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# Cluster-specific test functions.
# Copyright (C) 2014 Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez@gmail.com
# This software is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
# more information.
# Returns a parsed CLUSTER NODES output as a list of dictionaries.
proc get_cluster_nodes id {
set lines [split [R $id cluster nodes] "\r\n"]
set nodes {}
foreach l $lines {
set l [string trim $l]
if {$l eq {}} continue
set args [split $l]
set node [dict create \
id [lindex $args 0] \
addr [lindex $args 1] \
flags [split [lindex $args 2] ,] \
slaveof [lindex $args 3] \
ping_sent [lindex $args 4] \
pong_recv [lindex $args 5] \
config_epoch [lindex $args 6] \
linkstate [lindex $args 7] \
slots [lrange $args 8 -1] \
lappend nodes $node
return $nodes
# Test node for flag.
proc has_flag {node flag} {
expr {[lsearch -exact [dict get $node flags] $flag] != -1}
# Returns the parsed myself node entry as a dictionary.
proc get_myself id {
set nodes [get_cluster_nodes $id]
foreach n $nodes {
if {[has_flag $n myself]} {return $n}
return {}
# Get a specific node by ID by parsing the CLUSTER NODES output
# of the instance Number 'instance_id'
proc get_node_by_id {instance_id node_id} {
set nodes [get_cluster_nodes $instance_id]
foreach n $nodes {
if {[dict get $n id] eq $node_id} {return $n}
return {}
# Return the value of the specified CLUSTER INFO field.
proc CI {n field} {
get_info_field [R $n cluster info] $field
# Assuming nodes are reest, this function performs slots allocation.
# Only the first 'n' nodes are used.
proc cluster_allocate_slots {n} {
set slot 16383
while {$slot >= 0} {
# Allocate successive slots to random nodes.
set node [randomInt $n]
lappend slots_$node $slot
incr slot -1
for {set j 0} {$j < $n} {incr j} {
R $j cluster addslots {*}[set slots_${j}]
# Check that cluster nodes agree about "state", or raise an error.
proc assert_cluster_state {state} {
foreach_redis_id id {
if {[instance_is_killed redis $id]} continue
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[CI $id cluster_state] eq $state
} else {
fail "Cluster node $id cluster_state:[CI $id cluster_state]"
# Search the first node starting from ID $first that is not
# already configured as a slave.
proc cluster_find_available_slave {first} {
foreach_redis_id id {
if {$id < $first} continue
if {[instance_is_killed redis $id]} continue
set me [get_myself $id]
if {[dict get $me slaveof] eq {-}} {return $id}
fail "No available slaves"
# Add 'slaves' slaves to a cluster composed of 'masters' masters.
# It assumes that masters are allocated sequentially from instance ID 0
# to N-1.
proc cluster_allocate_slaves {masters slaves} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $slaves} {incr j} {
set master_id [expr {$j % $masters}]
set slave_id [cluster_find_available_slave $masters]
set master_myself [get_myself $master_id]
R $slave_id cluster replicate [dict get $master_myself id]
# Create a cluster composed of the specified number of masters and slaves.
proc create_cluster {masters slaves} {
cluster_allocate_slots $masters
if {$slaves} {
cluster_allocate_slaves $masters $slaves
assert_cluster_state ok
# Set the cluster node-timeout to all the reachalbe nodes.
proc set_cluster_node_timeout {to} {
foreach_redis_id id {
catch {R $id CONFIG SET cluster-node-timeout $to}
# Check if the cluster is writable and readable. Use node "id"
# as a starting point to talk with the cluster.
proc cluster_write_test {id} {
set prefix [randstring 20 20 alpha]
set port [get_instance_attrib redis $id port]
set cluster [redis_cluster$port]
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
$cluster set key.$j $prefix.$j
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
assert {[$cluster get key.$j] eq "$prefix.$j"}
$cluster close