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2019-05-23 14:24:29 -07:00
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<strong>Facilitating high-level interactions between Wasm modules and JavaScript.</strong>
2019-05-23 14:27:16 -07:00
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2019-05-23 14:24:29 -07:00
<a href="https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/wasm-bindgen/">Guide</a>
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<a href="https://docs.rs/wasm-bindgen">API Docs</a>
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<a href="https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md">Contributing</a>
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<sub>Built with 🦀🕸 by <a href="https://rustwasm.github.io/">The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group</a></sub>
## Example
2017-12-18 14:49:04 -08:00
Import JavaScript things into Rust and export Rust things to JavaScript.
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
// Import the `window.alert` function from the Web.
extern "C" {
fn alert(s: &str);
// Export a `greet` function from Rust to JavaScript, that alerts a
// hello message.
pub fn greet(name: &str) {
alert(&format!("Hello, {}!", name));
Use exported Rust things from JavaScript with ECMAScript modules!
Rewrite wasm-bindgen with ES6 modules in mind This commit is a mostly-rewrite of the `wasm-bindgen` tool. After some recent discussions it's clear that the previous model wasn't quite going to cut it, and this iteration is one which primarily embraces ES6 modules and the idea that this is a polyfill for host bindings. The overall interface and functionality hasn't changed much but the underlying technology has now changed significantly. Previously `wasm-bindgen` would emit a JS file that acted as an ES6 module but had a bit of a wonky interface. It exposed an async function for instantiation of the wasm module, but that's the bundler's job, not ours! Instead this iteration views each input and output as a discrete ES6 module. The input wasm file is interpreted as "this *should* be an ES6 module with rich types" and the output is "well here's some ES6 modules that fulfill that contract". Notably the tool now replaces the original wasm ES6 module with a JS ES6 module that has the "rich interface". Additionally a second ES6 module is emitted (the actual wasm file) which imports and exports to the original ES6 module. This strategy is hoped to be much more amenable to bundlers and controlling how the wasm itself is instantiated. The emitted files files purely assume ES6 modules and should be able to work as-is once ES6 module integration for wasm is completed. Note that there aren't a ton of tools to pretend a wasm module is an ES6 module at the moment but those should be coming soon! In the meantime a local `wasm2es6js` hack was added to help make *something* work today. The README has also been updated with instructions for interacting with this model.
2018-01-29 21:20:38 -08:00
import { greet } from "./hello_world";
## Features
* **Lightweight.** Only pay for what you use. `wasm-bindgen` only generates
bindings and glue for the JavaScript imports you actually use and Rust
functionality that you export. For example, importing and using the
`document.querySelector` method doesn't cause `Node.prototype.appendChild` or
`window.alert` to be included in the bindings as well.
* **ECMAScript modules.** Just import WebAssembly modules the same way you would
import JavaScript modules. Future compatible with [WebAssembly modules and
ECMAScript modules integration][wasm-es-modules].
* **Designed with the ["Web IDL bindings" proposal][webidl-bindings] in mind.**
Eventually, there won't be any JavaScript shims between Rust-generated wasm
functions and native DOM methods. Because the wasm functions are statically
type checked, some of those native methods' dynamic type checks should become
unnecessary, promising to unlock even-faster-than-JavaScript DOM access.
[wasm-es-modules]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/esm-integration
2019-10-03 15:26:54 +01:00
[webidl-bindings]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/proposals/issues/8
## Guide
[**📚 Read the `wasm-bindgen` guide here! 📚**](https://rustwasm.github.io/docs/wasm-bindgen/)
2019-05-23 14:24:29 -07:00
You can find general documentation about using Rust and WebAssembly together
2018-03-02 20:19:39 -08:00
2018-09-16 08:12:48 -04:00
## API Docs
- [wasm-bindgen](https://docs.rs/wasm-bindgen)
- [js-sys](https://docs.rs/js-sys)
- [web-sys](https://docs.rs/web-sys)
- [wasm-bindgen-futures](https://docs.rs/wasm-bindgen-futures)
2018-09-16 08:12:48 -04:00
## License
2017-12-18 14:49:04 -08:00
This project is licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
at your option.
## Contribution
**[See the "Contributing" section of the guide for information on
hacking on `wasm-bindgen`!][contributing]**
2017-12-18 14:49:04 -08:00
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license,
shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
2018-10-05 10:25:55 -05:00
[contributing]: https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-bindgen/contributing/index.html