#include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #define ERROR(...) { \ char __buf[1024]; \ sprintf(__buf, __VA_ARGS__); \ sprintf(error, "0x%08lx: %s", epos, __buf); \ } static char error[1024]; static long epos; int consumeNewline(char *buf) { if (strncmp(buf,"\r\n",2) != 0) { ERROR("Expected \\r\\n, got: %02x%02x",buf[0],buf[1]); return 0; } return 1; } int readLong(FILE *fp, char prefix, long *target) { char buf[128], *eptr; epos = ftell(fp); if (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) == NULL) { return 0; } if (buf[0] != prefix) { ERROR("Expected prefix '%c', got: '%c'",buf[0],prefix); return 0; } *target = strtol(buf+1,&eptr,10); return consumeNewline(eptr); } int readBytes(FILE *fp, char *target, long length) { long real; epos = ftell(fp); real = fread(target,1,length,fp); if (real != length) { ERROR("Expected to read %ld bytes, got %ld bytes",length,real); return 0; } return 1; } int readString(FILE *fp, char** target) { long len; *target = NULL; if (!readLong(fp,'$',&len)) { return 0; } /* Increase length to also consume \r\n */ len += 2; *target = (char*)malloc(len); if (!readBytes(fp,*target,len)) { free(*target); *target = NULL; return 0; } if (!consumeNewline(*target+len-2)) { free(*target); *target = NULL; return 0; } (*target)[len-2] = '\0'; return 1; } int readArgc(FILE *fp, long *target) { return readLong(fp,'*',target); } long process(FILE *fp) { long argc, pos = 0; int i, multi = 0; char *str; while(1) { if (!multi) pos = ftell(fp); if (!readArgc(fp, &argc)) { break; } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (!readString(fp,&str)) { break; } if (i == 0) { if (strcasecmp(str, "multi") == 0) { if (multi++) { ERROR("Unexpected MULTI"); break; } } else if (strcasecmp(str, "exec") == 0) { if (--multi) { ERROR("Unexpected EXEC"); break; } } } free(str); } /* Check if loop was finished */ if (i < argc) { if (str) free(str); break; } } if (feof(fp) && multi && strlen(error) == 0) { ERROR("Reached EOF before reading EXEC for MULTI"); } if (strlen(error) > 0) { printf("%s\n", error); } return pos; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* expect the first argument to be the dump file */ if (argc <= 1) { printf("Usage: %s [--fix] \n", argv[0]); exit(0); } char *filename; int fix = 0; if (argc == 3) { if (strcmp(argv[1],"--fix") != 0) { printf("Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } fix = 1; filename = argv[2]; } else if (argc == 2) { filename = argv[1]; } else { printf("Invalid argument"); exit(1); } FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r+"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Cannot open file: %s\n", filename); exit(1); } struct redis_stat sb; if (redis_fstat(fileno(fp),&sb) == -1) { printf("Cannot stat file: %s\n", filename); exit(1); } long size = sb.st_size; if (size == 0) { printf("Empty file: %s\n", filename); exit(1); } long pos = process(fp); if (pos < size) { if (fix) { if (ftruncate(fileno(fp), pos) == -1) { printf("Could not truncate AOF to size %ld\n", pos); exit(1); } else { printf("AOF succesfully truncated to %ld bytes\n", pos); } } else { printf("First invalid operation at offset %ld\n", pos); } } else { printf("AOF is valid\n"); } fclose(fp); return 0; }