# SQLite ## Overview SQLite fork adapted to work with Fluence the protocol. The current version is based on SQLite version 3.40.1. The artifact is SQLite WASM module: - that is compiled following [Marine runtime ABI conventions](https://fluence.dev/docs/marine-book/marine-rust-sdk/module-abi) - to be used with [Marine runtime](https://github.com/fluencelabs/marine) ## How to build Wasm module can be built with either docker-compose ```bash docker-compose up ``` or using this [Makefile](./Makefile) with GNU make. There are prerequisites to be installed following this path, namely [wasi-sdk](https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk) and marine crate. Take a look at the Dockerfile for the details. ```bash make ``` ## How to use The SQLite Wasm module exports a set of SQLite C API functions. The easiest way to try this module is to run it with Marine REPL. You can find MREPL output for a simple "CREATE-INSERT-SELECT" scenario below. Mind the second argument to sqlite3_open_v2() that is an OR-ed SQLite flag values. The value "6" in this context means `SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE`. ```bash $cargo install mrepl ... $mrepl -q Config.toml 1> call sqlite3 sqlite3_open_v2 [":memory:",6,""] result: { "db_handle": 198600, "ret_code": 0 } elapsed time: 357.556µs 2> call sqlite3 sqlite3_exec [198600, "CREATE TABLE tab1(i bigint);", 0, 0] result: { "err_msg": "", "ret_code": 0 } elapsed time: 1.736661ms 3> call sqlite3 sqlite3_exec [198600, "INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (42);", 0, 0] result: { "err_msg": "", "ret_code": 0 } elapsed time: 330.098µs 4> call sqlite3 sqlite3_prepare_v2 [198600, "SELECT * FROM tab1;"] result: { "ret_code": 0, "stmt_handle": 244584, "tail": 268147 } elapsed time: 280.668µs 5> call sqlite3 sqlite3_step [244584] result: 100 elapsed time: 124.122µs 6> call sqlite3 sqlite3_column_int64 [244584,0] result: 42 elapsed time: 72.483µs ``` You can also try the SQLite Wasm module using Rust together with [this Sqlite connector](https://github.com/fluencelabs/sqlite-wasm-connector). [Here](https://github.com/fluencelabs/examples/tree/main/marine-examples/sqlite) you can find a simple SQL REPL utility example built into a Wasm module. ## Support Please, [file an issue](https://github.com/fluencelabs/sqlite/issues) if you find a bug. You can also contact us at [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/5qSnPZKh7u) or [Telegram](https://t.me/fluence_project). We will do our best to resolve the issue ASAP. ## Contributing Any interested person is welcome to contribute to the project. Please, make sure you read and follow some basic [rules](https://github.com/fluencelabs/rust-peer/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License All software code is copyright (c) Fluence Labs, Inc. under the [Apache-2.0](https://github.com/fluencelabs/rust-peer/blob/master/LICENSE) license.