antirez e344aa4a6d Test: fix blocking lists/zsets replication test.
By verifying that it was able to find a regression, and fixing it
2018-05-15 17:43:41 +02:00

59 lines
2.0 KiB

# Test replication of blocking lists and zset operations.
# Unlike stream operations such operations are "pop" style, so they consume
# the list or sorted set, and must be replicated correctly.
proc start_bg_block_op {host port db ops} {
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
exec $tclsh tests/helpers/bg_block_op.tcl $host $port $db $ops &
proc stop_bg_block_op {handle} {
catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $handle}
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
start_server {} {
set master [srv -1 client]
set master_host [srv -1 host]
set master_port [srv -1 port]
set slave [srv 0 client]
set load_handle0 [start_bg_block_op $master_host $master_port 9 100000]
set load_handle1 [start_bg_block_op $master_host $master_port 9 100000]
set load_handle2 [start_bg_block_op $master_host $master_port 9 100000]
test {First server should have role slave after SLAVEOF} {
$slave slaveof $master_host $master_port
after 1000
s 0 role
} {slave}
test {Test replication with blocking lists and sorted sets operations} {
after 25000
stop_bg_block_op $load_handle0
stop_bg_block_op $load_handle1
stop_bg_block_op $load_handle2
set retry 10
while {$retry && ([$master debug digest] ne [$slave debug digest])}\
after 1000
incr retry -1
if {[$master debug digest] ne [$slave debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]