Matt Stancliff 7f4ac3d19c [In-Progress] Add Geo Commands
Current todo:
  - replace functions in zset.{c,h} with a new unified Redis
    zset access API.

Once we get the zset interface fixed, we can squash
relevant commits in this branch and have one nice commit
to merge into unstable.

This commit adds:
  - Geo commands
  - Tests; runnable with: ./runtest --single unit/geo
  - Geo helpers in deps/geohash-int/
  - src/geo.{c,h} and src/geojson.{c,h} implementing geo commands
  - Updated build configurations to get everything working
  - TEMPORARY: src/zset.{c,h} implementing zset score and zset
    range reading without writing to client output buffers.
  - Modified linkage of one t_zset.c function for use in zset.c

2015-06-22 09:07:13 +02:00

54 lines
3.0 KiB

start_server {tags {"geo"}} {
test {GEOADD create} {
r geoadd nyc 40.747533 -73.9454966 "lic market"
} {1}
test {GEOADD update} {
r geoadd nyc 40.747533 -73.9454966 "lic market"
} {0}
test {GEOADD multi add} {
r geoadd nyc 40.7648057 -73.9733487 "central park n/q/r" 40.7362513 -73.9903085 "union square" 40.7126674 -74.0131604 "wtc one" 40.6428986 -73.7858139 "jfk" 40.7498929 -73.9375699 "q4" 40.7480973 -73.9564142 4545
} {6}
test {Check geoset values} {
r zrange nyc 0 -1 withscores
} {{wtc one} 1791873972053020 {union square} 1791875485187452 {central park n/q/r} 1791875761332224 4545 1791875796750882 {lic market} 1791875804419201 q4 1791875830079666 jfk 1791895905559723}
test {GEORADIUS simple (sorted)} {
r georadius nyc 40.7598464 -73.9798091 3 km ascending
} {{central park n/q/r} 4545 {union square}}
test {GEORADIUS withdistance (sorted)} {
r georadius nyc 40.7598464 -73.9798091 3 km withdistance ascending
} {{{central park n/q/r} 0.78} {4545 2.37} {{union square} 2.77}}
test {GEORADIUSBYMEMBER simple (sorted)} {
r georadiusbymember nyc "wtc one" 7 km
} {{wtc one} {union square} {central park n/q/r} 4545 {lic market}}
test {GEORADIUSBYMEMBER simple (sorted, json)} {
r georadiusbymember nyc "wtc one" 7 km withgeojson
} {{{wtc one} {{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-74.01316255331,40.712667181451]},"properties":{"distance":0,"member":"wtc one","units":"km","set":"nyc"}}}}\
{{union square} {{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-73.990310132504,40.736250227118]},"properties":{"distance":3.2543954573354,"member":"union square","units":"km","set":"nyc"}}}}\
{{central park n/q/r} {{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-73.973347842693,40.764806395699]},"properties":{"distance":6.7000029092796,"member":"central park n\/q\/r","units":"km","set":"nyc"}}}}\
{4545 {{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-73.956412374973,40.748097513816]},"properties":{"distance":6.1975173818008,"member":"4545","units":"km","set":"nyc"}}}}\
{{lic market} {{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-73.945495784283,40.747532270998]},"properties":{"distance":6.8968709532081,"member":"lic market","units":"km","set":"nyc"}}}}}
test {GEORADIUSBYMEMBER withdistance (sorted)} {
r georadiusbymember nyc "wtc one" 7 km withdist
} {{{wtc one} 0.00} {{union square} 3.25} {{central park n/q/r} 6.70} {4545 6.20} {{lic market} 6.90}}
test {GEOENCODE simple} {
r geoencode 41.2358883 1.8063239
} {3471579339700058 {41.235888125243704 1.8063229322433472}\
{41.235890659964866 1.806328296661377}\
{41.235889392604285 1.8063256144523621}}
test {GEODECODE simple} {
r geodecode 3471579339700058
} {{41.235888125243704 1.8063229322433472}\
{41.235890659964866 1.806328296661377}\
{41.235889392604285 1.8063256144523621}}