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synced 2025-03-20 01:20:50 +00:00
We set random points in the world, pick a random position, and check if the returned points by Redis match the ones computed by Tcl by brute forcing all the points using the distance between two points formula. This approach is sounding since immediately resulted in finding a bug in the original implementation.
117 lines
4.6 KiB
117 lines
4.6 KiB
# Helper functins to simulate search-in-radius in the Tcl side in order to
# verify the Redis implementation with a fuzzy test.
proc geo_degrad deg {expr {$deg*atan(1)*8/360}}
proc geo_distance {lat1d lon1d lat2d lon2d} {
set lat1r [geo_degrad $lat1d]
set lon1r [geo_degrad $lon1d]
set lat2r [geo_degrad $lat2d]
set lon2r [geo_degrad $lon2d]
set u [expr {sin(($lat2r - $lat1r) / 2)}]
set v [expr {sin(($lon2r - $lon1r) / 2)}]
expr {2.0 * 6372797.560856 * \
asin(sqrt($u * $u + cos($lat1r) * cos($lat2r) * $v * $v))}
proc geo_random_point {latvar lonvar} {
upvar 1 $latvar lat
upvar 1 $lonvar lon
# Note that the actual latitude limit should be -85 to +85, we restrict
# the test to -70 to +70 since in this range the algorithm is more precise
# while outside this range occasionally some element may be missing.
set lat [expr {-70 + rand()*140}]
set lon [expr {-180 + rand()*360}]
start_server {tags {"geo"}} {
test {GEOADD create} {
r geoadd nyc 40.747533 -73.9454966 "lic market"
} {1}
test {GEOADD update} {
r geoadd nyc 40.747533 -73.9454966 "lic market"
} {0}
test {GEOADD invalid coordinates} {
catch {
r geoadd nyc 40.747533 -73.9454966 "lic market" \
foo bar "luck market"
} err
set err
} {*valid*}
test {GEOADD multi add} {
r geoadd nyc 40.7648057 -73.9733487 "central park n/q/r" 40.7362513 -73.9903085 "union square" 40.7126674 -74.0131604 "wtc one" 40.6428986 -73.7858139 "jfk" 40.7498929 -73.9375699 "q4" 40.7480973 -73.9564142 4545
} {6}
test {Check geoset values} {
r zrange nyc 0 -1 withscores
} {{wtc one} 1791873972053020 {union square} 1791875485187452 {central park n/q/r} 1791875761332224 4545 1791875796750882 {lic market} 1791875804419201 q4 1791875830079666 jfk 1791895905559723}
test {GEORADIUS simple (sorted)} {
r georadius nyc 40.7598464 -73.9798091 3 km ascending
} {{central park n/q/r} 4545 {union square}}
test {GEORADIUS withdistance (sorted)} {
r georadius nyc 40.7598464 -73.9798091 3 km withdistance ascending
} {{{central park n/q/r} 0.7750} {4545 2.3651} {{union square} 2.7697}}
test {GEORADIUSBYMEMBER simple (sorted)} {
r georadiusbymember nyc "wtc one" 7 km
} {{wtc one} {union square} {central park n/q/r} 4545 {lic market}}
test {GEORADIUSBYMEMBER withdistance (sorted)} {
r georadiusbymember nyc "wtc one" 7 km withdist
} {{{wtc one} 0.0000} {{union square} 3.2544} {{central park n/q/r} 6.7000} {4545 6.1975} {{lic market} 6.8969}}
test {GEOENCODE simple} {
r geoencode 41.2358883 1.8063239
} {3471579339700058 {41.235888125243704 1.8063229322433472}\
{41.235890659964866 1.806328296661377}\
{41.235889392604285 1.8063256144523621}}
test {GEODECODE simple} {
r geodecode 3471579339700058
} {{41.235888125243704 1.8063229322433472}\
{41.235890659964866 1.806328296661377}\
{41.235889392604285 1.8063256144523621}}
test {GEOADD + GEORANGE randomized test} {
set attempt 10
while {[incr attempt -1]} {
unset -nocomplain debuginfo
set srand_seed [randomInt 1000000]
lappend debuginfo "srand_seed is $srand_seed"
expr {srand($srand_seed)} ; # If you need a reproducible run
r del mypoints
set radius_km [expr {[randomInt 200]+10}]
set radius_m [expr {$radius_km*1000}]
geo_random_point search_lat search_lon
lappend debuginfo "Search area: $search_lat,$search_lon $radius_km km"
set tcl_result {}
set argv {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 20000} {incr j} {
geo_random_point lat lon
lappend argv $lat $lon "place:$j"
if {[geo_distance $lat $lon $search_lat $search_lon] < $radius_m} {
lappend tcl_result "place:$j"
lappend debuginfo "place:$j $lat $lon [expr {[geo_distance $lat $lon $search_lat $search_lon]/1000}] km"
r geoadd mypoints {*}$argv
set res [lsort [r georadius mypoints $search_lat $search_lon $radius_km km]]
set res2 [lsort $tcl_result]
set test_result OK
if {$res != $res2} {
puts "Redis: $res"
puts "Tcl : $res2"
puts [join $debuginfo "\n"]
set test_result FAIL
unset -nocomplain debuginfo
if {$test_result ne {OK}} break
set test_result
} {OK}