import "misc.aqua" import get_host_certs_from from "trust-graph-api.aqua" alias Error: string -- TrustGraph builtin distributed with predefined certificates which used to identify Fluence Labs peers. -- Each certificate contains 3 trusts: self-signed fluence root trust, trust for label trust and trust to target peer. -- -- Usage: -- on target_node: -- result, error <- isFluencePeer() -- -- Returns: -- `true, nil` if `target_node` is identified as official Fluence Labs peer -- `false, nil` otherwise -- -- Errors: -- if get_host_certs_from failed, `nil, error_msg` is returned func isFluencePeer() -> ?bool, ?Error: fluence_root_peer_id = "12D3KooWNbZKaPWRZ8wgjGvrxdJFz9Fq5uVwkR6ERV1f74HhPdyB" label_peer_id = "12D3KooWM45u7AQxsb4MuQJNYT3NWHHMLU7JTbBV66RTfF3KSzdR" result: ?bool error: *Error -- get all certs issued by `label_peer_id` to current host certs_result <- get_host_certs_from(label_peer_id) if certs_result.success: for cert <- certs_result.certificates: len <- TrustOp.array_length(cert.chain) if len == 3: if cert.chain!0.issued_for == fluence_root_peer_id: if cert.chain!1.issued_for == label_peer_id: result <<- true if result == nil: result <<- false else: error <<- certs_result.error <- result, error