/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com> * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Pieter Noordhuis <pcnoordhuis at gmail dot com> * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fmacros.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifndef _MSC_VER #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "read.h" #include "sds.h" static void __redisReaderSetError(redisReader *r, int type, const char *str) { size_t len; if (r->reply != NULL && r->fn && r->fn->freeObject) { r->fn->freeObject(r->reply); r->reply = NULL; } /* Clear input buffer on errors. */ if (r->buf != NULL) { sdsfree(r->buf); r->buf = NULL; r->pos = r->len = 0; } /* Reset task stack. */ r->ridx = -1; /* Set error. */ r->err = type; len = strlen(str); len = len < (sizeof(r->errstr)-1) ? len : (sizeof(r->errstr)-1); memcpy(r->errstr,str,len); r->errstr[len] = '\0'; } static size_t chrtos(char *buf, size_t size, char byte) { size_t len = 0; switch(byte) { case '\\': case '"': len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\%c\"",byte); break; case '\n': len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\n\""); break; case '\r': len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\r\""); break; case '\t': len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\t\""); break; case '\a': len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\a\""); break; case '\b': len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\b\""); break; default: if (isprint(byte)) len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"%c\"",byte); else len = snprintf(buf,size,"\"\\x%02x\"",(unsigned char)byte); break; } return len; } static void __redisReaderSetErrorProtocolByte(redisReader *r, char byte) { char cbuf[8], sbuf[128]; chrtos(cbuf,sizeof(cbuf),byte); snprintf(sbuf,sizeof(sbuf), "Protocol error, got %s as reply type byte", cbuf); __redisReaderSetError(r,REDIS_ERR_PROTOCOL,sbuf); } static void __redisReaderSetErrorOOM(redisReader *r) { __redisReaderSetError(r,REDIS_ERR_OOM,"Out of memory"); } static char *readBytes(redisReader *r, unsigned int bytes) { char *p; if (r->len-r->pos >= bytes) { p = r->buf+r->pos; r->pos += bytes; return p; } return NULL; } /* Find pointer to \r\n. */ static char *seekNewline(char *s, size_t len) { int pos = 0; int _len = len-1; /* Position should be < len-1 because the character at "pos" should be * followed by a \n. Note that strchr cannot be used because it doesn't * allow to search a limited length and the buffer that is being searched * might not have a trailing NULL character. */ while (pos < _len) { while(pos < _len && s[pos] != '\r') pos++; if (pos==_len) { /* Not found. */ return NULL; } else { if (s[pos+1] == '\n') { /* Found. */ return s+pos; } else { /* Continue searching. */ pos++; } } } return NULL; } /* Read a long long value starting at *s, under the assumption that it will be * terminated by \r\n. Ambiguously returns -1 for unexpected input. */ static long long readLongLong(char *s) { long long v = 0; int dec, mult = 1; char c; if (*s == '-') { mult = -1; s++; } else if (*s == '+') { mult = 1; s++; } while ((c = *(s++)) != '\r') { dec = c - '0'; if (dec >= 0 && dec < 10) { v *= 10; v += dec; } else { /* Should not happen... */ return -1; } } return mult*v; } static char *readLine(redisReader *r, int *_len) { char *p, *s; int len; p = r->buf+r->pos; s = seekNewline(p,(r->len-r->pos)); if (s != NULL) { len = s-(r->buf+r->pos); r->pos += len+2; /* skip \r\n */ if (_len) *_len = len; return p; } return NULL; } static void moveToNextTask(redisReader *r) { redisReadTask *cur, *prv; while (r->ridx >= 0) { /* Return a.s.a.p. when the stack is now empty. */ if (r->ridx == 0) { r->ridx--; return; } cur = &(r->rstack[r->ridx]); prv = &(r->rstack[r->ridx-1]); assert(prv->type == REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY); if (cur->idx == prv->elements-1) { r->ridx--; } else { /* Reset the type because the next item can be anything */ assert(cur->idx < prv->elements); cur->type = -1; cur->elements = -1; cur->idx++; return; } } } static int processLineItem(redisReader *r) { redisReadTask *cur = &(r->rstack[r->ridx]); void *obj; char *p; int len; if ((p = readLine(r,&len)) != NULL) { if (cur->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) { if (r->fn && r->fn->createInteger) obj = r->fn->createInteger(cur,readLongLong(p)); else obj = (void*)REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER; } else { /* Type will be error or status. */ if (r->fn && r->fn->createString) obj = r->fn->createString(cur,p,len); else obj = (void*)(size_t)(cur->type); } if (obj == NULL) { __redisReaderSetErrorOOM(r); return REDIS_ERR; } /* Set reply if this is the root object. */ if (r->ridx == 0) r->reply = obj; moveToNextTask(r); return REDIS_OK; } return REDIS_ERR; } static int processBulkItem(redisReader *r) { redisReadTask *cur = &(r->rstack[r->ridx]); void *obj = NULL; char *p, *s; long len; unsigned long bytelen; int success = 0; p = r->buf+r->pos; s = seekNewline(p,r->len-r->pos); if (s != NULL) { p = r->buf+r->pos; bytelen = s-(r->buf+r->pos)+2; /* include \r\n */ len = readLongLong(p); if (len < 0) { /* The nil object can always be created. */ if (r->fn && r->fn->createNil) obj = r->fn->createNil(cur); else obj = (void*)REDIS_REPLY_NIL; success = 1; } else { /* Only continue when the buffer contains the entire bulk item. */ bytelen += len+2; /* include \r\n */ if (r->pos+bytelen <= r->len) { if (r->fn && r->fn->createString) obj = r->fn->createString(cur,s+2,len); else obj = (void*)REDIS_REPLY_STRING; success = 1; } } /* Proceed when obj was created. */ if (success) { if (obj == NULL) { __redisReaderSetErrorOOM(r); return REDIS_ERR; } r->pos += bytelen; /* Set reply if this is the root object. */ if (r->ridx == 0) r->reply = obj; moveToNextTask(r); return REDIS_OK; } } return REDIS_ERR; } static int processMultiBulkItem(redisReader *r) { redisReadTask *cur = &(r->rstack[r->ridx]); void *obj; char *p; long elements; int root = 0; /* Set error for nested multi bulks with depth > 7 */ if (r->ridx == 8) { __redisReaderSetError(r,REDIS_ERR_PROTOCOL, "No support for nested multi bulk replies with depth > 7"); return REDIS_ERR; } if ((p = readLine(r,NULL)) != NULL) { elements = readLongLong(p); root = (r->ridx == 0); if (elements == -1) { if (r->fn && r->fn->createNil) obj = r->fn->createNil(cur); else obj = (void*)REDIS_REPLY_NIL; if (obj == NULL) { __redisReaderSetErrorOOM(r); return REDIS_ERR; } moveToNextTask(r); } else { if (r->fn && r->fn->createArray) obj = r->fn->createArray(cur,elements); else obj = (void*)REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY; if (obj == NULL) { __redisReaderSetErrorOOM(r); return REDIS_ERR; } /* Modify task stack when there are more than 0 elements. */ if (elements > 0) { cur->elements = elements; cur->obj = obj; r->ridx++; r->rstack[r->ridx].type = -1; r->rstack[r->ridx].elements = -1; r->rstack[r->ridx].idx = 0; r->rstack[r->ridx].obj = NULL; r->rstack[r->ridx].parent = cur; r->rstack[r->ridx].privdata = r->privdata; } else { moveToNextTask(r); } } /* Set reply if this is the root object. */ if (root) r->reply = obj; return REDIS_OK; } return REDIS_ERR; } static int processItem(redisReader *r) { redisReadTask *cur = &(r->rstack[r->ridx]); char *p; /* check if we need to read type */ if (cur->type < 0) { if ((p = readBytes(r,1)) != NULL) { switch (p[0]) { case '-': cur->type = REDIS_REPLY_ERROR; break; case '+': cur->type = REDIS_REPLY_STATUS; break; case ':': cur->type = REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER; break; case '$': cur->type = REDIS_REPLY_STRING; break; case '*': cur->type = REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY; break; default: __redisReaderSetErrorProtocolByte(r,*p); return REDIS_ERR; } } else { /* could not consume 1 byte */ return REDIS_ERR; } } /* process typed item */ switch(cur->type) { case REDIS_REPLY_ERROR: case REDIS_REPLY_STATUS: case REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER: return processLineItem(r); case REDIS_REPLY_STRING: return processBulkItem(r); case REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY: return processMultiBulkItem(r); default: assert(NULL); return REDIS_ERR; /* Avoid warning. */ } } redisReader *redisReaderCreateWithFunctions(redisReplyObjectFunctions *fn) { redisReader *r; r = calloc(sizeof(redisReader),1); if (r == NULL) return NULL; r->err = 0; r->errstr[0] = '\0'; r->fn = fn; r->buf = sdsempty(); r->maxbuf = REDIS_READER_MAX_BUF; if (r->buf == NULL) { free(r); return NULL; } r->ridx = -1; return r; } void redisReaderFree(redisReader *r) { if (r->reply != NULL && r->fn && r->fn->freeObject) r->fn->freeObject(r->reply); if (r->buf != NULL) sdsfree(r->buf); free(r); } int redisReaderFeed(redisReader *r, const char *buf, size_t len) { sds newbuf; /* Return early when this reader is in an erroneous state. */ if (r->err) return REDIS_ERR; /* Copy the provided buffer. */ if (buf != NULL && len >= 1) { /* Destroy internal buffer when it is empty and is quite large. */ if (r->len == 0 && r->maxbuf != 0 && sdsavail(r->buf) > r->maxbuf) { sdsfree(r->buf); r->buf = sdsempty(); r->pos = 0; /* r->buf should not be NULL since we just free'd a larger one. */ assert(r->buf != NULL); } newbuf = sdscatlen(r->buf,buf,len); if (newbuf == NULL) { __redisReaderSetErrorOOM(r); return REDIS_ERR; } r->buf = newbuf; r->len = sdslen(r->buf); } return REDIS_OK; } int redisReaderGetReply(redisReader *r, void **reply) { /* Default target pointer to NULL. */ if (reply != NULL) *reply = NULL; /* Return early when this reader is in an erroneous state. */ if (r->err) return REDIS_ERR; /* When the buffer is empty, there will never be a reply. */ if (r->len == 0) return REDIS_OK; /* Set first item to process when the stack is empty. */ if (r->ridx == -1) { r->rstack[0].type = -1; r->rstack[0].elements = -1; r->rstack[0].idx = -1; r->rstack[0].obj = NULL; r->rstack[0].parent = NULL; r->rstack[0].privdata = r->privdata; r->ridx = 0; } /* Process items in reply. */ while (r->ridx >= 0) if (processItem(r) != REDIS_OK) break; /* Return ASAP when an error occurred. */ if (r->err) return REDIS_ERR; /* Discard part of the buffer when we've consumed at least 1k, to avoid * doing unnecessary calls to memmove() in sds.c. */ if (r->pos >= 1024) { sdsrange(r->buf,r->pos,-1); r->pos = 0; r->len = sdslen(r->buf); } /* Emit a reply when there is one. */ if (r->ridx == -1) { if (reply != NULL) *reply = r->reply; r->reply = NULL; } return REDIS_OK; }