658 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#![recursion_limit = "128"]
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
2018-02-05 14:24:25 -08:00
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
extern crate syn;
2017-12-14 21:55:21 -08:00
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
extern crate quote;
extern crate proc_macro;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate wasm_bindgen_shared as shared;
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
2018-03-06 13:45:44 -08:00
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::env;
2017-12-14 21:55:21 -08:00
use std::sync::atomic::*;
use std::collections::HashSet;
2017-12-14 21:55:21 -08:00
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
use quote::{Tokens, ToTokens};
macro_rules! my_quote {
($($t:tt)*) => (quote_spanned!(Span::call_site() => $($t)*))
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
mod ast;
mod literal;
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
pub fn wasm_bindgen(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let item = syn::parse::<syn::Item>(input.clone())
.expect("expected a valid Rust item");
let opts = syn::parse::<ast::BindgenAttrs>(attr)
.expect("invalid arguments to #[wasm_bindgen]");
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
let mut ret = Tokens::new();
let mut program = ast::Program::default();
program.push_item(item, Some(opts), &mut ret);
program.to_tokens(&mut ret);
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
// println!("{}", ret);
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
2018-03-06 13:45:44 -08:00
fn to_ident_name(s: &str) -> Cow<str> {
if s.chars().all(|c| match c {
'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' | '0'...'9' | '_' => true,
_ => false,
}) {
return Cow::from(s);
.map(|c| match c {
'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' | '0'...'9' | '_' => c,
_ => '_',
impl ToTokens for ast::Program {
// Generate wrappers for all the items that we've found
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
for export in self.exports.iter() {
for s in self.structs.iter() {
let mut types = HashSet::new();
for i in self.imports.iter() {
if let ast::ImportKind::Type(ref t) = i.kind {
for i in self.imports.iter() {
match i.js_namespace {
Some(ns) if types.contains(&ns) => {
let kind = &i.kind;
(quote! { impl #ns { #kind } }).to_tokens(tokens);
_ => i.kind.to_tokens(tokens),
for e in self.enums.iter() {
2017-12-18 12:39:14 -08:00
// Generate a static which will eventually be what lives in a custom section
// of the wasm executable. For now it's just a plain old static, but we'll
// eventually have it actually in its own section.
static CNT: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;
2018-03-06 13:45:44 -08:00
let crate_name = env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").expect("should have CARGO_PKG_NAME env var");
let crate_vers = env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").expect("should have CARGO_PKG_VERSION env var");
2018-03-06 13:45:44 -08:00
let generated_static_name = format!(
CNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)
let generated_static_name = syn::Ident::from(generated_static_name);
2018-03-06 13:45:44 -08:00
let mut generated_static_value = Tokens::new();
let generated_static_length = self.literal(&mut generated_static_value);
2017-12-18 12:39:14 -08:00
(my_quote! {
#[wasm_custom_section = "__wasm_bindgen_unstable"]
const #generated_static_name: [u8; #generated_static_length] =
2017-12-18 14:31:01 -08:00
impl ToTokens for ast::Struct {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
let name = &self.name;
let free_fn = syn::Ident::from(shared::free_function(self.name.as_ref()));
let c = shared::name_to_descriptor(name.as_ref()) as u32;
(my_quote! {
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary for #name {
type Js = u32;
const DESCRIPTOR: u32 = #c;
fn into_js(self) -> u32 {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell::new(self))) as u32
unsafe fn from_js(js: u32) -> Self {
let js = js as *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>;
let js = Box::from_raw(js);
js.borrow_mut(); // make sure no one's borrowing
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary for #name {
type RefAnchor = ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::Ref<'static, #name>;
unsafe fn from_js_ref(js: Self::Js) -> Self::RefAnchor {
let js = js as *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>;
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefMutWasmBoundary for #name {
type RefAnchor = ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::RefMut<'static, #name>;
unsafe fn from_js_ref_mut(js: Self::Js) -> Self::RefAnchor {
let js = js as *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#name>;
pub unsafe extern fn #free_fn(ptr: u32) {
<#name as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::from_js(ptr);
2017-12-18 14:31:01 -08:00
impl ToTokens for ast::Export {
fn to_tokens(self: &ast::Export, into: &mut Tokens) {
let generated_name = self.rust_symbol();
let export_name = self.export_name();
let mut args = vec![];
let mut arg_conversions = vec![];
let mut converted_arguments = vec![];
let ret = syn::Ident::from("_ret");
let mut offset = 0;
if self.method {
let class = self.class.unwrap();
args.push(my_quote! { me: *mut ::wasm_bindgen::__rt::WasmRefCell<#class> });
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let me = unsafe { &*me };
offset = 1;
2017-12-18 14:31:01 -08:00
for (i, ty) in self.function.arguments.iter().enumerate() {
let i = i + offset;
let ident = syn::Ident::from(format!("arg{}", i));
match *ty {
ast::Type::Vector(ref ty, owned) => {
let ptr = syn::Ident::from(format!("arg{}_ptr", i));
let len = syn::Ident::from(format!("arg{}_len", i));
let abi_ty = ty.abi_element();
args.push(my_quote! { #ptr: *mut #abi_ty });
args.push(my_quote! { #len: usize });
if owned {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ident = unsafe {
::std::vec::Vec::from_raw_parts(#ptr, #len, #len)
} else {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ident = unsafe {
::std::slice::from_raw_parts(#ptr as *const #abi_ty, #len)
if let ast::VectorType::String = *ty {
if owned {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ident = unsafe {
} else {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ident = unsafe {
ast::Type::ByValue(ref t) => {
args.push(my_quote! {
#ident: <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary >::Js
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ident = unsafe {
<#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>
ast::Type::ByRef(ref ty) => {
args.push(my_quote! {
#ident: <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Js
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ident = unsafe {
<#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary>
let #ident = &*#ident;
ast::Type::ByMutRef(ref ty) => {
args.push(my_quote! {
#ident: <#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Js
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let mut #ident = unsafe {
<#ty as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefMutWasmBoundary>
let #ident = &mut *#ident;
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
converted_arguments.push(my_quote! { #ident });
let ret_ty;
let convert_ret;
match self.function.ret {
Some(ast::Type::Vector(ref ty, true)) => {
ret_ty = my_quote! { -> *mut #ty };
convert_ret = my_quote! { Box::into_raw(Box::new(#ret)) };
2017-12-18 12:39:14 -08:00
Some(ast::Type::ByValue(ref t)) => {
ret_ty = my_quote! {
-> <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Js
convert_ret = my_quote! {
<#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::into_js(#ret)
2017-12-18 12:39:14 -08:00
Some(ast::Type::Vector(_, false)) |
Some(ast::Type::ByMutRef(_)) |
Some(ast::Type::ByRef(_)) => {
panic!("can't return a borrowed ref");
None => {
ret_ty = my_quote! {};
convert_ret = my_quote! {};
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
let name = self.function.name;
let receiver = match self.class {
Some(_) if self.method => {
if self.mutable {
my_quote! { me.borrow_mut().#name }
} else {
my_quote! { me.borrow().#name }
Some(class) => my_quote! { #class::#name },
None => my_quote!{ #name },
let tokens = my_quote! {
#[export_name = #export_name]
pub extern fn #generated_name(#(#args),*) #ret_ty {
let #ret = #receiver(#(#converted_arguments),*);
2017-12-14 19:31:01 -08:00
2017-12-18 12:39:14 -08:00
impl ToTokens for ast::ImportType {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
let vis = &self.vis;
let name = &self.name;
(my_quote! {
#vis struct #name {
obj: ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue,
2018-02-06 08:23:51 -08:00
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary for #name {
type Js = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as
const DESCRIPTOR: u32 = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as
2018-02-06 08:23:51 -08:00
fn into_js(self) -> Self::Js {
2018-02-06 08:23:51 -08:00
unsafe fn from_js(js: Self::Js) -> Self {
#name { obj: ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue::from_js(js) }
2018-02-06 08:23:51 -08:00
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary for #name {
fn to_js_ref(&self) -> u32 {
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::FromRefWasmBoundary for #name {
type RefAnchor = ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<#name>;
unsafe fn from_js_ref(js: Self::Js) -> Self::RefAnchor {
let obj = <::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>
::std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(#name { obj })
impl From<::wasm_bindgen::JsValue> for #name {
fn from(obj: ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue) -> #name {
#name { obj }
impl From<#name> for ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue {
fn from(obj: #name) -> ::wasm_bindgen::JsValue {
2018-02-05 14:24:25 -08:00
impl ToTokens for ast::ImportKind {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
match *self {
ast::ImportKind::Function(ref f) => f.to_tokens(tokens),
ast::ImportKind::Static(ref s) => s.to_tokens(tokens),
ast::ImportKind::Type(ref t) => t.to_tokens(tokens),
impl ToTokens for ast::ImportFunction {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut Tokens) {
let mut class_ty = None;
let mut is_method = false;
match self.kind {
ast::ImportFunctionKind::Method { ref ty, .. } => {
is_method = true;
class_ty = Some(ty);
ast::ImportFunctionKind::JsConstructor { ref ty, .. } => {
class_ty = Some(ty);
ast::ImportFunctionKind::Normal => {}
let vis = &self.function.rust_vis;
let ret = &self.function.rust_decl.output;
let fn_token = &self.function.rust_decl.fn_token;
let mut abi_argument_names = Vec::new();
let mut abi_arguments = Vec::new();
let mut arg_conversions = Vec::new();
let ret_ident = syn::Ident::from("_ret");
let names = self.function.rust_decl.inputs
.map(|arg| {
match *arg {
syn::FnArg::Captured(ref c) => c,
_ => panic!("arguments cannot be `self` or ignored"),
.map(|arg| {
match arg.pat {
syn::Pat::Ident(syn::PatIdent {
by_ref: None,
subpat: None,
}) => {
_ => panic!("unsupported pattern in foreign function"),
for (i, (ty, name)) in self.function.arguments.iter().zip(names).enumerate() {
match *ty {
ast::Type::Vector(ref ty, owned) => {
let ptr = syn::Ident::from(format!("{}_ptr", name));
let len = syn::Ident::from(format!("{}_len", name));
let abi_ty = ty.abi_element();
abi_arguments.push(my_quote! { #ptr: *const #abi_ty });
abi_arguments.push(my_quote! { #len: usize });
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #ptr = #name.as_ptr();
let #len = #name.len();
if owned {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! { ::std::mem::forget(#name); });
ast::Type::ByValue(ref t) => {
abi_arguments.push(my_quote! {
#name: <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Js
if i == 0 && is_method {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>
} else {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>
ast::Type::ByMutRef(_) => panic!("urgh mut"),
ast::Type::ByRef(ref t) => {
abi_arguments.push(my_quote! { #name: u32 });
if i == 0 && is_method {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary>
} else {
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let #name = <#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::ToRefWasmBoundary>
let abi_ret;
let mut convert_ret;
match self.function.ret {
Some(ast::Type::ByValue(ref t)) => {
abi_ret = my_quote! {
<#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::Js
convert_ret = my_quote! {
<#t as ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary>::from_js(#ret_ident)
Some(ast::Type::Vector(ref ty, true)) => {
let name = syn::Ident::from("__ret_len");
let name_ptr = syn::Ident::from("__ret_len_ptr");
abi_arguments.push(my_quote! { #name_ptr: *mut usize });
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let mut #name = 0;
let mut #name_ptr = &mut #name as *mut usize;
let abi_ty = ty.abi_element();
abi_ret = my_quote! { *mut #abi_ty };
if let ast::VectorType::String = *ty {
convert_ret = my_quote! {
Vec::from_raw_parts(#ret_ident, #name, #name)
} else {
convert_ret = my_quote! {
Vec::from_raw_parts(#ret_ident, #name, #name)
Some(ast::Type::ByRef(_)) |
Some(ast::Type::Vector(_, false)) |
Some(ast::Type::ByMutRef(_)) => panic!("can't return a borrowed ref"),
None => {
abi_ret = my_quote! { () };
convert_ret = my_quote! { () };
let mut exceptional_ret = my_quote! {};
if self.function.opts.catch() {
let exn_data = syn::Ident::from("exn_data");
let exn_data_ptr = syn::Ident::from("exn_data_ptr");
abi_arguments.push(my_quote! { #exn_data_ptr: *mut u32 });
arg_conversions.push(my_quote! {
let mut #exn_data = [0; 2];
let #exn_data_ptr = #exn_data.as_mut_ptr();
convert_ret = my_quote! { Ok(#convert_ret) };
exceptional_ret = my_quote! {
if #exn_data[0] == 1 {
return Err(<::wasm_bindgen::JsValue as
let rust_name = self.rust_name;
let import_name = self.shim;
let attrs = &self.function.rust_attrs;
let arguments = self.function.rust_decl.inputs
.skip(if is_method { 1 } else { 0 })
let me = if is_method {
my_quote! { &self, }
} else {
let invocation = my_quote! {
#vis extern #fn_token #rust_name(#me #(#arguments),*) #ret {
#[wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__"]
extern {
fn #import_name(#(#abi_arguments),*) -> #abi_ret;
unsafe {
let #ret_ident = #import_name(#(#abi_argument_names),*);
if let Some(class) = class_ty {
(quote! {
impl #class {
} else {
2018-02-22 00:55:11 +01:00
impl ToTokens for ast::Enum {
fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut Tokens) {
let enum_name = &self.name;
let c = shared::TYPE_ENUM as u32;
let incoming_u32 = quote! { n };
let enum_name_as_string = enum_name.to_string();
let cast_clauses = self.variants.iter().map(|variant| {
let variant_name = &variant.name;
quote! {
if #incoming_u32 == #enum_name::#variant_name as u32 {
(my_quote! {
impl #enum_name {
fn from_u32(#incoming_u32: u32) -> #enum_name {
#(#cast_clauses else)* {
wasm_bindgen::throw(&format!("Could not cast {} as {}", #incoming_u32, #enum_name_as_string));
2018-02-22 00:55:11 +01:00
impl ::wasm_bindgen::convert::WasmBoundary for #enum_name {
type Js = u32;
const DESCRIPTOR: u32 = #c;
2018-02-22 00:55:11 +01:00
fn into_js(self) -> u32 {
self as u32
2018-02-22 00:55:11 +01:00
unsafe fn from_js(js: u32) -> Self {
2018-02-22 00:55:11 +01:00
2018-02-22 00:55:11 +01:00
impl ToTokens for ast::ImportStatic {
fn to_tokens(&self, into: &mut Tokens) {
let name = self.rust_name;
let ty = &self.ty;
let shim_name = self.shim;
let vis = &self.vis;
(my_quote! {
#vis static #name: ::wasm_bindgen::JsStatic<#ty> = {
fn init() -> #ty {
#[wasm_import_module = "__wbindgen_placeholder__"]
extern {
fn #shim_name() -> u32;
unsafe {
::wasm_bindgen::JsStatic {
__inner: ::std::cell::UnsafeCell::new(None),
__init: init,