/* redisclient.cpp -- a C++ client library for redis. * * Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Hammond <brian at fictorial dot com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "redisclient.h" #include "anet.h" #include <sstream> #ifndef NDEBUG #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #endif #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cassert> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/socket.h> using namespace std; namespace { const string whitespace(" \f\n\r\t\v"); const string CRLF("\r\n"); // Modifies in-place. inline string & rtrim(string & str, const string & ws = whitespace) { string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(ws); str.erase(pos + 1); return str; } vector<string>::size_type split(const string & str, char delim, vector<string> & elems) { stringstream ss(str); string item; vector<string>::size_type n = 0; while (getline(ss, item, delim)) { elems.push_back(item); ++n; } return n; } inline void split_lines(const string & str, vector<string> & elems) { split(str, '\n', elems); for (vector<string>::iterator it = elems.begin(); it != elems.end(); ++it) rtrim(*it); } #ifndef NDEBUG void output_proto_debug(const string & data, bool is_received = true) { string escaped_data(data); size_t pos; while ((pos = escaped_data.find("\n")) != string::npos) escaped_data.replace(pos, 1, "\\n"); while ((pos = escaped_data.find("\r")) != string::npos) escaped_data.replace(pos, 1, "\\r"); cerr << time(NULL) << ": " << (is_received ? "RECV '" : "SEND '") << escaped_data << "'" << endl; } #endif class makecmd { public: explicit makecmd(const string & initial, bool finalize = false) { buffer_ << initial; if (!finalize) buffer_ << " "; } template <typename T> makecmd & operator<<(T const & datum) { buffer_ << datum; return *this; } template <typename T> makecmd & operator<<(const vector<T> & data) { size_t n = data.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { buffer_ << data[i]; if (i < n - 1) buffer_ << " "; } return *this; } operator std::string () { buffer_ << CRLF; return buffer_.str(); } private: ostringstream buffer_; }; // Reads N bytes from given blocking socket. string read_n(int socket, ssize_t n) { char * buffer = new char[n + 1]; buffer[n] = '\0'; char * bp = buffer; ssize_t bytes_read = 0; while (bytes_read != n) { ssize_t bytes_received = 0; do bytes_received = recv(socket, bp, n - (bp - buffer), 0); while (bytes_received < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (bytes_received == 0) throw redis::connection_error("connection was closed"); bytes_read += bytes_received; bp += bytes_received; } string str(buffer); delete [] buffer; return str; } // Reads a single line of character data from the given blocking socket. // Returns the line that was read, not including EOL delimiter(s). Both LF // ('\n') and CRLF ("\r\n") delimiters are supported. If there was an I/O // error reading from the socket, connection_error is raised. If max_size // bytes are read before finding an EOL delimiter, a blank string is // returned. string read_line(int socket, ssize_t max_size = 2048) { assert(socket > 0); assert(max_size > 0); ostringstream oss; enum { buffer_size = 64 }; char buffer[buffer_size]; memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size); ssize_t total_bytes_read = 0; bool found_delimiter = false; while (total_bytes_read < max_size && !found_delimiter) { // Peek at what's available. ssize_t bytes_received = 0; do bytes_received = recv(socket, buffer, buffer_size, MSG_PEEK); while (bytes_received < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (bytes_received == 0) throw redis::connection_error("connection was closed"); // Some data is available; Length might be < buffer_size. // Look for newline in whatever was read though. char * eol = static_cast<char *>(memchr(buffer, '\n', bytes_received)); // If found, write data from the buffer to the output string. // Else, write the entire buffer and continue reading more data. ssize_t to_read = bytes_received; if (eol) { to_read = eol - buffer + 1; oss.write(buffer, to_read); found_delimiter = true; } else oss.write(buffer, bytes_received); // Now read from the socket to remove the peeked data from the socket's // read buffer. This will not block since we've peeked already and know // there's data waiting. It might fail if we were interrupted however. do bytes_received = recv(socket, buffer, to_read, 0); while (bytes_received < 0 && errno == EINTR); } // Construct final line string. Remove trailing CRLF-based whitespace. string line = oss.str(); return rtrim(line, CRLF); } unsigned long unsigned_number_from_string(const string & data) { errno = 0; unsigned long value = strtoul(data.c_str(), NULL, 10); if (value == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) throw redis::value_error("invalid number; out of range of long"); if (value == 0 && errno == EINVAL) throw redis::value_error("invalid number; unrecognized format"); return value; } redis::client::int_type number_from_string(const string & data) { errno = 0; redis::client::int_type value = strtol(data.c_str(), NULL, 10); if ((value == LONG_MAX || value == LONG_MIN) && errno == ERANGE) throw redis::value_error("invalid number; out of range of long"); if (value == 0 && errno == EINVAL) throw redis::value_error("invalid number; unrecognized format"); return value; } const string status_reply_ok("OK"); const string prefix_status_reply_error("-ERR "); const char prefix_status_reply_value = '+'; const char prefix_single_bulk_reply = '$'; const char prefix_multi_bulk_reply = '*'; const char prefix_int_reply = ':'; const string server_info_key_version = "redis_version"; const string server_info_key_bgsave_in_progress = "bgsave_in_progress"; const string server_info_key_connected_clients = "connected_clients"; const string server_info_key_connected_slaves = "connected_slaves"; const string server_info_key_used_memory = "used_memory"; const string server_info_key_changes_since_last_save = "changes_since_last_save"; const string server_info_key_last_save_time = "last_save_time"; const string server_info_key_total_connections_received = "total_connections_received"; const string server_info_key_total_commands_processed = "total_commands_processed"; const string server_info_key_uptime_in_seconds = "uptime_in_seconds"; const string server_info_key_uptime_in_days = "uptime_in_days"; } namespace redis { redis_error::redis_error(const string & err) : err_(err) { } redis_error::operator std::string () { return err_; } redis_error::operator const std::string () const { return err_; } connection_error::connection_error(const string & err) : redis_error(err) { } protocol_error::protocol_error(const string & err) : redis_error(err) { } key_error::key_error(const string & err) : redis_error(err) { } value_error::value_error(const string & err) : redis_error(err) { } client::string_type client::missing_value("**nonexistent-key**"); client::client(const string_type & host, unsigned int port) { char err[ANET_ERR_LEN]; socket_ = anetTcpConnect(err, const_cast<char*>(host.c_str()), port); if (socket_ == ANET_ERR) throw connection_error(err); anetTcpNoDelay(NULL, socket_); } client::~client() { if (socket_ != ANET_ERR) close(socket_); } void client::auth(const client::string_type & pass) { send_(makecmd("AUTH") << pass); recv_ok_reply_(); } void client::set(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("SET") << key << ' ' << value.size() << CRLF << value); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::string_type client::get(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("GET") << key); return recv_bulk_reply_(); } client::string_type client::getset(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("GETSET") << key << ' ' << value.size() << CRLF << value); return recv_bulk_reply_(); } void client::mget(const client::string_vector & keys, string_vector & out) { send_(makecmd("MGET") << keys); recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } bool client::setnx(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("SETNX") << key << ' ' << value.size() << CRLF << value); return recv_int_reply_() == 1; } client::int_type client::incr(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("INCR") << key); return recv_int_reply_(); } client::int_type client::incrby(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type by) { send_(makecmd("INCRBY") << key << ' ' << by); return recv_int_reply_(); } client::int_type client::decr(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("DECR") << key); return recv_int_reply_(); } client::int_type client::decrby(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type by) { send_(makecmd("DECRBY") << key << ' ' << by); return recv_int_reply_(); } bool client::exists(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("EXISTS") << key); return recv_int_reply_() == 1; } void client::del(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("DEL") << key); recv_int_ok_reply_(); } client::datatype client::type(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("TYPE") << key); string response = recv_single_line_reply_(); if (response == "none") return datatype_none; if (response == "string") return datatype_string; if (response == "list") return datatype_list; if (response == "set") return datatype_set; return datatype_none; } client::int_type client::keys(const client::string_type & pattern, client::string_vector & out) { send_(makecmd("KEYS") << pattern); string resp = recv_bulk_reply_(); return split(resp, ' ', out); } client::string_type client::randomkey() { send_(makecmd("RANDOMKEY", true)); return recv_single_line_reply_(); } void client::rename(const client::string_type & old_name, const client::string_type & new_name) { send_(makecmd("RENAME") << old_name << ' ' << new_name); recv_ok_reply_(); } bool client::renamenx(const client::string_type & old_name, const client::string_type & new_name) { send_(makecmd("RENAMENX") << old_name << ' ' << new_name); return recv_int_reply_() == 1; } client::int_type client::dbsize() { send_(makecmd("DBSIZE")); return recv_int_reply_(); } void client::expire(const string_type & key, unsigned int secs) { send_(makecmd("EXPIRE") << key << ' ' << secs); recv_int_ok_reply_(); } void client::rpush(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("RPUSH") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); recv_ok_reply_(); } void client::lpush(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("LPUSH") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::int_type client::llen(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("LLEN") << key); return recv_int_reply_(); } client::int_type client::lrange(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type start, client::int_type end, client::string_vector & out) { send_(makecmd("LRANGE") << key << ' ' << start << ' ' << end); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } void client::ltrim(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type start, client::int_type end) { send_(makecmd("LTRIM") << key << ' ' << start << ' ' << end); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::string_type client::lindex(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type index) { send_(makecmd("LINDEX") << key << ' ' << index); return recv_bulk_reply_(); } void client::lset(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type index, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("LSET") << key << ' ' << index << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::int_type client::lrem(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type count, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("LREM") << key << ' ' << count << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); return recv_int_reply_(); } client::string_type client::lpop(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("LPOP") << key); return recv_bulk_reply_(); } client::string_type client::rpop(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("RPOP") << key); return recv_bulk_reply_(); } void client::sadd(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("SADD") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); recv_int_ok_reply_(); } void client::srem(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("SREM") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); recv_int_ok_reply_(); } void client::smove(const client::string_type & srckey, const client::string_type & dstkey, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("SMOVE") << srckey << ' ' << dstkey << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); recv_int_ok_reply_(); } client::int_type client::scard(const client::string_type & key) { send_(makecmd("SCARD") << key); return recv_int_reply_(); } bool client::sismember(const client::string_type & key, const client::string_type & value) { send_(makecmd("SISMEMBER") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value); return recv_int_reply_() == 1; } client::int_type client::sinter(const client::string_vector & keys, client::string_set & out) { send_(makecmd("SINTER") << keys); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } void client::sinterstore(const client::string_type & dstkey, const client::string_vector & keys) { send_(makecmd("SINTERSTORE") << dstkey << ' ' << keys); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::int_type client::sunion(const client::string_vector & keys, client::string_set & out) { send_(makecmd("SUNION") << keys); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } void client::sunionstore(const client::string_type & dstkey, const client::string_vector & keys) { send_(makecmd("SUNIONSTORE") << dstkey << ' ' << keys); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::int_type client::smembers(const client::string_type & key, client::string_set & out) { send_(makecmd("SMEMBERS") << key); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } void client::select(client::int_type dbindex) { send_(makecmd("SELECT") << dbindex); recv_ok_reply_(); } void client::move(const client::string_type & key, client::int_type dbindex) { send_(makecmd("MOVE") << key << ' ' << dbindex); recv_int_ok_reply_(); } void client::flushdb() { send_(makecmd("FLUSHDB", true)); recv_ok_reply_(); } void client::flushall() { send_(makecmd("FLUSHALL", true)); recv_ok_reply_(); } client::int_type client::sort(const client::string_type & key, client::string_vector & out, client::sort_order order, bool lexicographically) { send_(makecmd("SORT") << key << (order == sort_order_ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC") << (lexicographically ? " ALPHA" : "")); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } client::int_type client::sort(const client::string_type & key, client::string_vector & out, client::int_type limit_start, client::int_type limit_end, client::sort_order order, bool lexicographically) { send_(makecmd("SORT") << key << " LIMIT " << limit_start << ' ' << limit_end << (order == sort_order_ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC") << (lexicographically ? " ALPHA" : "")); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } client::int_type client::sort(const client::string_type & key, client::string_vector & out, const client::string_type & by_pattern, client::int_type limit_start, client::int_type limit_end, const client::string_type & get_pattern, client::sort_order order, bool lexicographically) { send_(makecmd("SORT") << key << " BY " << by_pattern << " LIMIT " << limit_start << ' ' << limit_end << " GET " << get_pattern << (order == sort_order_ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC") << (lexicographically ? " ALPHA" : "")); return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out); } void client::save() { send_(makecmd("SAVE", true)); recv_ok_reply_(); e.g. } void client::bgsave() { send_(makecmd("BGSAVE", true)); recv_ok_reply_(); } time_t client::lastsave() { send_(makecmd("LASTSAVE", true)); return recv_int_reply_(); } void client::shutdown() { send_(makecmd("SHUTDOWN", true)); // we expected to get a connection_error as redis closes the connection on shutdown command. try { recv_ok_reply_(); } catch (connection_error & e) { } } void client::info(server_info & out) { send_(makecmd("INFO", true)); string response = recv_bulk_reply_(); if (response.empty()) throw protocol_error("empty"); string_vector lines; split_lines(response, lines); if (lines.empty()) throw protocol_error("empty line for info"); for (string_vector::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { const string & line = *it; string_vector line_parts; split(line, ':', line_parts); if (line_parts.size() != 2) throw protocol_error("unexpected line format for info"); const string & key = line_parts[0]; const string & val = line_parts[1]; if (key == server_info_key_version) out.version = val; else if (key == server_info_key_bgsave_in_progress) out.bgsave_in_progress = unsigned_number_from_string(val) == 1; else if (key == server_info_key_connected_clients) out.connected_clients = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_connected_slaves) out.connected_slaves = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_used_memory) out.used_memory = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_changes_since_last_save) out.changes_since_last_save = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_last_save_time) out.last_save_time = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_total_connections_received) out.total_connections_received = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_total_commands_processed) out.total_commands_processed = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_uptime_in_seconds) out.uptime_in_seconds = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else if (key == server_info_key_uptime_in_days) out.uptime_in_days = unsigned_number_from_string(val); else throw protocol_error(string("unexpected info key '") + key + "'"); } } // // Private methods // void client::send_(const string & msg) { #ifndef NDEBUG output_proto_debug(msg, false); #endif if (anetWrite(socket_, const_cast<char *>(msg.data()), msg.size()) == -1) throw connection_error(strerror(errno)); } string client::recv_single_line_reply_() { string line = read_line(socket_); #ifndef NDEBUG output_proto_debug(line); #endif if (line.empty()) throw protocol_error("empty single line reply"); if (line.find(prefix_status_reply_error) == 0) { string error_msg = line.substr(prefix_status_reply_error.length()); if (error_msg.empty()) error_msg = "unknown error"; throw protocol_error(error_msg); } if (line[0] != prefix_status_reply_value) throw protocol_error("unexpected prefix for status reply"); return line.substr(1); } void client::recv_ok_reply_() { if (recv_single_line_reply_() != status_reply_ok) throw protocol_error("expected OK response"); } client::int_type client::recv_bulk_reply_(char prefix) { string line = read_line(socket_); #ifndef NDEBUG output_proto_debug(line); #endif if (line[0] != prefix) throw protocol_error("unexpected prefix for bulk reply"); return number_from_string(line.substr(1)); } string client::recv_bulk_reply_() { int_type length = recv_bulk_reply_(prefix_single_bulk_reply); if (length == -1) return client::missing_value; int_type real_length = length + 2; // CRLF string data = read_n(socket_, real_length); #ifndef NDEBUG output_proto_debug(data.substr(0, data.length()-2)); #endif if (data.empty()) throw protocol_error("invalid bulk reply data; empty"); if (data.length() != static_cast<string::size_type>(real_length)) throw protocol_error("invalid bulk reply data; data of unexpected length"); data.erase(data.size() - 2); return data; } client::int_type client::recv_multi_bulk_reply_(string_vector & out) { int_type length = recv_bulk_reply_(prefix_multi_bulk_reply); if (length == -1) throw key_error("no such key"); for (int_type i = 0; i < length; ++i) out.push_back(recv_bulk_reply_()); return length; } client::int_type client::recv_multi_bulk_reply_(string_set & out) { int_type length = recv_bulk_reply_(prefix_multi_bulk_reply); if (length == -1) throw key_error("no such key"); for (int_type i = 0; i < length; ++i) out.insert(recv_bulk_reply_()); return length; } client::int_type client::recv_int_reply_() { string line = read_line(socket_); #ifndef NDEBUG output_proto_debug(line); #endif if (line.empty()) throw protocol_error("invalid integer reply; empty"); if (line[0] != prefix_int_reply) throw protocol_error("unexpected prefix for integer reply"); return number_from_string(line.substr(1)); } void client::recv_int_ok_reply_() { if (recv_int_reply_() != 1) throw protocol_error("expecting int reply of 1"); } }