diff --git a/crates/cli-support/src/js/mod.rs b/crates/cli-support/src/js/mod.rs
index 5b1d6ead..6a7bba55 100644
--- a/crates/cli-support/src/js/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/cli-support/src/js/mod.rs
@@ -465,12 +465,10 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
         let default_module_path = match self.config.mode {
-            OutputMode::Web => {
-                "\
+            OutputMode::Web => "\
                     if (typeof module === 'undefined') {
                         module = import.meta.url.replace(/\\.js$/, '_bg.wasm');
-                    }"
-            }
+                    }",
             _ => "",
@@ -872,21 +870,30 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
         match self.config.encode_into {
             EncodeInto::Always if !shared => {
-                self.global(&format!("
+                self.global(&format!(
+                    "
                     const encodeString = {};
-                ", encode_into));
+                ",
+                    encode_into
+                ));
             EncodeInto::Test if !shared => {
-                self.global(&format!("
+                self.global(&format!(
+                    "
                     const encodeString = (typeof cachedTextEncoder.encodeInto === 'function'
                         ? {}
                         : {});
-                ", encode_into, encode));
+                ",
+                    encode_into, encode
+                ));
             _ => {
-                self.global(&format!("
+                self.global(&format!(
+                    "
                     const encodeString = {};
-                ", encode));
+                ",
+                    encode
+                ));
@@ -1080,7 +1087,6 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
                 fields: Vec::new(),
             self.global(&format!("let cached{} = new {}{};", s, name, args));
         } else if !self.config.mode.always_run_in_browser() {
@@ -1090,7 +1096,6 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
             self.global(&format!("let cached{0} = new l{0}{1};", s, args));
         } else {
             self.global(&format!("let cached{0} = new {0}{1};", s, args));
diff --git a/crates/cli-support/src/lib.rs b/crates/cli-support/src/lib.rs
index 4ee99c1b..666f52dd 100755
--- a/crates/cli-support/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/cli-support/src/lib.rs
@@ -337,7 +337,12 @@ impl Bindgen {
         // the webidl bindings proposal) as well as an auxiliary section for all
         // sorts of miscellaneous information and features #[wasm_bindgen]
         // supports that aren't covered by WebIDL bindings.
-        webidl::process(&mut module, self.anyref, self.wasm_interface_types, self.emit_start)?;
+        webidl::process(
+            &mut module,
+            self.anyref,
+            self.wasm_interface_types,
+            self.emit_start,
+        )?;
         // Now that we've got type information from the webidl processing pass,
         // touch up the output of rustc to insert anyref shims where necessary.
@@ -563,16 +568,14 @@ impl Output {
         } else {
             format!("{}_bg", self.stem)
-        let wasm_path = out_dir
-            .join(wasm_name)
-            .with_extension("wasm");
+        let wasm_path = out_dir.join(wasm_name).with_extension("wasm");
         let wasm_bytes = self.module.emit_wasm();
         fs::write(&wasm_path, wasm_bytes)
             .with_context(|_| format!("failed to write `{}`", wasm_path.display()))?;
         if self.wasm_interface_types {
-            return Ok(())
+            return Ok(());
         // Write out all local JS snippets to the final destination now that
diff --git a/crates/cli-support/src/webidl/standard.rs b/crates/cli-support/src/webidl/standard.rs
index 936b8d36..e3ef0b10 100644
--- a/crates/cli-support/src/webidl/standard.rs
+++ b/crates/cli-support/src/webidl/standard.rs
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ fn extract_incoming(
-            NonstandardIncoming::Int64 { ..  } => "64-bit integer",
+            NonstandardIncoming::Int64 { .. } => "64-bit integer",
             NonstandardIncoming::AllocCopyInt64 { .. } => "64-bit integer array",
             NonstandardIncoming::AllocCopyAnyrefArray { .. } => "array of JsValue",
             NonstandardIncoming::MutableSlice { .. } => "mutable slice",
@@ -472,7 +472,10 @@ fn extract_incoming(
             NonstandardIncoming::Char { .. } => "character",
             NonstandardIncoming::BorrowedAnyref { .. } => "borrowed anyref",
-        bail!("cannot represent {} with a standard bindings expression", desc);
+        bail!(
+            "cannot represent {} with a standard bindings expression",
+            desc
+        );
@@ -525,7 +528,10 @@ fn extract_outgoing(
             NonstandardOutgoing::OptionRustType { .. } => "optional rust type",
             NonstandardOutgoing::StackClosure { .. } => "closures",
-        bail!("cannot represent {} with a standard bindings expression", desc);
+        bail!(
+            "cannot represent {} with a standard bindings expression",
+            desc
+        );