diff --git a/DESIGN.md b/DESIGN.md
index 6ccc6510..23c695a6 100644
--- a/DESIGN.md
+++ b/DESIGN.md
@@ -975,6 +975,22 @@ possibilities!
accessible as `foo.set_property(2)`. Note that both functions have a `this`
argument as they're tagged with `method`.
+ Finally, you can also pass a string argument to the `getter` and `setter`
+ properties to configure what property is accessed. When the property is
+ explicitly specified then there is no restriction on the method name. For
+ example the below is equivalent to the above:
+ ```rust
+ #[wasm_bindgen]
+ extern {
+ type Foo;
+ #[wasm_bindgen(method, getter = "property")]
+ fn assorted_method_name(this: &Foo) -> u32;
+ #[wasm_bindgen(method, setter = "property")]
+ fn some_other_method_name(this: &Foo, val: u32);
+ }
+ ```
Properties in JS are accessed through `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`. Note
that this typically only works for class-like-defined properties which aren't
just attached properties on any old object. For accessing any old property on
diff --git a/crates/wasm-bindgen-macro/src/ast.rs b/crates/wasm-bindgen-macro/src/ast.rs
index 30a19e31..5afdff0e 100644
--- a/crates/wasm-bindgen-macro/src/ast.rs
+++ b/crates/wasm-bindgen-macro/src/ast.rs
@@ -651,24 +651,26 @@ impl BindgenAttrs {
- pub fn getter(&self) -> bool {
+ pub fn getter(&self) -> Option