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synced 2025-03-15 15:50:51 +00:00
97 lines
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Executable File
97 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File
import sys, urllib, json, datetime, time, hashlib, sha3
from common_parse_utils import read_json, get_sync_info, get_max_height
CMD_PUT_TX = "put"
def verify_merkle_proof(result, proof, app_hash):
parts = proof.split(", ")
parts_len = len(parts)
for index in range(parts_len, -1, -1):
low_string = parts[index] if index < parts_len else result
low_hash = hashlib.sha3_256(low_string).hexdigest()
high_hashes = parts[index - 1].split(" ") if index > 0 else [app_hash.lower()]
if not any(low_hash in s for s in high_hashes):
return False
return True
def checked_abci_query(tmaddress, height, command, query, tentative_info):
if get_max_height(tmaddress) < height + 1:
return (height, None, None, None, False, "Cannot verify tentative '%s'! Height is not verifiable" % (info or ""))
app_hash = read_json('%s/block?height=%d' % (tmaddress, height + 1))["result"]["block"]["header"]["app_hash"]
response = read_json('%s/abci_query?height=%d&data="%s:%s"' % (tmaddress, height, command, query))["result"]["response"]
(result, proof) = (
response["value"].decode('base64') if "value" in response else None,
response["proof"].decode('base64') if "proof" in response else None
if result is None:
return (height, result, proof, app_hash, False, "Result is empty")
elif tentative_info is not None and result != tentative_info:
return (height, result, proof, app_hash, False, "Verified result '%s' doesn't match tentative '%s'!" % (result, info))
elif proof is None:
return (height, result, proof, app_hash, False, "No proof")
elif not verify_merkle_proof(result, proof, app_hash) :
return (height, result, proof, app_hash, False, "Proof is invalid")
return (height, result, proof, app_hash, True, "")
def print_response(attribute, value, always=False):
need_print = always or "v" in flags
if need_print:
print attribute + ":", (8 - len(attribute)) * " ", value
def print_checked_abci_query(tmaddress, height, command, query, tentative_info):
(height, result, proof, app_hash, success, message) = checked_abci_query(tmaddress, height, command, query, tentative_info)
app_hash_to_show = "0x" + app_hash[0:6] if app_hash != "" else "--------"
print_response("height", height)
print_response("app_hash", app_hash_to_show or "NOT_READY")
# print_response("proof", (proof or "NO_PROOF").upper())
print result or "???"
if not success:
print_response("bad", message, True)
def latest_provable_height(tmaddress):
return get_sync_info(tmaddress)["latest_block_height"] - 1
def wait_for_height(tmaddress, height, seconds_to_wait = 5):
wait_step = 0.1
for w in range(0, int(seconds_to_wait / wait_step)):
if get_max_height(tmaddress) >= height:
num_args = len(sys.argv)
if num_args < 4 or not sys.argv[2] in ALL_COMMANDS:
print "usage: python query.py host:port <command> [flags] arg"
print "<command> is one of:", ", ".join(ALL_COMMANDS)
tmaddress = sys.argv[1]
command = sys.argv[2]
flags = "".join(sys.argv[3:(num_args - 1)])
arg = sys.argv[num_args - 1]
if command in {CMD_PUT_TX}:
tx = arg
query_key = tx.split("=")[0]
response = read_json(tmaddress + '/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="' + tx + '"')
if "error" in response:
print_response("error", response["error"]["data"], True)
height = response["result"]["height"]
if response["result"].get("deliver_tx", {}).get("code", "0") != "0":
print_response("height", height)
print_response("bad", log or "NO_MESSAGE", True)
info = response["result"].get("deliver_tx", {}).get("info")
print_response("height", height)
# print_response("info", info or "EMPTY") TODO: what is info?
elif command in {CMD_GET_QUERY, CMD_LS_QUERY}:
height = latest_provable_height(tmaddress)
print_checked_abci_query(tmaddress, height, command, arg, None)