/* * Copyright 2021 Fluence Labs Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { get_trust_bytes, issue_trust, verify_trust, add_trust, add_root, get_weight, timestamp_sec, get_all_certs, get_revoke_bytes, issue_revocation, revoke } from "./generated/export"; import { Fluence, KeyPair } from "@fluencelabs/fluence"; import { Node } from "@fluencelabs/fluence-network-environment"; import assert from "assert"; const bs58 = require('bs58'); let local: Node[] = [ { peerId: "12D3KooWHBG9oaVx4i3vi6c1rSBUm7MLBmyGmmbHoZ23pmjDCnvK", multiaddr: "/ip4/", }, { peerId: "12D3KooWRABanQHUn28dxavN9ZS1zZghqoZVAYtFpoN7FdtoGTFv", multiaddr: "/ip4/", }, ]; async function add_trust_helper(node: string, issuer_kp: KeyPair, issuer_peer_id: string, issued_for_peer_id: string, expires_at_sec: number, issued_at_sec: number) { let trust_metadata = await get_trust_bytes(node, issued_for_peer_id, expires_at_sec, issued_at_sec); const signed_metadata = await issuer_kp.Libp2pPeerId.privKey.sign(Uint8Array.from(trust_metadata.result)); let trust = await issue_trust(node, issued_for_peer_id, expires_at_sec, issued_at_sec, Array.from(signed_metadata)); console.log("Issued trust %s", trust.trust); let result = await verify_trust(node, trust.trust, issuer_peer_id); console.log("Verify trust result: %s", result); let result_add = await add_trust(node, trust.trust, issuer_peer_id); console.log("Add trust result: %s", result_add); } async function revoke_helper(node: string, issuer_kp: KeyPair, revoked_by_peer_id: string, revoked_peer_id: string, revoked_at_sec: number) { let trust_metadata = await get_revoke_bytes(node, revoked_peer_id, revoked_at_sec); const signed_metadata = await issuer_kp.Libp2pPeerId.privKey.sign(Uint8Array.from(trust_metadata.result)); let revocation = await issue_revocation(node, revoked_peer_id, revoked_by_peer_id, revoked_at_sec, Array.from(signed_metadata)); console.log("Issued revocation %s", revocation.revoke); let result_add = await revoke(node, revocation.revoke); console.log("Revoke result: %s", result_add); } async function main() { console.log("📘 Will connect to local nodes"); // key from local-network/builtins_secret_key.ed25519 to connect as builtins owner let sk = bs58.decode("5FwE32bDcphFzuMca7Y2qW1gdR64fTBYoRNvD4MLE1hecDGhCMQGKn8aseMr5wRo4Xo2CRFdrEAawUNLYkgQD78K").slice(0, 32); // first 32 bytes - secret key, second - public key let builtins_keypair = await KeyPair.fromEd25519SK(sk); await Fluence.start({ connectTo: local[0], KeyPair: builtins_keypair}); console.log( "📗 created a fluence peer %s with relay %s", Fluence.getStatus().peerId, Fluence.getStatus().relayPeerId ); const issued_timestamp_sec = await timestamp_sec(local[0].peerId); const expires_at_sec = issued_timestamp_sec + 999999999; const issuer_kp = await KeyPair.fromEd25519SK(bs58.decode("29Apzfedhw2Jxh94Jj4rNSmavQ1TkNe8ALYRA7bMegobwp423aLrURxLk32WtXgXHDqoSz7GAT9fQfoMhVd1e5Ww")); let add_root_result = await add_root(local[0].peerId, local[0].peerId, 2); console.log("Add root weight result: %s", add_root_result); // add root trust await add_trust_helper(local[0].peerId, issuer_kp, local[0].peerId, local[0].peerId, expires_at_sec, issued_timestamp_sec); let root_weight_result = await get_weight(local[0].peerId, local[0].peerId); console.log("Root weight: %s", root_weight_result); // issue trust by local[0].peerId for local[1].peerId and add to tg await add_trust_helper(local[0].peerId, issuer_kp, local[0].peerId, local[1].peerId, expires_at_sec, issued_timestamp_sec); let weight_result = await get_weight(local[0].peerId, local[1].peerId); console.log("Trust weight: %s", weight_result); assert(root_weight_result.weight / 2 === weight_result.weight); let certs = await get_all_certs(local[0].peerId, local[1].peerId); console.log("Certs: %s", JSON.stringify(certs.certificates)); assert(certs.certificates.length === 1); // wait to create revoke after trust (because timestamp in secs) await new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, 1000)); // revoke local[1].peerId trust await revoke_helper(local[0].peerId, issuer_kp, local[0].peerId, local[1].peerId, await timestamp_sec(local[0].peerId)); let empty_certs = await get_all_certs(local[0].peerId, local[1].peerId); assert(empty_certs.certificates.length === 0); return; } main() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });