mirror of https://github.com/fluencelabs/redis synced 2025-03-22 02:20:49 +00:00
Oran Agra 806736cdf9 Adding real allocator fragmentation to INFO and MEMORY command + active defrag test
other fixes / improvements:
- LUA script memory isn't taken from zmalloc (taken from libc malloc)
  so it can cause high fragmentation ratio to be displayed (which is false)
- there was a problem with "fragmentation" info being calculated from
  RSS and used_memory sampled at different times (now sampling them together)

other details:
- adding a few more allocator info fields to INFO and MEMORY commands
- improve defrag test to measure defrag latency of big keys
- increasing the accuracy of the defrag test (by looking at real grag info)
  this way we can use an even lower threshold and still avoid false positives
- keep the old (total) "fragmentation" field unchanged, but add new ones for spcific things
- add these the MEMORY DOCTOR command
- deduct LUA memory from the rss in case of non jemalloc allocator (one for which we don't "allocator active/used")
- reduce sampling rate of the rss and allocator info
2018-03-12 15:08:52 +02:00

192 lines
6.8 KiB

proc test_memory_efficiency {range} {
r flushall
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
set base_mem [s used_memory]
set written 0
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
set key key:$j
set val [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*$range)}]]
$rd set $key $val
incr written [string length $key]
incr written [string length $val]
incr written 2 ;# A separator is the minimum to store key-value data.
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
$rd read ; # Discard replies
set current_mem [s used_memory]
set used [expr {$current_mem-$base_mem}]
set efficiency [expr {double($written)/$used}]
return $efficiency
start_server {tags {"memefficiency"}} {
foreach {size_range expected_min_efficiency} {
32 0.15
64 0.25
128 0.35
1024 0.75
16384 0.82
} {
test "Memory efficiency with values in range $size_range" {
set efficiency [test_memory_efficiency $size_range]
assert {$efficiency >= $expected_min_efficiency}
start_server {tags {"defrag"}} {
if {[string match {*jemalloc*} [s mem_allocator]]} {
test "Active defrag" {
r config set activedefrag no
r config set active-defrag-threshold-lower 5
r config set active-defrag-cycle-min 25
r config set active-defrag-cycle-max 75
r config set active-defrag-ignore-bytes 2mb
r config set maxmemory 100mb
r config set maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru
r debug populate 700000 asdf 150
r debug populate 170000 asdf 300
after 20 ;# serverCron only updates the info once in 10ms
set frag [s allocator_frag_ratio]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "frag $frag"
assert {$frag >= 1.4}
r config set activedefrag yes
# wait for the active defrag to start working (decision once a second)
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s active_defrag_running] ne 0
} else {
fail "defrag not started."
# wait for the active defrag to stop working
wait_for_condition 100 100 {
[s active_defrag_running] eq 0
} else {
puts [r info memory]
fail "defrag didn't stop."
# test the the fragmentation is lower
after 20 ;# serverCron only updates the info once in 10ms
set frag [s allocator_frag_ratio]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "frag $frag"
assert {$frag < 1.1}
} {}
test "Active defrag big keys" {
r flushdb
r config resetstat
r config set activedefrag no
r config set active-defrag-max-scan-fields 1000
r config set active-defrag-threshold-lower 5
r config set active-defrag-cycle-min 65
r config set active-defrag-cycle-max 75
r config set active-defrag-ignore-bytes 2mb
r config set maxmemory 0
r config set list-max-ziplist-size 5 ;# list of 10k items will have 2000 quicklist nodes
r hmset hash h1 v1 h2 v2 h3 v3
r lpush list a b c d
r zadd zset 0 a 1 b 2 c 3 d
r sadd set a b c d
# create big keys with 10k items
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
$rd hset bighash $j [concat "asdfasdfasdf" $j]
$rd lpush biglist [concat "asdfasdfasdf" $j]
$rd zadd bigzset $j [concat "asdfasdfasdf" $j]
$rd sadd bigset [concat "asdfasdfasdf" $j]
for {set j 0} {$j < 40000} {incr j} {
$rd read ; # Discard replies
set expected_frag 1.7
if {$::accurate} {
# scale the hash to 1m fields in order to have a measurable the latency
for {set j 10000} {$j < 1000000} {incr j} {
$rd hset bighash $j [concat "asdfasdfasdf" $j]
for {set j 10000} {$j < 1000000} {incr j} {
$rd read ; # Discard replies
# creating that big hash, increased used_memory, so the relative frag goes down
set expected_frag 1.3
# add a mass of string keys
for {set j 0} {$j < 500000} {incr j} {
$rd setrange $j 150 a
for {set j 0} {$j < 500000} {incr j} {
$rd read ; # Discard replies
assert {[r dbsize] == 500008}
# create some fragmentation
for {set j 0} {$j < 500000} {incr j 2} {
$rd del $j
for {set j 0} {$j < 500000} {incr j 2} {
$rd read ; # Discard replies
assert {[r dbsize] == 250008}
# start defrag
after 20 ;# serverCron only updates the info once in 10ms
set frag [s allocator_frag_ratio]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "frag $frag"
assert {$frag >= $expected_frag}
r config set latency-monitor-threshold 5
r latency reset
r config set activedefrag yes
# wait for the active defrag to start working (decision once a second)
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s active_defrag_running] ne 0
} else {
fail "defrag not started."
# wait for the active defrag to stop working
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[s active_defrag_running] eq 0
} else {
puts [r info memory]
puts [r memory malloc-stats]
fail "defrag didn't stop."
# test the the fragmentation is lower
after 20 ;# serverCron only updates the info once in 10ms
set frag [s allocator_frag_ratio]
set max_latency 0
foreach event [r latency latest] {
lassign $event eventname time latency max
if {$eventname == "active-defrag-cycle"} {
set max_latency $max
if {$::verbose} {
puts "frag $frag"
puts "max latency $max_latency"
puts [r latency latest]
puts [r latency history active-defrag-cycle]
assert {$frag < 1.1}
# due to high fragmentation, 10hz, and active-defrag-cycle-max set to 75,
# we expect max latency to be not much higher than 75ms
assert {$max_latency <= 80}
} {}