antirez 5b0f4a83ac Cluster: clusterMsgDataGossip structure, explict padding + minor stuff.
Also explicitly set version to 0, add a protocol version define, improve
comments in the gossip structure.

Note that the structure layout is the same after the change, we are just
making the padding explicit with an additional not used 16 bits field.
So this commit is still able to talk with the previous versions of
cluster nodes.
2015-01-13 10:40:09 +01:00

253 lines
12 KiB

* Redis cluster data structures, defines, exported API.
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_OK 0 /* Everything looks ok */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL 1 /* The cluster can't work */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN 40 /* sha1 hex length */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_PORT_INCR 10000 /* Cluster port = baseport + PORT_INCR */
/* The following defines are amount of time, sometimes expressed as
* multiplicators of the node timeout value (when ending with MULT). */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_DEFAULT_SLAVE_VALIDITY 10 /* Slave max data age factor. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL_REPORT_VALIDITY_MULT 2 /* Fail report validity. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL_UNDO_TIME_MULT 2 /* Undo fail if master is back. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL_UNDO_TIME_ADD 10 /* Some additional time. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_FAILOVER_DELAY 5 /* Seconds */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_MF_TIMEOUT 5000 /* Milliseconds to do a manual failover. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_MF_PAUSE_MULT 2 /* Master pause manual failover mult. */
/* Redirection errors returned by getNodeByQuery(). */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_REDIR_NONE 0 /* Node can serve the request. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_REDIR_CROSS_SLOT 1 /* Keys in different slots. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_REDIR_UNSTABLE 2 /* Keys in slot resharding. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_REDIR_ASK 3 /* -ASK redirection required. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_REDIR_MOVED 4 /* -MOVED redirection required. */
struct clusterNode;
/* clusterLink encapsulates everything needed to talk with a remote node. */
typedef struct clusterLink {
mstime_t ctime; /* Link creation time */
int fd; /* TCP socket file descriptor */
sds sndbuf; /* Packet send buffer */
sds rcvbuf; /* Packet reception buffer */
struct clusterNode *node; /* Node related to this link if any, or NULL */
} clusterLink;
/* Cluster node flags and macros. */
#define REDIS_NODE_MASTER 1 /* The node is a master */
#define REDIS_NODE_SLAVE 2 /* The node is a slave */
#define REDIS_NODE_PFAIL 4 /* Failure? Need acknowledge */
#define REDIS_NODE_FAIL 8 /* The node is believed to be malfunctioning */
#define REDIS_NODE_MYSELF 16 /* This node is myself */
#define REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE 32 /* We have still to exchange the first ping */
#define REDIS_NODE_NOADDR 64 /* We don't know the address of this node */
#define REDIS_NODE_MEET 128 /* Send a MEET message to this node */
#define REDIS_NODE_PROMOTED 256 /* Master was a slave promoted by failover */
#define REDIS_NODE_NULL_NAME "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
#define nodeIsMaster(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_MASTER)
#define nodeIsSlave(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_SLAVE)
#define nodeInHandshake(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE)
#define nodeHasAddr(n) (!((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_NOADDR))
#define nodeWithoutAddr(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_NOADDR)
#define nodeTimedOut(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_PFAIL)
#define nodeFailed(n) ((n)->flags & REDIS_NODE_FAIL)
/* Reasons why a slave is not able to failover. */
#define REDIS_CLUSTER_CANT_FAILOVER_RELOG_PERIOD (60*5) /* seconds. */
/* This structure represent elements of node->fail_reports. */
typedef struct clusterNodeFailReport {
struct clusterNode *node; /* Node reporting the failure condition. */
mstime_t time; /* Time of the last report from this node. */
} clusterNodeFailReport;
typedef struct clusterNode {
mstime_t ctime; /* Node object creation time. */
char name[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN]; /* Node name, hex string, sha1-size */
int flags; /* REDIS_NODE_... */
uint64_t configEpoch; /* Last configEpoch observed for this node */
unsigned char slots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS/8]; /* slots handled by this node */
int numslots; /* Number of slots handled by this node */
int numslaves; /* Number of slave nodes, if this is a master */
struct clusterNode **slaves; /* pointers to slave nodes */
struct clusterNode *slaveof; /* pointer to the master node */
mstime_t ping_sent; /* Unix time we sent latest ping */
mstime_t pong_received; /* Unix time we received the pong */
mstime_t fail_time; /* Unix time when FAIL flag was set */
mstime_t voted_time; /* Last time we voted for a slave of this master */
mstime_t repl_offset_time; /* Unix time we received offset for this node */
long long repl_offset; /* Last known repl offset for this node. */
char ip[REDIS_IP_STR_LEN]; /* Latest known IP address of this node */
int port; /* Latest known port of this node */
clusterLink *link; /* TCP/IP link with this node */
list *fail_reports; /* List of nodes signaling this as failing */
} clusterNode;
typedef struct clusterState {
clusterNode *myself; /* This node */
uint64_t currentEpoch;
int size; /* Num of master nodes with at least one slot */
dict *nodes; /* Hash table of name -> clusterNode structures */
dict *nodes_black_list; /* Nodes we don't re-add for a few seconds. */
clusterNode *migrating_slots_to[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
clusterNode *importing_slots_from[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
clusterNode *slots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
zskiplist *slots_to_keys;
/* The following fields are used to take the slave state on elections. */
mstime_t failover_auth_time; /* Time of previous or next election. */
int failover_auth_count; /* Number of votes received so far. */
int failover_auth_sent; /* True if we already asked for votes. */
int failover_auth_rank; /* This slave rank for current auth request. */
uint64_t failover_auth_epoch; /* Epoch of the current election. */
int cant_failover_reason; /* Why a slave is currently not able to
failover. See the CANT_FAILOVER_* macros. */
/* Manual failover state in common. */
mstime_t mf_end; /* Manual failover time limit (ms unixtime).
It is zero if there is no MF in progress. */
/* Manual failover state of master. */
clusterNode *mf_slave; /* Slave performing the manual failover. */
/* Manual failover state of slave. */
long long mf_master_offset; /* Master offset the slave needs to start MF
or zero if stil not received. */
int mf_can_start; /* If non-zero signal that the manual failover
can start requesting masters vote. */
/* The followign fields are used by masters to take state on elections. */
uint64_t lastVoteEpoch; /* Epoch of the last vote granted. */
int todo_before_sleep; /* Things to do in clusterBeforeSleep(). */
long long stats_bus_messages_sent; /* Num of msg sent via cluster bus. */
long long stats_bus_messages_received; /* Num of msg rcvd via cluster bus.*/
} clusterState;
/* clusterState todo_before_sleep flags. */
/* Redis cluster messages header */
/* Note that the PING, PONG and MEET messages are actually the same exact
* kind of packet. PONG is the reply to ping, in the exact format as a PING,
* while MEET is a special PING that forces the receiver to add the sender
* as a node (if it is not already in the list). */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING 0 /* Ping */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PONG 1 /* Pong (reply to Ping) */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_MEET 2 /* Meet "let's join" message */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL 3 /* Mark node xxx as failing */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PUBLISH 4 /* Pub/Sub Publish propagation */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAILOVER_AUTH_ACK 6 /* Yes, you have my vote */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_UPDATE 7 /* Another node slots configuration */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_MFSTART 8 /* Pause clients for manual failover */
/* Initially we don't know our "name", but we'll find it once we connect
* to the first node, using the getsockname() function. Then we'll use this
* address for all the next messages. */
typedef struct {
uint32_t ping_sent;
uint32_t pong_received;
char ip[REDIS_IP_STR_LEN]; /* IP address last time it was seen */
uint16_t port; /* port last time it was seen */
uint16_t flags; /* node->flags copy */
uint16_t notused1; /* Some room for future improvements. */
uint32_t notused2;
} clusterMsgDataGossip;
typedef struct {
} clusterMsgDataFail;
typedef struct {
uint32_t channel_len;
uint32_t message_len;
/* We can't reclare bulk_data as bulk_data[] since this structure is
* nested. The 8 bytes are removed from the count during the message
* length computation. */
unsigned char bulk_data[8];
} clusterMsgDataPublish;
typedef struct {
uint64_t configEpoch; /* Config epoch of the specified instance. */
char nodename[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN]; /* Name of the slots owner. */
unsigned char slots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS/8]; /* Slots bitmap. */
} clusterMsgDataUpdate;
union clusterMsgData {
/* PING, MEET and PONG */
struct {
/* Array of N clusterMsgDataGossip structures */
clusterMsgDataGossip gossip[1];
} ping;
/* FAIL */
struct {
clusterMsgDataFail about;
} fail;
struct {
clusterMsgDataPublish msg;
} publish;
/* UPDATE */
struct {
clusterMsgDataUpdate nodecfg;
} update;
#define CLUSTER_PROTO_VER 0 /* Cluster bus protocol version. */
typedef struct {
char sig[4]; /* Siganture "RCmb" (Redis Cluster message bus). */
uint32_t totlen; /* Total length of this message */
uint16_t ver; /* Protocol version, currently set to 0. */
uint16_t notused0; /* 2 bytes not used. */
uint16_t type; /* Message type */
uint16_t count; /* Only used for some kind of messages. */
uint64_t currentEpoch; /* The epoch accordingly to the sending node. */
uint64_t configEpoch; /* The config epoch if it's a master, or the last
epoch advertised by its master if it is a
slave. */
uint64_t offset; /* Master replication offset if node is a master or
processed replication offset if node is a slave. */
char sender[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN]; /* Name of the sender node */
unsigned char myslots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS/8];
char notused1[32]; /* 32 bytes reserved for future usage. */
uint16_t port; /* Sender TCP base port */
uint16_t flags; /* Sender node flags */
unsigned char state; /* Cluster state from the POV of the sender */
unsigned char mflags[3]; /* Message flags: CLUSTERMSG_FLAG[012]_... */
union clusterMsgData data;
} clusterMsg;
#define CLUSTERMSG_MIN_LEN (sizeof(clusterMsg)-sizeof(union clusterMsgData))
/* Message flags better specify the packet content or are used to
* provide some information about the node state. */
#define CLUSTERMSG_FLAG0_PAUSED (1<<0) /* Master paused for manual failover. */
#define CLUSTERMSG_FLAG0_FORCEACK (1<<1) /* Give ACK to AUTH_REQUEST even if
master is up. */
/* ---------------------- API exported outside cluster.c -------------------- */
clusterNode *getNodeByQuery(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **argv, int argc, int *hashslot, int *ask);
#endif /* __REDIS_CLUSTER_H */