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synced 2025-03-19 17:10:50 +00:00
87 lines
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87 lines
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set ::passed 0
set ::failed 0
set ::testnum 0
proc assert_match {pattern value} {
if {![string match $pattern $value]} {
puts "!! ERROR\nExpected '$value' to match '$pattern'"
error "assertion"
proc assert_equal {expected value} {
if {$expected ne $value} {
puts "!! ERROR\nExpected '$value' to be equal to '$expected'"
error "assertion"
proc assert_error {pattern code} {
if {[catch {uplevel 1 $code} error]} {
assert_match $pattern $error
} else {
puts "!! ERROR\nExpected an error but nothing was catched"
error "assertion"
proc assert_encoding {enc key} {
# swapped out value doesn't have encoding, so swap in first
r debug swapin $key
assert_match "* encoding:$enc *" [r debug object $key]
proc assert_type {type key} {
assert_equal $type [r type $key]
proc test {name code {okpattern notspecified}} {
# abort if tagged with a tag to deny
foreach tag $::denytags {
if {[lsearch $::tags $tag] >= 0} {
# check if tagged with at least 1 tag to allow when there *is* a list
# of tags to allow, because default policy is to run everything
if {[llength $::allowtags] > 0} {
set matched 0
foreach tag $::allowtags {
if {[lsearch $::tags $tag] >= 0} {
incr matched
if {$matched < 1} {
incr ::testnum
puts -nonewline [format "#%03d %-68s " $::testnum $name]
flush stdout
if {[catch {set retval [uplevel 1 $code]} error]} {
if {$error eq "assertion"} {
incr ::failed
} else {
puts "\nCaught error: $error"
error "exception"
} else {
if {$okpattern eq "notspecified" || $okpattern eq $retval || [string match $okpattern $retval]} {
puts "PASSED"
incr ::passed
} else {
puts "!! ERROR expected\n'$okpattern'\nbut got\n'$retval'"
incr ::failed
if {$::traceleaks} {
if {![string match {*0 leaks*} [exec leaks redis-server]]} {
puts "--------- Test $::testnum LEAKED! --------"
exit 1