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synced 2025-03-16 18:20:51 +00:00
Merge pull request #1030 from alexcrichton/wire-up-directly
Add an optimization to directly wire up imported functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,12 +37,21 @@ pub struct Context<'a> {
/// from, `None` being the global module. The second key is a map of
/// identifiers we've already imported from the module to what they're
/// called locally.
pub imported_names: HashMap<Option<&'a str>, HashMap<String, String>>,
pub imported_names: HashMap<Option<&'a str>, HashMap<&'a str, String>>,
/// A set of all imported identifiers to the number of times they've been
/// imported, used to generate new identifiers.
pub imported_identifiers: HashMap<String, usize>,
/// A map of all imported shim functions which can actually be directly
/// imported from the containing module. The mapping here maps to a tuple,
/// where the first element is the module to import from and the second
/// element is the name to import from the module.
/// Note that for `direct_imports` no shims are generated in JS that
/// wasm-bindgen emits.
pub direct_imports: HashMap<&'a str, (&'a str, &'a str)>,
pub exported_classes: HashMap<String, ExportedClass>,
pub function_table_needed: bool,
pub interpreter: &'a mut Interpreter,
@ -76,6 +85,32 @@ pub enum ImportTarget {
/// Return value of `determine_import` which is where we look at an imported
/// function AST and figure out where it's actually being imported from
/// (performing some validation checks and whatnot).
enum Import<'a> {
/// An item is imported from the global scope. The `name` is what's imported
/// and the optional `field` is the field on that item we're importing.
Global {
name: &'a str,
field: Option<&'a str>,
/// Same as `Global`, except the `name` is imported via an ESM import from
/// the specified `module` path.
Module {
module: &'a str,
name: &'a str,
field: Option<&'a str>,
/// A global import which may have a number of vendor prefixes associated
/// with it, like `webkitAudioPrefix`. The `name` is the name to test
/// whether it's prefixed.
VendorPrefixed {
name: &'a str,
prefixes: Vec<&'a str>,
const INITIAL_SLAB_VALUES: &[&str] = &["undefined", "null", "true", "false"];
impl<'a> Context<'a> {
@ -755,8 +790,14 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
for import in imports {
if import.module() == "__wbindgen_placeholder__" {
if let Some((module, name)) = self.direct_imports.get(import.field()) {
} else {
@ -1785,6 +1826,193 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
.wrap_needed = true;
fn import_identifier(&mut self, import: Import<'a>) -> String {
// Here's where it's a bit tricky. We need to make sure that importing
// the same identifier from two different modules works, and they're
// named uniquely below. Additionally if we've already imported the same
// identifier from the module in question then we'd like to reuse the
// one that was previously imported.
// Our `imported_names` map keeps track of all imported identifiers from
// modules, mapping the imported names onto names actually available for
// use in our own module. If our identifier isn't present then we
// generate a new identifier and are sure to generate the appropriate JS
// import for our new identifier.
let use_node_require = self.use_node_require();
let imported_identifiers = &mut self.imported_identifiers;
let imports = &mut self.imports;
let imports_post = &mut self.imports_post;
let identifier = self
.or_insert_with(|| {
let name = generate_identifier(import.name(), imported_identifiers);
match &import {
Import::Module { module, .. } => {
if use_node_require {
"const {} = require(String.raw`{}`).{};\n",
name, module, import.name()
} else if import.name() == name {
imports.push_str(&format!("import {{ {} }} from '{}';\n", name, module));
} else {
"import {{ {} as {} }} from '{}';\n",
import.name(), name, module
Import::VendorPrefixed { prefixes, .. } => {
imports_post.push_str("const l");
imports_post.push_str(" = ");
switch(imports_post, &name, "", prefixes);
fn switch(dst: &mut String, name: &str, prefix: &str, left: &[&str]) {
if left.len() == 0 {
return dst.push_str(name);
dst.push_str("(typeof ");
dst.push_str(" == 'undefined' ? ");
match left.len() {
1 => {
_ => switch(dst, name, &left[0], &left[1..]),
dst.push_str(" : ");
format!("l{}", name)
Import::Global { .. } => name,
// If there's a namespace we didn't actually import `item` but rather
// the namespace, so access through that.
match import.field() {
Some(field) => format!("{}.{}", identifier, field),
None => identifier.clone(),
fn generated_import_target(
&mut self,
name: Import<'a>,
import: &decode::ImportFunction<'a>,
) -> Result<ImportTarget, Error> {
let method_data = match &import.method {
Some(data) => data,
None => {
let name = self.import_identifier(name);
if import.structural || !name.contains(".") {
return Ok(ImportTarget::Function(name))
self.global(&format!("const {}_target = {};", import.shim, name));
let target = format!("{}_target", import.shim);
return Ok(ImportTarget::Function(target))
let class = self.import_identifier(name);
let op = match &method_data.kind {
decode::MethodKind::Constructor => {
return Ok(ImportTarget::Constructor(class.to_string()))
decode::MethodKind::Operation(op) => op,
if import.structural {
let class = if op.is_static { Some(class.clone()) } else { None };
return Ok(match &op.kind {
decode::OperationKind::Regular => {
let name = import.function.name.to_string();
match class {
Some(c) => ImportTarget::Function(format!("{}.{}", c, name)),
None => ImportTarget::StructuralMethod(name),
decode::OperationKind::Getter(g) => {
ImportTarget::StructuralGetter(class, g.to_string())
decode::OperationKind::Setter(s) => {
ImportTarget::StructuralSetter(class, s.to_string())
decode::OperationKind::IndexingGetter => {
decode::OperationKind::IndexingSetter => {
decode::OperationKind::IndexingDeleter => {
let target = format!("typeof {0} === 'undefined' ? null : {}{}",
if op.is_static { "" } else { ".prototype" });
let (mut target, name) = match &op.kind {
decode::OperationKind::Regular => {
(format!("{}.{}", target, import.function.name), &import.function.name)
decode::OperationKind::Getter(g) => {
"GetOwnOrInheritedPropertyDescriptor({}, '{}').get",
target, g,
), g)
decode::OperationKind::Setter(s) => {
"GetOwnOrInheritedPropertyDescriptor({}, '{}').set",
target, s,
), s)
decode::OperationKind::IndexingGetter => {
panic!("indexing getter should be structural")
decode::OperationKind::IndexingSetter => {
panic!("indexing setter should be structural")
decode::OperationKind::IndexingDeleter => {
panic!("indexing deleter should be structural")
target.push_str(&format!(" || function() {{
throw new Error(`wasm-bindgen: {}.{} does not exist`);
}}", class, name));
if op.is_static {
target.insert(0, '(');
self.global(&format!("const {}_target = {};", import.shim, target));
Ok(if op.is_static {
ImportTarget::Function(format!("{}_target", import.shim))
} else {
ImportTarget::Method(format!("{}_target", import.shim))
impl<'a, 'b> SubContext<'a, 'b> {
@ -1967,124 +2195,45 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SubContext<'a, 'b> {
Some(d) => d,
let target = self.generated_import_target(info, import)?;
// Figure out the name that we're importing to dangle further references
// off of. This is the function name if there's no method all here, or
// the class if there's a method call.
let name = match &import.method {
Some(data) => self.determine_import(info, &data.class)?,
None => self.determine_import(info, &import.function.name)?,
let js = Rust2Js::new(self.cx)
// Build up our shim's state, and we'll use that to guide whether we
// actually emit an import here or not.
let mut shim = Rust2Js::new(self.cx);
self.cx.export(&import.shim, &js, None);
// If this is a bare function import and the shim doesn't actually do
// anything (all argument/return conversions are noops) then we can wire
// up the wasm import directly to the destination. We don't actually
// wire up anything here, but we record it to get wired up later.
if import.method.is_none() && shim.is_noop() {
if let Import::Module { module, name, field: None } = name {
shim.cx.direct_imports.insert(import.shim, (module, name));
return Ok(())
// If the above optimization fails then we actually generate the import
// here (possibly emitting some glue in our JS module) and then emit the
// shim as the wasm will be importing the shim.
let target = shim.cx.generated_import_target(name, import)?;
let js = shim.finish(&target)?;
shim.cx.export(&import.shim, &js, None);
fn generated_import_target(
&mut self,
info: &decode::Import<'b>,
import: &decode::ImportFunction,
) -> Result<ImportTarget, Error> {
let method_data = match &import.method {
Some(data) => data,
None => {
let name = self.import_name(info, &import.function.name)?;
if import.structural || !name.contains(".") {
return Ok(ImportTarget::Function(name))
self.cx.global(&format!("const {}_target = {};", import.shim, name));
let target = format!("{}_target", import.shim);
return Ok(ImportTarget::Function(target))
let class = self.import_name(info, &method_data.class)?;
let op = match &method_data.kind {
decode::MethodKind::Constructor => {
return Ok(ImportTarget::Constructor(class.to_string()))
decode::MethodKind::Operation(op) => op,
if import.structural {
let class = if op.is_static { Some(class.clone()) } else { None };
return Ok(match &op.kind {
decode::OperationKind::Regular => {
let name = import.function.name.to_string();
match class {
Some(c) => ImportTarget::Function(format!("{}.{}", c, name)),
None => ImportTarget::StructuralMethod(name),
decode::OperationKind::Getter(g) => {
ImportTarget::StructuralGetter(class, g.to_string())
decode::OperationKind::Setter(s) => {
ImportTarget::StructuralSetter(class, s.to_string())
decode::OperationKind::IndexingGetter => {
decode::OperationKind::IndexingSetter => {
decode::OperationKind::IndexingDeleter => {
let target = format!("typeof {0} === 'undefined' ? null : {}{}",
if op.is_static { "" } else { ".prototype" });
let (mut target, name) = match &op.kind {
decode::OperationKind::Regular => {
(format!("{}.{}", target, import.function.name), &import.function.name)
decode::OperationKind::Getter(g) => {
"GetOwnOrInheritedPropertyDescriptor({}, '{}').get",
target, g,
), g)
decode::OperationKind::Setter(s) => {
"GetOwnOrInheritedPropertyDescriptor({}, '{}').set",
target, s,
), s)
decode::OperationKind::IndexingGetter => {
panic!("indexing getter should be structural")
decode::OperationKind::IndexingSetter => {
panic!("indexing setter should be structural")
decode::OperationKind::IndexingDeleter => {
panic!("indexing deleter should be structural")
target.push_str(&format!(" || function() {{
throw new Error(`wasm-bindgen: {}.{} does not exist`);
}}", class, name));
if op.is_static {
target.insert(0, '(');
self.cx.global(&format!("const {}_target = {};", import.shim, target));
Ok(if op.is_static {
ImportTarget::Function(format!("{}_target", import.shim))
} else {
ImportTarget::Method(format!("{}_target", import.shim))
fn generate_import_type(
&mut self,
info: &decode::Import<'b>,
import: &decode::ImportType,
import: &decode::ImportType<'b>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !self.cx.wasm_import_needed(&import.instanceof_shim) {
return Ok(());
@ -2195,7 +2344,9 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SubContext<'a, 'b> {
fn import_name(&mut self, import: &decode::Import<'b>, item: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
fn determine_import(&self, import: &decode::Import<'b>, item: &'b str)
-> Result<Import<'b>, Error>
// First up, imports don't work at all in `--no-modules` mode as we're
// not sure how to import them.
if self.cx.config.no_modules {
@ -2230,90 +2381,49 @@ impl<'a, 'b> SubContext<'a, 'b> {
return Ok(Import::VendorPrefixed {
name: item,
prefixes: vendor_prefixes.clone(),
// Figure out what identifier we're importing from the module. If we've
// got a namespace we use that, otherwise it's the name specified above.
let name_to_import = import.js_namespace.as_ref().map(|s| &**s).unwrap_or(item);
let name = import.js_namespace.as_ref().map(|s| &**s).unwrap_or(item);
let field = if import.js_namespace.is_some() { Some(item) } else { None };
// Here's where it's a bit tricky. We need to make sure that importing
// the same identifier from two different modules works, and they're
// named uniquely below. Additionally if we've already imported the same
// identifier from the module in question then we'd like to reuse the
// one that was previously imported.
// Our `imported_names` map keeps track of all imported identifiers from
// modules, mapping the imported names onto names actually available for
// use in our own module. If our identifier isn't present then we
// generate a new identifier and are sure to generate the appropriate JS
// import for our new identifier.
let use_node_require = self.cx.use_node_require();
let imported_identifiers = &mut self.cx.imported_identifiers;
let imports = &mut self.cx.imports;
let imports_post = &mut self.cx.imports_post;
let identifier = self
.or_insert_with(|| {
let name = generate_identifier(name_to_import, imported_identifiers);
if let Some(module) = &import.module {
if use_node_require {
"const {} = require(String.raw`{}`).{};\n",
name, module, name_to_import
} else if name_to_import == name {
imports.push_str(&format!("import {{ {} }} from '{}';\n", name, module));
} else {
"import {{ {} as {} }} from '{}';\n",
name_to_import, name, module
} else if let Some(vendor_prefixes) = vendor_prefixes {
imports_post.push_str("const l");
imports_post.push_str(" = ");
switch(imports_post, &name, "", vendor_prefixes);
Ok(match import.module {
Some(module) => Import::Module { module, name, field },
None => Import::Global { name, field },
fn switch(dst: &mut String, name: &str, prefix: &str, left: &[&str]) {
if left.len() == 0 {
return dst.push_str(name);
dst.push_str("(typeof ");
dst.push_str(" == 'undefined' ? ");
match left.len() {
1 => {
_ => switch(dst, name, &left[0], &left[1..]),
dst.push_str(" : ");
format!("l{}", name)
} else {
fn import_name(&mut self, import: &decode::Import<'b>, item: &'b str)
-> Result<String, Error>
let import = self.determine_import(import, item)?;
// If there's a namespace we didn't actually import `item` but rather
// the namespace, so access through that.
if import.js_namespace.is_some() {
Ok(format!("{}.{}", identifier, item))
} else {
impl<'a> Import<'a> {
fn module(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
match self {
Import::Module { module, .. } => Some(module),
_ => None,
fn field(&self) -> Option<&'a str> {
match self {
Import::Module { field, .. } | Import::Global { field, .. } => *field,
Import::VendorPrefixed { .. } => None,
fn name(&self) -> &'a str {
match self {
Import::Module { name, .. } |
Import::Global { name, .. } |
Import::VendorPrefixed { name, .. } => *name,
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use descriptor::{Descriptor, Function};
/// Helper struct for manufacturing a shim in JS used to translate Rust types to
/// JS, then invoking an imported JS function.
pub struct Rust2Js<'a, 'b: 'a> {
cx: &'a mut Context<'b>,
pub cx: &'a mut Context<'b>,
/// Arguments of the JS shim that we're generating, aka the variables passed
/// from Rust which are only numbers.
@ -500,6 +500,42 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Rust2Js<'a, 'b> {
/// Returns whether this shim won't actually do anything when called other
/// than forward the invocation somewhere else.
/// This is used as an optimization to wire up imports directly where
/// possible and avoid a shim in some circumstances.
pub fn is_noop(&self) -> bool {
let Rust2Js {
// fields which may affect whether we do nontrivial work
// all other fields, listed explicitly here so if one is added we'll
// trigger a nonexhaustive error.
arg_idx: _,
cx: _,
global_idx: _,
} = self;
!catch &&
!variadic &&
prelude.is_empty() &&
finally.is_empty() &&
// make sure our faux return expression is "simple" by not
// performing any sort of transformation on the return value
(ret_expr == "JS;" || ret_expr == "return JS;") &&
// similarly we want to make sure that all the arguments are simply
// forwarded from the shim we would generate to the import,
// requiring no transformations
js_arguments == shim_arguments
pub fn finish(&self, invoc: &ImportTarget) -> Result<String, Error> {
let mut ret = String::new();
@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ impl Bindgen {
memory_init: None,
imported_functions: Default::default(),
imported_statics: Default::default(),
direct_imports: Default::default(),
for program in programs.iter() {
js::SubContext {
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ fn main() {
#[wasm_bindgen(module = r"{}")]
extern {{
fn not_actually_a_function{1}();
fn not_actually_a_function{1}(x: &str);
fn foo() {{
if ::std::env::var("NOT_GONNA_WORK").is_ok() {{
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
#[wasm_bindgen(module = "tests/wasm/vendor_prefix.js")]
extern "C" {
fn import_me();
fn import_me(x: &str);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ extern "C" {
pub fn polyfill_works() {
assert_eq!(MySpecialApi::new().foo(), 123);
assert_eq!(MySpecialApi2::new().foo(), 124);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user