require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' class Foo attr_accessor :bar def initialize(bar) @bar = bar end def ==(other) @bar == end end describe "redis" do before(:all) do # use database 15 for testing so we dont accidentally step on you real data @r = :db => 15 end before(:each) do @r['foo'] = 'bar' end after(:each) do @r.keys('*').each {|k| @r.del k} end after(:all) do @r.quit end it "should be able connect without a timeout" do lambda { :timeout => 0 }.should_not raise_error end it "should be able to PING" do == 'PONG' end it "should be able to GET a key" do @r['foo'].should == 'bar' end it "should be able to SET a key" do @r['foo'] = 'nik' @r['foo'].should == 'nik' end it "should properly handle trailing newline characters" do @r['foo'] = "bar\n" @r['foo'].should == "bar\n" end it "should store and retrieve all possible characters at the beginning and the end of a string" do (0..255).each do |char_idx| string = "#{char_idx.chr}---#{char_idx.chr}" @r['foo'] = string @r['foo'].should == string end end it "should be able to SET a key with an expiry" do @r.set('foo', 'bar', 1) @r['foo'].should == 'bar' sleep 2 @r['foo'].should == nil end it "should be able to return a TTL for a key" do @r.set('foo', 'bar', 1) @r.ttl('foo').should == 1 end it "should be able to SETNX" do @r['foo'] = 'nik' @r['foo'].should == 'nik' @r.setnx 'foo', 'bar' @r['foo'].should == 'nik' end # it "should be able to GETSET" do @r.getset('foo', 'baz').should == 'bar' @r['foo'].should == 'baz' end # it "should be able to INCR a key" do @r.del('counter') @r.incr('counter').should == 1 @r.incr('counter').should == 2 @r.incr('counter').should == 3 end # it "should be able to INCRBY a key" do @r.del('counter') @r.incrby('counter', 1).should == 1 @r.incrby('counter', 2).should == 3 @r.incrby('counter', 3).should == 6 end # it "should be able to DECR a key" do @r.del('counter') @r.incr('counter').should == 1 @r.incr('counter').should == 2 @r.incr('counter').should == 3 @r.decr('counter').should == 2 @r.decr('counter', 2).should == 0 end # it "should be able to RANDKEY" do @r.randkey.should_not be_nil end # it "should be able to RENAME a key" do @r.del 'foo' @r.del'bar' @r['foo'] = 'hi' @r.rename 'foo', 'bar' @r['bar'].should == 'hi' end # it "should be able to RENAMENX a key" do @r.del 'foo' @r.del 'bar' @r['foo'] = 'hi' @r['bar'] = 'ohai' @r.renamenx 'foo', 'bar' @r['bar'].should == 'ohai' end # it "should be able to get DBSIZE of the database" do @r.delete 'foo' dbsize_without_foo = @r.dbsize @r['foo'] = 0 dbsize_with_foo = @r.dbsize dbsize_with_foo.should == dbsize_without_foo + 1 end # it "should be able to EXPIRE a key" do @r['foo'] = 'bar' @r.expire 'foo', 1 @r['foo'].should == "bar" sleep 2 @r['foo'].should == nil end # it "should be able to EXISTS" do @r['foo'] = 'nik' @r.exists('foo').should be_true @r.del 'foo' @r.exists('foo').should be_false end # it "should be able to KEYS" do @r.keys("f*").each { |key| @r.del key } @r['f'] = 'nik' @r['fo'] = 'nak' @r['foo'] = 'qux' @r.keys("f*").sort.should == ['f','fo', 'foo'].sort end # it "should be able to return a random key (RANDOMKEY)" do 3.times { @r.exists(@r.randomkey).should be_true } end #BTM - TODO it "should be able to check the TYPE of a key" do @r['foo'] = 'nik' @r.type('foo').should == "string" @r.del 'foo' @r.type('foo').should == "none" end # it "should be able to push to the head of a list (LPUSH)" do @r.lpush "list", 'hello' @r.lpush "list", 42 @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lpop('list').should == '42' end # it "should be able to push to the tail of a list (RPUSH)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 1 end # it "should be able to pop the tail of a list (RPOP)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush"list", 'goodbye' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.rpop('list').should == 'goodbye' end # it "should be able to pop the head of a list (LPOP)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'goodbye' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lpop('list').should == 'hello' end # it "should be able to get the length of a list (LLEN)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'goodbye' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 end # it "should be able to get a range of values from a list (LRANGE)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'goodbye' @r.rpush "list", '1' @r.rpush "list", '2' @r.rpush "list", '3' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 5 @r.lrange('list', 2, -1).should == ['1', '2', '3'] end # it "should be able to trim a list (LTRIM)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'goodbye' @r.rpush "list", '1' @r.rpush "list", '2' @r.rpush "list", '3' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 5 @r.ltrim 'list', 0, 1 @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lrange('list', 0, -1).should == ['hello', 'goodbye'] end # it "should be able to get a value by indexing into a list (LINDEX)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'goodbye' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lindex('list', 1).should == 'goodbye' end # it "should be able to set a value by indexing into a list (LSET)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lset('list', 1, 'goodbye').should == 'OK' @r.lindex('list', 1).should == 'goodbye' end # it "should be able to remove values from a list (LREM)" do @r.rpush "list", 'hello' @r.rpush "list", 'goodbye' @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lrem('list', 1, 'hello').should == 1 @r.lrange('list', 0, -1).should == ['goodbye'] end # it "should be able add members to a set (SADD)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.type('set').should == "set" @r.scard('set').should == 2 @r.smembers('set').sort.should == ['key1', 'key2'].sort end # it "should be able delete members to a set (SREM)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.type('set').should == "set" @r.scard('set').should == 2 @r.smembers('set').sort.should == ['key1', 'key2'].sort @r.srem('set', 'key1') @r.scard('set').should == 1 @r.smembers('set').should == ['key2'] end # it "should be able count the members of a set (SCARD)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.type('set').should == "set" @r.scard('set').should == 2 end # it "should be able test for set membership (SISMEMBER)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.type('set').should == "set" @r.scard('set').should == 2 @r.sismember('set', 'key1').should be_true @r.sismember('set', 'key2').should be_true @r.sismember('set', 'notthere').should be_false end # it "should be able to do set intersection (SINTER)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.sadd "set2", 'key2' @r.sinter('set', 'set2').should == ['key2'] end # it "should be able to do set intersection and store the results in a key (SINTERSTORE)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.sadd "set2", 'key2' @r.sinterstore('newone', 'set', 'set2').should == 1 @r.smembers('newone').should == ['key2'] end # it "should be able to do set union (SUNION)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.sadd "set2", 'key2' @r.sadd "set2", 'key3' @r.sunion('set', 'set2').sort.should == ['key1','key2','key3'].sort end # it "should be able to do set union and store the results in a key (SUNIONSTORE)" do @r.sadd "set", 'key1' @r.sadd "set", 'key2' @r.sadd "set2", 'key2' @r.sadd "set2", 'key3' @r.sunionstore('newone', 'set', 'set2').should == 3 @r.smembers('newone').sort.should == ['key1','key2','key3'].sort end # it "should be able to do set difference (SDIFF)" do @r.sadd "set", 'a' @r.sadd "set", 'b' @r.sadd "set2", 'b' @r.sadd "set2", 'c' @r.sdiff('set', 'set2').should == ['a'] end # it "should be able to do set difference and store the results in a key (SDIFFSTORE)" do @r.sadd "set", 'a' @r.sadd "set", 'b' @r.sadd "set2", 'b' @r.sadd "set2", 'c' @r.sdiffstore('newone', 'set', 'set2') @r.smembers('newone').should == ['a'] end # it "should be able move elements from one set to another (SMOVE)" do @r.sadd 'set1', 'a' @r.sadd 'set1', 'b' @r.sadd 'set2', 'x' @r.smove('set1', 'set2', 'a').should be_true @r.sismember('set2', 'a').should be_true @r.delete('set1') end # it "should be able to do crazy SORT queries" do @r['dog_1'] = 'louie' @r.rpush 'dogs', 1 @r['dog_2'] = 'lucy' @r.rpush 'dogs', 2 @r['dog_3'] = 'max' @r.rpush 'dogs', 3 @r['dog_4'] = 'taj' @r.rpush 'dogs', 4 @r.sort('dogs', :get => 'dog_*', :limit => [0,1]).should == ['louie'] @r.sort('dogs', :get => 'dog_*', :limit => [0,1], :order => 'desc alpha').should == ['taj'] end it "should be able to handle array of :get using SORT" do @r['dog:1:name'] = 'louie' @r['dog:1:breed'] = 'mutt' @r.rpush 'dogs', 1 @r['dog:2:name'] = 'lucy' @r['dog:2:breed'] = 'poodle' @r.rpush 'dogs', 2 @r['dog:3:name'] = 'max' @r['dog:3:breed'] = 'hound' @r.rpush 'dogs', 3 @r['dog:4:name'] = 'taj' @r['dog:4:breed'] = 'terrier' @r.rpush 'dogs', 4 @r.sort('dogs', :get => ['dog:*:name', 'dog:*:breed'], :limit => [0,1]).should == ['louie', 'mutt'] @r.sort('dogs', :get => ['dog:*:name', 'dog:*:breed'], :limit => [0,1], :order => 'desc alpha').should == ['taj', 'terrier'] end # it "should provide info (INFO)" do [:last_save_time, :redis_version, :total_connections_received, :connected_clients, :total_commands_processed, :connected_slaves, :uptime_in_seconds, :used_memory, :uptime_in_days, :changes_since_last_save].each do |x| include(x) end end # it "should be able to flush the database (FLUSHDB)" do @r['key1'] = 'keyone' @r['key2'] = 'keytwo' @r.keys('*').sort.should == ['foo', 'key1', 'key2'].sort #foo from before @r.flushdb @r.keys('*').should == [] end # it "should raise exception when manually try to change the database" do lambda { }.should raise_error end # it "should be able to provide the last save time (LASTSAVE)" do savetime = @r.lastsave == Time <= end it "should be able to MGET keys" do @r['foo'] = 1000 @r['bar'] = 2000 @r.mget('foo', 'bar').should == ['1000', '2000'] @r.mget('foo', 'bar', 'baz').should == ['1000', '2000', nil] end it "should bgsave" do @r.bgsave.should == 'OK' end it "should should be able to ECHO" do @r.echo("message in a bottle\n").should == "message in a bottle\n" end it "should handle multiple servers" do require 'dist_redis' @r => ['localhost:6379', ''], :db => 15) 100.times do |idx| @r[idx] = "foo#{idx}" end 100.times do |idx| @r[idx].should == "foo#{idx}" end end it "should be able to pipeline writes" do @r.pipelined do |pipeline| pipeline.lpush 'list', "hello" pipeline.lpush 'list', 42 end @r.type('list').should == "list" @r.llen('list').should == 2 @r.lpop('list').should == '42' end end