# redis-sha1.rb - Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo # BSD license, See the COPYING file for more information. # # Performs the SHA1 sum of the whole datset. # This is useful to spot bugs in persistence related code and to make sure # Slaves and Masters are in SYNC. # # If you hack this code make sure to sort keys and set elements as this are # unsorted elements. Otherwise the sum may differ with equal dataset. require 'rubygems' require 'redis' require 'digest/sha1' def redisCopy(opts={}) sha1="" src = Redis.new(:host => opts[:srchost], :port => opts[:srcport]) dst = Redis.new(:host => opts[:dsthost], :port => opts[:dstport]) puts "Loading key names..." keys = src.keys('*') puts "Copying #{keys.length} keys..." c = 0 keys.each{|k| vtype = src.type?(k) ttl = src.ttl(k).to_i if vtype != "none" if vtype == "string" dst[k] = src[k] elsif vtype == "list" list = src.lrange(k,0,-1) if list.length == 0 # Empty list special case dst.lpush(k,"") dst.lpop(k) else list.each{|ele| dst.rpush(k,ele) } end elsif vtype == "set" set = src.smembers(k) if set.length == 0 # Empty set special case dst.sadd(k,"") dst.srem(k,"") else set.each{|ele| dst.sadd(k,ele) } end elsif vtype == "none" puts "WARNING: key '#{k}' was removed in the meanwhile." end # Handle keys with an expire time set if ttl != -1 and vtype != "none" dst.expire(k,ttl) end c = c+1 if (c % 1000) == 0 puts "#{c}/#{keys.length} completed" end } puts "DONE!" end if ARGV.length != 4 puts "Usage: redis-copy.rb <srchost> <srcport> <dsthost> <dstport>" exit 1 end puts "WARNING: it's up to you to FLUSHDB the destination host before to continue, press any key when ready." STDIN.gets srchost = ARGV[0] srcport = ARGV[1] dsthost = ARGV[2] dstport = ARGV[3] puts "Copying #{srchost}:#{srcport} into #{dsthost}:#{dstport}" redisCopy(:srchost => srchost, :srcport => srcport.to_i, :dsthost => dsthost, :dstport => dstport.to_i)