152 lines
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2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
use proc_macro2::Literal;
use quote::{ToTokens, Tokens};
use serde_json;
use syn;
use wasm_bindgen_shared as shared;
pub struct Function {
pub name: syn::Ident,
pub arguments: Vec<Type>,
pub ret: Option<Type>,
pub enum Type {
impl Function {
pub fn from(input: &syn::ItemFn) -> Function {
match input.vis {
syn::Visibility::Public(_) => {}
_ => panic!("can only bindgen public functions"),
match input.constness {
syn::Constness::NotConst => {}
_ => panic!("can only bindgen non-const functions"),
match input.unsafety {
syn::Unsafety::Normal => {}
_ => panic!("can only bindgen safe functions"),
if !input.abi.is_none() {
panic!("can only bindgen Rust ABI functions")
if !input.abi.is_none() {
panic!("can only bindgen Rust ABI functions")
if input.decl.variadic {
panic!("can't bindgen variadic functions")
if input.decl.generics.params.len() > 0 {
panic!("can't bindgen functions with lifetime or type parameters")
let arguments = input.decl.inputs.iter()
.map(|i| i.into_item())
.map(|arg| {
match *arg {
syn::FnArg::Captured(ref c) => c,
_ => panic!("arguments cannot be `self` or ignored"),
.map(|arg| Type::from(&arg.ty))
let ret = match input.decl.output {
syn::ReturnType::Default => None,
syn::ReturnType::Type(ref t, _) => Some(Type::from(t)),
Function {
name: input.ident,
pub fn export_name(&self) -> syn::Lit {
syn::Lit {
value: syn::LitKind::Other(Literal::string(self.name.sym.as_str())),
span: Default::default(),
pub fn rust_symbol(&self) -> syn::Ident {
let generated_name = format!("__wasm_bindgen_generated_{}",
pub fn generated_static_name(&self) -> syn::Ident {
let generated_name = format!("__WASM_BINDGEN_GENERATED_{}",
pub fn generate_static(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut prefix = String::from("wbg:");
fn shared(&self) -> shared::Function {
shared::Function {
name: self.name.sym.as_str().to_string(),
arguments: self.arguments.iter().map(|t| t.shared()).collect(),
ret: self.ret.as_ref().map(|t| t.shared()),
impl Type {
pub fn from(ty: &syn::Type) -> Type {
match *ty {
// syn::Type::Reference(ref r) => {
// }
syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, ref path }) => {
if path.leading_colon.is_some() {
panic!("unsupported leading colon in path")
if path.segments.len() != 1 {
panic!("unsupported path that needs name resolution")
match path.segments.get(0).item().arguments {
syn::PathArguments::None => {}
_ => panic!("unsupported path that has path arguments")
let ident = path.segments.get(0).item().ident;
match ident.sym.as_str() {
"i8" |
"u8" |
"u16" |
"i16" |
"u32" |
"i32" |
"isize" |
"usize" |
"f32" |
"f64" => {
s => panic!("unsupported type: {}", s),
_ => panic!("unsupported type"),
fn shared(&self) -> shared::Type {
match *self {
Type::Integer(_) => shared::Type::Number,
impl ToTokens for Type {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
match *self {
Type::Integer(i) => i.to_tokens(tokens),