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synced 2025-03-16 18:20:51 +00:00
Merge pull request #709 from fitzgen/webidl-and-logging
Webidl and logging
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
interface BoxObject {
readonly attribute Element? element;
readonly attribute long x;
readonly attribute long y;
readonly attribute long screenX;
readonly attribute long screenY;
readonly attribute long width;
readonly attribute long height;
nsISupports? getPropertyAsSupports(DOMString propertyName);
void setPropertyAsSupports(DOMString propertyName, nsISupports value);
DOMString? getProperty(DOMString propertyName);
void setProperty(DOMString propertyName, DOMString propertyValue);
void removeProperty(DOMString propertyName);
// for stepping through content in the expanded dom with box-ordinal-group order
readonly attribute Element? parentBox;
readonly attribute Element? firstChild;
readonly attribute Element? lastChild;
readonly attribute Element? nextSibling;
readonly attribute Element? previousSibling;
@ -40,21 +40,6 @@ interface CanvasRenderingContext2D {
// associated with a canvas.
readonly attribute HTMLCanvasElement? canvas;
// Mozilla-specific stuff
// FIXME Bug 768048 mozCurrentTransform/mozCurrentTransformInverse should return a WebIDL array.
attribute object mozCurrentTransform; // [ m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy ], i.e. row major
attribute object mozCurrentTransformInverse;
attribute DOMString mozTextStyle;
// image smoothing mode -- if disabled, images won't be smoothed
// if scaled.
attribute boolean mozImageSmoothingEnabled;
// Show the caret if appropriate when drawing
const unsigned long DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_CARET = 0x01;
@ -140,7 +125,6 @@ CanvasRenderingContext2D implements CanvasTextDrawingStyles;
CanvasRenderingContext2D implements CanvasPathMethods;
CanvasRenderingContext2D implements CanvasHitRegions;
interface CanvasState {
// state
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
[Constructor, Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
interface ChromeNodeList : NodeList {
void append(Node aNode);
void remove(Node aNode);
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
interface CommandEvent : Event {
readonly attribute DOMString? command;
@ -19,23 +19,13 @@ enum SupportedType {
// the latter is Mozilla-specific
interface DOMParser {
[NewObject, Throws]
Document parseFromString(DOMString str, SupportedType type);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
[NewObject, Throws, ChromeOnly]
Document parseFromBuffer(sequence<octet> buf, SupportedType type);
[NewObject, Throws, ChromeOnly]
Document parseFromBuffer(Uint8Array buf, SupportedType type);
[NewObject, Throws, ChromeOnly]
Document parseFromStream(InputStream stream, DOMString? charset,
long contentLength, SupportedType type);
// Can be used to allow a DOMParser to parse XUL/XBL no matter what
// principal it's using for the document.
void forceEnableXULXBL();
@ -37,142 +37,3 @@ partial interface DataTransfer {
[Throws, Pref="dom.input.dirpicker", NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
Promise<sequence<File>> getFiles(optional boolean recursiveFlag = false);
// Mozilla specific stuff
partial interface DataTransfer {
* Set the drag source. Usually you would not change this, but it will
* affect which node the drag and dragend events are fired at. The
* default target is the node that was dragged.
* @param element drag source to use
* @throws NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the item cannot be modified
[Throws, UseCounter]
void addElement(Element element);
* The number of items being dragged.
readonly attribute unsigned long mozItemCount;
* Sets the drag cursor state. Primarily used to control the cursor during
* tab drags, but could be expanded to other uses. XXX Currently implemented
* on Win32 only.
* Possible values:
* auto - use default system behavior.
* default - set the cursor to an arrow during the drag operation.
* Values other than 'default' are indentical to setting mozCursor to
* 'auto'.
attribute DOMString mozCursor;
* Holds a list of the format types of the data that is stored for an item
* at the specified index. If the index is not in the range from 0 to
* itemCount - 1, an empty string list is returned.
[Throws, NeedsCallerType, UseCounter]
DOMStringList mozTypesAt(unsigned long index);
* Remove the data associated with the given format for an item at the
* specified index. The index is in the range from zero to itemCount - 1.
* If the last format for the item is removed, the entire item is removed,
* reducing the itemCount by one.
* If format is empty, then the data associated with all formats is removed.
* If the format is not found, then this method has no effect.
* @param format the format to remove
* @throws NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is greater or equal than itemCount
* @throws NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the item cannot be modified
[Throws, NeedsSubjectPrincipal, UseCounter]
void mozClearDataAt(DOMString format, unsigned long index);
* A data transfer may store multiple items, each at a given zero-based
* index. setDataAt may only be called with an index argument less than
* itemCount in which case an existing item is modified, or equal to
* itemCount in which case a new item is added, and the itemCount is
* incremented by one.
* Data should be added in order of preference, with the most specific
* format added first and the least specific format added last. If data of
* the given format already exists, it is replaced in the same position as
* the old data.
* The data should be either a string, a primitive boolean or number type
* (which will be converted into a string) or an nsISupports.
* @param format the format to add
* @param data the data to add
* @throws NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER if the data is null
* @throws NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is greater than itemCount
* @throws NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if the item cannot be modified
[Throws, NeedsSubjectPrincipal, UseCounter]
void mozSetDataAt(DOMString format, any data, unsigned long index);
* Retrieve the data associated with the given format for an item at the
* specified index, or null if it does not exist. The index should be in the
* range from zero to itemCount - 1.
* @param format the format of the data to look up
* @returns the data of the given format, or null if it doesn't exist.
* @throws NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR if index is greater or equal than itemCount
[Throws, NeedsSubjectPrincipal, UseCounter]
any mozGetDataAt(DOMString format, unsigned long index);
* Update the drag image. Arguments are the same as setDragImage. This is only
* valid within the parent chrome process.
void updateDragImage(Element image, long x, long y);
* Will be true when the user has cancelled the drag (typically by pressing
* Escape) and when the drag has been cancelled unexpectedly. This will be
* false otherwise, including when the drop has been rejected by its target.
* This property is only relevant for the dragend event.
readonly attribute boolean mozUserCancelled;
* The node that the mouse was pressed over to begin the drag. For external
* drags, or if the caller cannot access this node, this will be null.
readonly attribute Node? mozSourceNode;
* The URI spec of the triggering principal. This may be different than
* sourceNode's principal when sourceNode is xul:browser and the drag is
* triggered in a browsing context inside it.
readonly attribute DOMString mozTriggeringPrincipalURISpec;
* Copy the given DataTransfer for the given event. Used by testing code for
* creating emulated Drag and Drop events in the UI.
* NOTE: Don't expose a DataTransfer produced with this method to the web or
* use this for non-testing purposes. It can easily be used to get the
* DataTransfer into an invalid state, and is an unstable implementation
* detail of EventUtils.synthesizeDrag.
[Throws, ChromeOnly]
DataTransfer mozCloneForEvent(DOMString event);
@ -185,13 +185,6 @@ partial interface Document {
attribute EventHandler onselectionchange;
* True if this document is synthetic : stand alone image, video, audio file,
* etc.
/*Non standard
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean mozSyntheticDocument;
* Returns the script element whose script is currently being processed.
@ -361,85 +354,6 @@ partial interface Document {
readonly attribute SVGSVGElement? rootElement;
// Mozilla extensions of various sorts
partial interface Document {
// XBL support. Wish we could make these [ChromeOnly], but
// that would likely break bindings running with the page principal.
/*Non standard
NodeList? getAnonymousNodes(Element elt);
Element? getAnonymousElementByAttribute(Element elt, DOMString attrName,
DOMString attrValue);
Element? getBindingParent(Node node);
[Throws, Func="IsChromeOrXBL", NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
void loadBindingDocument(DOMString documentURL);
// Touch bits
// XXXbz I can't find the sane spec for this stuff, so just cribbing
// from our xpidl for now.
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
Touch createTouch(optional Window? view = null,
optional EventTarget? target = null,
optional long identifier = 0,
optional long pageX = 0,
optional long pageY = 0,
optional long screenX = 0,
optional long screenY = 0,
optional long clientX = 0,
optional long clientY = 0,
optional long radiusX = 0,
optional long radiusY = 0,
optional float rotationAngle = 0,
optional float force = 0);
// XXXbz a hack to get around the fact that we don't support variadics as
// distinguishing arguments yet. Once this hack is removed. we can also
// remove the corresponding overload on nsIDocument, since Touch... and
// sequence<Touch> look the same in the C++.
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
TouchList createTouchList(Touch touch, Touch... touches);
// XXXbz and another hack for the fact that we can't usefully have optional
// distinguishing arguments but need a working zero-arg form of
// createTouchList().
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
TouchList createTouchList();
[NewObject, Func="nsGenericHTMLElement::TouchEventsEnabled"]
TouchList createTouchList(sequence<Touch> touches);
attribute boolean styleSheetChangeEventsEnabled;
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void obsoleteSheet(URI sheetURI);
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void obsoleteSheet(DOMString sheetURI);
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute nsIDocShell? docShell;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute DOMString contentLanguage;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute nsILoadGroup? documentLoadGroup;
// Blocks the initial document parser until the given promise is settled.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
Promise<any> blockParsing(Promise<any> promise,
optional BlockParsingOptions options);
// like documentURI, except that for error pages, it returns the URI we were
// trying to load when we hit an error, rather than the error page's own URI.
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute URI? mozDocumentURIIfNotForErrorPages;
// A promise that is resolved, with this document itself, when we have both
// fired DOMContentLoaded and are ready to start layout. This is used for the
// "document_idle" webextension script injection point.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
readonly attribute Promise<Document> documentReadyForIdle;
dictionary BlockParsingOptions {
* If true, blocks script-created parsers (created via document.open()) in
@ -507,16 +421,6 @@ partial interface Document {
void notifyUserGestureActivation();
// Extension to give chrome and XBL JS the ability to determine whether
// the document is sandboxed without permission to run scripts
// and whether inline scripts are blocked by the document's CSP.
/*Non standard
partial interface Document {
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean hasScriptsBlockedBySandbox;
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] readonly attribute boolean inlineScriptAllowedByCSP;
// For more information on Flash classification, see
// toolkit/components/url-classifier/flash-block-lists.rst
enum FlashClassification {
@ -225,15 +225,6 @@ partial interface Element {
readonly attribute long clientLeft;
readonly attribute long clientWidth;
readonly attribute long clientHeight;
// Mozilla specific stuff
/* The minimum/maximum offset that the element can be scrolled to
(i.e., the value that scrollLeft/scrollTop would be clamped to if they were
set to arbitrarily large values. */
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute long scrollTopMin;
readonly attribute long scrollTopMax;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute long scrollLeftMin;
readonly attribute long scrollLeftMax;
// http://domparsing.spec.whatwg.org/#extensions-to-the-element-interface
@ -58,31 +58,6 @@ interface Event {
attribute boolean cancelBubble;
// Mozilla specific legacy stuff.
partial interface Event {
const long ALT_MASK = 0x00000001;
const long CONTROL_MASK = 0x00000002;
const long SHIFT_MASK = 0x00000004;
const long META_MASK = 0x00000008;
/** The original target of the event, before any retargetings. */
readonly attribute EventTarget? originalTarget;
* The explicit original target of the event. If the event was retargeted
* for some reason other than an anonymous boundary crossing, this will be set
* to the target before the retargeting occurs. For example, mouse events
* are retargeted to their parent node when they happen over text nodes (bug
* 185889), and in that case .target will show the parent and
* .explicitOriginalTarget will show the text node.
* .explicitOriginalTarget differs from .originalTarget in that it will never
* contain anonymous content.
readonly attribute EventTarget? explicitOriginalTarget;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute EventTarget? composedTarget;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean multipleActionsPrevented;
[ChromeOnly] readonly attribute boolean isSynthesized;
dictionary EventInit {
boolean bubbles = false;
boolean cancelable = false;
@ -116,11 +116,6 @@ interface GlobalEventHandlers {
attribute EventHandler onlostpointercapture;
// Mozilla-specific handlers. Unprefixed handlers live in
// Document rather than here.
attribute EventHandler onmozfullscreenchange;
attribute EventHandler onmozfullscreenerror;
// CSS-Animation and CSS-Transition handlers.
attribute EventHandler onanimationcancel;
attribute EventHandler onanimationend;
@ -13,11 +13,6 @@
dictionary EventListenerOptions {
boolean capture = false;
/* Setting to true make the listener be added to the system group. */
/*Non standard
boolean mozSystemGroup = false;
dictionary AddEventListenerOptions : EventListenerOptions {
@ -33,23 +33,6 @@ interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement {
optional any encoderOptions);
// Mozilla specific bits
partial interface HTMLCanvasElement {
[Pure, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean mozOpaque;
[Throws, NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
File mozGetAsFile(DOMString name, optional DOMString? type = null);
// A Mozilla-only extension to get a canvas context backed by double-buffered
// shared memory. Only privileged callers can call this.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
nsISupports? MozGetIPCContext(DOMString contextId);
attribute PrintCallback? mozPrintCallback;
[Throws, Pref="canvas.capturestream.enabled", NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
CanvasCaptureMediaStream captureStream(optional double frameRate);
// For OffscreenCanvas
// Reference: https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/OffscreenCanvas
partial interface HTMLCanvasElement {
@ -193,20 +193,6 @@ partial interface HTMLInputElement {
AutocompleteInfo? getAutocompleteInfo();
interface MozEditableElement {
[Pure, ChromeOnly]
readonly attribute nsIEditor? editor;
/*Non standard
// This is similar to set .value on nsIDOMInput/TextAreaElements, but handling
// of the value change is closer to the normal user input, so 'change' event
// for example will be dispatched when focusing out the element.
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL", NeedsSubjectPrincipal]
void setUserInput(DOMString input);
HTMLInputElement implements MozEditableElement;
/*Non standard
@ -264,31 +250,6 @@ partial interface HTMLInputElement {
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", ChromeOnly,
double getMaximum();
/*Non standard
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void openDateTimePicker(optional DateTimeValue initialValue);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void updateDateTimePicker(optional DateTimeValue value);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void closeDateTimePicker();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void setFocusState(boolean aIsFocused);
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
void updateValidityState();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL",
double getStep();
[Pref="dom.forms.datetime", Func="IsChromeOrXBL",
double getStepBase();
partial interface HTMLInputElement {
@ -98,55 +98,6 @@ interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
optional DOMString language = "");
// Mozilla extensions:
partial interface HTMLMediaElement {
readonly attribute MediaSource? mozMediaSourceObject;
readonly attribute DOMString mozDebugReaderData;
[Func="HasDebuggerOrTabsPrivilege", NewObject]
Promise<DOMString> mozRequestDebugInfo();
[Func="HasDebuggerOrTabsPrivilege", NewObject]
static void mozEnableDebugLog();
[Func="HasDebuggerOrTabsPrivilege", NewObject]
Promise<DOMString> mozRequestDebugLog();
Promise<void> mozDumpDebugInfo();
attribute MediaStream? srcObject;
attribute boolean mozPreservesPitch;
/*Non standard
// NB: for internal use with the video controls:
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] attribute boolean mozAllowCasting;
[Func="IsChromeOrXBL"] attribute boolean mozIsCasting;
// Mozilla extension: stream capture
MediaStream mozCaptureStream();
MediaStream mozCaptureStreamUntilEnded();
readonly attribute boolean mozAudioCaptured;
// Mozilla extension: return embedded metadata from the stream as a
// JSObject with key:value pairs for each tag. This can be used by
// player interfaces to display the song title, artist, etc.
object? mozGetMetadata();
// Mozilla extension: provides access to the fragment end time if
// the media element has a fragment URI for the currentSrc, otherwise
// it is equal to the media duration.
readonly attribute double mozFragmentEnd;
void reportCanPlayTelemetry();
// Encrypted Media Extensions
partial interface HTMLMediaElement {
readonly attribute MediaKeys? mediaKeys;
@ -160,16 +111,6 @@ partial interface HTMLMediaElement {
attribute EventHandler onwaitingforkey;
// This is just for testing
partial interface HTMLMediaElement {
readonly attribute double computedVolume;
readonly attribute boolean computedMuted;
readonly attribute unsigned long computedSuspended;
* HTMLMediaElement::seekToNextFrame() is a Mozilla experimental feature.
@ -30,33 +30,3 @@ partial interface HTMLMenuElement {
[CEReactions, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean compact;
// Mozilla specific stuff
partial interface HTMLMenuElement {
* Creates and dispatches a trusted event named "show".
* The event is not cancelable and does not bubble.
* See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/interactive-elements.html#context-menus
void sendShowEvent();
* Creates a native menu builder. The builder type is dependent on menu type.
* Currently, it returns the @mozilla.org/content/html-menu-builder;1
* component. Toolbar menus are not yet supported (the method returns null).
MenuBuilder? createBuilder();
* Builds a menu by iterating over menu children.
* See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/interactive-elements.html#building-menus-and-toolbars
* The caller can use a native builder by calling createBuilder() or provide
* a custom builder that implements the nsIMenuBuilder interface.
* A custom builder can be used for example to build native context menus
* that are not defined using <menupopup>.
void build(MenuBuilder aBuilder);
@ -21,12 +21,6 @@ interface HTMLTableCellElement : HTMLElement {
[CEReactions, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString headers;
readonly attribute long cellIndex;
// Mozilla-specific extensions
[CEReactions, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString abbr;
[CEReactions, SetterThrows]
attribute DOMString scope;
partial interface HTMLTableCellElement {
@ -23,40 +23,6 @@ interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement {
attribute DOMString poster;
partial interface HTMLVideoElement {
// A count of the number of video frames that have demuxed from the media
// resource. If we were playing perfectly, we'd be able to paint this many
// frames.
readonly attribute unsigned long mozParsedFrames;
// A count of the number of frames that have been decoded. We may drop
// frames if the decode is taking too much time.
readonly attribute unsigned long mozDecodedFrames;
// A count of the number of frames that have been presented to the rendering
// pipeline. We may drop frames if they arrive late at the renderer.
readonly attribute unsigned long mozPresentedFrames;
// Number of presented frames which were painted on screen.
readonly attribute unsigned long mozPaintedFrames;
// Time which the last painted video frame was late by, in seconds.
readonly attribute double mozFrameDelay;
// True if the video has an audio track available.
readonly attribute boolean mozHasAudio;
/*Non standard
// Attributes for builtin video controls to lock screen orientation.
// True if video controls should lock orientation when fullscreen.
[Pref="media.videocontrols.lock-video-orientation", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
readonly attribute boolean mozOrientationLockEnabled;
// True if screen orientation is locked by video controls.
[Pref="media.videocontrols.lock-video-orientation", Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
attribute boolean mozIsOrientationLocked;
// https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#idl-def-HTMLVideoElement
partial interface HTMLVideoElement {
[Func="mozilla::dom::MediaSource::Enabled", NewObject]
@ -17,21 +17,4 @@ dictionary MediaTrackSettings {
boolean noiseSuppression;
boolean autoGainControl;
long channelCount;
// Mozilla-specific extensions:
// http://fluffy.github.io/w3c-screen-share/#screen-based-video-constraints
// OBE by http://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-screen-share
DOMString mediaSource;
// Experimental https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1131568#c3
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1193075
long long browserWindow;
boolean scrollWithPage;
long viewportOffsetX;
long viewportOffsetY;
long viewportWidth;
long viewportHeight;
@ -23,21 +23,4 @@ dictionary MediaTrackSupportedConstraints {
boolean channelCount = true;
boolean deviceId = true;
boolean groupId; // to be supported
// Mozilla-specific extensions:
// http://fluffy.github.io/w3c-screen-share/#screen-based-video-constraints
// OBE by http://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-screen-share
boolean mediaSource = true;
// Experimental https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1131568#c3
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1193075
boolean browserWindow = true;
boolean scrollWithPage = true;
boolean viewportOffsetX = true;
boolean viewportOffsetY = true;
boolean viewportWidth = true;
boolean viewportHeight = true;
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
interface MenuBoxObject : BoxObject {
void openMenu(boolean openFlag);
attribute Element? activeChild;
boolean handleKeyPress(KeyboardEvent keyEvent);
readonly attribute boolean openedWithKey;
@ -158,58 +158,6 @@ partial interface Navigator {
readonly attribute MediaCapabilities mediaCapabilities;
// Mozilla-specific extensions
// Chrome-only interface for Vibration API permission handling.
partial interface Navigator {
/* Set permission state to device vibration.
* @param permitted permission state (true for allowing vibration)
* @param persistent make the permission session-persistent
void setVibrationPermission(boolean permitted,
optional boolean persistent = true);
callback interface MozIdleObserver {
// Time is in seconds and is read only when idle observers are added
// and removed.
readonly attribute unsigned long time;
void onidle();
void onactive();
partial interface Navigator {
[Throws, Constant, Cached, NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute DOMString oscpu;
// WebKit/Blink support this; Trident/Presto do not.
readonly attribute DOMString vendor;
// WebKit/Blink supports this (hardcoded ""); Trident/Presto do not.
readonly attribute DOMString vendorSub;
// WebKit/Blink supports this (hardcoded "20030107"); Trident/Presto don't
readonly attribute DOMString productSub;
// WebKit/Blink/Trident/Presto support this.
readonly attribute boolean cookieEnabled;
[Throws, Constant, Cached, NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute DOMString buildID;
// WebKit/Blink/Trident/Presto support this.
[Affects=Nothing, DependsOn=Nothing]
boolean javaEnabled();
* Navigator requests to add an idle observer to the existing window.
[Throws, ChromeOnly]
void addIdleObserver(MozIdleObserver aIdleObserver);
* Navigator requests to remove an idle observer from the existing window.
[Throws, ChromeOnly]
void removeIdleObserver(MozIdleObserver aIdleObserver);
// NetworkInformation
partial interface Navigator {
[Throws, Pref="dom.netinfo.enabled"]
@ -101,122 +101,6 @@ interface Node : EventTarget {
DOMString? lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString? prefix);
boolean isDefaultNamespace(DOMString? namespace);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
readonly attribute Principal nodePrincipal;
readonly attribute URI? baseURIObject;
DOMString generateXPath();
* This method provides a fast-path for the Fluent localization system to
* bypass the slowdowns in performance during initial document translation.
* The slowdowns are specific to XBL+Stylo.
* To learn more, see bug 1441037.
* The API is designed to fit into the DOMLocalization flow with minimal
* overhead, which dictates much of its signature.
* It takes the following steps:
* 1) The API can be called at any point on any DOM element and it
* synchronously scans the element subtree for all children with
* `data-l10n-id` attribute set.
* 2) Next, the API collects all of the l10n attributes
* (l10n-id, l10n-args and l10n-attrs), and passes them to the
* callback function together with three `Element` properties:
* `name` - name of the element as lowercase
* `namespaceURI` - namespace URI
* `type` - the type prop of the element (used for input sanitization)
* 3) The callback function is responsible for (asynchronously) collecting
* the translations for all l10n id+args pairs, sanitizing them and then
* return them back to this API.
* 4) The API takes the list of elements collected in step (1) and their
* translations and applies all of the translation values onto
* the elements.
* 5) The API returns a list with empty slots for all translated elements
* and references to elements that could not be translated.
* 6) The JS handles the translations of remaining elements.
* Through the whole cycle, the API uses the same list of elements and
* corresponding translations. It means that after step (1), the element
* at index 1 will match the l10nData at index 1, translations at index 1
* and in the final return list, the element will be also stored at index 1
* or the slot will be empty if the translations was applied on the C++ side.
* Note: There are several reasons why the JS callback may pass undefined for
* a given element including missing translation, or the need to
* translate the element using DOM Overlays.
* Example of use from JS:
* async function translateFragment(frag) {
* let untranslatedElements = await frag.localize(
* async cb(l10nItems) => { // 1
* let trans = await getTranslations(l10nItems); // 2
* return trans;
* }
* );
* annotateMissingTranslations(untranslatedElements); // 3
* }
* [1] l10nItems == [
* {
* l10nId: "key1",
* l10nArgs: null,
* l10nAttrs: null,
* name: "button"
* namespaceURI: "..."
* type: null
* },
* {
* l10nId: "key2",
* l10nArgs: {unreadCount: 5},
* l10nAttrs: null,
* name: "label"
* namespaceURI: "..."
* type: null
* },
* {
* l10nId: "key3",
* l10nArgs: null,
* l10nAttrs: "title",
* name: "window"
* namespaceURI: "..."
* type: null
* },
* ]
* [2] trans == [
* {value: "Key 1", attributes: {accesskey: "K"} },
* undefined,
* {value: null, attributes: {title: "Unread emails: 5"} },
* ]
* [3] untranslatedElements == [
* ,
* <label>
* ,
* ]
* For exact dictionary structures, see `L10nUtils.webidl`.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
Promise<void> localize(L10nCallback l10nCallback);
/*Unsupported ifdef
[Func="mozilla::dom::AccessibleNode::IsAOMEnabled", SameObject]
readonly attribute AccessibleNode? accessibleNode;
@ -26,7 +26,4 @@ interface SVGLengthList {
SVGLength removeItem(unsigned long index);
SVGLength appendItem(SVGLength newItem);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
readonly attribute unsigned long length; // synonym for numberOfItems
@ -26,7 +26,4 @@ interface SVGNumberList {
SVGNumber removeItem(unsigned long index);
SVGNumber appendItem(SVGNumber newItem);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
readonly attribute unsigned long length; // synonym for numberOfItems
@ -14,7 +14,4 @@ interface SVGPathSegList {
readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;
getter SVGPathSeg getItem(unsigned long index);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
readonly attribute unsigned long length; // synonym for numberOfItems
@ -26,7 +26,4 @@ interface SVGPointList {
SVGPoint removeItem(unsigned long index);
SVGPoint appendItem(SVGPoint newItem);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
readonly attribute unsigned long length; // synonym for numberOfItems
@ -29,7 +29,4 @@ interface SVGTransformList {
SVGTransform createSVGTransformFromMatrix(SVGMatrix matrix);
SVGTransform? consolidate();
// Mozilla-specific stuff
readonly attribute unsigned long length; // synonym for numberOfItems
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* The SimpleGestureEvent interface is the datatype for all
* Mozilla-specific simple gesture events in the Document Object Model.
* The following events are generated:
* MozSwipeGestureMayStart - Generated when the user starts a horizontal
* swipe across the input device, but before we know whether the user
* is actually scrolling past a scroll edge.
* This event asks two questions: Should a swipe really be started, and
* in which directions should the user be able to swipe? The first
* question is answered by event listeners by calling or not calling
* preventDefault() on the event. Since a swipe swallows all scroll
* events, the default action of the swipe start event is *not* to
* start a swipe. Call preventDefault() if you want a swipe to be
* started. Doing so won't necessarily result in a swipe being started,
* it only communicates an intention. Once Gecko determines whether a
* swipe should actually be started, it will send a MozSwipeGestureStart
* event.
* The second question (swipe-able directions) is answered in the
* allowedDirections field.
* MozSwipeGestureStart - This event signals the start of a swipe.
* It guarantees a future MozSwipeGestureEnd event that will signal
* the end of a swipe animation.
* MozSwipeGestureUpdate - Generated periodically while the user is
* continuing a horizontal swipe gesture. The "delta" value represents
* the current absolute gesture amount. This event may even be sent
* after a MozSwipeGesture event fired in order to allow for fluid
* completion of a swipe animation. The direction value is meaningless
* on swipe update events.
* MozSwipeGestureEnd - Generated when the swipe animation is completed.
* MozSwipeGesture - Generated when the user releases a swipe across
* across the input device. This event signals that the actual swipe
* operation is complete, even though the animation might not be finished
* yet. This event can be sent without accompanying start / update / end
* events, and it can also be handled on its own if the consumer doesn't
* want to handle swipe animation events.
* Only the direction value has any significance, the delta value is
* meaningless.
* MozMagnifyGestureStart - Generated when the user begins the magnify
* ("pinch") gesture. The "delta" value represents the initial
* movement.
* MozMagnifyGestureUpdate - Generated periodically while the user is
* continuing the magnify ("pinch") gesture. The "delta" value
* represents the movement since the last MozMagnifyGestureStart or
* MozMagnifyGestureUpdate event.
* MozMagnifyGesture - Generated when the user has completed the
* magnify ("pinch") gesture. If you only want to receive a single
* event when the magnify gesture is complete, you only need to hook
* this event and can safely ignore the MozMagnifyGestureStart and the
* MozMagnifyGestureUpdate events. The "delta" value is the cumulative
* amount represented by the user's gesture.
* MozRotateGestureStart - Generated when the user begins the rotation
* gesture. The "delta" value represents the initial rotation.
* MozRotateGestureUpdate - Generated periodically while the user is
* continuing the rotation gesture. The "delta" value represents the
* rotation since the last MozRotateGestureStart or
* MozRotateGestureUpdate event.
* MozRotateGesture - Generated when the user has completed the
* rotation gesture. If you only want to receive a single event when
* the rotation gesture is complete, you only need to hook this event
* and can safely ignore the MozRotateGestureStart and the
* MozRotateGestureUpdate events. The "delta" value is the cumulative
* amount of rotation represented by the user's gesture.
* MozTapGesture - Generated when the user executes a two finger
* tap gesture on the input device. Client coordinates contain the
* center point of the tap.
* (XXX On OS X, only Lion (10.7) and up)
* MozPressTapGesture - Generated when the user executes a press
* and tap two finger gesture (first finger down, second finger down,
* second finger up, first finger up) on the input device.
* Client coordinates contain the center pivot point of the action.
* (XXX Not implemented on Mac)
* MozEdgeUIGesture - Generated when the user swipes the display to
* invoke edge ui.
* (XXX Win8 only)
* Default behavior:
* Some operating systems support default behaviors for gesture events
* when they are not handled by the application. Consumers should
* use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behavior when
* consuming events.
interface SimpleGestureEvent : MouseEvent
/* Swipe direction constants */
const unsigned long DIRECTION_UP = 1;
const unsigned long DIRECTION_DOWN = 2;
const unsigned long DIRECTION_LEFT = 4;
const unsigned long DIRECTION_RIGHT = 8;
/* Rotational direction constants */
const unsigned long ROTATION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = 1;
const unsigned long ROTATION_CLOCKWISE = 2;
/* Read-write value for swipe events.
* Reports the directions that can be swiped to; multiple directions
* should be OR'ed together.
* The allowedDirections field is designed to be set on SwipeGestureMayStart
* events by event listeners. Its value after event dispatch determines
* the behavior of the swipe animation that might be about to begin.
* Specifically, if the user swipes in a direction that can't be swiped
* to, the animation will have a bounce effect.
* Future SwipeGestureUpdate, SwipeGesture and SwipeGestureEnd events
* will carry the allowDirections value that was set on the SwipeMayStart
* event. Changing this field on non-SwipeGestureMayStart events doesn't
* have any effect.
attribute unsigned long allowedDirections;
/* Direction of a gesture. Diagonals are indicated by OR'ing the
* applicable constants together.
* Swipes gestures may occur in any direction.
* Magnify gestures do not have a direction.
* Rotation gestures will be either ROTATION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE or
readonly attribute unsigned long direction;
/* Delta value for magnify, rotate and swipe gestures.
* For rotation, the value is in degrees and is positive for
* clockwise rotation and negative for counterclockwise
* rotation.
* For magnification, the value will be positive for a "zoom in"
* (i.e, increased magnification) and negative for a "zoom out"
* (i.e., decreased magnification). The particular units
* represented by the "delta" are currently implementation specific.
* XXX - The units for measuring magnification are currently
* unspecified because the units used by Mac OS X are currently
* undocumented. The values are typically in the range of 0.0 to
* 100.0, but it is only safe currently to rely on the delta being
* positive or negative.
* For swipe start, update and end events, the value is a fraction
* of one "page". If the resulting swipe will have DIRECTION_LEFT, the
* delta value will be positive; for DIRECTION_RIGHT, delta is negative.
* If this seems backwards to you, look at it this way: If the current
* page is pushed to the right during the animation (positive delta),
* the page left to the current page will be visible after the swipe
* Units on Windows represent the difference between the initial
* and current/final width between the two touch points on the input
* device and are measured in pixels.
readonly attribute double delta;
/* Click count value for taps. */
readonly attribute unsigned long clickCount;
void initSimpleGestureEvent(DOMString typeArg,
optional boolean canBubbleArg = false,
optional boolean cancelableArg = false,
optional Window? viewArg = null,
optional long detailArg = 0,
optional long screenXArg = 0,
optional long screenYArg = 0,
optional long clientXArg = 0,
optional long clientYArg = 0,
optional boolean ctrlKeyArg = false,
optional boolean altKeyArg = false,
optional boolean shiftKeyArg = false,
optional boolean metaKeyArg = false,
optional short buttonArg = 0,
optional EventTarget? relatedTargetArg = null,
optional unsigned long allowedDirectionsArg = 0,
optional unsigned long directionArg = 0,
optional double deltaArg = 0,
optional unsigned long clickCount = 0);
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This is a Mozilla-specific WebExtension API, which is not available to web
* content. It allows monitoring and filtering of HTTP response stream data.
* This API should currently be considered experimental, and is not defined by
* any standard.
enum StreamFilterStatus {
* The StreamFilter is not fully initialized. No methods may be called until
* a "start" event has been received.
* The underlying channel is currently transferring data, which will be
* dispatched via "data" events.
* The underlying channel has finished transferring data. Data may still be
* written via write() calls at this point.
* Data transfer is currently suspended. It may be resumed by a call to
* resume(). Data may still be written via write() calls in this state.
* The channel has been closed by a call to close(). No further data wlil be
* delivered via "data" events, and no further data may be written via
* write() calls.
* The channel has been disconnected by a call to disconnect(). All further
* data will be delivered directly, without passing through the filter. No
* further events will be dispatched, and no further data may be written by
* write() calls.
* An error has occurred and the channel is disconnected. The `error`
* property contains the details of the error.
* An interface which allows an extension to intercept, and optionally modify,
* response data from an HTTP request.
interface StreamFilter : EventTarget {
* Creates a stream filter for the given add-on and the given extension ID.
static StreamFilter create(unsigned long long requestId, DOMString addonId);
* Suspends processing of the request. After this is called, no further data
* will be delivered until the request is resumed.
void suspend();
* Resumes delivery of data for a suspended request.
void resume();
* Closes the request. After this is called, no more data may be written to
* the stream, and no further data will be delivered.
* This *must* be called after the consumer is finished writing data, unless
* disconnect() has already been called.
void close();
* Disconnects the stream filter from the request. After this is called, no
* further data will be delivered to the filter, and any unprocessed data
* will be written directly to the output stream.
void disconnect();
* Writes a chunk of data to the output stream. This may not be called
* before the "start" event has been received.
void write((ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array) data);
* Returns the current status of the stream.
readonly attribute StreamFilterStatus status;
* After an "error" event has been dispatched, this contains a message
* describing the error.
readonly attribute DOMString error;
* Dispatched with a StreamFilterDataEvent whenever incoming data is
* available on the stream. This data will not be delivered to the output
* stream unless it is explicitly written via a write() call.
attribute EventHandler ondata;
* Dispatched when the stream is opened, and is about to begin delivering
* data.
attribute EventHandler onstart;
* Dispatched when the stream has closed, and has no more data to deliver.
* The output stream remains open and writable until close() is called.
attribute EventHandler onstop;
* Dispatched when an error has occurred. No further data may be read or
* written after this point.
attribute EventHandler onerror;
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* This is a Mozilla-specific WebExtension API, which is not available to web
* content. It allows monitoring and filtering of HTTP response stream data.
* This API should currently be considered experimental, and is not defined by
* any standard.
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional StreamFilterDataEventInit eventInitDict),
interface StreamFilterDataEvent : Event {
* Contains a chunk of data read from the input stream.
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer data;
dictionary StreamFilterDataEventInit : EventInit {
required ArrayBuffer data;
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// A dumping ground for random testing functions
callback PromiseReturner = Promise<any>();
interface TestFunctions {
static void throwUncatchableException();
// Simply returns its argument. Can be used to test Promise
// argument processing behavior.
static Promise<any> passThroughPromise(Promise<any> arg);
// Returns whatever Promise the given PromiseReturner returned.
static Promise<any> passThroughCallbackPromise(PromiseReturner callback);
// Some basic tests for string binding round-tripping behavior.
void setStringData(DOMString arg);
// Get the string data, using an nsAString argument on the C++ side.
// This will just use Assign/operator=, whatever that does.
DOMString getStringDataAsAString();
// Get the string data, but only "length" chars of it, using an
// nsAString argument on the C++ side. This will always copy on the
// C++ side.
DOMString getStringDataAsAString(unsigned long length);
// Get the string data, but only "length" chars of it, using a
// DOMString argument on the C++ side and trying to hand it
// stringbuffers. If length not passed, use our full length.
DOMString getStringDataAsDOMString(optional unsigned long length);
// Functions that just punch through to mozITestInterfaceJS.idl
void testThrowNsresult();
void testThrowNsresultFromNative();
// Throws an InvalidStateError to auto-create a rejected promise.
static Promise<any> throwToRejectPromise();
// Some attributes for the toJSON to work with.
readonly attribute long one;
readonly attribute long two;
// Testing for how default toJSON behaves.
[Default] object toJSON();
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
dictionary TestInterfaceJSUnionableDictionary {
object objectMember;
any anyMember;
Constructor(optional any anyArg, optional object objectArg, optional TestInterfaceJSDictionary dictionaryArg)]
interface TestInterfaceJS : EventTarget {
readonly attribute any anyArg;
readonly attribute object objectArg;
[Cached, Pure] readonly attribute TestInterfaceJSDictionary dictionaryArg;
attribute any anyAttr;
attribute object objectAttr;
[Cached, Pure] attribute TestInterfaceJSDictionary dictionaryAttr;
any pingPongAny(any arg);
object pingPongObject(object obj);
any pingPongObjectOrString((object or DOMString) objOrString);
TestInterfaceJSDictionary pingPongDictionary(optional TestInterfaceJSDictionary dict);
long pingPongDictionaryOrLong(optional (TestInterfaceJSUnionableDictionary or long) dictOrLong);
DOMString pingPongMap(record<DOMString, any> map);
long objectSequenceLength(sequence<object> seq);
long anySequenceLength(sequence<any> seq);
// For testing bug 968335.
DOMString getCallerPrincipal();
DOMString convertSVS(USVString svs);
(TestInterfaceJS or long) pingPongUnion((TestInterfaceJS or long) something);
(DOMString or TestInterfaceJS?) pingPongUnionContainingNull((TestInterfaceJS? or DOMString) something);
(TestInterfaceJS or long)? pingPongNullableUnion((TestInterfaceJS or long)? something);
(Location or TestInterfaceJS) returnBadUnion();
[Cached, Pure]
readonly attribute short cachedAttr;
void setCachedAttr(short n);
void clearCachedAttrCache();
// Test for sequence overloading and union behavior
void testSequenceOverload(sequence<DOMString> arg);
void testSequenceOverload(DOMString arg);
void testSequenceUnion((sequence<DOMString> or DOMString) arg);
// Tests for exception-throwing behavior
void testThrowError();
void testThrowDOMException();
void testThrowTypeError();
void testThrowCallbackError(Function callback);
void testThrowXraySelfHosted();
void testThrowSelfHosted();
// Tests for promise-rejection behavior
Promise<void> testPromiseWithThrowingChromePromiseInit();
Promise<void> testPromiseWithThrowingContentPromiseInit(Function func);
Promise<void> testPromiseWithDOMExceptionThrowingPromiseInit();
Promise<void> testPromiseWithThrowingChromeThenFunction();
Promise<void> testPromiseWithThrowingContentThenFunction(AnyCallback func);
Promise<void> testPromiseWithDOMExceptionThrowingThenFunction();
Promise<void> testPromiseWithThrowingChromeThenable();
Promise<void> testPromiseWithThrowingContentThenable(object thenable);
Promise<void> testPromiseWithDOMExceptionThrowingThenable();
// Event handler tests
attribute EventHandler onsomething;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// These dictionaries are in a separate WebIDL file to avoid circular include
// problems. One of the dictionary includes a union as a member, so that
// dictionary's header needs to include UnionTypes.h. But the API in
// TestInterfaceJS also declares a union of dictionaries, so _that_
// dictionary's header needs to be included _by_ UnionTypes.h. The solution
// is to separate those two dictionaries into separate header files.
dictionary TestInterfaceJSDictionary2 {
object innerObject;
dictionary TestInterfaceJSDictionary {
TestInterfaceJSDictionary2 innerDictionary;
object objectMember;
any anyMember;
(object or DOMString) objectOrStringMember;
sequence<any> anySequenceMember;
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
interface TestInterfaceMaplike {
maplike<DOMString, long>;
void setInternal(DOMString aKey, long aValue);
void clearInternal();
boolean deleteInternal(DOMString aKey);
boolean hasInternal(DOMString aKey);
interface TestInterfaceMaplikeObject {
readonly maplike<DOMString, TestInterfaceMaplike>;
void setInternal(DOMString aKey);
void clearInternal();
boolean deleteInternal(DOMString aKey);
boolean hasInternal(DOMString aKey);
interface TestInterfaceJSMaplike {
readonly maplike<DOMString, long>;
void setInternal(DOMString aKey, long aValue);
void clearInternal();
boolean deleteInternal(DOMString aKey);
interface TestInterfaceSetlike {
interface TestInterfaceSetlikeNode {
interface TestInterfaceIterableSingle {
getter long(unsigned long index);
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
interface TestInterfaceIterableDouble {
iterable<DOMString, DOMString>;
interface TestInterfaceIterableDoubleUnion {
iterable<DOMString, (DOMString or long)>;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
interface TreeColumn {
readonly attribute Element element;
readonly attribute TreeColumns? columns;
readonly attribute long x;
readonly attribute long width;
readonly attribute DOMString id;
readonly attribute long index;
readonly attribute boolean primary;
readonly attribute boolean cycler;
readonly attribute boolean editable;
readonly attribute boolean selectable;
const short TYPE_TEXT = 1;
const short TYPE_CHECKBOX = 2;
const short TYPE_PROGRESSMETER = 3;
const short TYPE_PASSWORD = 4;
readonly attribute short type;
TreeColumn? getNext();
TreeColumn? getPrevious();
void invalidate();
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
interface TreeColumns {
* The tree widget for these columns.
readonly attribute TreeBoxObject? tree;
* The number of columns.
readonly attribute unsigned long count;
* An alias for count (for the benefit of scripts which treat this as an
* array).
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
* Get the first/last column.
TreeColumn? getFirstColumn();
TreeColumn? getLastColumn();
* Attribute based column getters.
TreeColumn? getPrimaryColumn();
TreeColumn? getSortedColumn();
TreeColumn? getKeyColumn();
* Get the column for the given element.
TreeColumn? getColumnFor(Element? element);
* Parametric column getters.
getter TreeColumn? getNamedColumn(DOMString name);
getter TreeColumn? getColumnAt(unsigned long index);
* This method is called whenever a treecol is added or removed and
* the column cache needs to be rebuilt.
void invalidateColumns();
void restoreNaturalOrder();
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
interface TreeContentView
* Retrieve the content item associated with the specified row.
Element? getItemAtIndex(long row);
* Retrieve the index associated with the specified content item.
long getIndexOfItem(Element? item);
TreeContentView implements TreeView;
@ -230,137 +230,6 @@ interface SpeechSynthesisGetter {
Window implements SpeechSynthesisGetter;
// Mozilla-specific stuff
partial interface Window {
//[NewObject, Throws] CSSStyleDeclaration getDefaultComputedStyle(Element elt, optional DOMString pseudoElt = "");
[NewObject, Throws] CSSStyleDeclaration? getDefaultComputedStyle(Element elt, optional DOMString pseudoElt = "");
// Mozilla extensions
* Method for scrolling this window by a number of lines.
void scrollByLines(long numLines, optional ScrollOptions options);
* Method for scrolling this window by a number of pages.
void scrollByPages(long numPages, optional ScrollOptions options);
* Method for sizing this window to the content in the window.
[Throws, NeedsCallerType] void sizeToContent();
// XXX Shouldn't this be in nsIDOMChromeWindow?
[ChromeOnly, Replaceable, Throws] readonly attribute XULControllers controllers;
[ChromeOnly, Throws] readonly attribute Element? realFrameElement;
[Throws, NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute float mozInnerScreenX;
[Throws, NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute float mozInnerScreenY;
[Replaceable, Throws, NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute double devicePixelRatio;
/* The maximum offset that the window can be scrolled to
(i.e., the document width/height minus the scrollport width/height) */
[ChromeOnly, Throws] readonly attribute long scrollMinX;
[ChromeOnly, Throws] readonly attribute long scrollMinY;
[Replaceable, Throws] readonly attribute long scrollMaxX;
[Replaceable, Throws] readonly attribute long scrollMaxY;
[Throws] attribute boolean fullScreen;
[Throws, ChromeOnly] void back();
[Throws, ChromeOnly] void forward();
[Throws, ChromeOnly, NeedsSubjectPrincipal] void home();
// XXX Should this be in nsIDOMChromeWindow?
void updateCommands(DOMString action,
optional Selection? sel = null,
optional short reason = 0);
/* Find in page.
* @param str: the search pattern
* @param caseSensitive: is the search caseSensitive
* @param backwards: should we search backwards
* @param wrapAround: should we wrap the search
* @param wholeWord: should we search only for whole words
* @param searchInFrames: should we search through all frames
* @param showDialog: should we show the Find dialog
[Throws] boolean find(optional DOMString str = "",
optional boolean caseSensitive = false,
optional boolean backwards = false,
optional boolean wrapAround = false,
optional boolean wholeWord = false,
optional boolean searchInFrames = false,
optional boolean showDialog = false);
* Returns the number of times this document for this window has
* been painted to the screen.
[Throws] readonly attribute unsigned long long mozPaintCount;
attribute EventHandler ondevicemotion;
attribute EventHandler ondeviceorientation;
attribute EventHandler onabsolutedeviceorientation;
attribute EventHandler ondeviceproximity;
attribute EventHandler onuserproximity;
attribute EventHandler ondevicelight;
void dump(DOMString str);
* This method is here for backwards compatibility with 4.x only,
* its implementation is a no-op
void setResizable(boolean resizable);
* This is the scriptable version of
* nsIDOMWindow::openDialog() that takes 3 optional
* arguments, plus any additional arguments are passed on as
* arguments on the dialog's window object (window.arguments).
[Throws, ChromeOnly] WindowProxy? openDialog(optional DOMString url = "",
optional DOMString name = "",
optional DOMString options = "",
any... extraArguments);
// ChromeOnly,
NonEnumerable, Replaceable, Throws, NeedsCallerType]
readonly attribute object? content;
[Throws, ChromeOnly] any getInterface(IID iid);
* Same as nsIDOMWindow.windowRoot, useful for event listener targeting.
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
readonly attribute WindowRoot? windowRoot;
* ChromeOnly method to determine if a particular window should see console
* reports from service workers of the given scope.
boolean shouldReportForServiceWorkerScope(USVString aScope);
* InstallTrigger is used for extension installs. Ideally it would
* be something like a WebIDL namespace, but we don't support
* JS-implemented static things yet. See bug 863952.
readonly attribute InstallTriggerImpl? InstallTrigger;
Window implements TouchEventHandlers;
Window implements OnErrorEventHandlerForWindow;
@ -384,121 +253,6 @@ partial interface Window {
callback PromiseDocumentFlushedCallback = any ();
// Mozilla extensions for Chrome windows.
partial interface Window {
// The STATE_* constants need to match the corresponding enum in nsGlobalWindow.cpp.
const unsigned short STATE_MAXIMIZED = 1;
const unsigned short STATE_MINIMIZED = 2;
const unsigned short STATE_NORMAL = 3;
const unsigned short STATE_FULLSCREEN = 4;
readonly attribute unsigned short windowState;
readonly attribute boolean isFullyOccluded;
* browserDOMWindow provides access to yet another layer of
* utility functions implemented by chrome script. It will be null
* for DOMWindows not corresponding to browsers.
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
attribute nsIBrowserDOMWindow? browserDOMWindow;
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
void getAttention();
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
void getAttentionWithCycleCount(long aCycleCount);
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
void setCursor(DOMString cursor);
void maximize();
void minimize();
void restore();
* Notify a default button is loaded on a dialog or a wizard.
* defaultButton is the default button.
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
void notifyDefaultButtonLoaded(Element defaultButton);
readonly attribute ChromeMessageBroadcaster messageManager;
* Returns the message manager identified by the given group name that
* manages all frame loaders belonging to that group.
ChromeMessageBroadcaster getGroupMessageManager(DOMString aGroup);
* On some operating systems, we must allow the window manager to
* handle window dragging. This function tells the window manager to
* start dragging the window. This function will fail unless called
* while the left mouse button is held down, callers must check this.
* Throws NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if the OS doesn't support this.
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
void beginWindowMove(Event mouseDownEvent);
* Calls the given function as soon as a style or layout flush for the
* top-level document is not necessary, and returns a Promise which
* resolves to the callback's return value after it executes.
* In the event that the window goes away before a flush can occur, the
* callback will still be called and the Promise resolved as the window
* tears itself down.
* Note that the callback can be called either synchronously or asynchronously
* depending on whether or not flushes are pending:
* The callback will be called synchronously when calling
* promiseDocumentFlushed when NO flushes are already pending. This is
* to ensure that no script has a chance to dirty the DOM before the callback
* is called.
* The callback will be called asynchronously if a flush is pending.
* The expected execution order is that all pending callbacks will
* be fired first (and in the order that they were queued) and then the
* Promise resolution handlers will all be invoked later on during the
* next microtask checkpoint.
* promiseDocumentFlushed does not support re-entrancy - so calling it from
* within a promiseDocumentFlushed callback will result in the inner call
* throwing an NS_ERROR_FAILURE exception, and the outer Promise rejecting
* with that exception.
* The callback function *must not make any changes which would require
* a style or layout flush*.
* Also throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the window is not in a state where flushes
* can be waited for (for example, the PresShell has not yet been created).
* @param {function} callback
* @returns {Promise}
[Throws, Func="nsGlobalWindowInner::IsPrivilegedChromeWindow"]
Promise<any> promiseDocumentFlushed(PromiseDocumentFlushedCallback callback);
readonly attribute boolean isChromeWindow;
partial interface Window {
attribute EventHandler onvrdisplayconnect;
@ -534,31 +288,4 @@ dictionary IdleRequestOptions {
callback IdleRequestCallback = void (IdleDeadline deadline);
partial interface Window {
* Returns a list of locales that the internationalization components
* should be localized to.
* The function name refers to Regional Preferences which can be either
* fetched from the internal internationalization database (CLDR), or
* from the host environment.
* The result is a sorted list of valid locale IDs and it should be
* used for all APIs that accept list of locales, like ECMA402 and L10n APIs.
* This API always returns at least one locale.
* Example: ["en-US", "de", "pl", "sr-Cyrl", "zh-Hans-HK"]
sequence<DOMString> getRegionalPrefsLocales();
* Getter funcion for IntlUtils, which provides helper functions for
* localization.
[Throws, Func="IsChromeOrXBL"]
readonly attribute IntlUtils intlUtils;
Window implements WebGPUProvider;
@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ enum XMLHttpRequestResponseType {
// Mozilla-specific stuff
@ -118,29 +115,4 @@ interface XMLHttpRequest : XMLHttpRequestEventTarget {
[Throws, Exposed=Window]
readonly attribute Document? responseXML;
// Mozilla-specific stuff
[ChromeOnly, SetterThrows]
attribute boolean mozBackgroundRequest;
[ChromeOnly, Exposed=Window]
readonly attribute MozChannel? channel;
[Throws, ChromeOnly, Exposed=Window]
any getInterface(IID iid);
[ChromeOnly, Exposed=Window]
void setOriginAttributes(optional OriginAttributesDictionary originAttributes);
[ChromeOnly, Throws]
void sendInputStream(InputStream body);
// Only works on MainThread.
// Its permanence is to be evaluated in bug 1368540 for Firefox 60.
readonly attribute unsigned short errorCode;
readonly attribute boolean mozAnon;
readonly attribute boolean mozSystem;
@ -21,19 +21,4 @@ interface XMLSerializer {
DOMString serializeToString(Node root);
// Mozilla-specific stuff
* The subtree rooted by the specified element is serialized to
* a byte stream using the character set specified.
* @param root The root of the subtree to be serialized. This could
* be any node, including a Document.
* @param stream The byte stream to which the subtree is serialized.
* @param charset The name of the character set to use for the encoding
* to a byte stream. If this string is empty and root is
* a document, the document's character set will be used.
[Throws, ChromeOnly]
void serializeToStream(Node root, OutputStream stream, DOMString? charset);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
// `nsISupports` is a Gecko thing that can be queried if it implements some
// interface. We can query anything via `JsCast`, so it is good enough to just
// call it an Object.
typedef Object nsISupports;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ impl<'src> FirstPass<'src, ()> for weedle::DictionaryDefinition<'src> {
if !record.dictionaries.insert(self.identifier.0) {
warn!("encountered multiple dictionary declarations of {}", self.identifier.0);
info!("Encountered multiple dictionary declarations: {}", self.identifier.0);
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ impl<'src> FirstPass<'src, ()> for weedle::EnumDefinition<'src> {
if !record.enums.insert(self.identifier.0) {
warn!("Encountered multiple enum declarations of {}", self.identifier.0);
info!("Encountered multiple enum declarations: {}", self.identifier.0);
@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ impl<'src> FirstPass<'src, &'src str> for weedle::interface::OperationInterfaceM
if self.specials.len() > 1 {
warn!("Unsupported webidl operation {:?}", self);
warn!("Unsupported webidl operation: {:?}", self);
return Ok(())
if let Some(StringifierOrStatic::Stringifier(_)) = self.modifier {
warn!("Unsupported webidl operation {:?}", self);
warn!("Unsupported webidl stringifier: {:?}", self);
return Ok(())
let mut ids = vec![OperationId::Operation(self.identifier.map(|s| s.0))];
@ -430,9 +430,10 @@ impl<'src> FirstPass<'src, &'src str> for weedle::mixin::OperationMixinMember<'s
if self.stringifier.is_some() {
warn!("Unsupported webidl operation {:?}", self);
warn!("Unsupported webidl stringifier: {:?}", self);
return Ok(())
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ impl<'src> FirstPass<'src, ()> for weedle::TypedefDefinition<'src> {
if record.typedefs.insert(self.identifier.0, &self.type_.type_).is_some() {
warn!("Encountered multiple declarations of {}", self.identifier.0);
info!("Encountered multiple typedef declarations: {}", self.identifier.0);
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ impl<'a> ToIdlType<'a> for Identifier<'a> {
} else if record.enums.contains(self.0) {
} else {
warn!("unrecognized type {}", self.0);
warn!("Unrecognized type: {}", self.0);
@ -188,12 +188,19 @@ impl<'src> WebidlParse<'src, ()> for weedle::Definition<'src> {
weedle::Definition::Namespace(namespace) => {
namespace.webidl_parse(program, first_pass, ())?
| weedle::Definition::Callback(..)
| weedle::Definition::CallbackInterface(..)
| weedle::Definition::Dictionary(..)
| weedle::Definition::PartialDictionary(..) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL definition: {:?}", self)
weedle::Definition::Callback(..) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL Callback definition: {:?}", self)
weedle::Definition::CallbackInterface(..) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL CallbackInterface definition: {:?}", self)
weedle::Definition::Dictionary(..) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL Dictionary definition: {:?}", self)
weedle::Definition::PartialDictionary(..) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL PartialDictionary definition: {:?}", self)
@ -288,7 +295,7 @@ impl<'src> WebidlParse<'src, ()> for weedle::PartialInterfaceDefinition<'src> {
.map(|interface_data| !interface_data.partial)
.unwrap_or(true) {
"Partial interface {} missing non-partial interface",
@ -453,10 +460,16 @@ impl<'src> WebidlParse<'src, &'src str> for weedle::interface::InterfaceMember<'
iterable.webidl_parse(program, first_pass, self_name)
| Maplike(_)
| Stringifier(_)
| Setlike(_) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL interface member: {:?}", self);
Maplike(_) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL Maplike interface member: {:?}", self);
Stringifier(_) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL Stringifier interface member: {:?}", self);
Setlike(_) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL Setlike interface member: {:?}", self);
@ -482,7 +495,7 @@ impl<'a, 'src> WebidlParse<'src, &'a str> for weedle::mixin::MixinMember<'src> {
weedle::mixin::MixinMember::Stringifier(_) => {
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL mixin member: {:?}", self);
warn!("Unsupported WebIDL stringifier mixin member: {:?}", self);
@ -551,7 +564,7 @@ fn member_attribute<'src>(
let is_static = match modifier {
Some(Stringifier(_)) => {
warn!("Unsupported stringifier on type {:?}", (self_name, identifier));
warn!("Unsupported stringifier on type: {:?}", (self_name, identifier));
return Ok(())
Some(Inherit(_)) => false,
@ -560,7 +573,7 @@ fn member_attribute<'src>(
if type_.attributes.is_some() {
warn!("Unsupported attributes on type {:?}", (self_name, identifier));
warn!("Unsupported attributes on type: {:?}", (self_name, identifier));
return Ok(())
@ -656,7 +669,7 @@ fn member_operation<'src>(
let is_static = match modifier {
Some(Stringifier(_)) => {
warn!("Unsupported stringifier on type {:?}", (self_name, identifier));
warn!("Unsupported stringifier on type: {:?}", (self_name, identifier));
return Ok(())
Some(Static(_)) => true,
@ -668,7 +681,7 @@ fn member_operation<'src>(
if specials.len() > 1 {
"Unsupported specials ({:?}) on type {:?}",
"Unsupported specials: ({:?}) on type {:?}",
(self_name, identifier),
@ -812,7 +825,12 @@ impl<'src> WebidlParse<'src, &'src str> for weedle::interface::ConstMember<'src>
let ty = match idl_type.to_syn_type(TypePosition::Return) {
None => {
warn!("Can not convert const type to syn type: {:?}", idl_type);
"Cannot convert const type to syn type: {:?} in {:?} on {:?}",
return Ok(());
Some(ty) => ty,
@ -888,8 +906,8 @@ impl<'src> WebidlParse<'src, (&'src str, &'src mut backend::ast::Module)> for we
weedle::namespace::NamespaceMember::Operation(op) => {
op.webidl_parse(program, first_pass, (self_name, module))?;
weedle::namespace::NamespaceMember::Attribute(_) => {
warn!("Attribute namespace members are not supported")
weedle::namespace::NamespaceMember::Attribute(attr) => {
warn!("Unsupported attribute namespace member: {:?}", attr)
@ -235,7 +235,11 @@ impl<'src> FirstPassRecord<'src> {
ret @ _ => {
match ret.to_syn_type(TypePosition::Return) {
None => {
warn!("Can not convert return type to syn type: {:?}", ret);
"Unsupported return type: {:?} on {:?}",
return Vec::new();
Some(ret) => Some(ret),
@ -315,7 +319,11 @@ impl<'src> FirstPassRecord<'src> {
let syn_type = if let Some(syn_type) = idl_type.to_syn_type(TypePosition::Argument) {
} else {
warn!("Can not convert argument type to syn type: {:?}", idl_type);
"Unsupported argument type: {:?} on {:?}",
continue 'outer;
let argument_name = rust_ident(&argument_name.to_snake_case());
@ -389,7 +397,7 @@ impl<'src> FirstPassRecord<'src> {
first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"),
first_pass::OperationId::Operation(name) => match name {
None => {
warn!("Operations without a name are unsupported");
warn!("Unsupported unnamed operation: {:?}", operation_id);
return Vec::new();
Some(name) => name,
@ -533,7 +541,7 @@ impl<'src> FirstPassRecord<'src> {
let name = match operation_name {
Some(name) => name.to_string(),
None => {
warn!("Operations without a name are unsupported");
warn!("Unsupported unnamed operation: on {:?}", self_name);
return Vec::new();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user