antirez c4b0b6854e Type mismatch errors are now prefixed with WRONGTYPE.
So instead to reply with a generic error like:

-ERR ... wrong kind of value ...

now it replies with:

-WRONGTYPE ... wrong kind of value ...

This makes this particular error easy to check without resorting to
(fragile) pattern matching of the error string (however the error string
used to be consistent already).

Client libraries should return a specific exeption type for this error.

Most of the commit is about fixing unit tests.
2012-11-06 20:25:34 +01:00

716 lines
20 KiB

start_server {tags {"basic"}} {
test {DEL all keys to start with a clean DB} {
foreach key [r keys *] {r del $key}
r dbsize
} {0}
test {SET and GET an item} {
r set x foobar
r get x
} {foobar}
test {SET and GET an empty item} {
r set x {}
r get x
} {}
test {DEL against a single item} {
r del x
r get x
} {}
test {Vararg DEL} {
r set foo1 a
r set foo2 b
r set foo3 c
list [r del foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4] [r mget foo1 foo2 foo3]
} {3 {{} {} {}}}
test {KEYS with pattern} {
foreach key {key_x key_y key_z foo_a foo_b foo_c} {
r set $key hello
lsort [r keys foo*]
} {foo_a foo_b foo_c}
test {KEYS to get all keys} {
lsort [r keys *]
} {foo_a foo_b foo_c key_x key_y key_z}
test {DBSIZE} {
r dbsize
} {6}
test {DEL all keys} {
foreach key [r keys *] {r del $key}
r dbsize
} {0}
test {Very big payload in GET/SET} {
set buf [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
r set foo $buf
r get foo
} [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
tags {"slow"} {
test {Very big payload random access} {
set err {}
array set payload {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
set size [expr 1+[randomInt 100000]]
set buf [string repeat "pl-$j" $size]
set payload($j) $buf
r set bigpayload_$j $buf
for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
set index [randomInt 100]
set buf [r get bigpayload_$index]
if {$buf != $payload($index)} {
set err "Values differ: I set '$payload($index)' but I read back '$buf'"
unset payload
set _ $err
} {}
test {SET 10000 numeric keys and access all them in reverse order} {
set err {}
for {set x 0} {$x < 10000} {incr x} {
r set $x $x
set sum 0
for {set x 9999} {$x >= 0} {incr x -1} {
set val [r get $x]
if {$val ne $x} {
set err "Eleemnt at position $x is $val instead of $x"
set _ $err
} {}
test {DBSIZE should be 10101 now} {
r dbsize
} {10101}
test {INCR against non existing key} {
set res {}
append res [r incr novar]
append res [r get novar]
} {11}
test {INCR against key created by incr itself} {
r incr novar
} {2}
test {INCR against key originally set with SET} {
r set novar 100
r incr novar
} {101}
test {INCR over 32bit value} {
r set novar 17179869184
r incr novar
} {17179869185}
test {INCRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment} {
r set novar 17179869184
r incrby novar 17179869184
} {34359738368}
test {INCR fails against key with spaces (left)} {
r set novar " 11"
catch {r incr novar} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {INCR fails against key with spaces (right)} {
r set novar "11 "
catch {r incr novar} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {INCR fails against key with spaces (both)} {
r set novar " 11 "
catch {r incr novar} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {INCR fails against a key holding a list} {
r rpush mylist 1
catch {r incr mylist} err
r rpop mylist
format $err
test {DECRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment, negative res} {
r set novar 17179869184
r decrby novar 17179869185
} {-1}
test {INCRBYFLOAT against non existing key} {
r del novar
list [roundFloat [r incrbyfloat novar 1]] \
[roundFloat [r get novar]] \
[roundFloat [r incrbyfloat novar 0.25]] \
[roundFloat [r get novar]]
} {1 1 1.25 1.25}
test {INCRBYFLOAT against key originally set with SET} {
r set novar 1.5
roundFloat [r incrbyfloat novar 1.5]
} {3}
test {INCRBYFLOAT over 32bit value} {
r set novar 17179869184
r incrbyfloat novar 1.5
} {17179869185.5}
test {INCRBYFLOAT over 32bit value with over 32bit increment} {
r set novar 17179869184
r incrbyfloat novar 17179869184
} {34359738368}
test {INCRBYFLOAT fails against key with spaces (left)} {
set err {}
r set novar " 11"
catch {r incrbyfloat novar 1.0} err
format $err
} {ERR*valid*}
test {INCRBYFLOAT fails against key with spaces (right)} {
set err {}
r set novar "11 "
catch {r incrbyfloat novar 1.0} err
format $err
} {ERR*valid*}
test {INCRBYFLOAT fails against key with spaces (both)} {
set err {}
r set novar " 11 "
catch {r incrbyfloat novar 1.0} err
format $err
} {ERR*valid*}
test {INCRBYFLOAT fails against a key holding a list} {
r del mylist
set err {}
r rpush mylist 1
catch {r incrbyfloat mylist 1.0} err
r del mylist
format $err
test {INCRBYFLOAT does not allow NaN or Infinity} {
r set foo 0
set err {}
catch {r incrbyfloat foo +inf} err
set err
# p.s. no way I can force NaN to test it from the API because
# there is no way to increment / decrement by infinity nor to
# perform divisions.
} {ERR*would produce*}
test {INCRBYFLOAT decrement} {
r set foo 1
roundFloat [r incrbyfloat foo -1.1]
} {-0.1}
test "SETNX target key missing" {
r del novar
assert_equal 1 [r setnx novar foobared]
assert_equal "foobared" [r get novar]
test "SETNX target key exists" {
r set novar foobared
assert_equal 0 [r setnx novar blabla]
assert_equal "foobared" [r get novar]
test "SETNX against not-expired volatile key" {
r set x 10
r expire x 10000
assert_equal 0 [r setnx x 20]
assert_equal 10 [r get x]
test "SETNX against expired volatile key" {
# Make it very unlikely for the key this test uses to be expired by the
# active expiry cycle. This is tightly coupled to the implementation of
# active expiry and dbAdd() but currently the only way to test that
# SETNX expires a key when it should have been.
for {set x 0} {$x < 9999} {incr x} {
r setex key-$x 3600 value
# This will be one of 10000 expiring keys. A cycle is executed every
# 100ms, sampling 10 keys for being expired or not. This key will be
# expired for at most 1s when we wait 2s, resulting in a total sample
# of 100 keys. The probability of the success of this test being a
# false positive is therefore approx. 1%.
r set x 10
r expire x 1
# Wait for the key to expire
after 2000
assert_equal 1 [r setnx x 20]
assert_equal 20 [r get x]
test {EXISTS} {
set res {}
r set newkey test
append res [r exists newkey]
r del newkey
append res [r exists newkey]
} {10}
test {Zero length value in key. SET/GET/EXISTS} {
r set emptykey {}
set res [r get emptykey]
append res [r exists emptykey]
r del emptykey
append res [r exists emptykey]
} {10}
test {Commands pipelining} {
set fd [r channel]
puts -nonewline $fd "SET k1 xyzk\r\nGET k1\r\nPING\r\n"
flush $fd
set res {}
append res [string match OK* [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]]
append res [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]
append res [string match PONG* [::redis::redis_read_reply $fd]]
format $res
} {1xyzk1}
test {Non existing command} {
catch {r foobaredcommand} err
string match ERR* $err
} {1}
test {RENAME basic usage} {
r set mykey hello
r rename mykey mykey1
r rename mykey1 mykey2
r get mykey2
} {hello}
test {RENAME source key should no longer exist} {
r exists mykey
} {0}
test {RENAME against already existing key} {
r set mykey a
r set mykey2 b
r rename mykey2 mykey
set res [r get mykey]
append res [r exists mykey2]
} {b0}
test {RENAMENX basic usage} {
r del mykey
r del mykey2
r set mykey foobar
r renamenx mykey mykey2
set res [r get mykey2]
append res [r exists mykey]
} {foobar0}
test {RENAMENX against already existing key} {
r set mykey foo
r set mykey2 bar
r renamenx mykey mykey2
} {0}
test {RENAMENX against already existing key (2)} {
set res [r get mykey]
append res [r get mykey2]
} {foobar}
test {RENAME against non existing source key} {
catch {r rename nokey foobar} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {RENAME where source and dest key is the same} {
catch {r rename mykey mykey} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {RENAME with volatile key, should move the TTL as well} {
r del mykey mykey2
r set mykey foo
r expire mykey 100
assert {[r ttl mykey] > 95 && [r ttl mykey] <= 100}
r rename mykey mykey2
assert {[r ttl mykey2] > 95 && [r ttl mykey2] <= 100}
test {RENAME with volatile key, should not inherit TTL of target key} {
r del mykey mykey2
r set mykey foo
r set mykey2 bar
r expire mykey2 100
assert {[r ttl mykey] == -1 && [r ttl mykey2] > 0}
r rename mykey mykey2
r ttl mykey2
} {-1}
test {DEL all keys again (DB 0)} {
foreach key [r keys *] {
r del $key
r dbsize
} {0}
test {DEL all keys again (DB 1)} {
r select 10
foreach key [r keys *] {
r del $key
set res [r dbsize]
r select 9
format $res
} {0}
test {MOVE basic usage} {
r set mykey foobar
r move mykey 10
set res {}
lappend res [r exists mykey]
lappend res [r dbsize]
r select 10
lappend res [r get mykey]
lappend res [r dbsize]
r select 9
format $res
} [list 0 0 foobar 1]
test {MOVE against key existing in the target DB} {
r set mykey hello
r move mykey 10
} {0}
test {SET/GET keys in different DBs} {
r set a hello
r set b world
r select 10
r set a foo
r set b bared
r select 9
set res {}
lappend res [r get a]
lappend res [r get b]
r select 10
lappend res [r get a]
lappend res [r get b]
r select 9
format $res
} {hello world foo bared}
test {MGET} {
r flushdb
r set foo BAR
r set bar FOO
r mget foo bar
test {MGET against non existing key} {
r mget foo baazz bar
} {BAR {} FOO}
test {MGET against non-string key} {
r sadd myset ciao
r sadd myset bau
r mget foo baazz bar myset
} {BAR {} FOO {}}
test {RANDOMKEY} {
r flushdb
r set foo x
r set bar y
set foo_seen 0
set bar_seen 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
set rkey [r randomkey]
if {$rkey eq {foo}} {
set foo_seen 1
if {$rkey eq {bar}} {
set bar_seen 1
list $foo_seen $bar_seen
} {1 1}
test {RANDOMKEY against empty DB} {
r flushdb
r randomkey
} {}
test {RANDOMKEY regression 1} {
r flushdb
r set x 10
r del x
r randomkey
} {}
test {GETSET (set new value)} {
list [r getset foo xyz] [r get foo]
} {{} xyz}
test {GETSET (replace old value)} {
r set foo bar
list [r getset foo xyz] [r get foo]
} {bar xyz}
test {MSET base case} {
r mset x 10 y "foo bar" z "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"
r mget x y z
} [list 10 {foo bar} "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"]
test {MSET wrong number of args} {
catch {r mset x 10 y "foo bar" z} err
format $err
} {*wrong number*}
test {MSETNX with already existent key} {
list [r msetnx x1 xxx y2 yyy x 20] [r exists x1] [r exists y2]
} {0 0 0}
test {MSETNX with not existing keys} {
list [r msetnx x1 xxx y2 yyy] [r get x1] [r get y2]
} {1 xxx yyy}
test "STRLEN against non-existing key" {
assert_equal 0 [r strlen notakey]
test "STRLEN against integer-encoded value" {
r set myinteger -555
assert_equal 4 [r strlen myinteger]
test "STRLEN against plain string" {
r set mystring "foozzz0123456789 baz"
assert_equal 20 [r strlen mystring]
test "SETBIT against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal 0 [r setbit mykey 1 1]
assert_equal [binary format B* 01000000] [r get mykey]
test "SETBIT against string-encoded key" {
# Ascii "@" is integer 64 = 01 00 00 00
r set mykey "@"
assert_equal 0 [r setbit mykey 2 1]
assert_equal [binary format B* 01100000] [r get mykey]
assert_equal 1 [r setbit mykey 1 0]
assert_equal [binary format B* 00100000] [r get mykey]
test "SETBIT against integer-encoded key" {
# Ascii "1" is integer 49 = 00 11 00 01
r set mykey 1
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 0 [r setbit mykey 6 1]
assert_equal [binary format B* 00110011] [r get mykey]
assert_equal 1 [r setbit mykey 2 0]
assert_equal [binary format B* 00010011] [r get mykey]
test "SETBIT against key with wrong type" {
r del mykey
r lpush mykey "foo"
assert_error "WRONGTYPE*" {r setbit mykey 0 1}
test "SETBIT with out of range bit offset" {
r del mykey
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey [expr 4*1024*1024*1024] 1}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey -1 1}
test "SETBIT with non-bit argument" {
r del mykey
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 -1}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 2}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 10}
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setbit mykey 0 20}
test "SETBIT fuzzing" {
set str ""
set len [expr 256*8]
r del mykey
for {set i 0} {$i < 2000} {incr i} {
set bitnum [randomInt $len]
set bitval [randomInt 2]
set fmt [format "%%-%ds%%d%%-s" $bitnum]
set head [string range $str 0 $bitnum-1]
set tail [string range $str $bitnum+1 end]
set str [string map {" " 0} [format $fmt $head $bitval $tail]]
r setbit mykey $bitnum $bitval
assert_equal [binary format B* $str] [r get mykey]
test "GETBIT against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 0]
test "GETBIT against string-encoded key" {
# Single byte with 2nd and 3rd bit set
r set mykey "`"
# In-range
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 0]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 1]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 2]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 3]
# Out-range
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 8]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 100]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 10000]
test "GETBIT against integer-encoded key" {
r set mykey 1
assert_encoding int mykey
# Ascii "1" is integer 49 = 00 11 00 01
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 0]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 1]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 2]
assert_equal 1 [r getbit mykey 3]
# Out-range
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 8]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 100]
assert_equal 0 [r getbit mykey 10000]
test "SETRANGE against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 0 foo]
assert_equal "foo" [r get mykey]
r del mykey
assert_equal 0 [r setrange mykey 0 ""]
assert_equal 0 [r exists mykey]
r del mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 1 foo]
assert_equal "\000foo" [r get mykey]
test "SETRANGE against string-encoded key" {
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 0 b]
assert_equal "boo" [r get mykey]
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 0 ""]
assert_equal "foo" [r get mykey]
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 3 [r setrange mykey 1 b]
assert_equal "fbo" [r get mykey]
r set mykey "foo"
assert_equal 7 [r setrange mykey 4 bar]
assert_equal "foo\000bar" [r get mykey]
test "SETRANGE against integer-encoded key" {
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 0 2]
assert_encoding raw mykey
assert_equal 2234 [r get mykey]
# Shouldn't change encoding when nothing is set
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 0 ""]
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 1234 [r get mykey]
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 4 [r setrange mykey 1 3]
assert_encoding raw mykey
assert_equal 1334 [r get mykey]
r set mykey 1234
assert_encoding int mykey
assert_equal 6 [r setrange mykey 5 2]
assert_encoding raw mykey
assert_equal "1234\0002" [r get mykey]
test "SETRANGE against key with wrong type" {
r del mykey
r lpush mykey "foo"
assert_error "WRONGTYPE*" {r setrange mykey 0 bar}
test "SETRANGE with out of range offset" {
r del mykey
assert_error "*maximum allowed size*" {r setrange mykey [expr 512*1024*1024-4] world}
r set mykey "hello"
assert_error "*out of range*" {r setrange mykey -1 world}
assert_error "*maximum allowed size*" {r setrange mykey [expr 512*1024*1024-4] world}
test "GETRANGE against non-existing key" {
r del mykey
assert_equal "" [r getrange mykey 0 -1]
test "GETRANGE against string value" {
r set mykey "Hello World"
assert_equal "Hell" [r getrange mykey 0 3]
assert_equal "Hello World" [r getrange mykey 0 -1]
assert_equal "orld" [r getrange mykey -4 -1]
assert_equal "" [r getrange mykey 5 3]
assert_equal " World" [r getrange mykey 5 5000]
assert_equal "Hello World" [r getrange mykey -5000 10000]
test "GETRANGE against integer-encoded value" {
r set mykey 1234
assert_equal "123" [r getrange mykey 0 2]
assert_equal "1234" [r getrange mykey 0 -1]
assert_equal "234" [r getrange mykey -3 -1]
assert_equal "" [r getrange mykey 5 3]
assert_equal "4" [r getrange mykey 3 5000]
assert_equal "1234" [r getrange mykey -5000 10000]
test "GETRANGE fuzzing" {
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
r set bin [set bin [randstring 0 1024 binary]]
set _start [set start [randomInt 1500]]
set _end [set end [randomInt 1500]]
if {$_start < 0} {set _start "end-[abs($_start)-1]"}
if {$_end < 0} {set _end "end-[abs($_end)-1]"}
assert_equal [string range $bin $_start $_end] [r getrange bin $start $end]