2009-06-16 16:45:04 +02:00

26 lines
565 B

(ns benchmarks.ruby
(:require redis))
(dotimes [n 4]
{:db 15}
(redis/set "foo" "The first line we sent to the server is some text")
(dotimes [i 20000]
(let [key (str "key" i)]
(redis/set key "The first line we sent to the server is some text")
(redis/get "foo"))))))
; {}
; (redis/set "foo" "The first line we sent to the server is some text")
; (time
; (dotimes [i 20000]
; (let [key (str "push_trim" i)]
; (redis/lpush key i)
; (redis/ltrim key 0 30)))))