antirez 8c254415f7 Sentinel test: framework improved and conf-update unit added.
It is now possible to kill and restart sentinel or redis instances for
more real-world testing.

The 01 unit tests the capability of Sentinel to update the configuration
of Sentinels rejoining the cluster, however the test is pretty trivial
and more tests should be added.
2014-02-22 17:27:49 +01:00

301 lines
8.7 KiB

# Sentinel test suite. Copyright (C) 2014 Salvatore Sanfilippo
# This softare is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
# more information.
package require Tcl 8.5
set tcl_precision 17
source tests/support/redis.tcl
source tests/support/util.tcl
source tests/support/server.tcl
source tests/support/test.tcl
set ::verbose 0
set ::sentinel_instances {}
set ::redis_instances {}
set ::sentinel_base_port 20000
set ::redis_base_port 30000
set ::instances_count 5 ; # How many Sentinels / Instances we use at max
set ::pids {} ; # We kill everything at exit
set ::dirs {} ; # We remove all the temp dirs at exit
set ::run_matching {} ; # If non empty, only tests matching pattern are run.
if {[catch {cd tests/sentinel-tmp}]} {
puts "tests/sentinel-tmp directory not found."
puts "Please run this test from the Redis source root."
exit 1
# Spawn a redis or sentinel instance, depending on 'type'.
proc spawn_instance {type base_port count} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
set port [find_available_port $base_port]
incr base_port
puts "Starting $type #$j at port $port"
# Create a directory for this Sentinel.
set dirname "${type}_${j}"
lappend ::dirs $dirname
catch {exec rm -rf $dirname}
file mkdir $dirname
# Write the Sentinel config file.
set cfgfile [file join $dirname $type.conf]
set cfg [open $cfgfile w]
puts $cfg "port $port"
puts $cfg "dir ./$dirname"
puts $cfg "logfile log.txt"
close $cfg
# Finally exec it and remember the pid for later cleanup.
if {$type eq "redis"} {
set prgname redis-server
} else {
set prgname redis-sentinel
set pid [exec ../../src/${prgname} $cfgfile &]
lappend ::pids $pid
# Check availability
if {[server_is_up $port 100] == 0} {
abort_sentinel_test "Problems starting $type #$j: ping timeout"
# Push the instance into the right list
lappend ::${type}_instances [list \
pid $pid \
host \
port $port \
link [redis $port] \
proc cleanup {} {
puts "Cleaning up..."
foreach pid $::pids {
catch {exec kill -9 $pid}
foreach dir $::dirs {
catch {exec rm -rf $dir}
proc abort_sentinel_test msg {
puts "WARNING: Aborting the test."
puts ">>>>>>>> $msg"
exit 1
proc parse_options {} {
for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $::argv]} {incr j} {
set opt [lindex $::argv $j]
set val [lindex $::argv [expr $j+1]]
if {$opt eq "--single"} {
incr j
set ::run_matching "*${val}*"
} elseif {$opt eq "--help"} {
puts "Hello, I'm sentinel.tcl and I run Sentinel unit tests."
puts "\nOptions:"
puts "--single <pattern> Only runs tests specified by pattern."
puts "--help Shows this help."
exit 0
} else {
puts "Unknown option $opt"
exit 1
proc main {} {
spawn_instance sentinel $::sentinel_base_port $::instances_count
spawn_instance redis $::redis_base_port $::instances_count
# We redefine 'test' as for Sentinel we don't use the server-client
# architecture for the test, everything is sequential.
proc test {descr code} {
puts -nonewline "> $descr: "
flush stdout
if {[catch {set retval [uplevel 1 $code]} error]} {
if {[string match "assertion:*" $error]} {
set msg [string range $error 10 end]
puts [colorstr red $msg]
} else {
# Re-raise, let handler up the stack take care of this.
error $error $::errorInfo
} else {
puts [colorstr green OK]
proc run_tests {} {
set tests [lsort [glob ../sentinel-tests/*]]
foreach test $tests {
if {$::run_matching ne {} && [string match $::run_matching $test] == 0} {
if {[file isdirectory $test]} continue
puts [colorstr yellow "Testing unit: [lindex [file split $test] end]"]
source $test
# The "S" command is used to interact with the N-th Sentinel.
# The general form is:
# S <sentinel-id> command arg arg arg ...
# Example to ping the Sentinel 0 (first instance): S 0 PING
proc S {n args} {
set s [lindex $::sentinel_instances $n]
[dict get $s link] {*}$args
# Like R but to chat with Redis instances.
proc R {n args} {
set r [lindex $::redis_instances $n]
[dict get $r link] {*}$args
proc get_info_field {info field} {
set fl [string length $field]
append field :
foreach line [split $info "\n"] {
set line [string trim $line "\r\n "]
if {[string range $line 0 $fl] eq $field} {
return [string range $line [expr {$fl+1}] end]
return {}
proc SI {n field} {
get_info_field [S $n info] $field
proc RI {n field} {
get_info_field [R $n info] $field
# Iterate over IDs of sentinel or redis instances.
proc foreach_instance_id {instances idvar code} {
upvar 1 $idvar id
for {set id 0} {$id < [llength $instances]} {incr id} {
set errcode [catch {uplevel 1 $code} result]
if {$errcode == 1} {
error $result $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} elseif {$errcode != 0} {
return -code $errcode $result
proc foreach_sentinel_id {idvar code} {
set errcode [catch {uplevel 1 [list foreach_instance_id $::sentinel_instances $idvar $code]} result]
return -code $errcode $result
proc foreach_redis_id {idvar code} {
set errcode [catch {uplevel 1 [list foreach_instance_id $::redis_instances $idvar $code]} result]
return -code $errcode $result
# Get the specific attribute of the specified instance type, id.
proc get_instance_attrib {type id attrib} {
dict get [lindex [set ::${type}_instances] $id] $attrib
# Set the specific attribute of the specified instance type, id.
proc set_instance_attrib {type id attrib newval} {
set d [lindex [set ::${type}_instances] $id]
dict set d $attrib $newval
lset ::${type}_instances $id $d
# Create a master-slave cluster of the given number of total instances.
# The first instance "0" is the master, all others are configured as
# slaves.
proc create_redis_master_slave_cluster n {
foreach_redis_id id {
if {$id == 0} {
# Our master.
R $id slaveof no one
R $id flushall
} elseif {$id < $n} {
R $id slaveof [get_instance_attrib redis 0 host] \
[get_instance_attrib redis 0 port]
} else {
# Instances not part of the cluster.
R $id slaveof no one
# Wait for all the slaves to sync.
wait_for_condition 100 50 {
[RI 0 connected_slaves] == ($n-1)
} else {
fail "Unable to create a master-slaves cluster."
proc get_instance_id_by_port {type port} {
foreach_${type}_id id {
if {[get_instance_attrib $type $id port] == $port} {
return $id
fail "Instance $type port $port not found."
# Kill an instance of the specified type/id with SIGKILL.
# This function will mark the instance PID as -1 to remember that this instance
# is no longer running and will remove its PID from the list of pids that
# we kill at cleanup.
# The instance can be restarted with restart-instance.
proc kill_instance {type id} {
set pid [get_instance_attrib $type $id pid]
exec kill -9 $pid
set_instance_attrib $type $id pid -1
set_instance_attrib $type $id link you_tried_to_talk_with_killed_instance
# Remove the PID from the list of pids to kill at exit.
set ::pids [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $::pids $pid]
# Restart an instance previously killed by kill_instance
proc restart_instance {type id} {
set dirname "${type}_${id}"
set cfgfile [file join $dirname $type.conf]
set port [get_instance_attrib $type $id port]
# Execute the instance with its old setup and append the new pid
# file for cleanup.
if {$type eq "redis"} {
set prgname redis-server
} else {
set prgname redis-sentinel
set pid [exec ../../src/${prgname} $cfgfile &]
lappend ::pids $pid
# Check that the instance is running
if {[server_is_up $port 100] == 0} {
abort_sentinel_test "Problems starting $type #$j: ping timeout"
# Connect with it with a fresh link
set_instance_attrib $type $id link [redis $port]
if {[catch main e]} {
puts $::errorInfo