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# Initialization tests -- most units will start including this.
test "(init) Restart killed instances" {
foreach type {redis} {
foreach_${type}_id id {
if {[get_instance_attrib $type $id pid] == -1} {
puts -nonewline "$type/$id "
flush stdout
restart_instance $type $id
test "Cluster nodes are reachable" {
foreach_redis_id id {
# Every node should be reachable.
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
([catch {R $id ping} ping_reply] == 0) &&
($ping_reply eq {PONG})
} else {
catch {R $id ping} err
fail "Node #$id keeps replying '$err' to PING."
test "Cluster nodes hard reset" {
foreach_redis_id id {
if {$::valgrind} {
set node_timeout 10000
} else {
set node_timeout 3000
catch {R $id flushall} ; # May fail for readonly slaves.
R $id cluster reset hard
R $id cluster set-config-epoch [expr {$id+1}]
R $id EXEC
R $id config set cluster-node-timeout $node_timeout
R $id config set cluster-slave-validity-factor 10
R $id config rewrite
test "Cluster Join and auto-discovery test" {
# Join node 0 with 1, 1 with 2, ... and so forth.
# If auto-discovery works all nodes will know every other node
# eventually.
set ids {}
foreach_redis_id id {lappend ids $id}
for {set j 0} {$j < [expr [llength $ids]-1]} {incr j} {
set a [lindex $ids $j]
set b [lindex $ids [expr $j+1]]
set b_port [get_instance_attrib redis $b port]
R $a cluster meet $b_port
foreach_redis_id id {
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[llength [get_cluster_nodes $id]] == [llength $ids]
} else {
fail "Cluster failed to join into a full mesh."
test "Before slots allocation, all nodes report cluster failure" {
assert_cluster_state fail