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aqua TrustGraphApi declares *
export set_root, issue_trust, import_trust
export add_trust, add_root_trust, verify_trust
export get_weight, get_weight_from, issue_revocation
export import_revocation, revoke, get_host_certs_from
export get_all_certs, get_all_certs_from, get_host_certs
export insert_cert
2022-02-04 20:00:49 +03:00
import Sig, Peer, PeerId from "@fluencelabs/aqua-lib/builtin.aqua"
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
import "misc.aqua"
import "trust-graph.aqua"
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
alias Error: string
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Set `peer_id` as a root
-- Self-signed trust should be added in next call for correct behaviour
-- `max_chain_len` specifies maximum chain length after root trust,
-- if `max_chain_len` is zero there is no trusts except self-signed root trust in certificates for this root
func set_root(peer_id: PeerId, max_chain_len: u32) -> SetRootResult:
result <- TrustGraph.set_root(peer_id, max_chain_len)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: %init_peer_id%
-- Create on relay and sign trust on client
-- If `issuer` is not %init_peer_id%, Sig service with `issuer` peer id as service id should be defined
-- Errors:
-- If TrustGraph.get_trust_bytes or TrustGraph.issue_trust fails, (nil, error) is returned.
func issue_trust(issuer: PeerId, issued_for: PeerId, expires_at_sec: u64) -> ?Trust, ?Error:
-- after marine-web release this will be done on %init_peer_id%
issued_at_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
bytes <- TrustGraph.get_trust_bytes(issued_for, expires_at_sec, issued_at_sec)
result: *Trust
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
error: *Error
if bytes.success:
2022-02-05 03:17:07 +03:00
Sig issuer
sig_res <- Sig.sign(bytes.result)
if sig_res.success:
issue_result <- TrustGraph.issue_trust(issued_for, expires_at_sec, issued_at_sec, sig_res.signature!)
if issue_result.success:
result <<-
error <<- issue_result.error
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
2022-02-05 03:17:07 +03:00
error <<- sig_res.error!
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
error <<- bytes.error
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
<- result, error
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Add trust to TG
-- Errors:
-- If TrustGraph.add_trust fails, error is returned.
func import_trust(trust: Trust, issuer: PeerId) -> ?Error:
error: *Error
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
add_result <- TrustGraph.add_trust(trust, issuer, timestamp_sec)
if !add_result.success:
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
error <<- add_result.error
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
<- error
-- Call context: %init_peer_id%
-- Issue trust and add to TG instance on `node`
-- If `issuer` is not %init_peer_id%, Sig service with `issuer` peer id as service id should be defined
-- Errors:
-- If issue_trust or import_trust fails, error is returned.
func add_trust(node: PeerId, issuer: PeerId, issued_for: PeerId, expires_at_sec: u64) -> ?Error:
trust, issue_error <- issue_trust(issuer, issued_for, expires_at_sec)
error: *Error
if issue_error != nil:
error <<- issue_error!
on node:
import_error <- import_trust(trust!, issuer)
append_error(error, import_error)
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
<- error
-- Call context: %init_peer_id%
-- Set `peer_id` as a root and add self-signed trust to TG instance on `node`
-- If `peer_id` is not %init_peer_id%, Sig service with `peer_id` as service id should be defined
-- Errors:
-- If issue_trust, import_trust or set_root fails, error is returned.
func add_root_trust(node: PeerId, peer_id: PeerId, max_chain_len: u32, expires_at_sec: u64) -> ?Error:
trust, issue_error <- issue_trust(peer_id, peer_id, expires_at_sec)
error: *Error
if issue_error != nil:
error <<- issue_error!
on node:
set_root_result <- set_root(peer_id, max_chain_len)
if set_root_result.success:
import_error <- import_trust(trust!, peer_id)
append_error(error, import_error)
error <<- set_root_result.error
<- error
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Check signature and expiration time of trust
func verify_trust(trust: Trust, issuer: PeerId) -> VerifyTrustResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.verify_trust(trust, issuer, timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Get the maximum weight of trust for `peer_id`
-- Trust has weight if there is at least 1 trust chain from one of the roots
func get_weight(peer_id: PeerId) -> WeightResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.get_weight(peer_id, timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Get maximum weight of trust for `peer_id` among all chains which contain trust from `issuer`
func get_weight_from(peer_id: PeerId, issuer: PeerId) -> WeightResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.get_weight_from(peer_id, issuer, timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: %init_peer_id%
-- Create revocation signed by %init_peer_id%
-- If `revoked_by` is not %init_peer_id%, Sig service with `revoked_by` peer id as service id should be defined
-- Errors:
-- If TrustGraph.get_revocation_bytes or TrustGraph.issue_revocation fails, (nil, error) is returned.
func issue_revocation(revoked_by: PeerId, revoked: PeerId) -> ?Revocation, ?Error:
-- after marine-web release this will be done on %init_peer_id%
issued_at_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
bytes <- TrustGraph.get_revocation_bytes(revoked, issued_at_sec)
result: *Revocation
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
error: *Error
if bytes.success:
2022-02-05 03:17:07 +03:00
Sig revoked_by
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
2022-02-05 03:17:07 +03:00
sig_res <- Sig.sign(bytes.result)
2022-02-05 03:17:07 +03:00
if sig_res.success:
issue_result <- TrustGraph.issue_revocation(revoked_by, revoked, issued_at_sec, sig_res.signature!)
if issue_result.success:
result <<- issue_result.revocation
error <<- issue_result.error
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
2022-02-05 03:17:07 +03:00
error <<- sig_res.error!
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
error <<- bytes.error
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
<- result, error
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Import revocation to TG
-- Errors:
-- If TrustGraph.revoke fails, error is returned.
func import_revocation(revocation: Revocation) -> ?Error:
error: *Error
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
add_result <- TrustGraph.revoke(revocation, timestamp_sec)
if !add_result.success:
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
error <<- add_result.error
<- error
-- Call context: %init_peer_id%
-- Revoke all certificates on `node` TG instance
-- which contain path from %init_peer_id% to `revoked_peer_id`
-- If `revoked_by` is not %init_peer_id%, Sig service with `revoked_by` peer id as service id should be defined
-- Errors:
-- if issue_revocation or import_revocation fails, error is returned.
func revoke(node: PeerId, revoked_by: PeerId, revoked: PeerId) -> ?Error:
revocation, issue_error <- issue_revocation(revoked_by, revoked)
error: *Error
if revocation == nil:
error <<- issue_error!
on node:
import_error <- import_revocation(revocation!)
append_error(error, import_error)
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
<- error
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Return all certificates issued for current node which contains trust from `issuer`
func get_host_certs_from(issuer: PeerId) -> AllCertsResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.get_host_certs_from(issuer, timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Return all certificates issued for given peer id
func get_all_certs(issued_for: PeerId) -> AllCertsResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.get_all_certs(issued_for, timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Return all certificates issued for given peer id which contains trust from `issuer`
func get_all_certs_from(issued_for: PeerId, issuer: PeerId) -> AllCertsResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.get_all_certs_from(issued_for, issuer, timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Return all certificates issued for current node
func get_host_certs() -> AllCertsResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.get_host_certs(timestamp_sec)
<- result
2022-02-04 18:45:37 +03:00
-- Call context: any node with registered `trust-graph` service
-- Insert certificate to TG instance on current node
func insert_cert(certificate: Certificate) -> InsertResult:
timestamp_sec <- Peer.timestamp_sec()
result <- TrustGraph.insert_cert(certificate, timestamp_sec)
<- result