mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 04:41:03 +00:00
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start_server {tags {"pubsub"}} {
proc __consume_subscribe_messages {client type channels} {
set numsub -1
set counts {}
for {set i [llength $channels]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
set msg [$client read]
assert_equal $type [lindex $msg 0]
# when receiving subscribe messages the channels names
# are ordered. when receiving unsubscribe messages
# they are unordered
set idx [lsearch -exact $channels [lindex $msg 1]]
if {[string match "*unsubscribe" $type]} {
assert {$idx >= 0}
} else {
assert {$idx == 0}
set channels [lreplace $channels $idx $idx]
# aggregate the subscription count to return to the caller
lappend counts [lindex $msg 2]
# we should have received messages for channels
assert {[llength $channels] == 0}
return $counts
proc subscribe {client channels} {
$client subscribe {*}$channels
__consume_subscribe_messages $client subscribe $channels
proc unsubscribe {client {channels {}}} {
$client unsubscribe {*}$channels
__consume_subscribe_messages $client unsubscribe $channels
proc psubscribe {client channels} {
$client psubscribe {*}$channels
__consume_subscribe_messages $client psubscribe $channels
proc punsubscribe {client {channels {}}} {
$client punsubscribe {*}$channels
__consume_subscribe_messages $client punsubscribe $channels
test "PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE basics" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
# subscribe to two channels
assert_equal {1 2} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1 chan2}]
assert_equal 1 [r publish chan1 hello]
assert_equal 1 [r publish chan2 world]
assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {message chan2 world} [$rd1 read]
# unsubscribe from one of the channels
unsubscribe $rd1 {chan1}
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1 hello]
assert_equal 1 [r publish chan2 world]
assert_equal {message chan2 world} [$rd1 read]
# unsubscribe from the remaining channel
unsubscribe $rd1 {chan2}
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan2 world]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE with two clients" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1}]
assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd2 {chan1}]
assert_equal 2 [r publish chan1 hello]
assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd2 read]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
$rd2 close
test "PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE after UNSUBSCRIBE without arguments" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1 2 3} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1 chan2 chan3}]
unsubscribe $rd1
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan2 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan3 hello]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "SUBSCRIBE to one channel more than once" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1 1 1} [subscribe $rd1 {chan1 chan1 chan1}]
assert_equal 1 [r publish chan1 hello]
assert_equal {message chan1 hello} [$rd1 read]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "UNSUBSCRIBE from non-subscribed channels" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {0 0 0} [unsubscribe $rd1 {foo bar quux}]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "PUBLISH/PSUBSCRIBE basics" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
# subscribe to two patterns
assert_equal {1 2} [psubscribe $rd1 {foo.* bar.*}]
assert_equal 1 [r publish foo.1 hello]
assert_equal 1 [r publish bar.1 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish foo1 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish barfoo.1 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish qux.1 hello]
assert_equal {pmessage foo.* foo.1 hello} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage bar.* bar.1 hello} [$rd1 read]
# unsubscribe from one of the patterns
assert_equal {1} [punsubscribe $rd1 {foo.*}]
assert_equal 0 [r publish foo.1 hello]
assert_equal 1 [r publish bar.1 hello]
assert_equal {pmessage bar.* bar.1 hello} [$rd1 read]
# unsubscribe from the remaining pattern
assert_equal {0} [punsubscribe $rd1 {bar.*}]
assert_equal 0 [r publish foo.1 hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish bar.1 hello]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "PUBLISH/PSUBSCRIBE with two clients" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 {chan.*}]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd2 {chan.*}]
assert_equal 2 [r publish chan.foo hello]
assert_equal {pmessage chan.* chan.foo hello} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage chan.* chan.foo hello} [$rd2 read]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
$rd2 close
test "PUBLISH/PSUBSCRIBE after PUNSUBSCRIBE without arguments" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1 2 3} [psubscribe $rd1 {chan1.* chan2.* chan3.*}]
punsubscribe $rd1
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan1.hi hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan2.hi hello]
assert_equal 0 [r publish chan3.hi hello]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "PUNSUBSCRIBE from non-subscribed channels" {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {0 0 0} [punsubscribe $rd1 {foo.* bar.* quux.*}]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd1 {foo.bar}]
assert_equal {2} [psubscribe $rd1 {foo.*}]
assert_equal 2 [r publish foo.bar hello]
assert_equal {message foo.bar hello} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage foo.* foo.bar hello} [$rd1 read]
# clean up clients
$rd1 close
test "PUNSUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE should always reply" {
# Make sure we are not subscribed to any channel at all.
r punsubscribe
r unsubscribe
# Now check if the commands still reply correctly.
set reply1 [r punsubscribe]
set reply2 [r unsubscribe]
concat $reply1 $reply2
} {punsubscribe {} 0 unsubscribe {} 0}
### Keyspace events notification tests
test "Keyspace notifications: we receive keyspace notifications" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events KA
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r set foo bar
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:foo set} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: we receive keyevent notifications" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events EA
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r set foo bar
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:set foo} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: we can receive both kind of events" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events KEA
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r set foo bar
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:foo set} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:set foo} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: we are able to mask events" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events KEl
r del mylist
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r set foo bar
r lpush mylist a
# No notification for set, because only list commands are enabled.
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:mylist lpush} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:lpush mylist} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: general events test" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events KEg
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r set foo bar
r expire foo 1
r del foo
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:foo expire} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:expire foo} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:foo del} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:del foo} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: list events test" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events KEl
r del mylist
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r lpush mylist a
r rpush mylist a
r rpop mylist
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:mylist lpush} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:lpush mylist} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:mylist rpush} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:rpush mylist} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:mylist rpop} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:rpop mylist} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: set events test" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Ks
r del myset
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r sadd myset a b c d
r srem myset x
r sadd myset x y z
r srem myset x
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myset sadd} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myset sadd} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myset srem} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: zset events test" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Kz
r del myzset
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r zadd myzset 1 a 2 b
r zrem myzset x
r zadd myzset 3 x 4 y 5 z
r zrem myzset x
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myzset zadd} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myzset zadd} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myzset zrem} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: hash events test" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Kh
r del myhash
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r hmset myhash yes 1 no 0
r hincrby myhash yes 10
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myhash hset} [$rd1 read]
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:myhash hincrby} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: expired events (triggered expire)" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Ex
r del foo
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r psetex foo 100 1
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r exists foo] == 0
} else {
fail "Key does not expire?!"
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:expired foo} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: expired events (background expire)" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Ex
r del foo
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r psetex foo 100 1
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:expired foo} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test "Keyspace notifications: evicted events" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Ee
r config set maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru
r flushdb
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r set foo bar
r config set maxmemory 1
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyevent@9__:evicted foo} [$rd1 read]
r config set maxmemory 0
$rd1 close