen_rethrow", &|me| {
Ok(String::from("function(idx) { throw takeObject(idx); }"))
@ -415,7 +429,76 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
let mut js = if self.config.no_modules {
let mut js = if self.config.threads.is_some() {
// TODO: It's not clear right now how to best use threads with
// bundlers like webpack. We need a way to get the existing
// module/memory into web workers for now and we don't quite know
// idiomatically how to do that! In the meantime, always require
// `--no-modules`
if !self.config.no_modules {
bail!("most use `--no-modules` with threads for now")
self.memory(); // set `memory_limit` if it's not already set
let limits = match &self.memory_init {
Some(l) if l.shared() => l.clone(),
_ => bail!("must impot a shared memory with threads"),
let mut memory = String::from("new WebAssembly.Memory({");
memory.push_str(&format!("initial:{}", limits.initial()));
if let Some(max) = limits.maximum() {
memory.push_str(&format!(",maximum:{}", max));
if limits.shared() {
(function() {{
var wasm;
var memory;
const __exports = {{}};
function init(module_or_path, maybe_memory) {{
let result;
const imports = {{ './{module}': __exports }};
if (module_or_path instanceof WebAssembly.Module) {{
memory = __exports.memory = maybe_memory;
result = WebAssembly.instantiate(module_or_path, imports)
.then(instance => {{
return {{ instance, module: module_or_path }}
}} else {{
memory = __exports.memory = {init_memory};
const response = fetch(module_or_path);
if (typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === 'function') {{
result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, imports);
}} else {{
result = response
.then(r => r.arrayBuffer())
.then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports));
return result.then(({{instance, module}}) => {{
wasm = init.wasm = instance.exports;
init.__wbindgen_wasm_instance = instance;
init.__wbindgen_wasm_module = module;
init.__wbindgen_wasm_memory = __exports.memory;
self.{global_name} = Object.assign(init, __exports);
globals = self.globals,
module = module_name,
global_name = self.config.no_modules_global
.map(|s| &**s)
init_memory = memory,
} else if self.config.no_modules {
(function() {{
@ -637,20 +720,6 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
fn create_memory_export(&mut self) {
let limits = match self.memory_init.clone() {
Some(limits) => limits,
None => return,
let mut initializer = String::from("new WebAssembly.Memory({");
initializer.push_str(&format!("initial:{}", limits.initial()));
if let Some(max) = limits.maximum() {
initializer.push_str(&format!(",maximum:{}", max));
self.export("memory", &initializer, None);
fn rewrite_imports(&mut self, module_name: &str) {
for (name, contents) in self._rewrite_imports(module_name) {
self.export(&name, &contents, None);
@ -1621,7 +1690,7 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
fn gc(&mut self) {
.keep_debug(self.config.keep_debug || self.config.debug)
.run(&mut self.module);
@ -1671,7 +1740,6 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
_ => None,
.expect("must import memory");
assert_eq!(entry.module(), "env");
assert_eq!(entry.field(), "memory");
self.memory_init = Some(mem.limits().clone());

View File

@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
extern crate parity_wasm;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_shared as shared;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_gc;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_gc as gc;
extern crate failure;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_wasm_interpreter as wasm_interpreter;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_threads_xform as threads_xform;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::env;
@ -37,6 +38,9 @@ pub struct Bindgen {
// Experimental support for `WeakRefGroup`, an upcoming ECMAScript feature.
// Currently only enable-able through an env var.
weak_refs: bool,
// Experimental support for the wasm threads proposal, transforms the wasm
// module to be "ready to be instantiated on any thread"
threads: Option<threads_xform::Config>,
enum Input {
@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ impl Bindgen {
demangle: true,
keep_debug: false,
weak_refs: env::var("WASM_BINDGEN_WEAKREF").is_ok(),
threads: threads_config(),
@ -143,6 +148,11 @@ impl Bindgen {
let programs = extract_programs(&mut module, &mut program_storage)
.with_context(|_| "failed to extract wasm-bindgen custom sections")?;
if let Some(cfg) = &self.threads { module)
.with_context(|_| "failed to prepare module for threading")?;
// Here we're actually instantiating the module we've parsed above for
// execution. Why, you might be asking, are we executing wasm code? A
// good question!
@ -447,3 +457,20 @@ fn reset_indentation(s: &str) -> String {
return dst;
// Eventually these will all be CLI options, but while they're unstable features
// they're left as environment variables. We don't guarantee anything about
// backwards-compatibility with these options.
fn threads_config() -> Option<threads_xform::Config> {
if env::var("WASM_BINDGEN_THREADS").is_err() {
return None
let mut cfg = threads_xform::Config::new();
if let Ok(s) = env::var("WASM_BINDGEN_THREADS_MAX_MEMORY") {
if let Ok(s) = env::var("WASM_BINDGEN_THREADS_STACK_SIZE") {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
name = "wasm-bindgen-threads-xform"
version = "0.2.25"
authors = ["The wasm-bindgen Developers"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
description = """
Support for threading-related transformations in wasm-bindgen
parity-wasm = "0.35"
failure = "0.1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
extern crate failure;
extern crate parity_wasm;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use failure::{Error, ResultExt};
use parity_wasm::elements::*;
const PAGE_SIZE: u32 = 1 << 16;
/// Configuration for the transformation pass in this module.
/// Created primarily through `new` and then executed through `run`.
pub struct Config {
maximum_memory: u32,
thread_stack_size: u32,
impl Config {
/// Create a new configuration with default settings.
pub fn new() -> Config {
Config {
maximum_memory: 1 << 30, // 1GB
thread_stack_size: 1 << 20, // 1MB
/// Specify the maximum amount of memory the wasm module can ever have.
/// We'll be specifying that the memory for this wasm module is shared, and
/// all shared memories must have their maximum limit specified (whereas
/// by default Rust/LLVM/LLD don't specify a maximum).
/// The default for this option is 16MB, and this can be used to change
/// the maximum memory we'll be specifying.
/// The `max` argument is in units of bytes.
/// If the maximum memory is already specified this setting won't have any
/// affect.
pub fn maximum_memory(&mut self, max: u32) -> &mut Config {
self.maximum_memory = max;
/// Specify the stack size for all threads spawned.
/// The stack size is typically set by rustc as an argument to LLD and
/// defaults to 1MB for the main thread. All threads spawned by the
/// main thread, however, need to allocate their own stack!
/// This configuration option indicates how large the stack of each child
/// thread will be. This will be allocated as part of the `start` function
/// and will be stored in LLVM's global stack pointer.
pub fn thread_stack_size(&mut self, size: u32) -> &mut Config {
self.thread_stack_size = size;
/// Execute the transformation on the parsed wasm module specified.
/// This function will prepare `Module` to be run on multiple threads,
/// performing steps such as:
/// * All data segments are switched to "passive" data segments to ensure
/// they're only initialized once (coming later)
/// * If memory is exported from this module, it is instead switched to
/// being imported (with the same parameters).
/// * The imported memory is required to be `shared`, ensuring it's backed
/// by a `SharedArrayBuffer` on the web.
/// * A `global` for a thread ID is injected.
/// * Four bytes in linear memory are reserved for the counter of thread
/// IDs.
/// * A `start` function is injected (or prepended if one already exists)
/// which initializes memory for the first thread and otherwise allocates
/// thread ids for all threads.
/// More and/or less may happen here over time, stay tuned!
pub fn run(&self, module: &mut Module) -> Result<(), Error> {
let segments = switch_data_segments_to_passive(module)?;
share_imported_memory_zero(module, self.maximum_memory)?;
let stack_pointer_idx = find_stack_pointer(module)?;
let globals = inject_thread_globals(module);
let addr = inject_thread_id_counter(module)?;
implement_thread_intrinsics(module, &globals)?;
struct PassiveSegment {
idx: u32,
offset: u32,
len: u32,
fn switch_data_segments_to_passive(module: &mut Module)
-> Result<Vec<PassiveSegment>, Error>
// If there's no data, nothing to make passive!
let section = match module.data_section_mut() {
Some(section) => section,
None => return Ok(Vec::new()),
let mut ret = Vec::new();
for (i, segment) in section.entries_mut().iter_mut().enumerate() {
let mut offset = match segment.offset_mut().take() {
Some(offset) => offset,
// already passive ...
None => continue,
let offset = *get_offset(&mut offset)
.with_context(|_| format!("failed to read data segment {}", i))?;
// Flag it as passive after validation, and we've removed the offset via
// `take`, so time to process the next one
*segment.passive_mut() = true;
ret.push(PassiveSegment {
idx: i as u32,
offset: offset as u32,
len: segment.value().len() as u32,
fn get_offset(offset: &mut InitExpr) -> Result<&mut i32, Error> {
if offset.code().len() != 2 || offset.code()[1] != Instruction::End {
bail!("unrecognized offset")
match &mut offset.code_mut()[0] {
Instruction::I32Const(n) => Ok(n),
_ => bail!("unrecognized offset"),
fn import_memory_zero(module: &mut Module)
-> Result<(), Error>
// If memory is exported, let's switch it to imported. If memory isn't
// exported then there's nothing to do as we'll deal with importing it
// later.
let limits = {
let section = match module.memory_section_mut() {
Some(section) => section,
None => return Ok(()),
let limits = match section.entries_mut().pop() {
Some(limits) => limits,
None => return Ok(()),
if section.entries().len() > 0 {
bail!("too many memories in wasm module for this tool to work");
// Remove all memory sections as well as exported memory, we're switching to
// an import
module.sections_mut().retain(|s| {
match s {
Section::Memory(_) => false,
_ => true,
if let Some(s) = module.export_section_mut() {
s.entries_mut().retain(|s| {
match s.internal() {
Internal::Memory(_) => false,
_ => true,
// Add our new import to the import section
let pos = maybe_add_import_section(module);
let imports = match &mut module.sections_mut()[pos] {
Section::Import(s) => s,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Hardcode the field names for now, these are all internal details anyway
let entry = ImportEntry::new(
fn maybe_add_import_section(module: &mut Module) -> usize {
let mut pos = None;
// See this URL for section orderings, but the import section comes just
// after the type section.
for i in 0..module.sections().len() {
match &mut module.sections_mut()[i] {
Section::Type(_) => continue,
Section::Import(_) => return i,
_ => {}
pos = Some(i);
let empty = ImportSection::with_entries(Vec::new());
let section = Section::Import(empty);
let len = module.sections().len();
let pos = pos.unwrap_or_else(|| len - 1);
module.sections_mut().insert(pos, section);
return pos
fn share_imported_memory_zero(module: &mut Module, memory_max: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert!(memory_max % PAGE_SIZE == 0);
// NB: this function assumes `import_memory_zero` has been called first to
// function correctly, which means we should find an imported memory here
// which we can rewrite to be unconditionally shared.
let imports = match module.import_section_mut() {
Some(s) => s,
None => panic!("failed to find an import section"),
for entry in imports.entries_mut() {
let mem = match entry.external_mut() {
External::Memory(m) => m,
_ => continue,
*mem = MemoryType::new(
Some(mem.limits().maximum().unwrap_or(memory_max / PAGE_SIZE)),
return Ok(())
panic!("failed to find an imported memory")
struct Globals {
thread_id: u32,
thread_tcb: u32,
fn inject_thread_globals(module: &mut Module) -> Globals {
let pos = maybe_add_global_section(module);
let globals = match &mut module.sections_mut()[pos] {
Section::Global(s) => s,
_ => unreachable!(),
// First up, our thread ID. The initial expression here isn't actually ever
// used but it's required. All threads will start off by setting this
// global to the thread's id.
GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true),
InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::I32Const(0), Instruction::End]),
// Next up the thread TCB, this is always set to null to start off with.
GlobalType::new(ValueType::I32, true),
InitExpr::new(vec![Instruction::I32Const(0), Instruction::End]),
// ... and note that if either of the above globals isn't actually necessary
// we'll gc it away later.
let len = globals.entries().len() as u32;
Globals {
thread_id: len - 2,
thread_tcb: len - 1,
fn maybe_add_global_section(module: &mut Module) -> usize {
let mut pos = None;
// See this URL for section orderings:
for i in 0..module.sections().len() {
match &mut module.sections_mut()[i] {
Section::Type(_) |
Section::Import(_) |
Section::Function(_) |
Section::Table(_) |
Section::Memory(_) => continue,
Section::Global(_) => return i,
_ => {}
pos = Some(i);
let empty = GlobalSection::with_entries(Vec::new());
let section = Section::Global(empty);
let len = module.sections().len();
let pos = pos.unwrap_or_else(|| len - 1);
module.sections_mut().insert(pos, section);
return pos
fn inject_thread_id_counter(module: &mut Module) -> Result<u32, Error> {
// First up, look for a `__heap_base` export which is injected by LLD as
// part of the linking process. Note that `__heap_base` should in theory be
// *after* the stack and data, which means it's at the very end of the
// address space and should be safe for us to inject 4 bytes of data at.
let heap_base = {
let exports = match module.export_section() {
Some(s) => s,
None => bail!("failed to find `__heap_base` for injecting thread id"),
.filter(|e| e.field() == "__heap_base")
.filter_map(|e| {
match e.internal() {
Internal::Global(idx) => Some(*idx),
_ => None,
let heap_base = match heap_base {
Some(idx) => idx,
None => bail!("failed to find `__heap_base` for injecting thread id"),
// Now we need to bump up `__heap_base` by 4 bytes as we'd like to reserve
// those 4 bytes for our thread id counter. Do lots of validation here to
// make sure that `__heap_base` is an non-mutable integer, and then do
// some logic:
// * We require that `__heap_base` is aligned to 4 as that's what the atomic
// will require anyway.
// * We *may* have to add another page to the minimum for this module. If by
// reserving 4 bytes the heap base now lies on a different page then we
// probably went past our minimum page requirement, so we'll need to
// update our memory limits to add one.
// Otherwise here we'll rewrite the `__heap_base` global's initializer to be
// 4 larger, reserving us those 4 bytes for a thread id counter.
let (address, add_a_page) = {
let globals = match module.global_section_mut() {
Some(s) => s,
None => bail!("failed to find globals section"),
let entry = match globals.entries_mut().get_mut(heap_base as usize) {
Some(i) => i,
None => bail!("the `__heap_base` export index is out of bounds"),
if entry.global_type().content_type() != ValueType::I32 {
bail!("the `__heap_base` global doesn't have the type `i32`");
if entry.global_type().is_mutable() {
bail!("the `__heap_base` global is unexpectedly mutable");
let offset = get_offset(entry.init_expr_mut())?;
let address = (*offset as u32 + 3) & !3; // align up
let add_a_page = (address + 4) / PAGE_SIZE != address / PAGE_SIZE;
*offset = (address + 4) as i32;
(address, add_a_page)
if add_a_page {
// see `inject_thread_id_counter` for why this is used and where it's called
fn add_one_to_imported_memory_limits_minimum(module: &mut Module) {
let imports = match module.import_section_mut() {
Some(s) => s,
None => panic!("failed to find import section"),
for entry in imports.entries_mut() {
let mem = match entry.external_mut() {
External::Memory(m) => m,
_ => continue,
*mem = MemoryType::new(
mem.limits().initial() + 1,
mem.limits().maximum().map(|m| {
if m == mem.limits().initial() {
m + 1
} else {
panic!("failed to find an imported memory")
fn find_stack_pointer(module: &mut Module) -> Result<Option<u32>, Error> {
let globals = match module.global_section() {
Some(s) => s,
None => bail!("failed to find the stack pointer"),
let candidates = globals.entries()
.filter(|(_, g)| g.global_type().content_type() == ValueType::I32)
.filter(|(_, g)| g.global_type().is_mutable())
// If there are no mutable i32 globals, assume this module doesn't even need
// a stack pointer!
if candidates.len() == 0 {
return Ok(None)
// Currently LLVM/LLD always use global 0 as the stack pointer, let's just
// blindly assume that.
if candidates[0].0 == 0 {
return Ok(Some(0))
bail!("the first global wasn't a mutable i32, has LLD changed or was \
this wasm file not produced by LLD?")
fn start_with_init_memory(
module: &mut Module,
segments: &[PassiveSegment],
globals: &Globals,
addr: u32,
stack_pointer_idx: Option<u32>,
stack_size: u32,
) {
assert!(stack_size % PAGE_SIZE == 0);
let mut instrs = Vec::new();
// Execute an atomic add to learn what our thread ID is
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const(addr as i32));
let mem = parity_wasm::elements::MemArg { align: 2, offset: 0 };
// Store this thread ID into our thread ID global
// Perform an if/else based on whether we're the first thread or not. Our
// thread ID will be zero if we're the first thread, otherwise it'll be
// nonzero (assuming we don't overflow...)
// In the nonzero case (the first block) we give ourselves a stack via
// memory.grow and we update our stack pointer.
// In the zero case (the second block) we can skip both of those operations,
// but we need to initialize all our memory data segments.
if let Some(stack_pointer_idx) = stack_pointer_idx {
// local0 = grow_memory(stack_size);
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const((stack_size / PAGE_SIZE) as i32));
// if local0 == -1 then trap
instrs.push(Instruction::End); // end block
// stack_pointer = local0 + stack_size
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const(PAGE_SIZE as i32));
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const(stack_size as i32));
for segment in segments {
// offset into memory
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const(segment.offset as i32));
// offset into segment
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const(0)); // offset into segment
// amount to copy
instrs.push(Instruction::I32Const(segment.len as i32));
instrs.push(Instruction::End); // endif
// On all threads now memory segments are no longer needed
for segment in segments {
// If a start function previously existed we're done with our own
// initialization so delegate to them now.
if let Some(idx) = module.start_section() {
// End the function
// Add this newly generated function to the code section ...
let instrs = Instructions::new(instrs);
let local = Local::new(1, ValueType::I32);
let body = FuncBody::new(vec![local], instrs);
let code_idx = {
let s = module.code_section_mut().expect("module had no code");
(s.bodies().len() - 1) as u32
// ... and also be sure to add its signature to the function section ...
let type_idx = {
let section = module.type_section_mut().expect("module has no type section");
let pos = section.types()
.map(|t| {
match t {
Type::Function(t) => t,
.position(|t| t.params().is_empty() && t.return_type().is_none());
match pos {
Some(i) => i as u32,
None => {
let f = FunctionType::new(Vec::new(), None);
(section.types().len() - 1) as u32
.expect("module has no function section")
// ... and finally flag it as the new start function
let idx = code_idx + (module.import_count(ImportCountType::Function) as u32);
update_start_section(module, idx);
fn update_start_section(module: &mut Module, start: u32) {
// See this URL for section orderings:
let mut pos = None;
for i in 0..module.sections().len() {
match &mut module.sections_mut()[i] {
Section::Type(_) |
Section::Import(_) |
Section::Function(_) |
Section::Table(_) |
Section::Memory(_) |
Section::Global(_) |
Section::Export(_) => continue,
Section::Start(start_idx) => {
*start_idx = start;
_ => {}
pos = Some(i);
let section = Section::Start(start);
let len = module.sections().len();
let pos = pos.unwrap_or_else(|| len - 1);
module.sections_mut().insert(pos, section);
fn implement_thread_intrinsics(
module: &mut Module,
globals: &Globals,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let imports = match module.import_section() {
Some(i) => i,
None => return Ok(()),
let entries = imports.entries()
.filter(|i| {
match i.external() {
External::Function(_) => true,
_ => false,
.filter(|(_, entry)| {
entry.module() == "__wbindgen_thread_xform__"
for (idx, entry) in entries {
let type_idx = match entry.external() {
External::Function(i) => *i,
_ => unreachable!(),
let types = module.type_section().unwrap();
let fty = match &types.types()[type_idx as usize] {
Type::Function(f) => f,
// Validate the type for this intrinsic
match entry.field() {
"__wbindgen_thread_id" => {
if !fty.params().is_empty() ||
fty.return_type() != Some(ValueType::I32)
bail!("__wbindgen_thread_id intrinsic has the wrong signature");
map.insert(idx as u32, Instruction::GetGlobal(globals.thread_id));
"__wbindgen_tcb_get" => {
if !fty.params().is_empty() ||
fty.return_type() != Some(ValueType::I32)
bail!("__wbindgen_tcb_get intrinsic has the wrong signature");
map.insert(idx as u32, Instruction::GetGlobal(globals.thread_tcb));
"__wbindgen_tcb_set" => {
if fty.params().len() != 1 || fty.return_type().is_some() {
bail!("__wbindgen_tcb_set intrinsic has the wrong signature");
map.insert(idx as u32, Instruction::SetGlobal(globals.thread_tcb));
other => bail!("unknown thread intrinsic: {}", other),
// Rewrite everything that calls `import_idx` to instead load the global
// `thread_id`
for body in module.code_section_mut().unwrap().bodies_mut() {
for instr in body.code_mut().elements_mut() {
let other = match instr {
Instruction::Call(idx) => {
match map.get(idx) {
Some(other) => other,
None => continue,
_ => continue,
*instr = other.clone();
// ... and in theory we'd remove `import_idx` here but we let `wasm-gc`
// take care of that later.

examples/raytrace-parallel/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name = "raytrace-parallel"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["The wasm-bindgen Developers"]
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
console_error_panic_hook = "0.1"
futures = "0.1"
js-sys = { path = '../../crates/js-sys' }
raytracer = { git = '', branch = 'update-deps' }
wasm-bindgen = { path = "../..", features = ['serde-serialize'] }
wasm-bindgen-futures = { path = '../../crates/futures' }
path = '../../crates/web-sys'
features = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Parallel Raytracing
[View documentation for this example online][dox] or [View compiled example
You can build the example locally with:
$ ./
(or running the commands on Windows manually)
and then visiting http://localhost:8080 in a browser should run the example!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
stage = 0
features = ['wasm-bindgen-threads']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
set -ex
# Two critical steps are required here to get this working:
# * First, the Rust standard library needs to be compiled. The default version
# is not compatible with atomics so we need to compile a version, with xargo,
# that is compatible.
# * Next we need to compile everything with the `atomics` feature enabled,
# ensuring that LLVM will generate atomic instructions and such.
RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+atomics' \
rustup run nightly xargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
# Threading support is disabled by default in wasm-bindgen, so use an env var
# here to turn it on for our bindings generation. Also note that webpack isn't
# currently compatible with atomics, so we go with the --no-modules output.
cargo +nightly run --manifest-path ../../crates/cli/Cargo.toml \
--bin wasm-bindgen -- \
../../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/raytrace_parallel.wasm --out-dir . \
python3 -m http.server

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
<meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
#scene {
height: 100%;
width: 500px;
float: left;
#render, .concurrency, .timing {
padding: 20px;
margin: 20px;
float: left;
<textarea id='scene'>
"width": 800,
"height": 800,
"fov": 90.0,
"shadow_bias": 1e-13,
"max_recursion_depth": 20,
"elements": [
"Sphere" : {
"center": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -5.0
"radius": 1.0,
"material": {
"coloration" : {
"Color": {
"red": 0.2,
"green": 1.0,
"blue": 0.2
"albedo": 0.18,
"surface": {
"Reflective": {
"reflectivity": 0.7
"Sphere" : {
"center": {
"x": -3.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": -6.0
"radius": 2.0,
"material": {
"coloration": {
"Color": {
"red": 1.0,
"green": 1.0,
"blue": 1.0
"albedo": 0.58,
"surface": "Diffuse"
"Sphere": {
"center": {
"x": 2.0,
"y": 1.0,
"z": -4.0
"radius": 1.5,
"material": {
"coloration": {
"Color": {
"red": 1.0,
"green": 1.0,
"blue": 1.0
"albedo": 0.18,
"surface": {
"Refractive": {
"index": 1.5,
"transparency": 1.0
"Plane": {
"origin": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": -2.0,
"z": -5.0
"normal": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": -1.0,
"z": 0.0
"material": {
"coloration": {
"Color": {
"red": 1.0,
"green": 1.0,
"blue": 1.0
"albedo": 0.18,
"surface": {
"Reflective": {
"reflectivity": 0.5
"Plane": {
"origin": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -20.0
"normal": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -1.0
"material": {
"coloration": {
"Color": {
"red": 0.2,
"green": 0.3,
"blue": 1.0
"albedo": 0.38,
"surface": "Diffuse"
"lights": [
"Spherical": {
"position": {
"x": -2.0,
"y": 10.0,
"z": -3.0
"color": {
"red": 0.3,
"green": 0.8,
"blue": 0.3
"intensity": 10000.0
"Spherical": {
"position": {
"x": 0.25,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -2.0
"color": {
"red": 0.8,
"green": 0.3,
"blue": 0.3
"intensity": 250.0
"Directional": {
"direction": {
"x": 0.0,
"y": 0.0,
"z": -1.0
"color": {
"red": 1.0,
"green": 1.0,
"blue": 1.0
"intensity": 0.0
<button disabled id='render'>Loading wasm...</button>
<div class='concurrency'>
<p id='concurrency-amt'>Concurrency: 1</p>
<input disabled type="range" id="concurrency" min="0" max="1" />
<div id='timing'>
Render duration:
<p id='timing-val'></p>
<canvas id='canvas'></canvas>
delete WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming;
document.getElementById('render').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('concurrency').disabled = true;
<script src='raytrace_parallel.js'></script>
<script src='index.js'></script>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
const button = document.getElementById('render');
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const scene = document.getElementById('scene');
const concurrency = document.getElementById('concurrency');
const concurrencyAmt = document.getElementById('concurrency-amt');
const timing = document.getElementById('timing');
const timingVal = document.getElementById('timing-val');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
button.disabled = true;
concurrency.disabled = true;
// First up, but try to do feature detection to provide better error messages
function loadWasm() {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'function') {
alert('this browser does not have SharedArrayBuffer support enabled');
// Test for bulk memory operations with passive data segments
// (module (memory 1) (data passive ""))
const buf = new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x05, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x0b, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]);
if (!WebAssembly.validate(buf)) {
alert('this browser does not support passive wasm memory, demo does not work');
const { Scene, WorkerPool } = wasm_bindgen;
function run() {
// The maximal concurrency of our web worker pool is `hardwareConcurrency`,
// so set that up here and this ideally is the only location we create web
// workers.
pool = new WorkerPool(navigator.hardwareConcurrency);
// Configure various buttons and such.
button.onclick = function() {
let json;
try {
json = JSON.parse(scene.value);
} catch(e) {
alert(`invalid json: ${e}`);
canvas.width = json.width;
canvas.height = json.height;
render(new Scene(json));
button.innerText = 'Render!';
button.disabled = false;
concurrency.oninput = function() {
concurrencyAmt.innerText = 'Concurrency: ' + concurrency.value;
concurrency.min = 1;
concurrency.step = 1;
concurrency.max = navigator.hardwareConcurrency;
concurrency.value = concurrency.max;
concurrency.disabled = false;
let rendering = null;
let start = null;
let interval = null;
let pool = null;
class State {
constructor(wasm) {
this.start =;
this.wasm = wasm;
this.running = true;
this.counter = 1;
this.interval = setInterval(() => this.updateTimer(), 100);
.then(() => {
updateTimer() {
const dur = - this.start;
timingVal.innerText = `${dur}ms`;
this.counter += 1;
if (this.wasm && this.counter % 3 == 0)
stop() {
if (!this.running)
this.running = false;
pool = this.wasm.cancel(); // this frees `wasm`, returning the worker pool
this.wasm = null;
function render(scene) {
if (rendering) {
rendering = null;
rendering = new State(scene.render(concurrency.value, pool, ctx));
pool = null; // previous call took ownership of `pool`, zero it out here too

View File

@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
extern crate futures;
extern crate js_sys;
extern crate raytracer;
extern crate wasm_bindgen;
extern crate web_sys;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, AtomicBool, Ordering::SeqCst};
use std::sync::atomic::ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use futures::Future;
use futures::sync::oneshot;
use js_sys::{Promise, Error, WebAssembly, Uint8ClampedArray, Array};
use wasm_bindgen::JsCast;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
use web_sys::{CanvasRenderingContext2d, Worker, Event, ErrorEvent};
use web_sys::{DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, MessageEvent};
macro_rules! console_log {
($($t:tt)*) => (log(&format_args!($($t)*).to_string()))
extern "C" {
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
fn log(s: &str);
pub struct Scene {
inner: raytracer::scene::Scene,
static NEXT_ID: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
impl Scene {
pub fn new(object: &JsValue) -> Result<Scene, JsValue> {
Ok(Scene {
inner: object.into_serde()
.map_err(|e| JsValue::from(e.to_string()))?,
pub fn render(
concurrency: usize,
pool: WorkerPool,
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2d,
) -> Result<RenderingScene, JsValue> {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let rx = rx.then(|_| Ok(JsValue::undefined()));
let data = Rc::new(RefCell::new(None::<Render>));
let pixels = (self.inner.width * self.inner.height) as usize;
let mut r = Render {
tx: Some(tx),
callback: None,
shared: Arc::new(Shared {
id: NEXT_ID.fetch_add(1, SeqCst),
need_update: AtomicBool::new(false),
scene: self.inner,
next_pixel: AtomicUsize::new(0),
remaining: AtomicUsize::new(concurrency),
rgb_data: Mutex::new(vec![0; 4 * pixels]),
let data2 = data.clone();
let callback = Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |msg: Event| -> Result<(), JsValue> {
let mut slot = data2.borrow_mut();
if let Some(mut data) = slot.take() {
match data.event(&msg) {
Ok(true) => {}
Ok(false) => *slot = Some(data),
Err(e) => {
*slot = Some(data);
return Err(e)
}) as Box<FnMut(_) -> Result<(), JsValue>>);
for worker in &pool.workers[..concurrency] {
let ptr_to_send = Arc::into_raw(r.shared.clone()) as u32;
let ptr_to_send = JsValue::from(ptr_to_send);
r.callback = Some(callback);
*data.borrow_mut() = Some(r);
Ok(RenderingScene {
inner: data,
promise: wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise(rx),
pub struct WorkerPool {
workers: Vec<Worker>,
callback: Closure<FnMut(Event)>,
impl WorkerPool {
pub fn new(max: u32) -> Result<WorkerPool, JsValue> {
let callback = Closure::wrap(Box::new(|event: Event| {
console_log!("unhandled event: {}", event.type_());
}) as Box<FnMut(Event)>);
let mut workers = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..max {
// TODO: what do do about `./worker.js`:
// * the path is only known by the bundler. How can we, as a
// library, know what's going on?
// * How do we not fetch a script N times? It internally then
// causes another script to get fetched N times...
let worker = Worker::new("./worker.js")?;
let array = js_sys::Array::new();
// TODO: memory allocation error handling here is hard:
// * How to we make sure that our strong ref made it to a client
// thread?
// * Need to handle the `?` on `post_message` as well.
Ok(WorkerPool {
impl Drop for WorkerPool {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for worker in self.workers.iter() {
pub struct RenderingScene {
inner: Rc<RefCell<Option<Render>>>,
promise: Promise,
pool: WorkerPool,
impl RenderingScene {
pub fn promise(&self) -> Promise {
#[wasm_bindgen(js_name = requestUpdate)]
pub fn request_update(&self) {
if let Some(render) = self.inner.borrow().as_ref() {, SeqCst);
pub fn cancel(self) -> WorkerPool {
if let Some(render) = self.inner.borrow_mut().take() {
// drain the rest of the pixels to cause all workers to cancel ASAP.
let pixels = render.shared.scene.width * render.shared.scene.height;
render.shared.next_pixel.fetch_add(pixels as usize, SeqCst);
for worker in self.pool.workers.iter() {
struct Render {
callback: Option<Closure<FnMut(Event) -> Result<(), JsValue>>>,
tx: Option<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
shared: Arc<Shared>,
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2d,
struct Shared {
id: usize,
need_update: AtomicBool,
scene: raytracer::scene::Scene,
next_pixel: AtomicUsize,
remaining: AtomicUsize,
rgb_data: Mutex<Vec<u8>>,
extern {
type ImageData;
#[wasm_bindgen(constructor, catch)]
fn new(data: &Uint8ClampedArray, width: f64, height: f64) -> Result<ImageData, JsValue>;
impl Render {
fn event(&mut self, event: &Event) -> Result<bool, JsValue> {
if let Some(error) = event.dyn_ref::<ErrorEvent>() {
let msg = format!("error in worker: {}", error.message());
return Err(Error::new(&msg).into());
if let Some(msg) = event.dyn_ref::<MessageEvent>() {
let data =;
if let Some(data) = data.dyn_ref::<Array>() {
let id = data.pop();
let done = data.pop();
let image = data.pop();
if let Some(id) = id.as_f64() {
if id == as f64 {
self.ctx.put_image_data(image.unchecked_ref(), 0.0, 0.0)?;
return Ok(done.as_bool() == Some(true))
console_log!("unhandled message: {:?}", data);
return Ok(false)
console_log!("unhandled event: {}", event.type_());
pub fn child_entry_point(ptr: u32) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
let ptr = unsafe {
Arc::from_raw(ptr as *const Shared)
let global = js_sys::global()
return Ok(());
fn assert_send<T: Send + 'static>(_: &T) {}
impl Shared {
fn work(&self, global: &DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
// Once we're done raytracing a pixel we need to actually write its rgb
// value into the shared memory buffer for our image. This, however,
// requires synchronization with other threads (as currently
// implemented). To help amortize the cost of synchronization each
// thread processes a chunk of pixels at a time, and this number is how
// many pixes will be rendered synchronously before committing them back
// to memory.
const BLOCK: usize = 1024;
let width = self.scene.width as usize;
let height = self.scene.height as usize;
let end = width * height;
// Thread-local storage for our RGB data, commited back in one batch to
// the main image memory.
let mut local_rgb = [0; BLOCK * 4];
loop {
// First up, grab a block of pixels to render using an atomic add.
// If we're beyond the end then we're done!
let start = self.next_pixel.fetch_add(BLOCK, SeqCst);
if start >= end {
// Raytrace all our pixels synchronously, writing all the results
// into our local memory buffer.
let len = cmp::min(end, start + BLOCK) - start;
for (i, dst) in local_rgb.chunks_mut(4).enumerate().take(len) {
let x = (start + i) % width;
let y = (start + i) / width;
let ray = raytracer::Ray::create_prime(x as u32, y as u32, &self.scene);
let result = raytracer::cast_ray(&self.scene, &ray, 0).to_rgba();
dst[0] =[0];
dst[1] =[1];
dst[2] =[2];
dst[3] =[3];
// Ok, time to synchronize and commit this data back into the main
// image buffer for other threads and the main thread to see.
let mut data = self.rgb_data.lock().unwrap();
data[start * 4..(start + len) * 4]
.copy_from_slice(&mut local_rgb[..len * 4]);
// As a "nifty feature" we try to have a live progressive rendering.
// That means that we need to periodically send an `ImageData` to
// the main thread. Do so whenever the main thread requests it.
if self.need_update.swap(false, SeqCst) {
self.update_image(false, data, global)?;
// If we're the last thread out, be sure to update the main thread's
// image as this is the last chance we'll get!
if self.remaining.fetch_sub(1, SeqCst) == 1 {
let data = self.rgb_data.lock().unwrap();
self.update_image(true, data, global)?;
fn update_image(
done: bool,
data: MutexGuard<Vec<u8>>,
global: &DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope,
) -> Result<(), JsValue> {
// This is pretty icky. We can't create an `ImageData` backed by
// `SharedArrayBuffer`, so we need to copy the memory into a local
// JS array using `slice`. This means we can't use
// `web_sys::ImageData` right now but rather we have to use our own
// binding.
let mem = wasm_bindgen::memory()
let mem = Uint8ClampedArray::new(&mem.buffer())
data.as_ptr() as u32,
data.as_ptr() as u32 + data.len() as u32,
drop(data); // unlock the lock, we've copied the data now
let data = ImageData::new(
self.scene.width as f64,
self.scene.height as f64,
let arr = Array::new();
arr.push(&JsValue::from( as f64));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// synchronously, using the browser, import out shim JS scripts
let booted = false;
let lastPtr = null;
// Wait for the main thread to send us the shared module/memory. Once we've got
// it, initialize it all with the `wasm_bindgen` global we imported via
// `importScripts`.
// After our first message all subsequent messages are an entry point to run,
// so we just do that.
self.onmessage = function(args) {
self.onmessage = event => run(;
const [module, memory] =;
wasm_bindgen(module, memory)
.then(() => {
booted = true;
if (lastPtr)
.catch(e => setTimeout(() => { throw e; })); // propagate to main `onerror`
function run(ptr) {
if (!booted) {
lastPtr = ptr;
lastPtr = null;

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
- [web-sys: WebAudio](./examples/
- [web-sys: WebGL](./examples/
- [web-sys: A Simple Paint Program](./examples/
- [Parallel Raytracing](./examples/
- [Reference](./reference/
- [Passing Rust Closures to JS](./reference/
- [Receiving JS Closures in Rust](./reference/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Parallel Raytracing
[View full source code][code] or [view the compiled example online][online]
**This is an unstable and experimental example** of using threads with
WebAssembly and Rust, culminating in a parallel raytracer demo. Current
requirements for viewing this demo are:
* Firefox Nightly - other browsers haven't implemented the proposed WebAssembly
features yet.
* `SharedArrayBuffer` is enabled in `about:config` in Firefox
This demo may also break over time as Firefox updates, but we'll try to keep it
Locally to build this demo you'll need `xargo` and the `rust-src` rustup
component, and afterwards `./` like other examples should build the
Again, to reiterate, this is all experimental and we're working through various
issues as we're working on this. If you're curious to see how this works it's
best to explore via the source code right now! More info will be available here
once WebAssembly threads are closer to stabilization.

View File

@ -491,6 +491,7 @@ externs! {
fn __wbindgen_jsval_eq(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_memory() -> u32;
fn __wbindgen_module() -> u32;
impl Clone for JsValue {
@ -633,6 +634,19 @@ pub fn throw_val(s: JsValue) -> ! {
/// Returns a handle to this wasm instance's `WebAssembly.Module`
/// Note that this is only available when the final wasm app is built with
/// `--no-modules`, it's not recommended to rely on this API yet! This is
/// largely just an experimental addition to enable threading demos. Using this
/// may prevent your wasm module from building down the road.
pub fn module() -> JsValue {
unsafe {
/// Returns a handle to this wasm instance's `WebAssembly.Memory`
pub fn memory() -> JsValue {
unsafe {