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synced 2025-03-19 17:10:50 +00:00
Lua scripts are executed in the context of the currently selected database (as selected by the caller of the script). However Lua scripts are also free to use the SELECT command in order to affect other DBs. When SELECT is called frm Lua, the old behavior, before this commit, was to automatically set the Lua caller selected DB to the last DB selected by Lua. See for example the following sequence of commands: SELECT 0 SET x 10 EVAL "redis.call('select','1')" 0 SET x 20 Before this commit after the execution of this sequence of commands, we'll have x=10 in DB 0, and x=20 in DB 1. Because of the problem above, there was a bug affecting replication of Lua scripts, because of the actual implementation of replication. It was possible to fix the implementation of Lua scripts in order to fix the issue, but looking closely, the bug is the consequence of the behavior of Lua ability to set the caller's DB. Under the old semantics, a script selecting a different DB, has no simple ways to restore the state and select back the previously selected DB. Moreover the script auhtor must remember that the restore is needed, otherwise the new commands executed by the caller, will be executed in the context of a different DB. So this commit fixes both the replication issue, and this hard-to-use semantics, by removing the ability of Lua, after the script execution, to force the caller to switch to the DB selected by the Lua script. The new behavior of the previous sequence of commadns is to just set X=20 in DB 0. However Lua scripts are still capable of writing / reading from different DBs if needed. WARNING: This is a semantical change that will break programs that are conceived to select the client selected DB via Lua scripts. This fixes issue #1811.
480 lines
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480 lines
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start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
test {EVAL - Does Lua interpreter replies to our requests?} {
r eval {return 'hello'} 0
} {hello}
test {EVAL - Lua integer -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
r eval {return 100.5} 0
} {100}
test {EVAL - Lua string -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
r eval {return 'hello world'} 0
} {hello world}
test {EVAL - Lua true boolean -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
r eval {return true} 0
} {1}
test {EVAL - Lua false boolean -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
r eval {return false} 0
} {}
test {EVAL - Lua status code reply -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
r eval {return {ok='fine'}} 0
} {fine}
test {EVAL - Lua error reply -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
catch {
r eval {return {err='this is an error'}} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {this is an error}
test {EVAL - Lua table -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
r eval {return {1,2,3,'ciao',{1,2}}} 0
} {1 2 3 ciao {1 2}}
test {EVAL - Are the KEYS and ARGV arrays populated correctly?} {
r eval {return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}} 2 a b c d
} {a b c d}
test {EVAL - is Lua able to call Redis API?} {
r set mykey myval
r eval {return redis.call('get',KEYS[1])} 1 mykey
} {myval}
test {EVALSHA - Can we call a SHA1 if already defined?} {
r evalsha fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey
} {myval}
test {EVALSHA - Can we call a SHA1 in uppercase?} {
r evalsha FD758D1589D044DD850A6F05D52F2EEFD27F033F 1 mykey
} {myval}
test {EVALSHA - Do we get an error on invalid SHA1?} {
catch {r evalsha NotValidShaSUM 0} e
set _ $e
test {EVALSHA - Do we get an error on non defined SHA1?} {
catch {r evalsha ffd632c7d33e571e9f24556ebed26c3479a87130 0} e
set _ $e
test {EVAL - Redis integer -> Lua type conversion} {
r eval {
local foo = redis.pcall('incr','x')
return {type(foo),foo}
} 0
} {number 1}
test {EVAL - Redis bulk -> Lua type conversion} {
r set mykey myval
r eval {
local foo = redis.pcall('get','mykey')
return {type(foo),foo}
} 0
} {string myval}
test {EVAL - Redis multi bulk -> Lua type conversion} {
r del mylist
r rpush mylist a
r rpush mylist b
r rpush mylist c
r eval {
local foo = redis.pcall('lrange','mylist',0,-1)
return {type(foo),foo[1],foo[2],foo[3],# foo}
} 0
} {table a b c 3}
test {EVAL - Redis status reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r eval {
local foo = redis.pcall('set','mykey','myval')
return {type(foo),foo['ok']}
} 0
} {table OK}
test {EVAL - Redis error reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r set mykey myval
r eval {
local foo = redis.pcall('incr','mykey')
return {type(foo),foo['err']}
} 0
} {table {ERR value is not an integer or out of range}}
test {EVAL - Redis nil bulk reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r del mykey
r eval {
local foo = redis.pcall('get','mykey')
return {type(foo),foo == false}
} 0
} {boolean 1}
test {EVAL - Is the Lua client using the currently selected DB?} {
r set mykey "this is DB 9"
r select 10
r set mykey "this is DB 10"
r eval {return redis.pcall('get','mykey')} 0
} {this is DB 10}
test {EVAL - SELECT inside Lua should not affect the caller} {
# here we DB 10 is selected
r set mykey "original value"
r eval {return redis.pcall('select','9')} 0
set res [r get mykey]
r select 9
set res
} {original value}
if 0 {
test {EVAL - Script can't run more than configured time limit} {
r config set lua-time-limit 1
catch {
r eval {
local i = 0
while true do i=i+1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*execution time*}
test {EVAL - Scripts can't run certain commands} {
set e {}
catch {r eval {return redis.pcall('spop','x')} 0} e
set e
} {*not allowed*}
test {EVAL - Scripts can't run certain commands} {
set e {}
catch {
r eval "redis.pcall('randomkey'); return redis.pcall('set','x','ciao')" 0
} e
set e
} {*not allowed after*}
test {EVAL - No arguments to redis.call/pcall is considered an error} {
set e {}
catch {r eval {return redis.call()} 0} e
set e
} {*one argument*}
test {EVAL - redis.call variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
set e {}
catch {
r eval "redis.call('nosuchcommand')" 0
} e
set e
} {*Unknown Redis*}
test {EVAL - redis.call variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
set e {}
catch {
r eval "redis.call('get','a','b','c')" 0
} e
set e
} {*number of args*}
test {EVAL - redis.call variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
set e {}
r set foo bar
catch {
r eval {redis.call('lpush',KEYS[1],'val')} 1 foo
} e
set e
} {*against a key*}
test {SCRIPTING FLUSH - is able to clear the scripts cache?} {
r set mykey myval
set v [r evalsha fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey]
assert_equal $v myval
set e ""
r script flush
catch {r evalsha fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey} e
set e
test {SCRIPT EXISTS - can detect already defined scripts?} {
r eval "return 1+1" 0
r script exists a27e7e8a43702b7046d4f6a7ccf5b60cef6b9bd9 a27e7e8a43702b7046d4f6a7ccf5b60cef6b9bda
} {1 0}
test {SCRIPT LOAD - is able to register scripts in the scripting cache} {
list \
[r script load "return 'loaded'"] \
[r evalsha b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 0]
} {b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 loaded}
test "In the context of Lua the output of random commands gets ordered" {
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
r eval {return redis.call('smembers',KEYS[1])} 1 myset
} {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z}
test "SORT is normally not alpha re-ordered for the scripting engine" {
r del myset
r sadd myset 1 2 3 4 10
r eval {return redis.call('sort',KEYS[1],'desc')} 1 myset
} {10 4 3 2 1}
test "SORT BY <constant> output gets ordered for scripting" {
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
r eval {return redis.call('sort',KEYS[1],'by','_')} 1 myset
} {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z}
test "SORT BY <constant> with GET gets ordered for scripting" {
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c
r eval {return redis.call('sort',KEYS[1],'by','_','get','#','get','_:*')} 1 myset
} {a {} b {} c {}}
test "redis.sha1hex() implementation" {
list [r eval {return redis.sha1hex('')} 0] \
[r eval {return redis.sha1hex('Pizza & Mandolino')} 0]
} {da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 74822d82031af7493c20eefa13bd07ec4fada82f}
test {Globals protection reading an undeclared global variable} {
catch {r eval {return a} 0} e
set e
} {*ERR*attempted to access unexisting global*}
test {Globals protection setting an undeclared global*} {
catch {r eval {a=10} 0} e
set e
} {*ERR*attempted to create global*}
test {Test an example script DECR_IF_GT} {
set decr_if_gt {
local current
current = redis.call('get',KEYS[1])
if not current then return nil end
if current > ARGV[1] then
return redis.call('decr',KEYS[1])
return redis.call('get',KEYS[1])
r set foo 5
set res {}
lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [r eval $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
set res
} {4 3 2 2 2}
test {Scripting engine resets PRNG at every script execution} {
set rand1 [r eval {return tostring(math.random())} 0]
set rand2 [r eval {return tostring(math.random())} 0]
assert_equal $rand1 $rand2
test {Scripting engine PRNG can be seeded correctly} {
set rand1 [r eval {
math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
} 0 10]
set rand2 [r eval {
math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
} 0 10]
set rand3 [r eval {
math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
} 0 20]
assert_equal $rand1 $rand2
assert {$rand2 ne $rand3}
test {EVAL does not leak in the Lua stack} {
r set x 0
# Use a non blocking client to speedup the loop.
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
$rd eval {return redis.call("incr",KEYS[1])} 1 x
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
$rd read
assert {[s used_memory_lua] < 1024*100}
$rd close
r get x
} {10000}
test {EVAL processes writes from AOF in read-only slaves} {
r flushall
r config set appendonly yes
r eval {redis.call("set",KEYS[1],"100")} 1 foo
r eval {redis.call("incr",KEYS[1])} 1 foo
r eval {redis.call("incr",KEYS[1])} 1 foo
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s aof_rewrite_in_progress] == 0
} else {
fail "AOF rewrite can't complete after CONFIG SET appendonly yes."
r config set slave-read-only yes
r slaveof 0
r debug loadaof
set res [r get foo]
r slaveof no one
set res
} {102}
test {We can call scripts rewriting client->argv from Lua} {
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c
r mset a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4
assert {[r spop myset] ne {}}
assert {[r spop myset] ne {}}
assert {[r spop myset] ne {}}
assert {[r mget a b c d] eq {1 2 3 4}}
assert {[r spop myset] eq {}}
test {Call Redis command with many args from Lua (issue #1764)} {
r eval {
local i
local x={}
for i=1,100 do
return redis.call('lrange','mylist',0,-1)
} 0
} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100}
test {Number conversion precision test (issue #1118)} {
r eval {
local value = 9007199254740991
return redis.call("get","foo")
} 0
} {9007199254740991}
test {String containing number precision test (regression of issue #1118)} {
r eval {
redis.call("set", "key", "12039611435714932082")
return redis.call("get", "key")
} 0
} {12039611435714932082}
# Start a new server since the last test in this stanza will kill the
# instance at all.
start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
test {Timedout read-only scripts can be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
$rd eval {while true do end} 0
after 200
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
r script kill
after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again...
assert_equal [r ping] "PONG"
test {Timedout script link is still usable after Lua returns} {
r config set lua-time-limit 10
r eval {for i=1,100000 do redis.call('ping') end return 'ok'} 0
r ping
} {PONG}
test {Timedout scripts that modified data can't be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
$rd eval {redis.call('set',KEYS[1],'y'); while true do end} 1 x
after 200
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
catch {r script kill} e
assert_match {UNKILLABLE*} $e
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
# Note: keep this test at the end of this server stanza because it
# kills the server.
test {SHUTDOWN NOSAVE can kill a timedout script anyway} {
# The server sould be still unresponding to normal commands.
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
catch {r shutdown nosave}
# Make sure the server was killed
catch {set rd [redis_deferring_client]} e
assert_match {*connection refused*} $e
start_server {tags {"scripting repl"}} {
start_server {} {
test {Before the slave connects we issue two EVAL commands} {
# One with an error, but still executing a command.
# SHA is: 67164fc43fa971f76fd1aaeeaf60c1c178d25876
catch {
r eval {redis.call('incr',KEYS[1]); redis.call('nonexisting')} 1 x
# One command is correct:
# SHA is: 6f5ade10a69975e903c6d07b10ea44c6382381a5
r eval {return redis.call('incr',KEYS[1])} 1 x
} {2}
test {Connect a slave to the main instance} {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 role] eq {slave} &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [r -1 info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a slave"
test {Now use EVALSHA against the master, with both SHAs} {
# The server should replicate successful and unsuccessful
# commands as EVAL instead of EVALSHA.
catch {
r evalsha 67164fc43fa971f76fd1aaeeaf60c1c178d25876 1 x
r evalsha 6f5ade10a69975e903c6d07b10ea44c6382381a5 1 x
} {4}
test {If EVALSHA was replicated as EVAL, 'x' should be '4'} {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 get x] eq {4}
} else {
fail "Expected 4 in x, but value is '[r -1 get x]'"
test {Replication of script multiple pushes to list with BLPOP} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd brpop a 0
r eval {
} 1 a
set res [$rd read]
$rd close
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 lrange a 0 -1] eq [r lrange a 0 -1]
} else {
fail "Expected list 'a' in slave and master to be the same, but they are respectively '[r -1 lrange a 0 -1]' and '[r lrange a 0 -1]'"
set res
} {a 1}
test {EVALSHA replication when first call is readonly} {
r del x
r eval {if tonumber(ARGV[1]) > 0 then redis.call('incr', KEYS[1]) end} 1 x 0
r evalsha 6e0e2745aa546d0b50b801a20983b70710aef3ce 1 x 0
r evalsha 6e0e2745aa546d0b50b801a20983b70710aef3ce 1 x 1
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 get x] eq {1}
} else {
fail "Expected 1 in x, but value is '[r -1 get x]'"