1138 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::iter::FromIterator;
use backend;
2018-08-04 15:16:02 -07:00
use backend::util::{ident_ty, leading_colon_path_ty, raw_ident, rust_ident};
use heck::{CamelCase, SnakeCase};
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use syn;
use weedle;
use weedle::attribute::{ExtendedAttributeList, ExtendedAttribute};
use weedle::argument::{Argument, SingleArgument};
use weedle::common::Identifier;
use weedle::types::*;
use weedle::literal::{ConstValue, FloatLit, IntegerLit};
use first_pass::FirstPassRecord;
/// Take a type and create an immutable shared reference to that type.
fn shared_ref(ty: syn::Type) -> syn::Type {
syn::TypeReference {
and_token: Default::default(),
lifetime: None,
mutability: None,
elem: Box::new(ty),
/// Fix camelcase of identifiers like HTMLBRElement
pub fn camel_case_ident(identifier: &str) -> String {
identifier.replace("HTML", "HTML_").to_camel_case()
// Returns a link to MDN
pub fn mdn_doc(class: &str, method: Option<&str>) -> String {
let mut link = format!("https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/{}", class);
if let Some(method) = method {
link.push_str(&format!("/{}", method));
format!("[Documentation]({})", link).into()
pub(crate) trait ToSynType<'src> {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>;
impl<'src, T: ToSynType<'src>> ToSynType<'src> for MayBeNull<T> {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
let ty = self.type_.to_syn_type(record, pos)?;
if self.q_mark.is_some() {
} else {
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for ConstType<'src> {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
match self {
ConstType::Integer(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ConstType::FloatingPoint(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ConstType::Boolean(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ConstType::Byte(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ConstType::Octet(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ConstType::Identifier(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for IntegerType {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
match self {
IntegerType::LongLong(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
IntegerType::Long(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
IntegerType::Short(l) => l.to_syn_type(record, pos),
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for ShortType {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
if self.unsigned.is_some() {
} else {
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for LongType {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
if self.unsigned.is_some() {
} else {
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for LongLongType {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
if self.unsigned.is_some() {
} else {
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for FloatingPointType {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
match self {
FloatingPointType::Float(_) => Some(ident_ty(raw_ident("f32"))),
FloatingPointType::Double(_) => Some(ident_ty(raw_ident("f64"))),
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Boolean {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Byte {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Octet {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::common::Identifier<'src> {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
if let Some(other) = record.typedefs.get(&self.0) {
return other.to_syn_type(record, pos)
// A reference to a type by name becomes the same thing in the
// bindings.
let ty = ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(self.0).as_str()));
Some(if record.interfaces.contains_key(self.0) {
if pos == TypePosition::Argument {
} else {
} else if record.dictionaries.contains(self.0) {
} else if record.enums.contains(self.0) {
} else {
warn!("unrecognized type {}", self.0);
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::DOMString {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
// strings -> `&str` for arguments and `String` for return
Some(match pos {
TypePosition::Argument => shared_ref(ident_ty(raw_ident("str"))),
TypePosition::Return => ident_ty(raw_ident("String")),
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::ByteString {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
// ByteString maps to String in JS -
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ByteString
weedle::term::DOMString.to_syn_type(record, pos)
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::USVString {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
// USVString maps to String in JS -
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/USVString
weedle::term::DOMString.to_syn_type(record, pos)
// Array type is borrowed for arguments (`&[T]`) and owned for return value (`Vec<T>`).
fn array(base_ty: &str, pos: TypePosition) -> syn::Type {
match pos {
TypePosition::Argument => {
TypePosition::Return => {
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Float32Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("f32", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Float64Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("f64", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Int8Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("i8", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Int16Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("i16", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Int32Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("i32", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Uint8Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("u8", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Uint8ClampedArray {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("u8", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Uint16Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("u16", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Uint32Array {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
Some(array("u32", pos))
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::ArrayBuffer {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
let path = vec![rust_ident("js_sys"), rust_ident("ArrayBuffer")];
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::term::Object {
fn to_syn_type(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, _pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
let path = vec![rust_ident("js_sys"), rust_ident("Object")];
impl<'src> ToSynType<'src> for weedle::types::Type<'src> {
fn to_syn_type(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord<'src>, pos: TypePosition)
-> Option<syn::Type>
use weedle::types::NonAnyType::*;
let single = match self {
Type::Single(s) => s,
Type::Union(_) => return None,
let ty = match single {
// `any` becomes `::wasm_bindgen::JsValue`.
SingleType::Any(_) => {
let path = vec![rust_ident("wasm_bindgen"), rust_ident("JsValue")];
return Some(leading_colon_path_ty(path))
SingleType::NonAny(other) => other,
match ty {
Boolean(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Octet(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Byte(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Identifier(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Integer(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
FloatingPoint(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Float32Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Float64Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Int8Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Int16Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Int32Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Uint8Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Uint8ClampedArray(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Uint16Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Uint32Array(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
DOMString(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ByteString(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
USVString(s) => s.to_syn_type(record, pos),
ArrayBuffer(b) => b.to_syn_type(record, pos),
Object(o) => o.to_syn_type(record, pos),
// Support for these types is not yet implemented, so skip
// generating any bindings for this function.
| DataView(_)
| Error(_)
| FrozenArrayType(_)
| Promise(_)
| RecordType(..)
| Sequence(_)
| Symbol(_) => {
/// Map a webidl const value to the correct wasm-bindgen const value
pub fn webidl_const_v_to_backend_const_v(v: &ConstValue) -> backend::ast::ConstValue {
use std::f64::{NEG_INFINITY, INFINITY, NAN};
use backend::ast;
match *v {
ConstValue::Boolean(b) => ast::ConstValue::BooleanLiteral(b.0),
ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::NegInfinity(_)) => {
ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::Infinity(_)) => {
ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::NaN(_)) => {
ConstValue::Float(FloatLit::Value(s)) => {
ConstValue::Integer(lit) => {
let mklit = |orig_text: &str, base: u32, offset: usize| {
let (negative, text) = if orig_text.starts_with("-") {
(true, &orig_text[1..])
} else {
(false, orig_text)
if text == "0" {
return ast::ConstValue::SignedIntegerLiteral(0)
let text = &text[offset..];
let n = u64::from_str_radix(text, base)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("literal too big: {}", orig_text));
if negative {
let n = if n > (i64::min_value() as u64).wrapping_neg() {
panic!("literal too big: {}", orig_text)
} else {
n.wrapping_neg() as i64
} else {
match lit {
IntegerLit::Hex(h) => mklit(h.0, 16, 2), // leading 0x
IntegerLit::Oct(h) => mklit(h.0, 8, 1), // leading 0
IntegerLit::Dec(h) => mklit(h.0, 10, 0),
ConstValue::Null(_) => ast::ConstValue::Null,
/// From `ident` and `Ty`, create `ident: Ty` for use in e.g. `fn(ident: Ty)`.
fn simple_fn_arg(ident: Ident, ty: syn::Type) -> syn::ArgCaptured {
syn::ArgCaptured {
pat: syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent {
by_ref: None,
mutability: None,
subpat: None,
colon_token: Default::default(),
/// Create `()`.
fn unit_ty() -> syn::Type {
syn::Type::Tuple(syn::TypeTuple {
paren_token: Default::default(),
elems: syn::punctuated::Punctuated::new(),
/// From `T` create `Result<T, ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue>`.
fn result_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type {
let js_value = leading_colon_path_ty(vec![rust_ident("wasm_bindgen"), rust_ident("JsValue")]);
let arguments = syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
colon2_token: None,
lt_token: Default::default(),
args: FromIterator::from_iter(vec![
gt_token: Default::default(),
let ident = raw_ident("Result");
let seg = syn::PathSegment { ident, arguments };
let path: syn::Path = seg.into();
let ty = syn::TypePath { qself: None, path };
/// From `T` create `[T]`.
fn slice_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type {
syn::TypeSlice {
bracket_token: Default::default(),
elem: Box::new(t),
/// From `T` create `Vec<T>`.
fn vec_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type {
let arguments = syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
colon2_token: None,
lt_token: Default::default(),
args: FromIterator::from_iter(vec![
gt_token: Default::default(),
let ident = raw_ident("Vec");
let seg = syn::PathSegment { ident, arguments };
let path: syn::Path = seg.into();
let ty = syn::TypePath { qself: None, path };
/// From `T` create `Option<T>`
fn option_ty(t: syn::Type) -> syn::Type {
let arguments = syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
colon2_token: None,
lt_token: Default::default(),
args: FromIterator::from_iter(vec![syn::GenericArgument::Type(t)]),
gt_token: Default::default(),
let ident = raw_ident("Option");
let seg = syn::PathSegment { ident, arguments };
let path: syn::Path = seg.into();
let ty = syn::TypePath { qself: None, path };
/// Possible positions for a type in a function signature.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum TypePosition {
/// Implemented on an AST type node to generate a snake case name.
trait TypeToString {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String);
impl<T: TypeToString> TypeToString for MayBeNull<T> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
if self.q_mark.is_some() {
self.type_.type_to_string(record, dst);
impl<'src> TypeToString for weedle::types::ReturnType<'src> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
match self {
weedle::types::ReturnType::Type(ty) => (*ty).type_to_string(record, dst),
weedle::types::ReturnType::Void(_) => dst.push_str("void"),
impl TypeToString for weedle::types::StringType {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
match self {
weedle::types::StringType::Byte(_) => dst.push_str("byte_str"),
weedle::types::StringType::DOM(_) => dst.push_str("dom_str"),
weedle::types::StringType::USV(_) => dst.push_str("usv_str"),
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Byte {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Octet {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Boolean {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::USVString {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::ByteString {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::DOMString {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Float32Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Float64Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Int8Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Int16Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Int32Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Uint8Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Uint8ClampedArray {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Uint16Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Uint32Array {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl<'src> TypeToString for weedle::common::Identifier<'src> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
match record.typedefs.get(self.0) {
Some(other) => other.type_to_string(record, dst),
None => dst.push_str(&self.0.to_snake_case()),
impl TypeToString for IntegerType {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
match self {
IntegerType::LongLong(l) if l.unsigned.is_some() => dst.push_str("u64"),
IntegerType::LongLong(_) => dst.push_str("i64"),
IntegerType::Long(l) if l.unsigned.is_some() => dst.push_str("u32"),
IntegerType::Long(_) => dst.push_str("i32"),
IntegerType::Short(l) if l.unsigned.is_some() => dst.push_str("u16"),
IntegerType::Short(_) => dst.push_str("i16"),
impl TypeToString for FloatingPointType {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
match self {
FloatingPointType::Float(_) => dst.push_str("f32"),
FloatingPointType::Double(_) => dst.push_str("f64"),
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::ArrayBuffer {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Symbol {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Object {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::DataView {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl TypeToString for weedle::term::Error {
fn type_to_string(&self, _record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
impl<'src> TypeToString for weedle::types::SequenceType<'src> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
self.generics.body.type_to_string(record, dst);
impl<'src> TypeToString for weedle::types::PromiseType<'src> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
self.generics.body.type_to_string(record, dst);
impl<'src> TypeToString for weedle::types::FrozenArrayType<'src> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
self.generics.body.type_to_string(record, dst);
impl<'src> TypeToString for weedle::types::RecordType<'src> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
self.generics.body.0.type_to_string(record, dst);
self.generics.body.2.type_to_string(record, dst);
impl<'a> TypeToString for weedle::types::Type<'a> {
fn type_to_string(&self, record: &FirstPassRecord, dst: &mut String) {
use weedle::types::NonAnyType::*;
let single = match self {
Type::Single(s) => s,
Type::Union(_) => panic!("unions not supported"),
Add support for optional slice types (#507) * Shard the `convert.rs` module into sub-modules Hopefully this'll make the organization a little nicer over time! * Start adding support for optional types This commit starts adding support for optional types to wasm-bindgen as arguments/return values to functions. The strategy here is to add two new traits, `OptionIntoWasmAbi` and `OptionFromWasmAbi`. These two traits are used as a blanket impl to implement `IntoWasmAbi` and `FromWasmAbi` for `Option<T>`. Some consequences of this design: * It should be possible to ensure `Option<SomeForeignType>` implements to/from wasm traits. This is because the option-based traits can be implemented for foreign types. * A specialized implementation is possible for all types, so there's no need for `Option<T>` to introduce unnecessary overhead. * Two new traits is a bit unforutnate but I can't currently think of an alternative design that works for the above two constraints, although it doesn't mean one doesn't exist! * The error messages for "can't use this type here" is actually halfway decent because it says these new traits need to be implemented, which provides a good place to document and talk about what's going on here! * Nested references like `Option<&T>` can't implement `FromWasmAbi`. This means that you can't define a function in Rust which takes `Option<&str>`. It may be possible to do this one day but it'll likely require more trait trickery than I'm capable of right now. * Add support for optional slices This commit adds support for optional slice types, things like strings and arrays. The null representation of these has a pointer value of 0, which should never happen in normal Rust. Otherwise the various plumbing is done throughout the tooling to enable these types in all locations. * Fix `takeObject` on global sentinels These don't have a reference count as they're always expected to work, so avoid actually dropping a reference on them. * Remove some no longer needed bindings * Add support for optional anyref types This commit adds support for optional imported class types. Each type imported with `#[wasm_bindgen]` automatically implements the relevant traits and now supports `Option<Foo>` in various argument/return positions. * Fix building without the `std` feature * Actually fix the build... * Add support for optional types to WebIDL Closes #502
2018-07-19 14:44:23 -05:00
let ty = match single {
SingleType::Any(_) => return dst.push_str("any"),
SingleType::NonAny(other) => other,
match ty {
Boolean(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Octet(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Byte(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Identifier(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Integer(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
FloatingPoint(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Float32Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Float64Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Int8Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Int16Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Int32Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Uint8Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Uint8ClampedArray(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Uint16Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Uint32Array(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
DOMString(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
ByteString(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
USVString(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
ArrayBuffer(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
DataView(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Error(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
FrozenArrayType(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Object(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Promise(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
RecordType(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Sequence(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Symbol(s) => s.type_to_string(record, dst),
Add support for optional slice types (#507) * Shard the `convert.rs` module into sub-modules Hopefully this'll make the organization a little nicer over time! * Start adding support for optional types This commit starts adding support for optional types to wasm-bindgen as arguments/return values to functions. The strategy here is to add two new traits, `OptionIntoWasmAbi` and `OptionFromWasmAbi`. These two traits are used as a blanket impl to implement `IntoWasmAbi` and `FromWasmAbi` for `Option<T>`. Some consequences of this design: * It should be possible to ensure `Option<SomeForeignType>` implements to/from wasm traits. This is because the option-based traits can be implemented for foreign types. * A specialized implementation is possible for all types, so there's no need for `Option<T>` to introduce unnecessary overhead. * Two new traits is a bit unforutnate but I can't currently think of an alternative design that works for the above two constraints, although it doesn't mean one doesn't exist! * The error messages for "can't use this type here" is actually halfway decent because it says these new traits need to be implemented, which provides a good place to document and talk about what's going on here! * Nested references like `Option<&T>` can't implement `FromWasmAbi`. This means that you can't define a function in Rust which takes `Option<&str>`. It may be possible to do this one day but it'll likely require more trait trickery than I'm capable of right now. * Add support for optional slices This commit adds support for optional slice types, things like strings and arrays. The null representation of these has a pointer value of 0, which should never happen in normal Rust. Otherwise the various plumbing is done throughout the tooling to enable these types in all locations. * Fix `takeObject` on global sentinels These don't have a reference count as they're always expected to work, so avoid actually dropping a reference on them. * Remove some no longer needed bindings * Add support for optional anyref types This commit adds support for optional imported class types. Each type imported with `#[wasm_bindgen]` automatically implements the relevant traits and now supports `Option<Foo>` in various argument/return positions. * Fix building without the `std` feature * Actually fix the build... * Add support for optional types to WebIDL Closes #502
2018-07-19 14:44:23 -05:00
2018-06-14 19:21:33 -07:00
impl<'src> FirstPassRecord<'src> {
/// Use the first pass to convert webidl function arguments to rust arguments.
/// `kind` is whether the function is a method, in which case we would need a `self`
/// parameter.
fn webidl_arguments_to_syn_arg_captured(
arguments: &[Argument],
kind: &backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind,
) -> Option<Vec<syn::ArgCaptured>>
let mut res = if let backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method {
backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation {
is_static: false, ..
} = kind
2018-06-14 19:21:33 -07:00
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(arguments.len() + 1);
res.push(simple_fn_arg(raw_ident("self_"), shared_ref(ty.clone())));
} else {
for argument in arguments {
let argument = match argument {
Argument::Single(arg) => arg,
Argument::Variadic(_) => return None,
match argument.type_.type_.to_syn_type(self, TypePosition::Argument) {
None => {
warn!("Argument's type is not yet supported: {:?}", argument);
return None;
Some(ty) => {
let name = argument.identifier.0.to_snake_case();
res.push(simple_fn_arg(rust_ident(&name), ty))
/// Create a wasm-bindgen function, if possible.
pub fn create_function(
name: &str,
overloaded: bool,
same_argument_names: bool,
arguments: &[Argument],
mut ret: Option<syn::Type>,
kind: backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind,
structural: bool,
catch: bool,
doc_comment: Option<String>,
) -> Option<backend::ast::ImportFunction>
let ast_arguments = self.webidl_arguments_to_syn_arg_captured(arguments, &kind)?;
let rust_name = rust_ident(
&if overloaded && !arguments.is_empty() {
let mut argument_type_names = String::new();
for arg in arguments {
let arg = match arg {
Argument::Single(single) => single,
Argument::Variadic(_) => return None,
if argument_type_names.len() > 0 {
if same_argument_names {
arg.type_.type_.type_to_string(self, &mut argument_type_names);
} else {
if name == "new" {
"with_".to_owned() + &argument_type_names
} else {
name.to_snake_case() + "_with_" + &argument_type_names
} else {
let name = name.to_string();
let js_ret = ret.clone();
if catch {
ret = Some(ret.map_or_else(|| result_ty(unit_ty()), result_ty))
let shim = {
let ns = match kind {
backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => "",
backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref class, .. } => class,
raw_ident(&format!("__widl_f_{}_{}", rust_name, ns))
Some(backend::ast::ImportFunction {
function: backend::ast::Function {
arguments: ast_arguments,
rust_attrs: vec![],
rust_vis: public(),
/// Create a wasm-bindgen method, if possible.
pub fn create_basic_method(
arguments: &[weedle::argument::Argument],
operation_id: ::first_pass::OperationId,
return_type: &weedle::types::ReturnType,
self_name: &str,
is_static: bool,
structural: bool,
catch: bool,
) -> Option<backend::ast::ImportFunction> {
let (overloaded, same_argument_names) = self.get_operation_overloading(
let name = match &operation_id {
::first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"),
::first_pass::OperationId::Operation(name) => match name {
None => {
warn!("Operations without a name are unsupported");
return None;
Some(name) => name.to_string(),
2018-08-07 00:06:04 +03:00
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingGetter => "get".to_string(),
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingSetter => "set".to_string(),
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingDeleter => "delete".to_string(),
let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method {
class: self_name.to_string(),
ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(&self_name).as_str())),
kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation {
kind: match &operation_id {
::first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"),
::first_pass::OperationId::Operation(_) => backend::ast::OperationKind::Regular,
2018-08-07 00:06:04 +03:00
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingGetter => backend::ast::OperationKind::IndexingGetter,
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingSetter => backend::ast::OperationKind::IndexingSetter,
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingDeleter => backend::ast::OperationKind::IndexingDeleter,
let ret = match return_type {
weedle::types::ReturnType::Void(_) => None,
weedle::types::ReturnType::Type(ty) => {
match ty.to_syn_type(self, TypePosition::Return) {
None => {
warn!("Operation's return type is not yet supported: {:?}", ty);
return None;
Some(ty) => Some(ty),
let doc_comment = match &operation_id {
::first_pass::OperationId::Constructor => panic!("constructors are unsupported"),
::first_pass::OperationId::Operation(_) => Some(
"The `{}()` method\n\n{}",
mdn_doc(self_name, Some(&name))
2018-08-07 02:40:55 +03:00
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingGetter => Some("The indexing getter\n\n".to_string()),
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingSetter => Some("The indexing setter\n\n".to_string()),
::first_pass::OperationId::IndexingDeleter => Some("The indexing deleter\n\n".to_string()),
/// Whether operation is overloaded and
/// whether there overloads with same argument names for given argument types
pub fn get_operation_overloading(
arguments: &[weedle::argument::Argument],
id: &::first_pass::OperationId,
self_name: &str,
) -> (bool, bool) {
let data = match self.interfaces.get(self_name) {
Some(data) => data,
None => return (false, false),
let data = match data.operations.get(id) {
Some(data) => data,
None => return (false, false),
let mut names = Vec::with_capacity(arguments.len());
for arg in arguments {
match arg {
Argument::Single(arg) => names.push(arg.identifier.0),
Argument::Variadic(_) => return (false, false),
/// Create a wasm-bindgen getter method, if possible.
pub fn create_getter(
name: &str,
ty: &weedle::types::Type,
self_name: &str,
is_static: bool,
is_structural: bool,
catch: bool,
) -> Option<backend::ast::ImportFunction> {
let ret = match ty.to_syn_type(self, TypePosition::Return) {
None => {
warn!("Attribute's type does not yet support reading: {:?}", ty);
2018-06-14 19:21:33 -07:00
return None;
Some(ty) => Some(ty),
2018-06-14 19:21:33 -07:00
let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method {
class: self_name.to_string(),
ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(&self_name).as_str())),
kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation {
kind: backend::ast::OperationKind::Getter(Some(raw_ident(name))),
let doc_comment = Some(format!("The `{}` getter\n\n{}", name, mdn_doc(self_name, Some(name))));
self.create_function(name, false, false, &[], ret, kind, is_structural, catch, doc_comment)
/// Create a wasm-bindgen setter method, if possible.
pub fn create_setter(
name: &str,
ty: weedle::types::Type,
self_name: &str,
is_static: bool,
is_structural: bool,
catch: bool,
) -> Option<backend::ast::ImportFunction> {
let kind = backend::ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method {
class: self_name.to_string(),
ty: ident_ty(rust_ident(camel_case_ident(&self_name).as_str())),
kind: backend::ast::MethodKind::Operation(backend::ast::Operation {
kind: backend::ast::OperationKind::Setter(Some(raw_ident(name))),
let doc_comment = Some(format!("The `{}` setter\n\n{}", name, mdn_doc(self_name, Some(name))));
&format!("set_{}", name),
&[Argument::Single(SingleArgument {
attributes: None,
optional: None,
type_: AttributedType {
attributes: None,
type_: ty,
identifier: Identifier(name),
default: None,
2018-07-02 20:35:05 -07:00
/// Search for an attribute by name in some webidl object's attributes.
fn has_named_attribute(list: &Option<ExtendedAttributeList>, attribute: &str) -> bool {
let list = match list {
Some(list) => list,
None => return false,
list.body.list.iter().any(|attr| match attr {
ExtendedAttribute::NoArgs(name) => (name.0).0 == attribute,
_ => false,
2018-07-02 20:35:05 -07:00
Create the `web-sys` crate mechanically from WebIDL (#409) * Create a new `web-sys` crate This will eventually contain all the WebIDL-generated bindings to Web APIs. * ci: Test the new `web-sys` crate in CI * web-sys: Add a small README * web-sys: Vendor all the WebIDL files from mozilla-central * backend: Add a pass to remove AST items that use undefined imports This is necessary for the WebIDL frontend, which can't translate many WebIDL constructs into equivalent wasm-bindgen AST things yet. It lets us make incremental progress: we can generate bindings to methods we can support right now even though there might be methods on the same interface that we can't support yet. * webidl: Add a bunch of missing semicolons * webidl: Make parsing private It was only `pub` so that we could test it, but we ended up moving towards integration tests rather than unit tests that assert particular ASTs are parsed from WebIDL files. * webidl: Remove uses of undefined import types * test-project-builder: Build projects in "very verbose" mode This helps for debugging failing WebIDL-related tests. * test-project-builder: Add more profiling timers * test-project-builder: Detect when webpack-dev-server fails Instead of going into an infinite loop, detect when webpack-dev-server fails to start up and early exit the test. * webidl: Specify version for dev-dependency on wasm-bindgen-backend Instead of only a relative path. * guide: Add section about contributing to `web-sys` * WIP enable Event.webidl Still need to fix and finish the test. * Update expected webidl output * Start out a test's status as incomplete That way if we don't fill it in the error message doesn't look quite so bizarre * Fix onerror function in headless mode Otherwise we don't see any output! * Fix package.json/node_modules handling in project generation Make sure these are looked up in the git project root rather than the crate root * Avoid logging body text This was meant for debugging and is otherwise pretty noisy * Fix a relative path * More expected test fixes * Fix a typo * test-project-builder: Allow asynchronous tests * webidl: Convert [Unforgeable] attributes into `#[wasm_bindgen(structural)]` Fixes #432 * test-project-builder: Print generated WebIDL bindings for debugging purposes Helps debug bad WebIDL bindings generation inside tests. * When we can't find a descriptor, say which one can't be found This helps when debugging things that need to become structural. * web-sys: Test bindings for Event * ci: Use `--manifest-path dir` instead of `cd dir && ...` * web-sys: Just move .webidl files isntead of symlinking to enable them * tests: Polyfill Array.prototype.values for older browsers in CI * test-project-builder: Don't panic on poisoned headless test mutex We only use it to serialize headless tests so that we don't try to bind the port concurrently. Its OK to run another headless test if an earlier one panicked. * JsValue: Add {is,as}_{object,function} methods Allows dynamically casting values to `js::Object` and `js::Function`. * tidy: Fix whitespace and missing semicolons * Allow for dynamic feature detection of methods If we create bindings to a method that doesn't exist in this implementation, then it shouldn't fail until if/when we actually try and invoke that missing method. * tests: Do feature detection in Array.prototype.values test * Add JsValue::{is_string, as_js_string} methods And document all the cast/convert/check methods for js value. * eslint: allow backtick string literals * Only generate a fallback import function for non-structural imports
2018-07-09 16:35:25 -07:00
/// ChromeOnly is for things that are only exposed to privileged code in Firefox.
pub fn is_chrome_only(ext_attrs: &Option<ExtendedAttributeList>) -> bool {
has_named_attribute(ext_attrs, "ChromeOnly")
/// Whether a webidl object is marked as a no interface object.
pub fn is_no_interface_object(ext_attrs: &Option<ExtendedAttributeList>) -> bool {
has_named_attribute(ext_attrs, "NoInterfaceObject")
/// Whether a webidl object is marked as structural.
pub fn is_structural(attrs: &Option<ExtendedAttributeList>) -> bool {
has_named_attribute(attrs, "Unforgeable")
Create the `web-sys` crate mechanically from WebIDL (#409) * Create a new `web-sys` crate This will eventually contain all the WebIDL-generated bindings to Web APIs. * ci: Test the new `web-sys` crate in CI * web-sys: Add a small README * web-sys: Vendor all the WebIDL files from mozilla-central * backend: Add a pass to remove AST items that use undefined imports This is necessary for the WebIDL frontend, which can't translate many WebIDL constructs into equivalent wasm-bindgen AST things yet. It lets us make incremental progress: we can generate bindings to methods we can support right now even though there might be methods on the same interface that we can't support yet. * webidl: Add a bunch of missing semicolons * webidl: Make parsing private It was only `pub` so that we could test it, but we ended up moving towards integration tests rather than unit tests that assert particular ASTs are parsed from WebIDL files. * webidl: Remove uses of undefined import types * test-project-builder: Build projects in "very verbose" mode This helps for debugging failing WebIDL-related tests. * test-project-builder: Add more profiling timers * test-project-builder: Detect when webpack-dev-server fails Instead of going into an infinite loop, detect when webpack-dev-server fails to start up and early exit the test. * webidl: Specify version for dev-dependency on wasm-bindgen-backend Instead of only a relative path. * guide: Add section about contributing to `web-sys` * WIP enable Event.webidl Still need to fix and finish the test. * Update expected webidl output * Start out a test's status as incomplete That way if we don't fill it in the error message doesn't look quite so bizarre * Fix onerror function in headless mode Otherwise we don't see any output! * Fix package.json/node_modules handling in project generation Make sure these are looked up in the git project root rather than the crate root * Avoid logging body text This was meant for debugging and is otherwise pretty noisy * Fix a relative path * More expected test fixes * Fix a typo * test-project-builder: Allow asynchronous tests * webidl: Convert [Unforgeable] attributes into `#[wasm_bindgen(structural)]` Fixes #432 * test-project-builder: Print generated WebIDL bindings for debugging purposes Helps debug bad WebIDL bindings generation inside tests. * When we can't find a descriptor, say which one can't be found This helps when debugging things that need to become structural. * web-sys: Test bindings for Event * ci: Use `--manifest-path dir` instead of `cd dir && ...` * web-sys: Just move .webidl files isntead of symlinking to enable them * tests: Polyfill Array.prototype.values for older browsers in CI * test-project-builder: Don't panic on poisoned headless test mutex We only use it to serialize headless tests so that we don't try to bind the port concurrently. Its OK to run another headless test if an earlier one panicked. * JsValue: Add {is,as}_{object,function} methods Allows dynamically casting values to `js::Object` and `js::Function`. * tidy: Fix whitespace and missing semicolons * Allow for dynamic feature detection of methods If we create bindings to a method that doesn't exist in this implementation, then it shouldn't fail until if/when we actually try and invoke that missing method. * tests: Do feature detection in Array.prototype.values test * Add JsValue::{is_string, as_js_string} methods And document all the cast/convert/check methods for js value. * eslint: allow backtick string literals * Only generate a fallback import function for non-structural imports
2018-07-09 16:35:25 -07:00
/// Whether a webidl object is marked as throwing.
pub fn throws(attrs: &Option<ExtendedAttributeList>) -> bool {
has_named_attribute(attrs, "Throws")
/// Create a syn `pub` token
pub fn public() -> syn::Visibility {
syn::Visibility::Public(syn::VisPublic {
pub_token: Default::default(),